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Everything posted by Ottomancer

  1. Thanks for the kind words Marcus. It's always nice to get positive feedback. It makes it all worthwhile and knowing people enjoy Cthulhu Rising keeps me inspired to write for the setting. :thumb: I am always looking to get adventure reports from groups over at the Cthulhu Rising forums, if you're interested..?
  2. I am actually working on a follow-up monograph to Cthulhu Rising. A campaign book called Jovian Nightmares. It's slow going though, as I've hit convention season...
  3. Astrosynthesis is a cool piece of software which allows you to generate star systems. It comes with a data file for all star systems within 20 ly of Sol IIRC, but on the downloads page there are downloads for the following, provided by Terry Kepner (who has written books on extra-solar planets etc): Three data files of real universe star positions in .csv format that can be imported into AstroSynthesis. Files included are: * All stars within 50ly of Sol * All stars within 100ly of Sol * All stars within 1000ly of Sol * A text file describing the source for the data and methodologies used. Astrosynthesis: AstroSynthesis v2.0 Kepner data sets: AstroSynthesis Downloads
  4. Yup - they had it in stock yesterday - looks like they've sold out during the sale maybe. I have it on good authority that Charlie is bringing some to Continuum. An out of print message would be nice, you're right.
  5. You mean the PDF and monograph on the Chaosium website? They're both in synch. The first edition of the monograph ended up out of date, and so when Chaosium did another print run, I took the opportunity to bring it up to date.
  6. In emails exchanges, my head, and a word document on my computer. I'll have somewhere online for people to get involved once it becomes more structured... and yes, input definitely welcomed. I don't think it's something I want to tackle alone. Cthulhu Rising started off like that, and I was glad of the input I got from others later down the line...
  7. I'm working on something. Have already approached Chaosium about it and they seem interested. Very embryonic at the moment. Will post more when it is more coherent.
  8. Love John Woo's HK era. Then again I am a long-time fan of HK Cinema in general. We've always used Feng Shui for running such games. Can BRP learn anything from the way that system handles these genres?
  9. I have been told Charlie should be bringing some copies for me to Continuum. Fingers crossed. Otherwise, the new version is on sale in print format at Chaosium: Cthulhu Rising in print format from Chaosium Inc.
  10. I am actually working on a proposal for a hard sci-fi setting for BRP (with the blessing of Chaosium), but won't have anything concrete to post for a while yet. I'll post more when I have more... :cool:
  11. My PC desktop is unaware I am having an affair with a Mac Powerbook... Not exactly a character generator, but a chap who posts to the Cthulhu Rising forums recently built some rather splendid character sheets for the setting using the Adobe Acrobat Forms functionality. It calculates things like attribute modifiers, hit points, skill modifiers etc based on the stats you enter. The only drawback is that if you only have the Adobe Acrobat Reader rather than the full version of Adobe Acrobat you will not be able to save completed forms - you will just be able to fill them in and print them off. Anyhoo, the enhanced character sheets section is on this page: CTHULHU RISING: Game Downloads Those with strong web-fu (and Adobe Acrobat) should be able to extract the code that does the calculating and build their own forms.
  12. I'm hoping a handful of hard copies will be available at Continuum - watch this space (and my website) for more info. :thumb:
  13. Hi - does this forum have an RSS feed I can subscribe to?
  14. Hi All, Just to let you know that a revised and expanded version of the Cthulhu Rising monograph is now available from Chaosium in PDF format: PDF of the Cthulhu Rising monograph It features new cover art and layout and is over 30 pages longer than last time, bringing the content up to date and in line with what is available on the website. If you prefer a hard copy, I am told the print version should be available at the end of the month.
  15. There is a map of a space-station in the Transhuman Space adventure Orbital Decay. A small research station orbiting Earth if I remember correctly.
  16. I already have ideas for a military campaign on Mars, each installment a play on a classic war film. For example: Ice Cold In Orbit The Guns of Olympus Mons The Battle of the Tharsis Bulge :cool:
  17. I am happy to stick all the docs in a subfolder off my Cthulhu Rising website as soon as it is in a legible format. I'll post a link when it is.
  18. If you wanna chat about this, feel free to PM me via this site. :thumb: ps - It's available on DVD..? :shocked:
  19. I have always said if I ever got to run a Pulp era BRP/CoC adventure, it would use Tales of the Gold Monkey as a setting. Boragora Atoll, 1938... All together now.. Happy Deep Ones, Deep Ones, Happy Deep Ones...
  20. Glad to hear it. You're welcome to my Revelation Space stuff (as is anyone else) when I finally get it done...
  21. I have a copy of edition zero of the BRP rules, and am happy to find that most of the info about sci-fi type games in there will allow me to run a campaign set in the Revelation Space universe of Alastair Reynolds. I plan to run a campaign set pre-diaspora, around the time of Reynolds' early short stories - Great Wall of Mars, A Spy In Europa etc. I have got character generation for factions such as Conjoiners, Demarchists, Coalition for Neural Purity, Gilgamesh-Isis etc done. Just need to get some playtesting done...
  22. Transhuman Space is a superb setting. I am trying to do a BRP conversion at the moment, and use it as a basis for a campaign set in the universe of the Revelation Space novels by Alistair Reynolds. Always felt Transhuman Space would be a good starting point.
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