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Everything posted by Belgath

  1. Well rolling the player up was fun. I always do this in three steps after the PC assign the cultural points we have an adventure, then the profession points, another venture, and then the bonus points with another adventure. The first three adventures are background story. My kids love this part has as there is no way die as is it stuff is already happened in there past making them who they are to day.
  2. My player have been looking for a entrance to the underworld. They picked up rumors of a cave that has many dark story's told about it. All the rumors ended in the explorers never being see again. The cave is a one way portal to Monster Island, so much for the underworld.
  3. This was a post of mine in another thread. But thought it appropriate to repost here. Now in apocryphal Book of Enoch it talks about watcher that came down and shared with men knowledge and technology that was gonna end up being there destruction so these watcher were bound and earth was destroyed so the knowledge and corruption would not go forward. So I'm thinking at this corporation discovered where these Watchers where bound and it's the watchers that fed the corporation. All its great advances in technology and FTL travel. Was going to use the Watchers for Mythic Rome but may use them here as well. Here's some quotes from the apocryphal text. CHAP. 7.—And they took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one, and they began to go in to them, and mixed with them, and taught them charms and conjurations, and made them acquainted with the cutting of roots and of woods. 2. And they became pregnant and brought forth great giants whose stature was three thousand ells. 3. These devoured all the acquisitions of mankind till men were unable to sustain themselves. 4. And the giants turned themselves against mankind in order to devour them. 5. And they began to sin against the birds and the beasts, and against the creeping things, and the fish, and devoured their flesh among themselves, and drank the blood thereof. 6. Then the earth complained of the unjust ones. CHAP. 8.—And Azâzêl taught mankind to make swords and knives and shields and coats of mail, and taught them to see what was behind them, and their works of art: bracelets and ornaments, and the use of rouge, and the beautifying of the eye-brows, and the dearest and choicest stones and all coloring substances and the metals of the earth. 2. And there was great wickedness and much fornication, and they sinned, and all their ways were corrupt. 3. Amêzârâk taught all the conjurers and root-cutters, Armârôs the loosening of conjurations, Baraq’âl the astrologers, Kôkâbêl the signs, and Temêl taught astrology, and Asrâdêl taught the course of the moon. 4. The name of the first Jeqûn; he is the one who has led astray all the children of the holy angels, and has led them down on the earth, and has led them astray through the daughters of men. 5. And the second is called Asbeêl; he is the one who has taught the children of the holy angels the wicked device, and has led them astray to destroy their bodies with the daughters of men. 6. And the third is called Gâdreêl; he is the one who has taught the children of men all the blows of death, and led astray Eve, and showed to the children of men the instruments of death, the coat-of-mail and the shield and the sword for battle, and all the instruments of death to the sons of men. 7. And from his hand they have come over those who dwell on the earth, from that time to eternity, 8. And the fourth is called Pênêmû; he has taught the sons of men the bitter and the sweet, and taught them all the secrets of their wisdom. 9. He taught men writing with ink and paper (GTR), and thereby many sinned from eternity and to eternity and up to this day. 10. For men were not born to the purpose that they should thus strengthen their fidelity with a pen (GTR) and with ink. 11. For man was not created otherwise than the angels, that they should remain just and pure, and death, which destroys all things, would not have touched them, but through this their knowledge they are destroyed, and through this power it devours me. 12. And the fifth is named Kasdejâ; he has taught the sons of men all the wicked beatings of the spirits and the demons, the beatings of the birth in the womb, that it [i.e. the birth] fall, and the beatings of the soul, the bites of the serpent, and the beatings which take place at noon, the son of the serpent whose name is Tabâ’t. 13. And this is the number of Kesbeêl, who showed the head of the oath to the holy ones, when he dwelt high in glory; and his name is Bêqâ. 14. And this one said to the holy Michael that he should show them the secret name, that they might see that secret name, and that they might mention this name in the oath, and they may tremble before that name and the oath, those that showed to the children of men all that is secret. 15. And this is the power of that oath, for it is powerful and strong, and he placed this oath Akâe’ into the hands of the holy Michael. 16. And these are the secrets of this oath, and they were strengthened by his oath, and heaven was suspended before the earth was made, and to eternity. 3. Why have ye left the high, holy, and everlasting heaven, and lain with women, and defiled yourselves with the daughters of men, and taken wives unto yourselves, and acted like the children of earth, and begotten giants as sons? 4. While ye were spiritual, holy, having eternal life, ye defiled yourselves with women, and with the blood of flesh have begotten children, and have lusted after the blood of men, and have produced flesh and blood as they produce who die and are destroyed. 