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Posts posted by metcalph

  1. I think the mother of Zzabur's kid is...


    There's a mythlet in Revealed Mythologies p12 about the Five Secret Assassins of which Uleria is specifically named.  Coupled that with a mythlet in Cults of Terror p13 about Uleria impregnating herself and it seems to me that Zzabur is warring against the surviving members of the Celestial Court.  Judgment is specially mentioned as one of the Five Emotions that Zzabur overcame with his logic which seems rather odd until one remembers that Acos made a ruling and found himself to be unjust.  

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  2. 1 minute ago, svensson said:

    Do we have a solid date for the Bilini War /Hahlgrim's War?

    Lords of Terror gives Bolthor becoming King in 1622 ST.  There is a period of neglect which lasts several years until he's forced inot Halhgim's war which lasts three years.    A future history section, which is stated as one historian's version, says that Oddi provoved Ralzakark into invading the Empire in 1629 with him joining it.  He then kills Ralzakark after the failure of the invasion and the demise of the Bilini.  I think the 1622 date is kinda tight myself as for Bolthor to have drifted for many years and a three years Halhgim's war plus whatever years oddi ruled, we are blowing well past 1629 ST.

    The Guide has Bolthor launching Halhgimr's war in 1623 (Guide p344) which gives Oddi ample time for a reign at the expense of Bolthor supposedly letting things drift.  

  3. 2 hours ago, Godlearner said:

    Do Chaos cults such as Primal Chaos, Puchango, Krarsht, Krjalk, Seseine and Urain have Holy Days? When? Asking for a friend.

    Primal Chaos "Worship occurs on any day of the year, begun either at sunrise or sundown." Cults of Terror p25.

    Krarsht "The cult deliberately aligned its ceremonial days to conflict with those of the Storm Bull. Thus its holy days are during Stasis week of each season: on Freezeday in Sea-season, on Waterday in Fire-season, on Clayday in Earth-season, on Windsday in Dark-season, and Fireday in Storm-season.
    The cult high holy day for the year also is Wildday, Stasis week, Storm-season.
    " Cults of Terror p78

    Krjalk "There are no days particularly holy to Krjalk." Lords of Terror p58

    Pocharngo: "Holy Days are impulsively determined by the priest, who notifies the cultists of the next worship service at their discretion.  This is usually once per season.  Services are held in different locations each time, selected by the priest.  There was once a high holy day for the cult, but it changed and so was lost." Lords of Terror p66

    The reasoning for Krarsht's holy days doesn't really make a lot of sense to me and I think the writer got hung-up on Krarsht being the anti-Storm Bull.  

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  4. 54 minutes ago, Akhôrahil said:

    I'm interested in the Hezel Darong thing and chaos in Karia, which I hear is going to be a huge deal? Apart from secret lore transmitted only to The Elect, do we we know anything about it apart from the textbox in Guide p. 395? 

    The goss I heard many years ago, which may or may not be true, was that Hezel comes from Pamaltela, being part of a big bad plot for somebody else to become the Big God of Chaos.  As such, traditional ralian chaos fighting magics were to be wholly ineffectual against him.  But since he doesn't rate a mention in the Black Dragon Mountain Pictographs, Ethilrist's turgid prose etc, I've a feeling that the plot, if it still exists, was a damp squib.


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  5. 2 hours ago, jajagappa said:

    Who does?!  (except maybe Shannon)

    White elves - unknown type of "tree" that lived near the peak of the Spike.  Might be some in the Sky Realm still. 

    There are four in the Eleven Lights p138

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  6. 1 minute ago, Agentorange said:

    Indeed, a fine supplement. I was never quite sure if Lords of terror was instead of Gods of Dorastor. I'm sure I read somewhere that Gods Of Dorastor was going to be more in depth  - extra material for all the gods concerned, more spirit and hero cults etc.  I guess we'll never know

    Eh?  Lords of Terror is exactly what you said Gods of Dorastor was going to be!

  7. 3 hours ago, John Biles said:

    So is Joy a long-term state?  My understanding was that Joy of the Heart was something experienced through Hrestoli practices but which wasn't a permanent state.  (I also saw it as being more like a kind of state of, well, joy and being indefagitable)


    It's forever when you're dead.  It's brief when you're alive although some Hrestoli might have longer states.

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  8. Considering the Praxians activity for the following years is:

    • 1608 - Aggar Garrison
    • 1609 - Dorastor Raid
    • 1610 - Aggar Raid
    • 1611 - Home Civil.

    It seems to me that the army that raided into Balazar in 1607, then march to Aggar for a raid on Dorastor.  The mysterious Seven Problems from Dorastor took place in 1608, one of which was Wowander's infamous Stag Do.  So my feeling is that someone placed an order for Praxian mercenaries who raided Balazar on their way to Aggar and Dorastor.  But the money ran out and so they plundered Aggar before making their way home.

    With this in mind, I don't think the Tarsh Gap is plausible.  If they are in Tarsh marching to Aggar, then a detour to Balazar for Wild Bunch Hijinks does not make sense.  Likewise Gonn Orta's pass kinda rules itself out for being a bit too far of the beaten track.  That leaves in my mind Wyrm's High Pass, which requires as you note a good reason for the Trolls to allow Praxians to pass through.  The Trolls do have some friendly relations with the Praxians which makes this somewhat possible (Trade at Adari for Mushroom Drinks, Storm Bull and Zorak Zoran being friendly, Trolls hiring Storm Bulls for a raid on the Muchrooms Trollpak p209, the Bestiary indicates Morokanth are found in and around Dagori Inkarth p14 for example).

