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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. 7 minutes ago, Shiningbrow said:

    Apologies for my ignorance (not having read as in-depth as most of you here).

    I, too, wondered about Arkat, seeing as he's one of the few gods that cross over so many regions, pantheons, races. And talking of Arkat, will Illumination (rules, etc) be present in the new book?

    Is Vinga still going to be treated as merely an aspect of Orlanth, or just another sub-cult?

    And lastly, I'm also surprised that elemental shamanic cults don't seem too prominent in the list (and thus, associated cults with some of the bigger names, eg Kolat as an Associated Cult to Orlanth).

    Arkat is not likely to make his appearance in Gods and Goddesses, but don't worry - we've got Black Arkat making an appearance soon. Illumination is all over the Gods and Goddesses book.

    Vinga is a sub-cult of Orlanth. 

    Kolat, Earth Witch, etc., appear in the Horned God.

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  2. 50 minutes ago, hkokko said:

    How does Glorantha especially with RQ rules address imprisonment and capture of the enemies who have spells.

    Earlier on I managed this by getting rid of tattoo runes and devices which were sigils  which I deemed were part of the spell or by manacling with slave bracelets or for short term things knocking the person unconscious.

    Are there other ways to handle this for short term capture and long term prison sentences (hard labor,  isolation cells,  sheriff's simple cell, the traditional hole in the ground that locals might have dug up.

    In the capturing situation: Prisoner might still have spells in memory (spirit magic, rune magic, spirits in tattoos for the shamans) and depending on spell type the magic points may replenish...

    If the answer is slave bracelets - how common are these and how easy you have made them to put on - as these might become interesting weapons themselves if they are easy to use.


    Slave bracelets are very rare. The main way of dealing with dangerous captives is to disarm them, watch them, and hope to ransom them as soon as possible.

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  3. 10 minutes ago, Steve3742 said:

    Sure. And I don't think everyone should have it. But it does seem that all warrior/soldier cults should have it and it's hard to see why Humakt, Yanafal Tarnils, Orlanth, Storm Bull and Zorak Zoran have it whilst Yelmalio doesn't. I mean, if there's a mythological reason (Yelmalio lost his shield on the Hill of Gold) then sure, but it seems tacked on - nobody's ever mentioned this before. 

    Zorak Zoran does NOT get Shield (check your Bestiary if you doubt me). The cults that get Shield directly are Manthi, Aldrya, Babeester Gor, Yelm, Gorgorma, Orlanth, Humakt, Waha, Seven Mothers, Yanafal Tarnils, and Hwarin Dalthippa.

    There are many cults that receive Shield by virtue of their association with one of these cults (e.g., Storm Bull, etc)..



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  4. 1 minute ago, Tywyll said:

    Yeah, I know, but as I said, I don't agree with that idea. Not to mention, mostly I'll be running old RQ2 material for a long time to come (until Chaosium produces more for RQG) so lots of those characters have it. I think if everyone can heal, an arguement for Shield is similar. 


    As I said YGWV. But giving everyone the ability to Heal Wound (with its associated magic point drain), is very different from giving everyone the ability to exchange one 1 RP for 2 points of protection and 2 points of counter magic.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Tywyll said:

    You make a very fine point and something I think I glossed over completely. Frankly, I disagree that non-combat gods shouldn't have it. It's like an investment in your resources. All Priests/Rune Lords benefit from protection and antimagic, and since they are your focal points in the mundane world, you want to protect those assets! I think I am going to put Shield back as a Common Spell.

    Shield is a very powerful spell and only a handful of cults have it. YGWV, but we have tried to carefully limit who gets it.

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  6. 4 minutes ago, Steve3742 said:

    Well, that's the problem, isn't it? Yanafal Tarnils and Irripi Ontor are said to be like Humakt and Lankhor Mhy respectively (so you could just use their cults with some mods - Yanafal doesn't have the dislike of resurrection and undead that Humakt has (and so probably loses the anti-undead powers) Irripi has Mind Blast, etc.), but the others are harder to quantify. Teelo Norri isn't really worshipped, nor is She Who Waits, but Danfive Xaron - a sort of prison rehabilitation cult - Deezola - some sort of Earth/Fertility goddess - and Jalakeel - an ex-Zorak Zorani into witchcraft - aren't really similar to anything that has gone before (although you could probably base Deezola on Ernalda in some way).

