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Posts posted by metcalph

  1. 3 hours ago, Rodney Dangerduck said:

    In RQG, Yelmalio is not associated with any of the other Orlanthi cults.  Just Ernalda, everybody loves her.  🙂 And "friendly" to CA.

    Should the "main Solar deity" of the Sartarites be more connected to the cults most Sartarites worship?  This makes recovering rune spells awkward too.   Will there be an updated cult compatibility chart for the Sartar branch of Yelmalio?

    Yelmalio's always been a stand-offish guy.  The lack of associate cults is not a flaw but by design.  He's still got more friends than Humakt.

  2. 16 minutes ago, Orlanthatemyhamster said:

    How did a Sun goddess become so important to the Orlanthi and why did she fade?

    She's not a Sun Goddess, but the Morning Star.  I don't think she was important to the Orlanthi but the God Learners called them that because they were so influential in the Dawn Age.

  3. 6 minutes ago, EricW said:

    Is Eurmal a master of dragon magic? Or does he regard dragon magic and draconic thinking as a joke to be inflicted on others? 

    Anything that goes bad in Orlanthi history is probably blamed on an Eurmali.  God Learners?  seduced by one of Eurma's tricks etc.  Historically on the other hand, no tricksters may have been present at any time.  The best understanding of the contradition is perhaps is that Eurmal as a Great God is present in every new thing and that if the New Thing goes bad, then he is to blame.

    Another way of looking at it might that Loki (the TV show) caused the rise of Kang the Conqueror even though he never met Kang.

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  4. 12 hours ago, Jape_Vicho said:

    The Umathelan Orlanthi are mainly from Maniria from the first and early second ages right?

    I kind of doubt it.  I think they were Malkioni who abjured the Wizards in order to save their sorry hides when the Gift Carriers came calling.  Since the lower castes had worshipped Orlanth and other gods anyway, they became Orlanthi at the end of the Imperial Age.  

    12 hours ago, Jape_Vicho said:

    That region is not particularly known for its solar worship (very far from any Pelorian influences, it has never been built a Sun Dome there, and its hilly and forested terrain is bad for horsebreeding),

    Ehilm is mentioned as one of the Gods that led the False Gods revolt (Guide p622).  I think rather than import a Seshnegi version, the God Learners imported a Fonritan version (Varama - Guide p553) as a counterpart to the Storm worship that naturally grew there.  The cults of Ehilm and Halamalo would probably have problems with each other.  


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  5. 52 minutes ago, Leingod said:

    I wouldn't be surprised if there was or would be an attempt by some of the Esrolians to do that (or at least to support it) if they ever became aware of Doburdun, actually. Not even necessarily Red Earth ones, either; the Grandmothers in general usually seem to want to downplay and weaken Orlanth as much as they can without denying him entirely

    No longer the case.  The Esrolians have accepted Orlanth for a long time.  The few statements in Esrolia: the land of 10K goddesses were apparntly references to their view of Orlanth in the Dawn Age.


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  6. 3 hours ago, Godweyn said:

    Well hello everyone.

    Tricky question for those who have dived in deep water.

    What is really known about Queen Vyran of Blue Castle?

    Are there details? Or is it all lost in the mist of time?

    Really one for the other forum, but there was a Waertagi population (known as the Blue People) that caused major havoc in Peloria during the Flood.  Castle Blue and Vyran are relics of their mythical kingdom.

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  7. 5 hours ago, Qizilbashwoman said:

    the Inquisition literally still exists, it was just renamed from "Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition" to "Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office" in 1908.

    In 1964, it became the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith and in 1985, Sacred was dropped from the title in a general rebrand.  But Holy Office is good shorthand.


  8. 8 hours ago, Qizilbashwoman said:

    uh, so where do unicorns come from? because, like, griffons don't have horns.

    Unicorns were made by the Remakers whose clients wanted a prettier rhinocerous.  The breed was due to be scaled up but the Blue Moon Assassins halted the project.

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    • Haha 2
  9. 7 hours ago, jajagappa said:

    Except Talar do not fight - that's for warriors to do.  They would certainly command/lead the fighters, but directly engaging in battle would be contrary to caste rules.

    The Aeolians only have three castes - Nobles, Zzaburi and Commoners.  Given that other noble castes can and do fight elsewhere, I'm a bit doubtful that the Aeolian Talars do not (it's possible that they are influenced by God Forgot but the omission of the warrior caste makes this hard to sustain).

    • Like 3
  10. 21 minutes ago, jajagappa said:

    Whatever triggered it, they got a pretty strong and creative Belintar after that - one able to anticipate the Lunars and create the Building Wall. 

    Possible lunatic theory: The 1601 assassin got drawn into the Tournament and ended up becoming the God-King.  That's how Belintar had the special knowledge for the Building Wall battle. 

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Tricia said:

     I really wanted to do a painting of the Golden Gate Palace, which I can't seem to find existing images for but I read that the street that leads up to the Palace is lined with the statues of the Ascended Masters.  This seems like a good vantage point but I don't know which masters are likely to be statues in Northpoint around 1620. I also don't really know what architectural style would fit Northpoint best but if that is a question for a different group  I understand. 

