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Everything posted by pulpcitizen

  1. I think a Merry Christmas to you, from you, Trifletraxor. :thumb: In fact Merry Christmas to all the site members.
  2. Okay then folks. Thanks for all the interest. Real life work has kept me busy for the past week or so. Sverre has kindly set up the sub-forum, so my plan is to start getting material up in the form of threads in the next week. To that end I hope to have sufficient material to start commentary by early next week, so I plan to send out passwords then, thanks.
  3. There are a few threads already discussing just this subject. The system as written in the new BRP isn't as comprehensive or customizable as either M&M, GURPS or Hero/Champions, but it can work arguably, and due to the core emchanics will have a diffrent feel to those games. The game scale starts to break down mechanically (at least theoretically) with very powerful characters.
  4. I am inclined to agree with Harshax that as a potential consumer I would be very intersted in a Monograph covering magic as long it offerd the kind of things he suggests: ie not wholly scrapping the current systems, but building on them as well as offering viable alternatives.
  5. Not at this time. As soon as I do I'll get one to you. Maybe I ought to work up a temporary logo as a placeholder so to speak. Thanks a lot for the opportunity re: the forum.
  6. I would like to get this in a printed form. Hopefully that will be sooner rather than later.
  7. This does sound like a book that I will try to pick up at some stage, and certainly a long-term research, testing and writing commitment from yourself which is to be applauded.
  8. Much appreciated. :thumb: Mechanically it will be closer to current BRP - not a major overhaul.
  9. A lot of truth in this. I expect to break even on my costs (after soiurcing some - cheap - art ), so it is a labour of love, certainly.
  10. Aaah. The classic D&D mantra imported to BRP! >:->
  11. Thanks for the support. Now to crack on and use my last annual leave day for some more writing. :thumb:
  12. Slight digression, but I have had a BRP supers monograph proposal accepted and I am hoping to get a sub-forum set up, which I can do with enough players signed up (just a small handful needed). If you think you can help here is the link. Thanks.
  13. Which is fine, but I think an explanation within the ethos of alchemy as presented would be worth doing, otherwise it appears a very game-balance driven effect. Not a bad thing, but to dress it up would be a good thing. Just one opinion though. With regard to the minor/major issue, maybe just have one category for simplification or case-by-case categorisation if granularity is preferred? Otherwise, as I say, interesting stuff. :thumb:
  14. No help here, as I think it depends on a few factors, such as how well the players game together, knowledge of the rules being used, time for game sessions etc. I have enjoyed games with as many as eight players and as few as one (solo and GM). I currently play with five (four players and GM) which works well for 3-hour once weekly games.
  15. Intriguing stuff. I am not so sure the minor items are so minor when looked at. In addition, the explantion for knowing only one Philosopher's Stone type could do with a little work, because many players would want a strong rationale for not being able to try and create more than one (especially when the probablity of success is so low). Would it be better to change the requirements to a difficult roll needed and maybe add further penalties (-10 to -20%?), thus allowing graded results with critical, speciall, success, failure and fumble?
  16. Hi folks. I have recently begun assembling my material for a proposed monograph which has been accepted with an aim to be ready for September 2009. I am about 25-35% into the first draft writing and would really appreciate playtest and/or critical appraisal of the material. I have been in discussion with our generous host on this board and he has agreed that I can have a playtest subforum as long as I get sufficient people signed up to do so. So what I need is a few willing volunteers to go over and hopefully make use of the work I produce, offering feedback along the way. If you can help, either in playtesting as material appears or simply to critically appraise, then let me know by signing up in this thread. Leon. Covenant of Justice The world is not the one we know. Brightly clad figures hurl themselves through skies to face menaces to their fellow man. Heroes abound, pursuing justice, vengeance or other motivations, expecting little obvious reward or thanks for their efforts. But the citizens of the metropolises which they patrol and protect recognise their feats of daring and heroic endeavour, and give their thanks anyway. Yet little do those unsuspecting citizens know of the true nature of the gravest threats to their world and their way of life. Few know of the things that lurk in the darkness and so the heroes of the Covenant of Justice bear a burden, to combat unknown forces with the ignorance of those whom they protect maintained for fear of the terror that would ensue were the truth publicly known. A heroic legacy has been maintained of costumed adventurers stretching back across more than a century, culminating in arguably the greatest age of heroes. It is ironic that at the time of the greatest assemblage of heroes there is the greatest need for their presence. The setting is a hybrid of four-colour ethos and sensibility (so eschewing grim and gritty on the whole) juxtaposed with 'dark forces about which man was not meant to know', and so plays a little on assumptions built into Basic Roleplaying (such as if it involves eldritch horror and SAN rules it must be Lovecraftian - well not quite so, but you get the idea). This latter facet is intentionally to play on the Basic Roleplaying-Call of Cthulhu connection since the reason for supers existing in the world inverts the idea somewhat. It is against this backdrop that the Covenant of Justice has been formed, as a loose affiliation of heroes across the United States and originally formed in the midst of the Cold War. Many of the characters will have a degree of the mystical or mysterious in their origins, but some science-based characters will feature as well. It is not a Call of Cthulhu product. I say four-colour sensibility in terms of having bright costumes, the codenames etc, as well as the general heroes’ code of honour that lasted until at least the silver age, if not now: protecting the weak and vulnerable, not killing and so on. Now that is sketchy, I know, but intentionally so since it is something that is examined more fully in the text. The default power level is superhuman which I think at its limit is around the Spider-man level and should hopefully offer an interesting gaming experience. No reference to any existing settings or published comic book characters will be made in the published text, however. I plan to include additional game-mechanic material such as new powers and modifiers to supplement the setting-specific material (the latter comprising timeline, NPC heroes and villains, central hero organisation and at least one fictional city - Riviѐre Noire, Louisiana). The anticipated length of the book will be between 60,000-80,000 words, of which approximately 21-22,000 words are already written in first draft form (25-35% of expected length). Work has begun to source artwork. Anticipated date for completion is September 2009, possibly earlier.
  17. I suppose it depends on how you look at it - onw way is that you are simply comparing a roll to 2 numbers and if only rarely NPC's have the skill, the problem is mitigated by the fact that the players should know their characters. I read (possibly mis-read) the description of Martial Arts to basically add the base damage in the event of success or better since the RAW description appears to focus on the combat skill as the determinant of quality of success. As I say I may have mis-read that, but basically you aply the special or critical according to the attack mode. It could be interpreted as being if either is a special or critical then that effect applies I suppose. Ultimately though, the attack achieves just one of fumble, failure, success, special or critical - it is just that the successful hits add the base damage on top. Again my caveat that I may have misinterpreted the wording. The logical extension of your argument is that you feel the skill should invert effectiveness almost? Surely the skill is about maximising effect with what is used which is how it seems to work now. Why should a swift weapon wielded by a skilled user do more additional damage than a heavier weapon wielded by an equally skilled user? In a cinematic game this might work, but to do so disregards the properties of the attacking weapon and simply plays to a fictionalised view of martial arts, surely? An alternative would be to apply damage bonus twice to flatten out any differnce, but again this disregards the weapon being used.
  18. Could be very interesting. To echo Nick's question is this ready for submisison, already accepted, or something you have just started working on? Whichever it is, good luck.
  19. You have inspired a solution a problem I was trying to work around, Tywyll. Thanks you. :thumb:
  20. Another pen and paper fan here. I'd rather pay a POD premium from Lulu or similar organisation than have PDF's. Books just go so well with the hobby. But maybe that is just my age... :ohwell:
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