    Issue 16 of Tales of the Reaching Moon had a quite satisfactory RQ3 write up of Danfive Xaron by Mike Hagen, with assistance from Nick Brooke, Chris Gidlow and David Hall. Issue 17 had a very good write-up of Yanafal Tarnils, based on Greg Stafford and Sandy Peterson's incomplete and unpublished version, re-written by Nick Brooke and others (He gets Shield! And Oath, Morale, Sever Spirit (one-use), Berserk and Truescimitar  - which would probably be Truekopis now. Note the lack of anti-undead rune spells.). There was also an attempt at Jalakeel the witch in the same issue, author not credited, which wasn't as good, IMHO. But Irripi Ontor and Deezola remain uncovered, you're right (though, as I said before, Irripi Ontor will be very similar to Lankhor Mhy.)

    But yeah. I suppose we'll just have to wait for Gods of Glorantha (will that be covering Lunar deities?)

    Gods and Goddesses has all-new write-ups for the Seven Mothers, Danfive Xaron (a new version, although Mike and Nick were both involved), Deezola, Etyries, Hon-eel, Hwarin Dalthippa, Irrippi Ontor, Jakaleel the Witch, Nysalor, Teelo Norri, Yanafal Tarnils, and of course the Red Goddess herself. Plus the Crimson Bat. 

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  7. 1 minute ago, Colgrevance said:

    In all respect, but I disagree. I like to show maps and illustrations to my players to establish a certain feel for a town/people/culture, and in my experience this works way better than lengthy descriptions (my players tend not to read the books). But showing the new Clearwine map vs. the "keltic" hillfort from the Sartar Companion evokes totally different associations, and I don't want to struggle against preconceptions because of misleading first impressions.

    It didn't matter to you, but it matters to me.

    Anyway, thanks to all that chimed in; I take from this discussion that there indeed is some sort of retcon going on, at least with the way Sartarite cities are portrayed, and that I should use maps and illustrations from older books sparingly, if at all.

    Yes. More precisely, we have retconned a retcon. The look we have established in RQG is the look going forward. 

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  8. 7 hours ago, Steve3742 said:
    1. Non-Gloranthan material e.g. Fantasy Earth - I have misgivings about this. Mythras seem to be doing a bang-up job of producing Mythic Earth, what with Mythic Britain, Mythic Rome, Mythic Constantinople, etc. Is there a lot of point in Chaosium producing a Mythic Rome or Mythic Britain? People who want to play there can buy the Mythras supplements and use RuneQuest 6 Mythras. If they really want to use RQG, it's not that hard to convert. I'm aware Chaosium produced Mythic Iceland and have heard it was quite good. I also know you've been promising a second edition with RQG rules for over a year. Maybe do that and see how it goes down. Perhaps you can do Northern Europe and Mythras can do the Mediterranean. 

    We will be coming out with our Fantasy Earth line. Jason and I have been speccing out the books, and already have three (actually four) in progress. But one thing at a time - first we make sure that RQG is self-propelled!

  9. 10 minutes ago, Sid Vicarious said:

    I'm not sure its so much about being "lore correct", but knowing enough to grasp the basics. While everyone on these boards has had to explore Glorantha for  themselves, many of them over several decades,  only some of us have had to cut their Gloranthan teeth on RQG specifically, in the last year or so. Past editions might have been easier to grasp. Or harder? Certainly different.  Sure, getting into a new game takes some work, but the density of Glorantha makes it a bit more difficult to penetrate from a standing start. To an extent you can take it or leave it, but not much, as in RQG  the setting is deliberately organic to the rules, and vice versa.  Im looking forward to the starter set to see how it aproaches things. 



    We approach it like we would with a game set in Classical Rome, Medieval Iceland, Post-Roman Britain, or Middle Earth - start somewhere and provide the minimum necessary to jump in. Glorantha is no harder than any other of these settings (actually it is much easier that Classical Rome - and fortunately there are three great games out there for the other three settings). Start by spending your first session making characters and going to Apple Lane. Or going through the Broken Tower scenario. Do the adventures in the GMs Adventure Book.