    Loskalmi art is classical nudes.  An example is here: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/websites/moondesign-com/jeffs-old-blogs/loskalm-art-direction/ or the Guide p201.  I don't have any notes on the archtectural style (we have a piccie of Akem which is similar), which can be seen here (courtesy of Redbubble sotre)


    As for the names of the Masters in Loskalm, we have:


    Masters venerated by the Hrestoli include Xemela, Hrestol,
    Tomaris, Gerlant, Arkat, Talor, Halwal, Tryensaval, Snodal, and

    Guide to Glorantha p51


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  12. 2 hours ago, Groovetronic said:

    I'm interested in what powers these aspects of Arkat can provide to PCs, and whether or not they can be worshipped by non-Illuminants.

    IMO Ralians would worship Arkat to become Illuminated (Arkati illumination not Nysaloran).  These cults would provide magics to non-illuminates but they would not ptocede from Arkat but from allied cults (ie Arkat the Troll might have magics from Zorak Zoran and Argan Argar).

    From the cult description in the Smoking Rules and Other Stories, that Arkati of Arkat's Hold only teach sorcery to illuminates.  Many Arkati societies in Ralios may teach sorcery to non-illuminates but the big sorcery secrets will still be reserved for illuminates.

    Jeff recently spoke of the Rightness (ie Caste-based) magics of the Malkioni.  For the Arkati, I feel these would be a combination of innate sorcery spells and the sorcerous equivalent of Shamanic Gifts.  

    Arkat the Troll/Destroyer:  Command Shades.  Affinity with Darkness Magics.  Bonuses with blunt weapons.  Darksense.

    Arkat the Savior/Loser:  Bonuses with Axe.  Command Gnomes.  Shield.

    Arkat the Liberator:  Bonuses with Spear.  More adept with sorcery than other aspects.  Not so much exotic magics.

    Arkat the Devil:  Command unintelligent chaotic monsters.  Chaotic blessings and curses (like Curse of Thed and Chaos Gifts).

    Arkat the Peacemaker:  Inhuman senses such as Darkness, Motion, Elfsense) and perhaps Speak Auld Wyrmish (although I think this has probably been lost).  Makes Peace.  Alchemy, Botany etc.

    Arkat Chaosbane:  Bonuses with Swords.  Command Sylphs.  Thunderbolts. Diminsh Chaos.

    As for Great Arkat, I doubt a separate aspect exists and that this aspect is more like Orlanth Rex.  The leading Arkati in any city is recognized by the other Arkati of that city as their Archon and probably has Command Arkati (which works on Arkati that acknowledge his authority) and Repel Deceiver (which works on Arkati that do now acknowledge his authority).  

    Lastly there is Heroquesting which the Arkati would use to inflict curses on enemy cities and blessings on their own.  Cities within the same country are rivals and cursing them is bad form.  

  13. 7 hours ago, HreshtIronBorne said:

    Does the modern Yelmalio cult still use cavalry/mounter archers?

    Depends on what you mean modern cult.  Sun County in the wastelands does not.  The Dragon Pass Sun Dome temple is not known for having either.  Other temples may.

  14. 8 hours ago, Darius West said:

    A quick question.  Does Splendid Yamsur appear on the God's Wall of Raibanth?  If not, how do we justify that?

    No, because the Gods Wall depicts the Gods of Dara Happa and not Geert's Garden.  Yamsur is not there for the same reason that Pamalt, Vith and Malkion are not.  It would be like wondering why Marduk is not depicted in Pharaonic art.

    • Like 1
  15. 2 hours ago, French Desperate WindChild said:

    What do people reproach Kallyr for the rebellion ? Is it just because she lost or because her behaviour, her decisions , .. what was wrong from their perspective ?

    People hate Kallyr for the same reason people hate Field Marshal Haig - they both got a lot of people killed.


    • Thanks 1
  16. 2 hours ago, dumuzid said:

    I seem to recall reading here on the forums that you only count as 'descended from Yelm' through the paternal line, but I don't have any textual sources to back that up, and indeed would like to see the point clarified.

    Within four generations of a God or another Emperor is the Dara Happan standard.

  17. On 7/2/2021 at 7:44 AM, Nick Brooke said:

    This event features in the background to my next scenario: as a sneak preview, here's an artist's impression of "Lady Vega Rallying the Workers," executed in the Socialist Realist style by Comrade Mike O'Connor.

    Not shown are the Sun Dome priests simultaneously shielding their eyes with their hands and trying to peer around the same.

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  18. 10 hours ago, TRose said:

       Shape changer are common in Asian folktales so are we going to see any Fox Women( And Fox Men) or maybe some different types of Hsuchen like Magpies , Butterflies, Tigers etc?


    In Kralorela

    Xiaowei (small city): This city is named for the foxwoman
    who fell in love with the dragon mystic Wen
    Tao, but despite her wiles he remained unmoved by
    her efforts to seduce him. Wen Tao achieved the Void,
    and, unable to join her love, the fox-woman turned
    herself into the Weeping Stone outside the city gate.

    Guide p280

    In Vormain

    Aurubdey Forest: This forest of elm and
    beech is home to shapechanging animals,
    including foxes, badgers, and tigers. They
    can assume human form and are feared as
    tricksters and killers.

    Guide p533


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