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Everything posted by threedeesix

  1. Absolutely, however I want to first see what Chaosium is going to do. The most drastic changes are in the errata already. There are a few other things I will post however. I did tweek quite a few spells and a couple special abilities. Give me a few days.
  2. ***UPDATE*** I just sent in (via e-mail) the updated version of Classic Fantasy. I am considerably more happy with it now. I went through it line-by-line cleaning up the over abundance of "white space" and fixed the errata noted at the beginning of this thread. I fixed all of the tables that were either broken up and sprinkled throughout the book, or no where near the rule they complemented. There were a ton of other small changes that was supposed to be incorporated before it was printed, but as Chaosium jumped the gun they got missed. They have been included as well. THERE IS A TABLE OF CONTENTS, and I think it's pretty It has the same number of pages, but an extra chapter. Chapter 6: Miniatures Combat. That shows you how much white space there was. Miniatures Combat was to originally have been included, but I cut it over a year ago because I didn't think I could fit it. I spent a little over a week bringing it up to date and think it's cool. If you don't use miniatures don't let that stop you, there a lot of neat new combat rules in there as well. I also included the Big Table of Combat Modifiers. Two pages of modifiers that are spread throughout the BRP core book and hard to find plus quite a bit of additional stuff for those using the full miniatures rules. I can honestly say I'm proud of the book now as it is more what I had intended from the beginning, and like I told Charles Green, at least now I can edit and format my own monographs. I mentioned to Charlie Krank in the e-mail that I think anyone that purchased either version should be able to download the new version, as he had said a month ago, I'll let everyone know the answer when I hear back. Thank you everyone for your understanding and patience. Rod
  3. Cool, me too. Kind of unusual really, most people around here started with some form of D&D. I had never even sat in on a RPG game before, nor knew what one was. But those little black books intrigued me, and I was a die hard Star Wars fan at the time so I was predisposed to SciFi. Rod
  4. For me it was a little different. I remember standing in a hobby store in the early 80s (Toy World I think it was) in Concord NH flipping through different RPG books. I happened to pick up the RQ Soloquest book, Scorpion Hall and saw the hit location diagrams. Seeing that the system looked lethal and exciting, and the average player character couldn't take more damage than an African Bull Elephant intrigued me. I picked up RQ2 irrespective of setting. As a matter of fact the setting didn't really interest me at all. I remember the first thing I did was convert my Gamma World campaign over to it. The BRP core book would have been welcomed by me. Rod
  5. Thanks for the kind words. I original had... Lawful Good Neutral Chaotic Evil Of these you chose two, in descending order, however you could not be both good and evil. Also, you had the option to choose neutral as both of your picks, in which you would be true neutral. This worked well in theory, however in play was a little too cumbersome as there was a grey area as to just what actions were considered what sometimes. I toyed with using Law, Neutrality, and Chaos for a bit, however chose Good, Neutral, and Evil for two reasons. First, Chaotic with out Evil, could be argued that "I just like to cause trouble, but I'm not bad". And second, there are to many spells and class abilities that I didn't want to rename, Protection from Evil, Detect Evil, etc. But anyway, it's a very easy change to adapt for your games. I may even be able to dig out the original rule as written when it was for all 5 alignments if theres interest. Rod
  6. Judas, these are awesome. Thanks for taking the time to do them and sharing your hard work with the community. Ok, so when can us monograph authors start submitting special requests? Rod
  7. Awesome, seeing as you move every couple years or so, maybe you can move to New Hampshire and we can see it together. Crossing my fingers. :thumb:
  8. Yah, their track record has been pretty dismal. But, as the "good Pixar/Disney version" is still a couple years away, I'm kinda looking forward to seeing it in a "road accident" kind of way myself.
  9. Wow, I'm still between jobs due to the awesome economy right now, did I just hear someone is giving away free PDFs? Seriously, this looks awesome. I want it. I love "historical" settings when their world laws function as the typical inhabitant believed they did. Sounds fun. Rod
  10. Funny you should mention that. It actually began as a conversion of Basic D&D as I was playtesting BRP in Mystara, one of my favorite D&D settings. I only expanded upon it with AD&D when moving in a commercial direction. As a matter of fact, my original 100 page conversion is pretty much a conversion of the red box set to BRP terms. I even did the dwarf, elf, and halfling as a profession built into the race to remain true to the source material. It was fun and I still like to flip through it now and then. It really is the precursor to Classic Fantasy, and some of the text in CF remains unchanged from that early book. Rod
  11. In my mind, as far as human size characters and smaller, SIZ is height, not weight. I know every BRP player and GM has there own opinion on it, but that would be mine. I feel its not weight because you can look at the SIZ table on page 26, a character that weighs 150 lbs could be SIZ 8 through 17, however a character that is 5 feet tall (60") can only be SIZ 8. Having it based on weight just gives to many variables. Now before this thread turns into another SIZ thread. I would appreciate it if anyone that wants to pursue the whole SIZ thing beyond how it pertains to CF please start another one. Thats right, I said it. :cool:
  12. I don't drink, I have a coffee addiction however. Could it be for gift cards at the local coffee shop? If so, I'm in.
  13. Now we're talking. I want to help in any way you need, you have my e-mail. Dustin may still be out of touch. You can always try Charlie. He has been quite fast in responding to me about CF over the last couple of weeks, usually within an hour or two. Of course, I have no idea what he's doing over the holiday weekend. Rod PS- We create greate avatars, don't we?