    Then go outward from there.


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  10. 5 hours ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    When Dorastor - Land of Doom came out SAN rules were offered as an optional set of rules to go with the madness of this chaos blasted region. The only question was how much SAN loss would a ghoul cause a battle hardened war vet.

    Hah - we have gone around and around on this. I did NOT include SAN rules in RQ for the simple reason that by CoC standards, ALL RQ characters are already at 0 SAN.

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  11. 12 hours ago, Oracle said:

    Sartar:Kingdom of Heroes and the Sartar Companion use a lot of AngloSaxon/Northern Europe/Celtic influenced illustrations. Since 2012 (when these books were published) the cultural template the Orlanthi in Sartar has changed to a more mediterranean setting. This leads to these obvious changes. So with respect to the illustration Sartar:Kingdom of Heroes and the Sartar Companion are not correct anymore. But the text in these books is still canon!

    At least that's my current understanding.

    We also have a much bigger art budget nowadays - Sartar and Sartar Companion were books Rick and I did on a shoe-string budget. I think we did great work for what resources we had,  but RQ reflects how I would do things going forward. There are things here and there that have been tweaked, largely based on Greg giving me loads of material when I was working on the Guide that let me refine things (like the amazing royal genealogy chart that made its way into the RQ Adventures Book).

    • Like 3
  12. 8 minutes ago, svensson said:

    The Prax Book needs three things:

    1. An explanation of clan politics post Liberation of Prax.

    2. What happened to Raus.

    3. Writeups on the Basmoli Berzerkers, the Men-And-A-Half, the Ostrich Riders, and Rhino Riders

    That's it. Everything else is padding the term paper.

    [This presumes that Pavis and the Rubble get their own book]


    1. Yep. And the existence of an intertribal organization fiercely loyal to its hero-leader is a huge change.

    2. He's dead.

    3. Basmol is in the gods and goddesses book. The men and a half are in the bestiary. Ostrich and rhino riders need to be added.


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  13. 20 hours ago, Beorne said:

    I do not know if I will able to start to master a Glorantha game, I quitted mastering about 20 years ago and the ex-players are on real life issues. But I encountered the game Dragon Pass some years ago, and discovered Glorantha.
    I do not know it well yet but have the strong impression that is perhaps one of the more beatiful and realistic fantasy world ever created. And, more important for me, it is a work of love.
    So I'd like to start to study it.
    I'm starting to obtain the material, so I ask you: where to start?
    Runequest Roleplaying in Glorantha?
    Heroquest Glorantha?
    Glorantha Sourcebook?
    Guide to Glorantha?
    I am more into simulation rpg than into narrative (I think, never tried them), but I like to read RPG rules. Anyway, I do not know if I will ever play HeroQuest or RuneQuest and it is possible I will never be able to start a game.
    This reminds me another question: what is the most played ruleset on Glorantha?


    I'd suggest starting with RQG and the Glorantha Sourcebook. Then if you want a comprehensive treatment of the setting, get the Guide. But any are fine places to start.

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  14. 1 hour ago, SilverSeraph said:

    Perhaps, but the thing is that Jeff has shown the manuscript on facebook.  I would think they would at least be talking about it along with the others.

    No photo description available.

    Actually this a case why I hate discussing forthcoming projects until they are done. I knew we would need to do a "Grand Grimoire" and after HeinzCon I hammered it out in a few days of feverish work.

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  15. 30 minutes ago, styopa said:

    2) if this is full of interesting bits, wouldn't this be be a thing that should be mentioned on the chaosium blog and/or in the email blast?

    I like to give convention attendees their own special rewards. Things get announced in the regular course of things - but if you want to know what precisely we are working on, go to a convention where Jason and I are guests.

