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M Helsdon

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Everything posted by M Helsdon

  1. Not at all. For some reason I have written holari instead of horali almost all the way through...
  2. Sigh. Yes, it is wrong.
  3. It's based on the art direction Jeff gave an artist for a piece of artwork for the Guide which resulted in this outline. I have a copy of the reference piece. However, I made the sword smaller, instead of the ancient Indian-style two handed sword in the reference.
  4. Yes, they have hoplite phalanxes, both Dara Happan, and Lunar, and some of the Provincial armies include Yelmalion phalangite phalanxes. The Lunar army is very diverse, much like the Achaemenid (which often also included phalanxes of mercenary hoplites) or the Seulucids. There are numerous different types of troops in the Lunar Army: Lion Men, Bison riding Yelmalions, numerous other types of infantry and cavalry) [And whilst it is non-canonical, you, shameless plug, find The Armies and Enemies of Dragon Pass of interest.]
  5. There are no obvious inconsistencies there. Their history seems to be that before Time 'they' stole secrets from the dwarves, who later destroyed their 'empire' - which was probably fairly small - causing them to become nomadic smiths. Tastolar may be their long-lost homeland. Three-Eyes Piku was, perhaps a particularly powerful TEB sorcerer, sufficiently powerful to become a demigod and bind the dwarves of Kitor. There are many groups of TEB, most nomadic, and it seems likely that some added themselves to the train of Syranthir's army of Ten Thousand, providing their skills to the soldiers. Another group may have lived before Time in the Brass Mountains and aided Daxdarius - I don't have my books with me, so I can't look in the Guide to see if they are still there. If they aren't, then they probably went extinct before Time like many other peoples; the dwarves, bound by their programming would still be bound by it. Dwarves can be subverted by magic that overrides their... um, programming, and a very powerful sorcerer could have Commanded and bound them. Either the same or a different sorcerer, possibly related to Yan-Gar... The dwarves have a history of having their tech stolen - metal, working, crossbows etc. before and during Time. They are quite tetchy about it, which is why they have nilmergs and other constructs designed to hunt down and destroy their stolen tech. Probably a relatively late development.
  6. A wizard will probably perform sorcery for the other castes, but as only talars and zzaburi are literate (with a few exceptions, especially Readers taught to read appropriate extracts for their caste), but it is very unlikely that Workers or Soldiers will cast sorcery themselves. Instead, they may utilize magics derived from spirits and (say it quietly) gods. In Seshnela the holari of the War Societies probably obtain magics from their totem Beast, and Workers from the pagan cults of the land; so long as these don't do anything non-caste specific, the Rokari will probably, mostly, turn a blind eye. The zzaburi will cast spells for their community, using 'power' obtained by the worship of their community of the Invisible God.
  7. Yes. It proved difficult to describe warfare in the West without going into its history. Most of the 'historical' sketches illustrate not only chapters but an assessment of the evolution of the cataphract.
  8. Reworked (and minis of all done so far).
  9. It's a common theme in real and fantasy mythologies. One factor in Glorantha is that each Age is less magical than the one before it, another theme in real mythologies, such as the Greek myth ages of gold, silver, and bronze. In Glorantha, the magic is gradually going away.
  10. A sketch. Most Third Age Waertagi don't have gills or fins, but they do have webbed hands and feet. Additional: added tattoos.
  11. Latest. May need more work on the shading. Deliberated doing some exotic aquatic armor, but decided against it. Additional: think I will add some tattoos.
  12. M Helsdon

    Gods of stone

    There's a fair bit about architecture in... https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/296535/The-Armies-and-Enemies-of-Dragon-Pass?src=hottest_filtered https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/297497/Temples--Towers?src=by_author_of_product Armies and Enemies includes material on mining, both military, and to a lesser degree for materials
  13. Latest. Decided to change his sword from a klanth.
  14. Latest. Additional: I always wanted to show how a sarissa is carried in two parts in Armies & Enemies, but ran out time (and space). This sketch also permitted another SDT variation to be illustrated. I don't know if I will do a sketch for the Fronelan SD, but if I do, the phalangite will be wearing a Western style helmet with a face-mask.
  15. I suspect that it does, but probably split into panels.
  16. Here's one of my sketches of one. There's more detail given in https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/296535/The-Armies-and-Enemies-of-Dragon-Pass?src=hottest_filtered
  17. That's his uncle. But yes, I detected the reference in Jan's illustration and decided to do a homage.
  18. Latest. Hither came Konar the Vesmonstran, black-haired, sullen-eyed, spear in hand, a thief, a reaver, a slayer, with gigantic melancholies and gigantic mirth, to tread the jeweled thrones of Glorantha under his sandalled feet.
  19. Speculation. Reads more as one of the Doom Currents or a tidal wave.
  20. Curiously there is no hand-to-hand combat seen or heard in The Vadeli Smile, just a number of dead sea creatures left on deck when the ship rolls upright. Concur.
  21. Included in Armies and Enemies of Dragon Pass, and illustrated.
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