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Everything posted by Belgath

  1. Also would love to join a roll 20 game even if it jest a one time adventure.
  2. For the games I will be runing I will probably be using the Pulp Cthulhu rules as they fit the Fanticy Hero better.
  3. Thanks for all the replies. Looking forward to playing the game.
  4. Will there physical copies for the Rulebook, HandBook and Keeper Screen any time soon? Jest picked up the suggested PDF's and Pulp Cthulhu.
  5. O cool on it thanks for the heads up. Well crap my event that I am running are in the way. But was able to sign my son up for it. He will haft to tell me all about it. Thank you for adding the events.
  6. Looking at picking up the following. Is there anything I should add? Call of the keeper screen 7th Keeper companion 1 & 2 Malleus Monstrorum Pulp Cthulhu Call of Cthulhu 7th
  7. How compatible is Pulp Cthulhu with CoC 7 adventures?
  8. I recently join the organized play group "love RunQuest Glorantha" but it appears to manly be focused on CoC. What are the best book to get me started? Looking St spend about $200. It also looked like there was only PDF will there be printed hard backs out soon for CoC7 source and supplements? I will be at GenCon so would be happy to buy the physical books if they going to have them there.
  9. Sorry been a bit slow getting info out. But was going to wate until after Dragon Con as I have toying with idea of run the introduction of the campaign there. But would be more there happy to run it on roll20 for anyone that wants.
  10. As Pentallion stated. It is a Great way to introduce the system. I could easily set up a one shot to introduce new people to RQ2. I have all the published works for RQ2 so if there anything Chaosium would like me to run I would be happy to. I jest recently joined the Cult of Chaos so I had been setting up a campaign to run there new scenario they just released. But would be more then happy to run RQ2 instead.
  11. There is a good sheet for RQ6 Mythras. Starting a new fork on gethub to make a RQ2.5 Version can be done by having pro roll20 account. I can make updates to the sheet but would to know all the applicable information. Now it took me a long time to get RuneQuest as a play type on Roll20, now unless they have changed things the only way a new system can be added to the tag list is having enough games running to justify it. If I can be any help let me know.
  12. Is anyone planing on run any RQ Glorantha, HQ Glorantha or 13th age Glorantha events? If no one else is going to run any Glorantha events. I was thinking of maybe running the opening of my Gloranthan Scar of the Cradle campaign. I would be using a mixture of RQ6 AIG and RQ4 AIG as the RQ4 play test does a nice job filling in the missing parts of RQ6 AIG. I also use HQ for player background.
  13. Is my understanding of illumination correct in the following statements. So any path to becoming A Gloranthain hero, demigod, or dragon, is essentially illumination. Luners use chaos in there form of illumination to speed up the process judging increased risk worth the reward.
  14. I like that idea. But I am biased and have always loved crunchy combat and most importantly the ability to dismember or decapitate somebody.
  15. How closely tyed is illumination to chaos? And will the new RQ2.5 have rules for handling illumination and its effects in players characters?
  16. "As troll me know illuminated and Occluded both the the same. Me tested this A great many times for Only true way to test one character is to eat him and see how he sit's in stomach and they all sit the same. But be happy to run test over on the rest of the captured liners " Quote by Ozess the troll from My scar of the cradle campaign.
  17. I was inspired by your post on the DM site so you I was inspired by your post on the DM site so you can still take the credit.
  18. You should join the fourm at http://designmechanism.freeforums.org/index.php a lot of us are members of both. It is an excellent group of RPG players I always liked it due to such a positive and helpful environment that Loz and Pete Have fostered on there forums.
  19. Man so cool, had been using BRP space and some stuff from Rivers of Heaven with Mythras LutherArkwright campaign. Would love to play test the new rules and buy your new suplament when it is ready.
  20. Sounds cool excited to see how it turns out.
  21. I seem like you could set up your watter world like the old coal mines everything is owned by the corporation which charges for your rent food supplies and everything else so much so that your essentially a slave. Only way to get ahead is the underground money market. Or trying to game the system.
  22. It would be easy to change. But for me hit locations make combat so fun, I would suggest to try using The combat rules as written before you get rid of the locations as it brings a lot of depth in to the game without slowing it down.
  23. I also use OpenQuest Rivers of Heaven using Mythras rules there some more detailed ship rules, human augmentation rules, and A bunch a good science professions and technical goodies that are easy to convert over. That might help round out your world.
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