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  16. 18 minutes ago, David Scott said:

    The Core Rune Magic list is in the GM Screen Pack, GM Reference book. Sorcery is alphabetical in the core rules (as is rune magic)

    Bestiary Rune Magic

    Doesn't include Dragon Magic (B42) or Dwarf sorcery (B61)

    Animate War Tree, Plant, 1pt, B27

    Appease Earth, Earth /Beast, 1pt, B70

    Arrow Trance, Plant / Fire, 1pt, B27

    Attack Soul, Darkness, 1pt, B81

    Blinding, Darkness, 1pt+, B81

    Carry (Disease), Death / Chaos, 2pts, B93

    Cause (Disease), Darkness / Chaos, 1pt+, B93

    Chameleon, Plant, 2pts, B27

    Chaos Feature, Chaos, 3pts, B94

    Chaos Spawn, Chaos, 2pts, B94

    Counterchaos, Darkness, 2pt, B82

    Crack, Chaos, 2pts+, B94

    Create Ghost, Death / Darkness, 1pt, B82

    Create Revenant, Death / Darkness, 3pt, B82

    Create Skeleton, Death / Darkness, 1pt, B82

    Create War Tree, Plant, 1pt, B27

    Create Zombie, Death / Darkness, 2pt, B82

    Crush, Darkness, 1pt+, B82

    Curse of Thed, Chaos, 2pts, B94

    Darksee, Darkness, 1pt, B82

    Death Binding, Death, 1pt, B70

    Fumble, Chaos, 1pt+, B95

    Pain Tooth, Beast, 2pts, B71

    Seal Wound, Death, 2pts, B71

    Seal Wound, Death / Disorder, 2pts, B82

    Plant Spy, Plant, 1pt, B28

    Rebirth of Chaos, Chaos, 3pts, B95

    Silence Sphere, Plant, 1pt, B28

    Tangle Thicket, Plant, 1pt, B28

    Transform Self, Beast, 2pts, B87

    Wolfhide, Beast / Chaos, 3pts, B87

    Wolfrunning, Beast /Movement, 2pts, B87

    Wolf’s Head, Beast, 1pt, B87

    There is the Red Book, which contains all Rune Spells and all Spirit Magic spells from the Core Rules, the Bestiary, and the Gods and Goddesses book. Plus a few others.

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  17. 43 minutes ago, Bill the barbarian said:


    Agreed but thankfully there is a cheap alternative As pretty as the GS is I would have to say I got more out of an out of  print PDF from the Hero War days—Thunder Rebels available for 6.62 cdn from the Gloranthan Vault (damn you demonic spel chekr, leave me Gloranthan alone!). Combine that with Sartar Kingdom of Hero PDF for 26.45 cdn and while no longer economical and in the case of Thunder Rebels no longer canonical definitely necessary for providing the feel of a Dragon Pass Orlanthi based RQ G game. For a few dollars more (6.63 cdn), add in Dragon Pass A Gazetteer of Keronfina . At least, I think so. Get the viking feel out of your mind when using Thunder Rebels  and replace it with a Thracian vibe.

    That said I am very happy having the GS combined with the  GtG and the AAA as background (not very economical at all, but I suppose at a very long absence I can give a boutique company a bit of hand up) and I feel ready.


    That being said, I should warn folk that Thunder Rebels is not canonical nor entirely compatible with HQG, let alone RQG. There is a reason we have hidden it away in the Vault. Its presentation of the cults of both Orlanth and Ernalda are deeply flawed. Then again YGWV, so if it helps you, it helps you.

    Personally I think the best things to buy for an would-be RQG GM are:

    • The RQ Slipcase set
    • RQ Quickstart
    • The Glorantha Sourcebook
    • Snakepipe Hollow from the RQ Classics
    • King of Sartar

    If I wanted to explore beyond Dragon Pass, I'd seriously consider the Guide. And I would be thrilled with the RQ Campaign Book, the Gods and Goddesses Book, the Smoking Ruins, and more. But they aren't available yet. 

  18. 8 hours ago, klecser said:

    Here's my unboxing: 


    I'm a devout Call of Cthulhu Keeper, have been role-playing for 25 years, had never heard of Runequest until the 4th Quick Start was released (!), and didn't decide to buy the slipcase until three days before it's release.

    I made the right decision.


    This is fantastic! Do you mind if we share this outside of BRP Central?

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