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Everything posted by dragonewt

  1. If you ever want to defeat an Evil Empire , use Ewoks flying A-Wings.
  2. Let me guess, it must be fun to be a player in your game at this very moment.
  3. After pondering the advantages and disadvanges of the HERO system, I grabbed my trusty punch-card collection and dusted off my hex key pad. After struggling with a ZX81, some of these BRP/RQ tools should soon appear in the downloads section. Edit: Maybe not, time to PM a Troll - "You may only upload or link to the following extensions: .pdf .doc .docx .odt .rtf .txt .xls .ods .skp "
  4. Unfortunately, as the saying goes: "perception is everything". dragonewts' corollary: "True perception involves the verification of an observation. Otherwise the result is only an assumption." Edit: The real question is; Is Perception an opposed skill roll? :thumb:
  5. In a post-apocalyptic world, the best test of character is the Spider Goat.
  6. Has anyone seen the work Steve has been doing with SPQR and combat options?
  7. Happy Birthday. Thank you again for the forum.
  8. There is this Glorantha oriented document that may have some ideas for you: TRADE IN GLORANTHA, ©1994 by Gerald Bosch
  9. Pay? Kill them and take their stuff. :thumb:
  10. I did some limited research a while ago regarding medieval economies to compare them with the naive perception presented and encouraged by early RPG's (eg: D&D). It is ironic that E.G.G did more to damage myth, legend and historic fact, resulting in damaging the creativity that was supposedly being encouraged. But I digress. I still need to collate my notes and produce a finalized list that represents something of a coherent (if not slightly adjusted and simplified) view of a working economy. Here are a few examples. Remember, these are very rough examples, as economies and values can change dramatically depending on circumstances and availability. Somewhere between 13th and 14th century: 1 pound (libra, ducat, 2xflorin) = 20 s. (shilling, solidi) = 240 d. (denari,diniar, penny) Some example Wages: - Laborer Men - 2d per day (Pay also supplemented with allowance of grain, rarely paid by the day, but by piece work) - Laborer Men - 2 pound, 11s, 8d per year (based on 293 days of work) - Laborer Women - 1d per day - Laborer Boys - 0.5d per day - Domestics - 13s to 40s a year, including board/lodging + annual livery - Clerks and Scribes - 50s per year - Carpenter- 3.5d per 8 hour day. - Laborer Family (Man, Wife, 2 fit children) including harvest time and piece work, excluding Sundays and 20 holidays - About 4 pounds per year. Some sample costs: Board - 1.5d per day Meat - 0.25d per pound Pepper - 1s per pound Wax of Tunis - 25d per pound Reap wheat - 5d per acre Year's worth of bread for a big family - 1 pound, 3s, 6d Horse - 3s Sheep - 3d Property - 1 pound 15s, to 2 pound 8s per acre Morton College Bell Tower - 142 pounds Quarter of Wheat - 2s 10d in 1287 (lowest), up to 16s in 1316 (highest) Coinage Weights (this is one thing I found very silly in AD&D) # 1gp (AD&D) = 0.1lb of gold, which is 45 grams, which is the equivalent in mass of about three (3) Australian 50c coins (these are BIG coins - 15.8g each). # 1327 - 1 Florin (23 carat gold) 6.9 grams = 6s # 1327 - 1 Noble (23 carat) 7.8 grams = 6s 8d # 1327 - 1 Silver Penny (possibly billion alloy) 1.2 grams = 1d So, on rough approximation, the laborer family earns 92 grams of gold per year (for a rough comparison). What do two AD&D gp's buy in AD&D? Payments in pepper and other spices were sometimes considered as durable as gold. Remember, that these figures are a very rough generalization reconstructed from some scraps of my old notes.
  11. I like that variation. It captures the essence of both Pyraea and Caldaria/Caldaia as well as Gaea.
  12. We all know how popular it is to have Dickens Cider. :shocked:
  13. It's time to perform an international trademark search, and come up with our own odd World name that no one else has ever used. :thumb:
  14. That will be 10 blogs to the Beetle Master thank you. :party:
  15. Are these similar to what has been done in SPQR, by using levels of success for varied effects, the higher the degree of success, the more potent the result (or combination of success for many successes)?
  16. Two Words. Charngibbers and Lasers. :cool:
  17. How about Rodinia? They even have T-Shirts! Yes, yes. It is Wikipedia time.
  18. It should be roll-under for success, just like BRP. :thumb:
  19. Triff, this is possibly a PHP session ID issue, related to using a different site name, or other difference between the login site and the site with the issue.
  20. No you didn't... (With respect to John Cleese and Michael Palin)
  21. Oh no. We are going to have all of those missing arguments again. :shocked:
  22. And who can forget the breadth and depth of political topics covered in Babylon 5? Nightwatch anyone? Even the concept of Glorantha's Nysalor/Gbaji could be considered an analysis of human nature, malignant beguilement with a smile, and politics.
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