5. Therefore I have given them wives that they might impregnate them and children be born by them, as it is done on earth. 6. Ye were formerly spiritual, living an eternal life without death to all the generations of the world. 7. Therefore I have not made for you any wives, for spiritual beings have their home in heaven. 8. And now the giants, who have been begotten from body and flesh, will be called evil spirits on earth, and their dwelling-places will be upon the earth. 9. Evil spirits proceed from their bodies; because they are created from above, their beginning and first basis being from the holy watchers, they will be evil spirits upon the earth, and will be called evil spirits. 10. But the spirits of heaven have their dwelling-places in heaven, and the spirits of the earth, who were born on the earth, have their dwelling-places on earth. 11. And the spirits of the giants, who cast themselves upon the clouds, will be destroyed and fall, and will battle and cause destruction on the earth, and do evil; they will take no kind of food, nor will they become thirsty, and they will be invisible. 12. And these spirits will not (?) rise up against the children of men and against the women, because they have proceeded from them. In the days of murder and destruction. CHAP. 16.—and of the death of the giants, when the spirits have proceeded from the bodies, their flesh shall decay without judgment; thus they shall be destroyed till that day when the great judgment over all the great world shall be completed over the watchers and the impious. 2. And now to the watchers who have sent thee that thou shouldst petition forthem who were formerly in heaven say: 3. ‘Ye have been in heaven, and though the secrets were not yet revealed to you, still ye knew illegitimate mysteries, and these ye have, in the hardness of your hearts, related to the women, and through these mysteries women and men increase wickedness over the earth.’ 4. Tell them therefore: ‘Ye have no peace!’” 7. And on that day two monsters will be distributed, a female monster, named Leviathan, to dwell in the depth of the sea, over the fountains of the waters. 8. But the masculine is named Behemoth, who occupies, with his breast, a void desert called Dêndâin, in the east of the garden where the chosen and holy will dwell, where my grandfather was taken up, the seventh from Adam, the first of men whom the Lord of the spirits made. 9. And I asked that other angel that he should show me the power of those monsters, how they were separated on ONE day, and that one descended into the depths of the sea and the other to the desert land. Also some fragments of the book of Giants 1Q23 Frag. 1 + 6 [ . . . two hundred] 2donkeys, two hundred asses, two hundred . . . rams of the] 3flock, two hundred goats, two hundred [ . . . beast of the] 4field from every animal, from every [bird . . . ] 5[ . . . ] for miscegenation [ . . . ] 4Q531 Frag. 2 [ . . . ] they defiled [ . . . ] 2[ . . . they begot] giants and monsters [ . . . ] 3[ . . . ] they begot, and, behold, all [the earth was corrupted . . . ] 4[ . . . ] with its blood and by the hand of [ . . . ] 5[giant's] which did not suffice for them and [ . . . ] 6[ . . . ] and they were seeking to devour many [ . . . ] 7[ . . . ] 8[ . . . ] the monsters attacked it. 4Q532 Col. 2 Frags. 1 - 6 2[ . . . ] flesh [ . . . ] 3al[l . . . ] monsters [ . . . ] will be [ . . . ] 4[ . . . ] they would arise [ . . . ] lacking in true knowledge [ . . . ] because [ . . . ] 5[ . . . ] the earth [grew corrupt . . . ] mighty [ . . . ] 6[ . . . ] they were considering [ . . . ] 7[ . . . ] from the angels upon [ . . . ] 8[ . . . ] in the end it will perish and die [ . . . ] 9[ . . . ] they caused great corruption in the [earth . . . ] [ . . . this did not] suffice to [ . . . ] "they will be [ . . . ] The outcome of the demonic corruption was violence, perversion, and a brood of monstrous beings. So after all this knowledge was given man. The Watchers were caught bound chained buried as described below. And the earth was flooded mankind for the most part destroyed to remove this knowledge from the earth. Bind Azâzêl hand and foot, and put him in the darkness; make an opening in the desert, which is in Dudâêl, and put him there. 5. And lay upon him rough and pointed rocks, and cover him with darkness that he may remain there forever, and cover his face that he may not see the light! Might be fun to work with.
  4. A lot of the trates in LutherArkwright and Pulp Cthulhu are same or close to it so I will do as you suggested and use the Pulp Cthulhu names for them and port over the Pulp Profession names as well. Thanks for the suggestions. I have CoC 7 and Pulp Cthulhu I jest have the Mythras rules memorized so as GM jest easier to port over whatever I need from other systems. Then to memorize the new system. But I thenk that is what makes the BRP tipe of games so good is there flexibility.
  5. I use the Book of Enoch and Book of Giants, Epic of Gilgamesh and some of the Hindu wrighting of ancient air battles. In the Dead Sea scrolls the Book of Enoch was on a bronze scroll but was to brittle to unroll.
  6. Well jest picked up Masks and Orient Express. Chaosium needs better PDF file names. Will be using Mythras with LutherArkwright rules which have rules for insanity, mental illness that work vary well for CoC. LutherArkwright gets you close to what you have with Pulp Cthulhu because of the traits rules and the LuthArkwright dependencies rules add another layer to the fun.
  7. I like the Pulpy stuff. I have played through the 7th book adventures. Ill probably need to pick up Horror on the Orient Express. I'll look in to Masks of Nylarthotep I had not heard of that one.
