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Everything posted by dragonewt

  1. Ask and yea shall receive (inspiration at least):Bollywood (PG) (Youtube) Okay, it is a repeat. But the planets aligned. And it has jetpacks and lasers.
  2. That reminds me of something... can't quite remember. We need to add something to fight the jetpack dinosaurs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdPXskJBFl4!
  3. I like a general mechanic that accounts for "being inside" an opponent's space. Eg: With dagger vs long spear, the spear would have a bonus, however, after the dagger managed to hit/parry and generally get withing the spear space, then the advantage would go to the dagger (etc...). This could even be accounted for with hand-to-hand martial arts; same effect but within a smaller space. Tactics and general fighting skill would be also be used to change the advantage. Action! System has a good general example for this type of rule. I generally house-rule it with BRP/RQ, ORE (a modifier to the initiative component) and other systems.
  4. I remember the time when playing RQ I realised the true scope of the strength and damage inflicted by giants; "You have been hit. You are squashed beyond recognition". I can see why some who are used to a D&D background (eg: HP tank characters) might have a hard time adjusting their strategies and tactics to a system such as RQ. This is one reason why I like a BRP/RQ type of damage system/scale. There may be added risks for character longevity, but this potentially leads to more creative and "realistic" problem solving (even when using some of the BRP options to soften impact on characters [sIZ+CON]). Just like "Saving Private Ryan".
  5. The "To Hit" modifier table for weapons based on the type of defending armour (from AD&D 1E PHB).
  6. These new turn of events show a lot of positive potential. It will be good to see the (relatively) unencumbered development decisions of Loz and Pete (more games by gamers, less drive from MBA narrow perception "business decisions").
  7. The point is, no matter the belief system, humans are humans; controlled by Serotonin (feel good when doing things that maintain and improve survival, eating, reproduction, control of resources, and influence over others), hard-wired with Cognitive Dissonance, and limited by the Dunning-Kruger effect. These kept the species alive as animals. Until humans as a collective whole can rise above this, there will always be issues. PS: For the purists, Wikipedia is just a starting point to the topics and not authoritative.
  8. I have re-read RetroQuest over ten times, and I still can't find this stuff anywhere in the rules!
  9. Lions and Tigers... Only in Kenya... Forget Norway! (here)
  10. Always reflecting on the PROs and CONs...
  11. I can't find the linothorax rules.
  12. Well, you can start by converting the following to BRP: Star Wars - D6 - Starships Stats R&E Netbook
  13. Twilight, the RPG. Because some players are more interested in the "mechanics" of story-telling and plot development (and relationships, etc...), without the want (or need) for detailed "physics" or probability mechanics. And hence only want a very light "math" to handle this. Have a look at the http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peHU9J4n5C8. This isn't my kind of game, but it demonstrates what others might enjoy.
  14. Is that 4.5AP against piercing damage, but less against crushing damage? How will the ENC and fatigue rules be applied or adjusted?
  15. Has cavitation and hydrostatic shock been considered, regarding higher velocity rounds?
  16. So, which one will provide historically accurate stats for "linothorax"?
  17. Blacksburg Tactical Research Center: Guns! Guns! Guns!
  18. One of my favourite RQ2 quotes:
  19. Did the linen used in the Linothorax project match the same qualities (weave, binding, structure, etc...) of the linen that would have been used in ancient Greece? Did the project demonstrate that this had been considered for the tests and the conclusion?
  20. My understanding is that "linothorax" is a word of modern construction, but based on Greek root words. Hence my use of quotation marks when using the word.
  21. Greek "Linothorax" might have been made of linen (all assumption, educated guess and theory), yet no evidence has been found. Citation required.
  22. Here are some expanded guns for the expanded gun tables:
  23. Items for research when you are ready for the immersion: Was the "linothorax" actually made of layered linen? Is the correct term for the Hoplite shield "hoplon" or "aspis"? Does "hoplon" refer to any arms or equipment fielded by Hoplite infantry?
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