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M Helsdon

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Everything posted by M Helsdon

  1. Latest. Still haven't got the hand or arm correct... Will attempt to alter it digitally. Forearm too long, hand too small... Hmm, going to have to redraw the arm... Minor changes made...
  2. This evening's rework (not redrawing). Some extra changes needed. In this case, the original sketch of the rider was shaded, first with pen and ink, then digitally, and re-merged with the zebra.
  3. Thank you for your kind comment, but I'd like the material to be as 'good' as I can make it. Today redrew one of the simpler sketches. [A long day and couldn't do anything difficult.]
  4. In this example, there were a number of problems with the original (on the right) - the main ones being that the scale armor faded in places and the central ridges weren't correct for scales of this size. The scales themselves simply weren't convincing. In the past eight or nine months my sketching technique, has, I hope, improved, which means that the sketches in the book vary wildly in quality and style. Am now using a different pen, using a light box which helps me judge shading, and adding flesh tones digitally. Re-drawing a sketch without significant changes takes a day or two - the Manirian crossbowman was redrawn from scratch and took three or four days.
  5. Yesterday and today's rework.
  6. There are doubtless hillforts in Dragon Pass (which in our world aren't just restricted to Gauls and Britons, but found across Europe and into Russia, and have parallels across the world, such as the Maori Pā) but some tribal centers reuse sites occupied long before the repopulation of Dragon Pass. I suspect the cultural descriptions still stand, but have been updated, so if you look at The Coming Storm, there's considerably less Keltic/Dark Ages influence and more ancient.
  7. Then the Sourcebook and the Guide are your best starting points. Be warned that as you dig deeper, you will find that at times Glorantha is intentionally contradictory, because the same myth, or historical event, viewed by two different cultures is rarely identical. This is also apparent in documents written as though from an in-world perspective, and you will find that certain 'facts' are debatable (the Goddess of Truth was a casualty in the Gods War before Time) and absolutes are rarely as solid as they seem. Some treat this as a problem with the setting, but it contributes to its richness.
  8. Today's rework. Since this was uploaded, have added a leather strap to the shield, which she's not using as she's holding two javelins. Note also that her sword is on her left hip and not visible.
  9. Both RQ:G and HQ:G have basic introductions to the world, so you might do best to look (only) at the introductory chapters, and then perhaps the Sourcebook. The Guide is more a reference book than a book to be read from cover to cover, so you might find the early chapters about geography, pantheons, cultures useful, and then the chapter on the region you are likely to play in. (If you chose Dragon Pass you might find The HQ:G book The Coming Storm of use, even if you don't play using that system, or using that clan.) Having digested that, consider the rules you are most likely to use, and delve into them. Avoid deep background at first. Glorantha is a world you can play in with a basic understanding - there's no requirement to dig too deep until you want to. The level of detail available can be daunting, but you don't need to know it all: people were playing RuneQuest when only the rulebook and a few books and scenario packs were available so it is hardly essential, until and unless you want the greater depth.
  10. Now reworked 25 of the sketches. Perhaps eight or nine more that I can perhaps improve on...
  11. Latest. Hands still need some work. This completes the redrawing of sketches for chapter 3.
  12. As others have noted, slavery was one of the many unpleasant aspects of Bronze (and Iron) Age cultures, and it's a fact that taking and selling slaves is part of life (and in places like Slavewall, part of the livelihood) in many cultures. In virtually the center of the RQG map there's also Pimper's Block where Praxians and Orlanthi have traditionally bought and sold slaves, and the Lunars took over and expanded the trade. Praxians also have slaves (either captured in raids from other tribes, or specialists purchased who have skills the tribes lack, such as smithing); many Sartarite clans have slaves, though they are usually called serfs. Rather than slave owning being a "regular" thing for PCs, they may become involved by the need to buy back a relative captured and sold into slavery. Ransoming prisoners is a regular thing (and something that might happen to the PCs if they have to surrender to a foe) but if a ransom isn't paid, then they might well be sold, and then require rescue etc. I can imagine scenarios where the PCs have to trace and rescue a fellow clan, tribe or cult member, either by buying them out of slavery or seizing them back. Similarly, if PCs take prisoners they can't ransom, what are they going to do with them? Maybe their cult includes human sacrifice... Such collisions between modern and ancient mindsets are part of roleplaying... but they require care. Sometimes scenarios come from unlikely sources. For instance The Searchers (1956) could be an outline, with the Texans turned into Sartarites, and the Comanche into Praxians or Grazers...
  13. You are welcome. The fan book is full of 'information' like this, but whilst it attempts to be as canonical as possible, isn't canonical. There's a chapter where every unit (and several more) that appears in the Dragon Pass board game has a table of 'stats' and as much additional information as I can gather, with the exception of the Baron's Friends unit, about which I have been unable to find anything. Some units and regiments have a half page of information, others a bare paragraph. In a few cases have attempted to make 'informed' speculation (but may have made 2+2 = 5...) The tabulated information is intended to be a 'quick reference', with a color denoting pantheon, and the basic details to permit a GM to equip allies or enemies for PCs to encounter. The 1st Bush Children should have been orange, not green... Sadly, not every entry in the Army Lists has an illustration (would need about eighty more, and it has taken me more than six months to draw around sixty).
