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Everything posted by dragonewt

  1. Let's expand on the Space Ranger Shaman (with lasers and spaceships traveling between the planets) by having it take place in a mythic universe with a backdrop of ancient-styled cultures blended with high science, with powerful spirits and gods. How would that be catagorised? It sounds like a game I want to run; RunePunk - Glorantha 2021.
  2. What would be the catagory used to define a story involving a Space Ranger Shaman (with lasers and spaceships traveling between the planets)?
  3. Does Science Fantasy Fiction belong to the Fantasy Genre or the Science Fiction Genre? If there are no differences, do they both belong to the one single category of Fiction? Edit: If tone and theme can shift between Hard and Soft, then the same shift can be observed between Fantasy and Science, and old (Medieval) and new (Space).
  4. Perplexity is the beginning of knowledge. -- Kahlil Gibran
  5. No. Just something I happened to stumble across while trawling the interwebs for interesting miniature paraphernalia. The Pavis rune combination is nice. Although with some talent, we could make our own rune carved ruins.
  6. And some Runestone markers and glyph waystones - resin scenery.
  7. Depending on the tone of the movie, they are hilarious in a horrific way... Or a cool way (This is similar to a game I have been running): But then, there is this:
  8. Was it dead boring? I vote for inclusion of Hopping Vampires (jiāngshī)! Edit: I even have some 28mm miniatures of these!
  9. The following site might also prove to be a useful miniature resource: RuneQuest Fun
  10. By "RuneQuest", do you mean Gloranthan? I have been collecting quite a few Gloranthan oriented miniatures. Here are a few to start with. Lance and Laser and Ral Partha (now Ironwind Metals) produced some of the original ranges. Some more can be found at RuneQuest - Lost Minis Wiki. Ironwind Metals has some good ones, including Rhino and Buffalo with riders, but I am unable to find new releases for most of the Gloranthan ones. For "unofficial" Gloranthan miniatures, here are a few possibilities... A good reference site is Gloranthan Army. Mega minis (both cheap and good) - most US $1.50, with plenty of others to look at on their EBay store: Beastmen RAM with Halberd Beastmen PIG shaman Beastmen RAM sword & axe These 15mm miniatures make excellent Durulz for 28mm scale (if you are that way inclinded): Duck and Cover. For some Aldryami with a difference (or more to the point, not your Tolkienesque elf): Twiglet One and Twiglet Two. And some potential Yelornans. Reaper Miniatures make a good and interesting range: - Reptus are potential priest dragonewts (I prefer the original's for crested and beaked). - Someone from Prax. - Shaman a plenty. The Fantasy range from ShadowForge has a good range of potential Sartarites, Yelmalions and Praxians (although all female). For Uz; if I cannot find the 'original' type, I use Orcs and Goblins made by Inquisition Miniatures. Games Workshop make a good number of "chaos beastmen", once they published RuneQuest, the never looked back. However, cost may be a factor. Otherwise a "RuneQuest" search on EBay every now and then finds some good results. Let me know if you are interested and I will find a list. I suffer from the problem of it being easier to buy more miniatures rather than paint them... Edit: I am on the look-out for 28mm Zebra, preferably with saddle. Stripey horses do not have the right look.
  11. Well, there it is. We have determined (with the input of GianniVacca and others) that the ultimate fantasy game will consist of: BRP + Classic Fantasy + Lords of Terror + The Book of Drastic Resolutions Volume Chaos + Malleus Monstrorum. There will be plenty of Thanatari head hunting spells. And the only healing spell will be Formula to Raise from Essential Salts. So... who wants to play in my game? Edit: I almost forgot; there will be Charnjibbers... with lasers attached to their heads.
  12. The Chalana Arroy (healer cult) section of Cults of Prax (Also included in Cult Compendium) contains a elegant and simple Find Healing Plants skill, herb table and examples.
  13. How about the spell Formula to Raise from Essential Salts, the failure of which which creates Ye Liveliest Awfulness (an inhuman monstrosity, a deformed, immortal beast bent on consuming flesh and blood). "A person or animal can be resurrected from their essential salts. The target’s entire body has to be incinerated by alchemical processes into their essential salts. ... If any part of the corpse is missing the raising will not succeed and a hideous abomination may result." See O.R.E. Nemesis for more details... And that's all I have to say about that...
  14. Foresight and putting reasonable effort toward not making mistakes (being efficient as opposed to taking shortcuts) is even more productive. Learning is always productive, and awareness and acknowledgment of mistakes is the best way to begin to address them. Even so, not making mistakes (or as few as is realistic) generally implies foreknowledge and experience (or luck). Therefore to be experienced and not make mistakes is the most productive.
  15. I have seen this done with other game systems, Eg: Far Future Action Spirit of the Far Future
  16. That explains English football fans. :war: I don't understand. My level 78 Cavalier/Illusionist/Monk and his Prismatic Dragon mount could take on an army of Cthulhus. Plenty Classic! :thumb: What would be excellent to see is a BRP-based fantasy world with Chaos gods and horrors lurking in every dark corner. Oh, wait... RuneQuest Glorantha. Gloranthan Classics Volume III: Cult Compendium: Start with Primal Chaos, Vivamort and Thanatar; and it all rapidly goes down-hill for the players from there.
  17. Have a quest where the objective is for the players to find Cthulhu, kill it, and take all it's stuff. :cool: Or, in Mythos Russia, Cthulhu kills the players and takes all their stuff.
  18. Event Horizon (The 1997 movie); now there is some horror in space [Warning: Mature Content]. The content may not be entirely realistic, however the "lack of fearlessness" would be more realistic. However, I have always considered the CoC (and horror) genre to over emphasize fear and sanity loss. While this is not as unrealistic as being fearless, it seems to be similarly unrealistic in the opposite direction. Edit: For a variation on the horror genre, have a look at the likes of Jags Wonderland and The Book Of Knots. They are written for the JAGS RPG (which is similar to HERO), however they provide some interesting reading and ideas.
  19. If the game system used to run an "Aliens" (the movie/book) game had a sanity mechanism, Ripley would probably never have survived the first story in a fit state.
  20. The O.R.E. (One Roll Engine) based RPG called Nemesis has an interesting Sanity system. Nemesis There is a BRP (CoC) sheet with the Nemesis madness meter: BRP Sheet with Madness Meter
  21. How about something that nobody expects. Maybe with a religious focus. From overseas... maybe Spanish. Inquiring minds want to know.
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