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Everything posted by MOB

  1. This is a wonderful article about what makes the RuneQuest RPG so special and unique. It features award-winning RPG writer Mark Morrison, who was first entranced by the game as a teenager, but says now is the best possible time to get interested in RuneQuest. Read and find out why... https://www.goodgames.com.au/au/news/406-runequest-launch.html Good Games says "It's absolutely one of the games you need to try" and are as a good as their word, running RQ demos in their stores in the month of May (details here: http://bit.ly/2GRTlET)
  2. When running the convention scenario Last Tango in Pavis long, long ago at Necronomicon in Sydney (1993) we had to make up an extra PC on the fly, and so made him a disgraced 79 year old Light Priest busted back to the Sun Dome militia for farting in the temple, or some such. When Rich, the guy playing him asked me what Yelmalio magic does he have, I said "all of it" (incidentally, presaging how Rune magic is done in RQG). When he asked what Yelmalio geases his character had, I replied "all of them!" (and we read them all out!) This made for some very amusing roleplaying!
  3. Though Yelmalio's justice burns pure and clear, fortunately for player characters "needlessly" is a great MGF get-out clause for that geas...😎
  4. "TRIED AND TRUE - The Call of Cthulhu RPG has been in print from the same publisher since 1981. It is the horror RPG that all other horror games are judged by."—As recently seen in Powell's, the famous bookstore in Portland OR - said to be the biggest independent book store in the world (and definitely one of the coolest) http://bit.ly/2GP8vul.
  5. We had lots of fun launching H.P. LOVECRAFT'S DAGON FOR BEGINNING READERS at our Call of Cthulhu Game Night tonight, with the creator R.J. Ivankovic on hand to sign copies*. Thanks to all the Cult of Chaos GMs who made the night a success and to Gamezilla for hosting! *we sold out at the venue, but the book is available from our website: https://www.chaosium.com/h-p-lovecrafts-dagon-for-beginning-readers-hardcover
  6. Petersen's Abominations - Five Epic Tales of Modern Horror: https://www.chaosium.com/petersens-abominations-hardcover
  7. MOB

