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Bill the barbarian

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Posts posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. 4 minutes ago, g33k said:

    I don't see any reason to even TRY to sell the "Death Drake" concept to a player who puts MinMax character design in his top-3 RPG priorities.

    Correct, send 'em to Orlanth, or human  Humakt temples or Yelmalio (if they can take the heat)!

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  2. On 7/7/2019 at 10:58 AM, albinoboo said:

    In no way do I claim that these are canon, or even lore lawyers proof but I just use them to add atmosphere. I have never found anything that I felt that fitted with the Lunar pantheon, anyone got any suggestions.   

    Might i recommend  Rimsky-Korsakov's  Scheherazade for the Lunar Pantheon, I Know it might fit better in Pamatela, Fonrit perhaps. But is it different and foreign and strange enough to evoke Satraps, Mad Sultans, young girls dreaming of becoming Red Moons and crimson bats.



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  3. 36 minutes ago, Joerg said:

    Sacre du Printemps)

    It has to be a chaotic area for the dissonance of the pastoral refrains to be offset against the incredibly heavy handed piano ( I have described it as the first industrial music many decades pre Reznor and NiN). Dorastor perhaps, Snake Pipe Hollow. No, the sheer strange beauty of some of the passages would be best set in the Mad Unicorn's realm.


  4. 6 minutes ago, Joerg said:

    Yes, quite a few of these use folksy music. What works well too is Irish folk, also in the modernized forms by Clannad or their little sister Enya, especially her soundtrack for the BBC documentary "The Celts".



  5. 1 hour ago, klecser said:

    Bill, I don't have a problem with it personally. But I know a LOT of min-maxers. Like, a ton. I don't AGREE with it. But I've dealt with it enough that I now PREP for it for any game. An ounce of prevention...you know how the saying goes. 


    Good call, prep is a large fraction of a job! 

    The rest of your message answers any questions I might have there

    1 hour ago, klecser said:

    These questions are the questions people WILL ask. Somebody is going to say to me: "Why should I play a Duck when a Duck has X disadvantages?" That mentality is SAD, but it is real. If you play with people who don't ask these questions, you are fortunate. But I sometimes do play with those types of players, and asking these questions in advance helps to avoid a lot of the issues. This is why my friends and I 1) built our own Con and 2) stopped going to Cons. It was wall-to-wall people criticizing us at tables for building sub-optimal characters. And its part of what drove me to CoC and RQG. So, trust me, this has a happy ending.


    Well I hoped I was able to help then


    1 hour ago, klecser said:

    Does this make me needlessly hypersensitive to something that should be a non-issue? Absolutely.

    No it does not, well maybe.... But I understand. Thanks for the explanation, and with all that said I hope my answers will assist. Now you see why it took me about a month to answer, Touchy subject, no?

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, klecser said:

    Thanks David. What I'm thinking of though: is it WISE to play a front line fighter, as a Duck? You can. I understand that. What I fear is that one of my players makes an uninformed choice and walks up and gets smacked when I can do pre work to help them recognize a pitfall.

    If playing to advantage, rather than disadvantage one might consider what advantage a non human race has over a human character. The biggest advantage , I would think, would be to plot as a device, that is a  mirror to reveal humanity to itself

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  7. 5 minutes ago, Joerg said:

    I expect quite a lot of Gloranthan music to be mostly pentatonic (e.g. only the black keys on a piano - you can play them in any sequence you want, and it will always sound fairly palatable).


    Interesting you said this, I have found rock and folk rock of the seventies when not using world music to come closest to having the right feel. Needless to say most rock music is in the pentatonic scales.That is 1, 4, 5 notes or Tonic, Dominant, followed by Sub Dominant with a resolution of returning to Tonic. Joerg, bear in mind I am self trained in music and this might be lacking in jargon (or even logic but this is how  see pentatonics).

    In conclusion I like playing Sabbath, Barde,  Harmonium (a pair of great Quebecois bands), Michael Oldfield and Tangerine Dream. ELP (the first album.. In the Beginning and Knives Edge work very well). Mizourski's pictures at an Exhibition, the original or  ELP's fine cover. A lot of the Beatles, Pink Floyd are my gods for temple music. Any of the first five albums should have something for any temple.

    Now going to classical I like Rimsky-Korsakov, especially Scheherazade. Igor Stravinsky's Fire Bird Suite, and a of of Tchaikovsky. 

    I could go on for ever but I will stop there.


    • Like 1
  8. Just now, g33k said:

    I thought you checked for highest DEX before simultaneous resolution.  Within a given SR, higher DEX goes before lower DEX.


    Without checking I would call that suspect for the very same reason I would have to check/

    Is this rules bleed from former games (BRP or otherwise) remembered or is it current RAW? I catch myself on this on a regular basis. And I know that rule has existed before RQ G.

  9. 28 minutes ago, Joerg said:

    Trolls as party members are easy. They have a number of disgusting habits, but that's not different from certain human stereotypes like alcoholic Storm Bull berserks or tricksters. It helps to have one or two humans with similar predilections in the party. Trollkin may be a lot easier - they make excellent ablative meat and tragicomical relief, and can be on par with ducks. Great Trolls are first and foremost meat shields. But both great trolls and trollkin can be real characters - a trollkin could easily fill the role of Sam Gamgee to another party leader and provide servitor wisdom, and a great troll could act as a moral compass and even as social glue. Dark Trolls are power houses, especially female ones (XU healers somewhat less).