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  9. Another model for Rokar might be Pelagius, he of the Good Works.  He was shocked at the laxity and decadence of the Early Christians and taught the necessity of Good Works for Salvation.  He was opposed by Augustine of Hippo who won - in the West.  The Eastern Church didn't get execrized about this question because both Pelagius and Augustine wrote in Latin which they couldn't be arsed learning.

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  10. Blood, Blood and more Blood!

    From Fod-Ariam's map in White Bear and Red Moon, I think the defeated White Moonies fled and established Heretic's Country.  

    When Sheng returns, I think he defeated Phargentes the Emperor at the Battle of MolariSor.  He doesn't rule much longer (he defeats Can Shu and Kralorela according to the Crytpic Verses of the Yellow Calender) but doesn't make any effort against Prax before his defeat (I think he was aiming for Dragon Pass).  

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  11. 3 hours ago, icebrand said:

    Baboons are not apes, but monkeys, and would get destroyed on any strength contest against apes (including humans).

    Even the small ones can be nasty.  A while ago somebody broke into a zoo to steal a squirrel monkey as a pet.  The rest of the pack (twelve or so) drove him off with bites and scratches during which he sustained a broken leg.  

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  12. IMO the Rokari (wizards) do not have a desired outcome but are a reactionary creed intent on avoiding highly undeseriable outcomes (such as the Doom of the God Learners).  They may consider many things within the Kingdom to be just bad but accept there's little that can be done about them.  That is why they place such a great stress on acquisition of Rightness and entrance into Solace.  It's the One Big Thing that they can do that Matters.

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  13. 1 hour ago, Nevermet said:

    This may be a dumb question, but did the Middle Sea Empire have Men-of-All?

    Yes, they did.  We even have a name for one of them, Rodard of Neleswal (Guide p352).  They were part of the official structure but they existed, were tolerated and even used from time to time.  Basically they were the Bad Batches, Suicide Squads and Dirty Dozens for the God Learners.  

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  14. 1 hour ago, Erol of Backford said:

     I have looked a bit in the Forum but not able to find much on the Knight Fort besides there are differences of opinion as to where it actually is and how many forts there are, though I may have missed a bit? 

    It appears on the map in RQG p121. on the river leading to the Monkey Ruins.  No mention has been made of it before in the Guide or the HQG books so there is a possibility that it was built between 1621-1625.

    1 hour ago, Erol of Backford said:

    The idea that the PC's in this campaign could also assist with the protection of Marcher Barons sometime during the period from 1611 ~ 1615 when Brian is posted there would be an interesting way to set plot hooks for them to actually venture into Prax and be tied to Brian possibly after then in the campaign? 

    Broyan remains in Whitewall defending the Volsaxi against the Holy Country and was never posted to the Marcher Barony.  The tradetalk material is noncanonical.

    1 hour ago, Erol of Backford said:

    Also does anyone have suggestions as to how I might tie Aeolians to Brian?

    They are distinct peoples who were often if not always opposed to each other - Most of the Aeolians supported Rikard the Tiger-hearted.

    1 hour ago, Erol of Backford said:

    So I am at about 1600 for the starting point in the campaign and if Owain King of Heortland is say 8 years old who is King in Heortland assuming Owain is not yet?

    Owain is never King of Heortland.  Heortland was ruled by Governors until 1592 (the last being Zerhrestol).  Orngerin was appointed Governor in 1603 and may have become King (there is a trend in the Holy Country Sixths for the governors to become Kings at that time) until 1617


    1 hour ago, Erol of Backford said:

    This helps the tension with trade competition especially when the Aeolians are being persecuted by Richard? Is there a good source on this?

    Rikard did not persecute the Aeolians.  They were his supporters.

    1 hour ago, Erol of Backford said:

    When, what year would the Fish Roads have been created?

    Early in Belintar's reign, I imagine.  He slacked off on showy public works after the construction of the City of Wonders.

    1 hour ago, Erol of Backford said:

    How would the temple to Belintar the God-king, the Aeolian church of the Invisible God and any Orlanthian Temples be integrated.

    Belintar's cult is so far unknown (and abandoned now).  I am not aware of any integration among the bits of the Holy Country that we do know well (Esrolia) so think integrated worship is unlikely (but could be wrong).

    1 hour ago, Erol of Backford said:

    St. Orlanth has a shrine in the church?

    There is no Saint Orlanth among the Aeolians.  Their nobles and warriors worship Orlanth much like their brethren in the north.  The head wizard of the Aeolian is a Watcher, not a Bishop (although I assume he would still have a See).


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  15. 7 hours ago, Darius West said:

    Issaries is one of the more heavily "God-Learned" of the cults.  So much so that its name is actually a contraction of "Emissaries", hence the obvious joke:

    Be thankful that the God Learners didn't create a combat version called Janissaries.  

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  16. 47 minutes ago, French Desperate WindChild said:

    However, I remember that I read in this forum that Kangharl was exiled / hostage after the starbrow rebellion (and that sounds good as he was a so victorious ennemy to be ... reeducated). Am I wrong ?  (I know that is not what is described in skoh)

    I think Kangharl simply fled after the collapse of the rebellion.  There's little wisdom in relying on the legal protections of tribal law when one is aware they are on the Lunar List of Painful Shit to Be Done To.

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