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Posts posted by metcalph

  1. Wyrms Footnotes #15 p19


    Two Sisters is a dilapidated riverside village. About 20
    or 30 years ago the ever-expanding Marsh reached the
    left bank of the river and made life much harder for
    its few remaining inhabitants. Most of the buildings
    still standing are in an appalling state of disrepair. The
    large portion of the village that borders the river, and
    still hasn’t sunk beneath its currents, is known as the
    Docks. The population of Two Sisters is a hearty 70 or
    80 people at the moment. Most adhere to the style
    of life which equates happiness to idleness. In the
    Docks is a large area called the Greenery, not because
    anyone planted anything there, but because a large
    vegetable shipment was never unloaded and most of
    its produce has since sprouted and taken root. Most
    of the residents are either ducks or humans, although
    small parties of river travelers occasionally increase
    the diversity. The two sisters of legend are virtually
    unknown. The story involves jealousy, and supposedly
    they lived on opposite sides of the river. They shared
    a common husband, who used a small boat to travel
    between them.


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  2. 1 hour ago, Martin said:

    FWIW I just checked Greg's master map and there is for sure a Monestary near Owlflfight Crest at the head of Lorthing Valley

    There's also a Nunnery at the head of Sazdorf Valley and the two are connected by the Old Saints Road (Map - the Coming Storm p69 - which doesn't describe them sadly).  Hopefully the Starter Set will have details.  

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  3. 5 minutes ago, Pentallion said:

    But now I have two more questions:  where does it say the Mokatoans took the curse to avoid the closing?  And how can a curse that permanently land locks you "avoid" the closing?

    It was written in the Glorantha: Intro after discussions from Nils Weinander and Greg Fried.  

    Nobody in Mokato knows how it works.  All anybody knows is that Hobimarong told them to do so and Vithela was saved.  Praise Hobimarong for He is Always Right.


  4. 10 minutes ago, Pentallion said:

    I'm just double checking cuz I want to write something for the JC.

    It has major ramifications so it needs to be correct.

    If the former, then Mokatoans would annually leave their island to avoid the curse.  

    If the latter, then all Mokatoans are land bound.  This probably means the curse is what ended the Eastern Sea Empire.

    The choice has significant ramifications.


    Mokato adopted the curse in order to avoid the Closing.  i doubt they are in the habit of taking annual holidays.  I'm still not giving a statement on which interpretation is correct because either works.  

  5. 21 minutes ago, Pentallion said:

    The GtG says "no one who has spent an entire year on Mokato can ever leave the island or (else)".

    Does that mean one solid span of a years length (example Earth 10, 1620 to Earth 9, 1621) or does that mean cumatively one year so if I spent half a year in 1620 followed by half a year in 1625, I'm now cursed?

    Which makes more sense to you?  Choose that.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Darius West said:

    After the Telmori War we don't hear anything about the career of this promising Lunar Officer.  Did he die in the few intervening years before the Hero Wars?  Did he retire from military service?  Was he purged as one of Fazzur's Men?  I mean, he won a pretty decisive campaign against a non-trivial enemy that was responsible for the massacre of an entire Sartarite clan, then we know nothing more, apparently.

    According to the Eleven Lights, Jomes was commanding Boldhome during the Dragonrise.  He then fled the city and retreated to Wulfsland.  He didn't take part at Battle of Dangerford.  He may still be at Stonegate as the surrounding tribes find having a proven wolf-killer useful against the Telmori (the uprising of Jogar Sog was is still fresh).  

    In my opinion, he's retreated to AldaChur to shore up the Lunar authorities there but hampered because the Far Placers see him as a Lunar oppressor and the Tarshites see him as an Aggarite bumpkin.

    • Like 6
  7. 3 hours ago, Richard S. said:

    So does this mean Rokari-dominated areas actively suppress cults?

    Except when there are "political" considerations such as:

    • The nobility worshipping their ancestors
    • The warriors worshipping barely-disguised hsunchen cults.

    The wizards don't like that these aberrations exist with their reactions best characterized by the Kuber-Ross model.  

    • Haha 1
  8. 7 minutes ago, svensson said:

    Firstly, are Daka Fal and Grandfather Mortal the same entity /deity?

    Many cultures have different answers to that.  In the God Learner Monomyth they are the same entity but others disagree.

    7 minutes ago, svensson said:

    Secondly, if Daka Fal is the patron God of ancestor worship, why can't an initiate of Daka Fal join another cult?

    Daka Fal is not a God because he died.  Because of this, he's sulking about his worshippers joining other gods.  Other ancestor worshipping traditions don't have a chip on their shoulder about such matters.  

    7 minutes ago, svensson said:

    One presumes that one's ancestors WERE members of Orlanth, Ernalda, and so on, so does this imply that Daka Fal cannot contact ancestral spirits that had patron deities in life?

    Depends on what you mean by contact.  Summon Ancestor only allows the summoning of ancestors with Daka Fal rune magics.


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  9. 38 minutes ago, Nevermet said:
    • I'm not 100% sure, but I think that Atrox may qualify as an ascended master, though nobody in the Third Age follows his teachings save for Ethilrist's Black Horse Troop.

    I had forgotten Atrox but doubt his existence (He's mentioned in the Esrolia: the Land of 10K Goddesses p45 if you want evidence that he exists).  In any even, I don't think the Black Horse Troop worships him and the word from Jeff has been that they are Hrestol worshippers (not Hrestol as an ascended master but as a god).

    More details here: 



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  10. 8 hours ago, jajagappa said:

    Mythically, it would make sense that the site of the Crater was the site of the Red City where the Red King of Naveria lived.

    I think the Red City is Carantes.