    World Tapir Day

    The mighty Morokanth of Prax send greetings to their terrestrial counterparts for World Tapir Day today - wa-ha! http://www.tapirday.org #worldtapirday
  8. We're going to be sharing more fiction, previews and articles of general interest on Chaosium.com. Starting off with RuneQuest Fiction by Greg Stafford, introduced by James Lowder. https://www.chaosium.com/blognear-the-end-of-the-world-runequest-fiction-by-greg-stafford
  9. 36,000 views in the past two weeks!
  10. To celebrate the launch of RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha, our friends at Good Games in Australia are hosting game nights in May! Come along and play the new edition of RuneQuest, one of the world’s most influential and acclaimed fantasy roleplaying games. These events are open and ideal for both new RuneQuest players, and returning players alike! Everyone attending goes into a draw to win the RQG limited edition leatherette slipcase, featuring the RQG core rules, Gloranthan Bestiary and Gamemaster Screen Pack. Plus, at each participating store, everyone attending goes into the draw to win their choice of a copy of either RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha core rule book, or the RQ Glorantha Bestiary. The participating stores are: —New South Wales: Good Games Burwood, Good Games Newcastle. —Victoria: Good Games Melbourne (Lonsdale St). The Good Games Melbourne event is on May 6th at 6PM. Cost is FREE! ENnie Award-Winning RPG writer and famed Australian Game Master Mark Morrison will be hosting a table for this event! More details and sign-up for the Good Games Melbourne event at the link: https://www.facebook.com/events/271630487050647 Dates and details for the Good Games Burwood and Good Games Newcastle events will be announced shortly.
  11. "The mythical roleplaying game from the co-creator of RuneQuest is a legend in its own right, and continues to define epic adventure decades after its release. Pendragon is a fantasy RPG like no other... it represents a master of roleplaying and worldbuilding at the height of his powers." Recognition of Greg Stafford's genius in this great review of KING ARTHUR PENDRAGON 5.2 in the latest issue of Tabletop Gaming Magazine (May 2019): http://bit.ly/2IVCmD2
  12. Please also check out the post made by @Ellie Akers in the RuneQuest forum. A lot of what she said is applicable here too:
  13. If you know someone Cthulhu-curious, World Fantasy Award-winning writer and editor Silvia Moreno-García gives a succinct (4:46) and excellent overview of H.P. Lovecraft's life and influence in fiction, popular culture and tabletop games in this TED-Ed presentation:
  14. Here's five fab new Call of Cthulhu releases by community content creators in the Miskatonic Repository on DriveThruRPG: https://www.chaosium.com/blogmiskatonic-monday-five-new-call-of-cthulhu-titles-in-the-repository
  15. "Cheaper than its constituent parts, easier to assimilate, faster to run... this is the best-researched setting that fantasy roleplaying has ever seen, topped by a robust system that meshes integrally with the fluff."—Antonios S. review of the RQ Slipcase Set, RPGnet. https://www.rpg.net/reviews/archive/18/18064.phtml
  16. Our friends and licensees Dayspring Games are currently crowdfunding MASKS OF NYARLATHOTEP in Korean. In the first 72 hours they've raised 103million Won (roughly USD$90,000). Their record-breaking Call of Cthulhu crowdfunding project in 2016 only reached that point after 26 days. There's still 40 days to go, so this campaign has the possibility of making a new crowdfunding record in Korea! https://www.tumblbug.com/nyarla
  17. RPGNet really likes the GM Screen Pack: "Congratulations: you have reached the pinnacle of what a gamemaster pack should include, screen included… If you play Call of Cthulhu and you are already using the Call of Cthulhu Keeper Screen Pack, you know what kind of screen supplements Chaosium is capable of producing. Now take that concept to eleven."—Antonios S. review, RPGNet.https://www.rpg.net/reviews/archive/18/18055.phtml And "For those complaining that there were no creatures or monsters in the main rulebook, behold: 208 pages of PC and NPC goodness": "The RUNEQUEST GLORANTHA BESTIARY is not just a monstrous compendium, but a well-written tome about the things that live and breathe in Genertela. It does not restrict itself to the monsters-as-NPCs concept and provides something that few books of this type do: a vibe, a feeling about how the world of Glorantha functions."—Antonios S. review, RPGNet.https://www.rpg.net/reviews/archive/18/18052.phtml
  18. As announced at their annual "What's Next" event in Paris last week, Focus Home Interactive has signed an exclusive agreement for video game adaptations of Chaosium's Call of Cthulhu franchise for the next ten years. Plus, CALL OF CTHULHU, the initial title in the series, will be coming out on Nintendo Switch (currently available for PS4, X-Box One, and PC). https://forums.focus-home.com/topic/37406/focus-home-interactive-reveals-12-new-partnerships-at-what-s-next-2019 Not available on Mac.
  19. Allan and Britt will also be bringing their Call of Cthulhu cosplay talents to Gen Con this year!
  20. Are we saving the world, or ending it? Call of Cthulhu cosplay at Supanova Melbourne last weekend: MOB from Chaosium, with Allan and Brit, two of the stars of the Chaosium Twitch channel. And the Disk of R'lyeh they're creating in the Type 40 workshop... https://www.twitch.tv/chaosiuminc
  21. As long-time fans of RuneQuest and the newly Glorantha-curious receive their RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha Slipcase Sets in the mail some have shared the excitement of opening their package in unboxing videos. We've gathered together just a sample of them: https://www.chaosium.com/blogunnatural-selections-21-unboxings-of-the-new-rq-slipcase
  22. The Penny Arcade team are led by Chaosium's own Mike Mason through crypts, graveyards, and catacombs to solve a most occult caper - this is the YouTube version of the Twitch Call of Cthulhu show earlier this week.
  23. A: They are defense cards of last resort and are usually deployed the final rounds of the game, when all your other options are exhausted. They enable you to hang on and stay in the round, if you are trying to go for the big points (10 in the last round, if you are the final player to leave the library). Yes - like in the Call of Cthulhu RPG, sometimes you get down to desperate measures!
  24. Would love to hear more: start a new thread in this forum and let's discuss!
  25. A: They stay on the table until chosen. If they are still unchosen at the end of a round (when no one is left in the library), they are discarded and reshuffled with the rest of the library cards for the new round.
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