  14. Latest: reworked Wolf Pirate. His weapon is a shafted sickle, a dorydrepanon, used to cut the lines and slash the sails of enemy vessels. The spearhead allows it to be used to stab at enemy sailors and marines.
  15. Sometimes parts of the World Machine break, and if gears clash in the Sky Dome, pieces may fall off: these may consist of pieces of Sky Metal, or if parts of repairs, death metal may have been used instead. There are rumors, never commented upon by dwarves, that the Juggernaut is actually an entire gear wheel that rolled off the Sky and has continued to roll for all Time.
  16. Think I may have to redo this...
  17. Believe the Royal Mail has long standing agreements with their equivalents in France and Germany, not so old or good in Scandinavia, and there's no overland route to Malta, so often post is sent by air. Due to history, Eastern Europe, very recent and far more expensive. I recently bought a (large, heavy) book from the Czech Republic, delivered by Royal Mail here, and the Czech postage cost was almost twice the price of the book...
  18. Coupon received; order placed. Subtotal£171.79 $62.00 off the order total-£48.42 Shipping£10.89 Tax£0.00
  19. Asked for a combined coupon yesterday, but no reply: received three emails with different codes today - none accepted. Am wondering if it is because I ordered without logging on to my account previously? Have emailed customer support again. Waiting on a reply... And received, and order placed.
  20. Latest rework. Old version included for comparison. Might get another two done by the end of the week - which means that Chapters 1-3 have okay sketches. About a third in chapter 4 have been redone.
  21. The Bush Range - part of the Old Tarsh territory. Bush Children Type Light Infantry Armor None Weapons Bow, broadsword, shield Morale Militia 2 Patron Deity Voriof Notes Tarshite Psiloi. Magic Factor Low 2 Missile Factor 2 Melee Factor 2 The Bush Ranges are rugged hill-land on both sides of the north Dragonspine. The irregular steep hills and overgrown valleys make poor farming and grazing. It is well suited to the bandit clans who live there. The Bush Children are the settlers of the Bush Ranges in the foothills of Kero Fin. They are herders, hunters, and bandits, who excel at scouting and hit-and-run skirmishes. These bandit clans usually have no loyalty to each other or any outsider lord. These units trace their origins to the days after the Battle of Grizzly Peak, when many Tarshites fled the Lunar ravaging of the clans in the hills of the Bush Ranges. Many sought sanctuary in Sartar where they served as mercenaries, fighting the Lunar advance. This group are adept at fighting in craggy terrain, scaling sheer cliffs, and setting ambushes. Latest two images reworked a little.
  22. A number of people have queried the lack of a bibliography in my fan book 'The Armies and Enemies of Dragon Pass'. The core books are listed below. Some are now out-of-print and hard to find... Argrath: Myth, Man, or Monster? Pavison Books Armies and Enemies of the Lunar Empire Third Age Research Group Beasts and Barbarians of Prax Uroxford University Press Enemies of the Empire 1: Carmania Vrok Publishing Enemies of the Empire 2: Pent Vrok Publishing Enemies of the Empire 3: Saird Vrok Publishing Enemies of the Empire 4: Sartar and Tarsh Vrok Publishing God Kings and Despots Glassbridge Press Gods and Goddesses of the Third Age Oslir & Riverson Golden Warriors of the Sun Green Stone Press Imperial Armies of the Early Wanes Green Stone Press Imperial Armies of the Later Wanes Green Stone Press Life in Ancient Maniria Archaeological & Historical Society Masks of the Emperor Black Books Orlanthi Warrior Vrok Publishing Pelandan Hoplites and their influence on Lunar Warfare Archaeological & Historical Society Peloria: Land of Monsters and Flowers New Harshax University Press Raibanth and its Ruins Auk Press Regiments and War Bands New Harshax University Press Saird in Antiquity New Harshax University Press Sartar and the Sartarites Unity Books Settlement Patterns of Dragon Pass Notyet City University Press Tactics of Fazzur Spearhead Publishing The Archaeology of Peloria Archaeological & Historical Society The Art of Warfare in the Third Age Uroxford University Press The Geology of Genertela: Blood and Bones of the Gods Gata Society The Lost World of the Holy Country Far Horizon Books The Orlanthi Kingdom of Tarsh Unity Books The Red Moon: Metaphor and Myth New Age Books Warlord of the South Runeworks Weapons of the Ancient World Otter Books Wheeled Vehicles in Ancient Warfare Archaeological & Historical Society
  23. Latest rework. May do a little more work on the face tomorrow. Will also attempt to fix the BRG baldric. May have to redraw it entirely....
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