    Karantes (large city): Called the Red City,
    this city of tall golden towers built out of
    sun-dried brick is the capital of the Oronin
    Satrapy, home of the Eel-ariash clan, and
    center of the Hon-eel cult. In the Gods
    Age, the Red King sat here upon his throne
    of gold, wore his golden crown, and bore
    his golden scepter until he was sacrificed
    by Naveria for the good of their people.

    Guide p317


    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Darius West said:

    Most westerners will have a patron saint. 

    They do?  You should be careful in the sources you are using.  I have no idea whether you are happy with Trotsky's work or just want modern thinking on the matter.

    1 hour ago, Darius West said:

    And they do believe in the Invisible god, but their Zzaburi are the intermediaries of that god; as you say, ordinary people can't work sorcery as they haven't learned how, and likely doubt that they can learn as it is in the interests of the Zzaburi to keep them ignorant of such things.

    Ordinary people are ignorant of sorcery because it requires literary and intense study.  There is nothing the Zzaburi can say or do to change that regardless of their attitude towards their inferiors.

  12. 8 minutes ago, AndreJarosch said:

    What will Sun Domers do if they meet other Sun Domers fighting for the enemy on the battlefield?
    Fight each other, because that is what they get paid for?
    Avoid each other and fight "real" Sartaites/Tarshites instead?
    Something else?

    Mumble about an appointment with hairdressers.

    • Like 2
  13. 1 minute ago, Darius West said:

    While a reasonable assessment of the evidence, it appears this is just not the case.  The simple fact is that ordinary people in the West don't have access to sorcery, but they do need to be involved in the religion if the religion is to work, and that means hagiolatry, i.e. taking patrons.

    The ordinary people of the West do not believe in the Invisible God, who does nothing for them.

    They believe in the *Wizards*, who work wonders for them.


  14. 16 minutes ago, Darius West said:

    I notice something of a lack of masters one might associate with guilds and merchants.  Is anyone aware of any artisan saints or merchant saints?

    Because that's not what Saints and Masters are all about.  They become saints due to important philosophical discoveries, not petty mundane concerns.  Think the Theory of Gravity or the Discovery of Phosphorous.  People in charge of crafts and trade would be Heroes rather than Saints.

    There is a obvious counterpoint that some people on the lists of Saints do not appear to qualify as Saints (i.e. Gerlant, Talor and Snodal).  That is because they don't.  They are important Heroes who have been worshipped as Saints for politcal purposes.  Fortunately the Rokari have put an end to such nonsense. 

  15. 2 hours ago, littlewitchmaus said:

    is there a reason that the fifth 'stafford library' volume is no longer available?


    Because it was redundant with the publication of the Guide to Glorantha.

    • Thanks 1
  16. 52 minutes ago, NewMars said:

    As the threat title says: it's a very, very big hole. But, I'm having difficulty getting any information what might have been there before the apotheosis of the red goddess.

    I think there's was something called the Ervuthan lava beds.  This was mentioned as erupting in the Dawn Age (Glorious ReAscent p38) but has since disappeared.

  17. I've seen Yelorna as a goddess of the Celestial Hunt mainly coz of her rune spells (Shooting Star and Silver Track).  I've heard suggestions that she comes from Ourania's Star (one of the Big Three in the Celestial City) on the grounds of her "purity".  SAhe could hail from the Evening Star as her runes are Sky and Death (but she's not red, is she?).  If she were to be one of the planets (like Yelmalio comes from Lightfore) then her home would be Moskalf (White and Earth associations)

    But it's possible that's her cult is all of these, being compatible myths spread throughout the stars and planets.

    • Like 1
  18. Quote

    Ascended Masters venerated by the Hrestoli include Hrestol, Tomaris, Gerlant, Arkat, Talor, Halwal, Tryensaval, Snodal, and Siglat.

    Guide p51

    Hrestol - the First Saint.  

    Tomaris - A follower of Hrestol and one of the first Men-of-All.  Probably founded the cult in Fronela.

    Gerlant - King of Seshnela and Man-of-All.  Known for fighting against Gbaji.  

    Arkat - Great Hero and Traitor.

    Talor - King of Loskalm and Man-of-All.  Known for fighting against Gbaji.

    Halwal - God Learner wizard who taught their enemies in the Sorceror's War (MSE p24 and p28+)

    Tryensaval - King of Loskalm and Man-of-All who expelled the God Learners.

    Snodal - Hero who saved Loskalm in the Modern Age.

    Siglat - Half-Altinae King of Loskalm who perfected Loskalm during the Ban.

    Xemela - Mother of Hrestol and Healer.  Presumably a Goddess rather than an Ascended Master.  

    The Rokari don't have saints although Rokar would qualify.  Around Seshnela there is

    Yomili of Pithdaros who fought for the Kingdom in the Sorcerors War 

    The Arkati worship Arkat and the Gods although Paslac the last Autarch is noted as being a Saint in Gods of Glorantha.

    The Carmanians would have Carmanos and Alijiyah (Fortunate Succession p90)

    The Middle Sea Empire also mentions:

    Pascandal p35 - a basic martyr against the God Learners.  Personally I think his story makes more sense if he was a follower of Arkat the Loser/Savior.

    Manodvar p35 who fought the Book Duel against Karsmandikor proving that the Abiding Book was corrupt (the text calls it the shielded abiding book but I think the distinction is spurious)

    Castelain p37.  Personally I believe he's an Issarite Hero rather than an Ascended Master.    The philosophy of the cult of Ashara is rather tepid.

    Banklou p39.  A founder of a monastic order of which a member was Giorgos, a critic of some God Learners movements.  The only other detail about him was that he was a strict Makanist.  

    The God Learners involved in the Abiding Book project would qualify as Saints but their names are for the most part not known.

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