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Everything posted by MOB

  1. That is correct. That is also correct.
  2. Ah, the same wellspring of inspiration as Greg Stafford! I remember a Gloranthan scholar being somewhat shocked when I said something similar, after he asked (notepad and pen in hand) what obscure Staffordian source I was basing my musings on. Perhaps the Loskalmi have embraced the Lunar art craze of vivisculpture? That would be sure to make the gargoyles angry, especially if the Cult of Freedom has got in their ear... http://rpgreview.net/mob/viviscupture.htm
  3. Ambergris is the maguffin for a plot I'm currently concocting that starts in Casino Town and eventually takes the players characters to the great city of Garguna via the sperm whale spawning grounds around the Three Step Isles.
  4. Even if he sadly wasn't here for the announcement, rest assured Greg knew all about this project and was delighted that it was happening. The last time Jeff and I were with Greg was at Gen Con last year, and he knew we were going directly from there to Dublin to initiate the computer game partnership with Black Shamrock. Greg was also aware that some of the people we're working closely with on the computer game are hard core RQ/Glorantha fans with a deep understanding and love of the setting.
  5. We told the people on the RQG preview list the news first. Here's our official announcement: https://www.chaosium.com/blogblack-shamrock-to-bring-beloved-fantasy-roleplaying-adventure-runequest-to-life-with-allnew-video-game/
  6. The acquisitions team at the National Library of Australia recently approached Chaosium to ask if we were willing to donate TERROR AUSTRALIS to their collection, as part of the NLA's mission of gathering resources "of national significance relating to Australia and the Australian people". We cheerfully said yes, and also sent along a copy of the original Terror Australis, from 1987. Both are masterful works of imagination by home-grown Australian Call of Cthulhu creators. Kotaku covered the acquisition here: https://www.kotaku.com.au/2019/03/call-of-cthulhu-rpgs-national-library-of-australia-donation/
  7. We'll be releasing the PDF next week. Please note, the new title of this release is: BERLIN: THE WICKED CITY Unveiling the Mythos in Weimar Berlin
  8. "Review Summary: Guess which setting and system will win every award imaginable by the end of 2019."—Antonios S. review, RPGNet "RUNEQUEST: ROLEPLAYING IN GLORANTHA is a work of art." says RPGNet. "It is a gorgeous book and an engrossing game in one, the future of the RuneQuest system superimposed on the most detailed RPG setting of them all. The design dynamically delivers the impossible, turning crunch and fluff into one. Its capability to create stories even before the characters are presented to one another, and its crunchiness when the going gets tough and hard decisions are required, have already earned it a place in the pantheon of gaming. Veterans will feel right at home, while new fans will wonder how come a game like this didn't exist up to now. Everything the new Chaosium touches turns to gold. Buy and play, immediately!"
  9. A: As noted in the rules, Teaching Assistant cards cannot be taken by another player using the Steal Defense Card or gifted to another player using the Gift Defense Card.
  10. A: All that happens is there are more cards available face-up for players to choose from.
  11. Question from a backer: Q: Question on the gift defence card because it’s not 100% clear in the rules. Can you gift a card to a player who has left the library? The description in the rule book does say any other player, but says nothing about if they have left the restricted collection that turn. If you can gift a card to a player who has left for the turn so they just keep the card going into the next round? A: You cannot gift a card to a player who has already left the library; they are no longer an active participant in that round.
  12. For that particular discussion, the conspiracy came to me for a face-to-face meeting in Melbourne, Australia...
  13. The 13th Age ttrpg is owned by Fire Opal Media and released by another publisher (Pelgrane), and 13th Age Glorantha is produced under a license involving both of them. So there are various considerations to take account of in getting a community content agreement worked out. Whereas for RQand HQG, it is simply between Chaosium/Moon Design and DTRPG. Rather than delay, we are going to get the RQ/HQG community content resource up and running first, and then can look at including 13G in it too.
  14. A: No A. Yes A. No A. The Teaching Assistant card is a generic placeholder for a grimoire fragment. You do not need to specify which fragment it stands in for, so this situation does not arise.
  15. The acquisitions team at the National Library of Australia recently approached Chaosium to ask if we were willing to donate TERROR AUSTRALIS to their collection, as part of the NLA's mission of gathering resources "of national significance relating to Australia and the Australian people". We cheerfully said yes, and also sent along a copy of the original Terror Australis, from 1987.Both are masterful works of imagination by home-grown Australian Call of Cthulhu creators, including Mark Morrison, Penelope Love, Richard Watts, Geoff Gillan, and others.
  16. Over coffee, I had a very pleasant and fruitful discussion last Sunday morning about a new series of adventures set in Sun County and the River of Cradles valley. And we're also going to have exciting news very soon about opportunities for publishing community content material for RuneQuest and HeroQuest Glorantha on DriveThruRPG...
  17. Once a Teaching Assistant card is played as a sigil you cannot reposition it later. If you then draw a sigil that goes in the same spot you'll have to play a defense card or suffer the consequences.
  18. Our Miskatonic University board game is now going out to Kickstarter backers world-wide: https://kck.st/2TelLAx Meanwhile, we're finalising our next board game projects...
  19. Glad you like the game. The rules are not presently available in PDF.
  20. #ShipsofRQ - the MOL TRIBUTE, en route to Southampton, is now in the Alboran Sea, approaching the famed Pillars of Hercules. In his monumental universal history the 'Bibliotheca historica', Diodorus Siculus claims Hercules created the strait to prevent monsters from the vast and mysterious Atlantic Ocean entering the Mediterranean Sea. The MOL TRIBUTE is bravely pushing forward in the realm of the Unknown... https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/centerx:-3.5/centery:36.2/zoom:8
  21. APOLOGIES - due to circumstances beyond our control, we need to postpone the Dagon for Beginning Readers Book Launch and Call of Cthulhu game night that was scheduled for this Sunday March 3rd in Melbourne, Australia. We will announce a new date soon. Existing ticketholders can roll over to that new date, or we can cheerfully refund.
  22. It may not be a full moon, but our werewolf anthology MARK OF THE BEAST is 60% off today only at DriveThruFiction...
  23. A: That is correct. A: The rules are not currently available in PDF format.
  24. Focus Home Interactive has rolled out an update featuring some improvements and bug fixes: https://forums.focus-home.com/topic/36526/patch-28-02-19
  25. DEAD LIGHT is DriveThruRPG's Deal of Day - 50% off today (PDF version)http://bit.ly/2Nz96ly
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