  14. Once I turn it in I have no control on the time it takes them to make it available. I can't imagine it would be longer than a week however. Maybe less. Everything they did in 1st ed. AD&D. One of our members, Naturaltwenty, did up a copy of the Dwarf in a much nicer style than that of the book. Take a look at it here. http://www.naturaltwenty.com/downloads/basic_page_layout.pdf The writeup is true to the book. Not any more so than it does in Basic Roleplaying. I mean, as a supplement to BRP, you can use as much as you like from that core book. But as character background really played little part in early AD&D, it does here as well. Yes and no. It is based on the base magic system used in Basic Roleplaying. So you do memorize spells. However, these spells are NOT forgotten when cast. You may know 20 spells (eventually) for example, but only be able to memorize 1/2 your INT worth. These spells can be cast quickly. They cost a number of magic points based upon just how powerful you wish to make them. Other spells, those that were not memorized, can still be cast when read from the owners spell book. This is generally much slower, but still cost magic points. I love this system because it has the feel of AD&D as each magic-user spends time before each adventure deciding which spells to memorize, but doesn't then forget how to cast them. No, I really only used 1st edition as source material as it was my favorite. Each succeeding edition started moving in a direction further from my interest. For example, when they removed demons and devils from 2nd edition and then decided to add them again later, they never gave clerics and paladins the ability back to turn them. They made giants and dragons so much larger and more powerful, that normal heroes, those without a boat load of hit points would never be able to defeat them. 1st ed giants and dragons convert so much more nicely for just that reason. No, thanks for your interest. Just remember, Classic Fantasy is NOT a stand alone game. You need Basic Roleplaying for the core rules. Rod
  15. There is no preview of CF online, other than reading the forums here to see it sounds of interest to you. Just do a search for Classic Fantasy. Also Sword & Spell and Chaos & Catacombs as they were all possible titles throughout its design. I am just finishing up the re-edit of the initial release and plan to turn it in on Monday. But if you are interested in the PDF version, then downloading it now is no problem as you can ALWAYS re-download a PDF. There is even a check box to be notified of updates when they are ready. I will be happy to answer any specific questions as well. Rod
  16. No drawbacks I guess, but if it was to be a monograph and/or a true Classic Fantasy adventure, this author would be quite willing to work closely with you and provide official stats for creatures, spells, classes, etc that have yet to be released. Rod
  17. I hadn't thought of that as I tend to use the simple method where there are only bonuses, no penalties. Good point. I like the 1 week (50 hours) idea and will more than likely adopt that. Thalaba
  18. The way we have done it, and this won't work unless you use either of the Characteristic Bonus methods, is to train for a number of hours equal to the bonus. After all, as soon as you succeed and roll the 1D6 for skill points you will be adding the bonus to the skill. For example, we use the simple Characteristic Bonuses for Classic Fantasy. So the bonus for all knowledge skills will be INT/2. If our character has a 14 INT, he will have a 7 INT Bonus. If learning a new language for example, he would have to train for 7 hours before checking for improvement, and if successful, will have a beginning skill of 7 (1/2 INT), +1D6. Yes, I know it has the weird thing that a smarter character will have to train longer before getting the skill, but the final result will be higher too. I know that isn't an official answer, but it's how we handle it. Now this I do have an official answer for, at least I asked Jason once and received one. Check boxes are setting specific, some like COC will have check boxes for all skills, others like RQ will have some skills with them and some without. For Classic Fantasy, I like the simple "all skills have them" but if I was doing something more realistic, like Star Trek or some other SciFi, I would have knowledge skills need to be improved through research. Thats all I have, Rod
  19. Oh, believe me, he still won't have many skills/spells. But at least in D&D, the spells he had he could cast.
  20. After spending the better part of two weeks going over the editable copy that Chaosium was nice enough to send me I have completely gone through it line by line. Many of the changes that were supposed to be included after they finished the layout have now been included. I was able to tighten up all (ok, most) of the "white space" that I found too excessive. This freed up almost 20 pages and allowed me to include the Miniatures Combat chapter that was originally cut do to a perceived lack of space. I included the missing Missile Weapons Table as well as added a Musical Instruments Table so the poor bard wont be standing in the dungeon whistling. Several tables were broken up and/or relocated to a hard to find location. This has been fixed. There have been several other changes to existing spells, skills, weapons and armor. As I was doing the Index, I decided to take the opportunity to do one up for the edition you all have. It can be downloaded at BRP Central - Downloads - Classic Fantasy Table of Contents Again I want to apologize for the book going out before I was ready to sign off on it. I will let everyone know when it is available as a PDF download and just what that means for those that already purchased it. I was told in no official capacity, that everyone that purchased the book in either form would be able to download the PDF for free, but until it comes to pass I cannot conform this, but will argue on your behalf. Also, please don't badger Chaosium for the new edition quite yet. I plan on tweeking it further over the weekend and submitting it on Monday. Thanks everyone for your kind words and support, Rod
  21. I love the maps. If you get a finished conversion and need a group to playtest it. I volunteer myself and my players. Rod
  22. Thanks so much, it was a long road. I'm glad to see it so well received. I have to admit I was so nervous when I found out it was available, I almost didn't want to turn on my computer.
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