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Everything posted by RosenMcStern

  1. And this is the important point. First they extort $5000 and the commitment to desupport previous products (and old PDF products do produce revenue at no cost and risk, something that small companies really like). Then, with the indie's money already on their back account, they take their products off the e-stores, thus drawing away attention from this kind of distribution. Some companies actually paid the $5000 because they relied on WotC being in the market and adding to the 4th Ed. D&D hype on the Internet. They will not like this move: WotC just withdrew what they paid for, and still has the right to withdraw another part of what they purchased. I doubt any more companies will ever pay for a 4th Ed. license with these premises. Now, what will indie publisher do now? Rely on D&D with this degree of uncertainty, or just change system and struggle to continue publishing?
  2. It might be a good moment to put BRP on DriveThru then (even if this is against my personal interests). It will certainly benefit RuneQuest, though. Mongoose is still there. You can buy all of their D&D products, but not D&D. Or you can buy all of their RQ products - and RuneQuest!
  3. But this is a consequence of their licensing policy which changed from zero to 5000 bucks per license. As the proud owner of three 3G modems I can confirm you that this is the truth. I hope this is the truth. This would be commercially unwise enough to send WotC belly up. But given the fact they have not announced anything yet, I doubt it.
  4. WotC halts sale of pdf's through RPGNow/DriveThruRPG - RPGnet Forums I did not even know this had happened, but I just received a message from OneBookShelf that said "We'll survive even without them." Experience tells that these means of protecting oneself from piracy do not work (the best way to go is just to treat your customer as an honest person, that's all). It is entirely possible that WotC has just voluntarily self-bitten off a large chunk of its advantage on the market. A lot of people is really pissed off by this. Thougths anyone? I confirm that BRP Rome will be available also as a printed book, as is Stupor Mundi, but Alephtar Games clearly relies on PDF sales more than on dead tree versions. Not having D&D around as competition on DriveThru any more is a.... pleasant thought! Comments anyone? Anyone else seeing this as a big, unexpected boost for BRP?
  5. Ask a friend to pick up a copy in Bacharach, rulandor. It will cost you much less than the POD version. (Or, better, come to Tentacles yourself )
  6. Both formats available from both us and Chaosium. But for you denizens of the Fifth Continent, the cost of buying from Chaosium or from lulu.com should be the same, so check also our storefront on lulu.com next month.
  7. Do not worry, you will be able to order the book directly from Chaosium next month. No swimming across the Atlantic required.
  8. Okay, it is still seven weeks before Tentacles, but you can now have a look at the preview (it is on the left side of the page) and preorder your copy: BRP Rome Do not trust your luck and place a preorder! The extra copies we bring to Tentacles will disappear in a matter of minutes once the attendees can see how rich and beautful this book is. Good job Pete (and the artists, too) :thumb:
  9. Those who pre-order will get a discount (and possibly a small gadget if I can arrange the extra printing). Those who do not will pay the full price, and given the quality of the book I bet the supply will not last till the end of the Con. Preordering starts tomorrow, April 13th, and is reserved to Tentacles attendees (or those who can bribe an attendee).
  10. Book only available on ebay, and it has darn good varied content. And, Dragonewt............ Charnjibbers do not need any friccking laser on their heads to scare the hell out of yer players! :eek:
  11. Charnjibber is in Gloranthan Bestiary for RQ3. One that no one can reprint, alas.
  12. Judging from the descriptions, they are exactly the Gamemaster Book and Creature Book from RQ3. Both contain useful information for those who do not have RQ3 (a very good essay on how to GM the first, and melee and ranged hit location charts for almost any shape of monsters the second). But they have little or no value for those who already own RQ3. Definitely useful to stop the unhealthy practice of hunting dusty old books on e-bay, but maybe they could have used a little adaptation, like the Magic Book. Oh, and beware: they are Fantasy/Ancient/Medieval only. If you are into sci-fi or modern, there is nothing of interest to you there save the stats for sharks and crocodiles.
  13. The exact URL for the Chaos Society is DriveThruRPG.com - The Chaos Society - The Largest RPG Download Store!
  14. Ladies and gentlemen, thanks to Dustin, the always ready man, you can start drooling: Rome: cover preview And please let me introduce our new cover artist, Tiziano Baracchi. :thumb:
  15. Good question. You will know the answer next week, shortly after Easter. But above all, if you have a friend that goes to Tentacles, contact him to save big!
  16. A good tool for converting new players to the True Faith. Fast to read and comprehensive enough.
  17. Sorry, I forgot to mention it. 220 pages, black & white A4 with full color cover. And it will be available on lulu, too.
  18. Me, with BRP Rome (and another surprise that could not appeal to all BRP fans but might be the beginning of something interesting).
  19. I am definitely no reseller or distributor. However, a problem does exist about this. I think the best option is to ask if Chaos Society can distribute some products, with the added bonus of NO shipping costs if you buy books at Tentacles. I'll contact Osentalka later this day about this.
  20. Ahem, sorry for the mess on the web page. I was at a Convention last weekend and could not do a better job for now. But I think most members on BRP Central are more interested in the book contents. Well, taking advantage of fergo's post, here are the latest news: The book is ready. Dario received the cover artwork last night (first class stuff) and is now finalizing everything, so there is just the last proofreading and corrections. I will release previews later this week, and preordering will start soon (for Tentacles attendees only). The release date is confirmed: May 29, 2009 at Tentacles Convention, Castle Stahleck, Bacharach. US customers will be able to purchase the book from Chaosium at about the same date.
  21. I have some maps of 13th century europe (what a coincidence ). PM me for references, but the reply could be delayed because I am ultra-busy this weekend. In any case, googling a bit will give you several usable results. But be prepared to re-draw the map, I do not think there is any free historical map of Europe available.
  22. I'll rephrase it as "The official solution should be the one that appeals to most players, barring the effects of marketing."
  23. That's exactly how we handle it. But 90% of my group has a degree in some scientific discipline. Dividing a roll by a number to learn what the success level is would be cool, but it isn't for everyone. Point is that you or Frogspawner do not, but the average player does. So the "official" solution should be the one that appeals to most. But nothing prevents you (or me) from using a math-heavy method if the group is fine with it.
  24. Could work this way: Both values in the 01-25 range -> Resistance roll (or opposed stat x5 roll) Both values in the 26-50 range -> Opposed stat x2 roll At least one value is above 50 -> Opposed stat roll
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