  8. As I am still new to CoC, what are some of the best investigation adventures that have been written for it? Not worried about which version jest looking for an investigation that really puts the scare in to you.
  9. Probably should have worded the question better. As I was holding no assumption or boundary of posabilys with each of the questions. To me for example the question you added under Family and Courtship and Tech, fit perfectly there. So as people look at the question, as g33k stated don't let questions holed you to humano- centric assumptions.
  10. With M-space out. Thought thought it would be fun to roll up some alien races from Alien section. Add whatever other info you think necessary to really give them depth. Some of the questions I ask myself so they don't feel flat or one-dimensional are? Technology lvl?Home planet gravity and conditions.Unique inventions?What are they look like?Their size compared humans?Motivations?Society norms?Most common societal structures?Most common habits?Family matriarchal /patriarchal /monogamous /do they raise there children?Courtship /mate for life /Mate and run /mate and get eaten / mate and die?how is the next-generation raised?Nutritional requirements?Habitable temperature range?Their view on other alien races?Natural instincts?Natural talents?Learned behaviors?Religious believes?what do they breathe?sleep cycles?Body support structure?Unique organs? Biological senses?Biological defense?Biological weaknesses?Biological cycles?Most offensive actions ?What is considered honorable and dishonorable?Most respectful actions?What crimes do they find most heinous ?Lifespan?Life cycles?There swearwords?How do they communicate?How aggressive or passive?Preferred type of government? And if there's more questions that would add interesting flavor when creating a alien race list those as well.
  11. The one on the bottom a amazing amount of info. Thanks for the link.
  12. Well we jest started Rolling up the players. The player where all embryos Found on World terraforming ship found under Mount Sinai. And I've grown up their whole lives as an extended science experiment. QRI corp is vary leery of there experiment. But have no choice but to work with him as an of the technology found in the 8 km long terraforming ship Will function without there presence. Built into massive hangers on the tarraformer our three 500 m long intergalactic scout ships. With gean splicing of genetic material taken from the player characters QRI gotten a crue that can operate the ship without the PCs direct interaction, but the ship still not respond if the players Are not onboard. The PCs have no idea of this as every Time they been brought to the ship it's been in a portable prison cell that has no windows. QRI has now been trying to unravel the technology, and ship functions for jest over 40 years with the use if there PC guinea pigs. But despite all this time the PC seem no older then young teenagers. The campaign will start just after QRI tryed for the first time a SlipStreem jump. The players awaken in a prison cell located in the cargo hold with the door ripped aside. Nothing but emergency lights appear to be on. To there horror died people litter the place.
  13. Trying to work out the stile that I want to use for the M-Space Overhead maps.
  14. Ok that will work. Will need to pull the info together. But it will be a fun project.
  15. As I am building this campaign for my kids I'm going to add some more, jobs to ship to ship combat. So they all get to participate the combat rolls I will have Pilot, Gunner's(more then one) Sensors and engineering. At the beginning of each round The player controlling sensors, and the player over engineering will Need to deside if they're gonna use there skills offensively or defensively. So the engineer could say OK I want to provide more power to thrusters if he succeeds 10%of his skill Is added to The captains piloting skill. If he where to crit 20% of his skill would augment the captains Piloting skill. The sensors skilled player de sides to go offensive and tries to weeken of bypass enemy Shields by determining their algorithmic frequency. This would be in an opposed roll against the other ships engineer. Success weapons get to bypass 2hp of enemies Shields, on a critical they're completely bypassed. These are just some ideas but I wanted to give everybody at the table A part in combat. I want to set things up so each job can offensively oppose each of the jobs on the other ship. Or defensively support one of the other jobs on their own ship. Any more ideas would be appreciated. My main goal is just to make sure that up to six players will be able to affect Ship to ship combat each round.
  16. Do you have the Mythic Britain Companion? It has some vary good maps. Where I can provide a different style, providing more detail would be hard as maps easily get inundated with information. Now if where to Target one particular type of information that would be something I could do. On a sidenote Britain has way too many rivers. I wonder how many old time calligraphers decided to jump off the boat to avoid having to draw another one.
  17. update two will this type of map do and what info do you want to see on it.
  18. What stile would you want the map done in?
  19. A map that I am working on for Mythras Thennla adventure. This is being done in Photoshop.
  20. Taking some requests. If anybody has something they would like to have Drawn A Fantasy city, space ship, overland map, World overview. No guarantees on how good or bad it would turn out but its something I enjoy doing. And it would be helpful to me. I am not there yet but I'd like to get a good enough where people would be able to use the map in publications.
  21. As there was some questions asked. All the art I have shared has been my own. Using ProFantacy, Adobe Photoshop, and a number of other art programs. They are free for any one to use. And I place no restrictions on them. Also I just wanted everybody to know that I was not sharing someone else's copyrighted work.
  22. For a bit more hi powered games have the Players pick two stats to roll 12+d6 any 1 are rolled I have them note it each time. Then have them re-roll that die. At the end of rolling all the 1 rolled can be added to any stat.
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