    Trolls are easy, just look on the 'net!

  10. 5 hours ago, klecser said:

    Many of my players want to play Elder Races. I recognize that many Elder Races are estranged from Human Civilization, so I'm trying to figure out how to construct a situation that would allow a Green Elf and a Duck (or any Elder Race) to participate in a game


    4 hours ago, klecser said:

    Followup: When you make a Duck adventurer, what do you do? Duck priest/magic combatant? How do you make a Duck "shine" in RQG? 

    I would worry about personality long before, all the way during and long after the character creation. That would be to make him or her shine! To just be a good character... that's a different matter.

    I have been trying to figure out how to say this since your character creation videos. I have a niggling bother and I do not want to dampen enthusiasm but I find a little bit to much worry about min/maxing in your thinking.

    If you use common sense, It is very hard to nerf a character in RQ G. Not very hard, just hard. Make it a difficult ride, yes, simply choose a character with disadvantages. A duck perhaps. Howard the Duck was a mistake walking, a wise-quacking Neanderthal cigar sucking, fedora wearing throwback to the forties in the groovy let to all hang out seventies. A short but kinda cute duck having sex with a bombshell, in comics. When he insults everyone, is nasty when everything is against him (in his mind that is always), how does he come through it all smelling good, A great personality to overcome all his many disadvantages. Mello Yello, MOB's own character who was a baboon who so desperately wanted to join Yelmalio he painted himself yellow and would hang out with the files and parody them when they would train. Nerfed, could be, great. Yes! 

    To make an console gaming analogy If you  choose a humakti, yelmalio, chaos assassin, or elder race you have decided to choose the Difficult Setting  in your players options for DOOM 3, good luck. The defaults are of course easier. Pregens going through the adventures book easiest of all. But that is not what you are looking for. Had I warned you away from the easy path earlier when you were worrying about character generation it would be easier to say that the stats have relevancy, yes, eventually you will want 18s and 90%s but having difficulties to overcome should not dissuade you from doing it a certain way. From doing it your way.

    If logic tells you that it will be more difficult one way the mechanics will usually bear this out. Not alway, sometimes the rules suck and let you down. Kinda like life. It sucks but lacks a referee to kiss it and make it all better <grin>. Sometimes it will take the campaign to finish before you have a better handle on the rules . This is okay. Not every character must be The best you can be in the army.... oops wrong public service announcement.

    4 hours ago, klecser said:

    There is nothing stopping me from telling a player that they can make a Duck that wears armor of the point values common to humans, correct?

    No, but what is common to humans? I think 2 point or three would usually be common to humans as well


    2 hours ago, klecser said:

    Thanks David. What I'm thinking of though: is it WISE to play a front line fighter, as a Duck? You can. I understand that. What I fear is that one of my players makes an uninformed choice and walks up and gets smacked when I can do pre work to help them recognize a pitfall.

    As a scout skirmisher or guide , especially in bogs, yes... Frontline otherwise, only if stats say so. or the ducks personality (as Clinton would say, define, wise)...

    In answer to your question from a min/max angle... look for professions where a small size is an advantage or not a disadvantage. Thief comes to mind of course, scribe, sorcerer, detective sort, assassin. 

    ETA interestingly this works by duck's personality stereotype as well as size.


    • Like 1
  11. 20 minutes ago, albinoboo said:


    I have worked with these gents before, They were billed as The Tuvan Throat Singers of  Mongolia a few times (I was stage tech once in a church, magnificent!) and they are friggin' great! Worth noting that they have a tune that represents the sounds of the mongols riding down upon you and it feels... Real! Truly terrifying and I think this is it, buffering is taking forever so... I will post now... and perhaps edit later

    ETA no, not this one but at 1:51 turn it up and imagine for the next couple of seconds having the horde riding down upon you.

  12. 6 hours ago, Byll said:

    Can unicorn riders counter-missile harpy dung with unicorn dung arrows? (Or perhaps sling'shots'?) :)

    Many things went through my mind as I entered BRP Central this fine Sunday morning. Why, said I,  I think I shall have a larf at Egregious Munchkinerry, or see the flame wars in the Geases section, nah, I know, I will go over to Dragon Pass Pastimes and see if that hairy barbarian has finally got off his fat hairy arse and finally posted something good! Ah, here's a new topic...

    But had you asked, "Hey Mr. Barbarian, what is the chance you will read the sentence..."

    Can unicorn riders counter-missile harpy dung with unicorn dung arrows? (Or perhaps sling'shots'?

    Why I might have said, "Uh, uh, not much of a chance, Mr. Question-Asker, Oh, and by-the-by, why do you ask?"


    • Haha 1
  13. 22 hours ago, EricW said:

    Are there religions in Glorantha which are fake? False priests who lead worshippers on with promises of power but the worshippers (and priests!) never receive any magical return for their devotions?

    Anyone recall the magazine module of a satyr <possible spoiler>



    claiming to be a prophet. I don't think that this is a spoiler by itself but you might want to hide responses in between spoiler tags if it gives anything away to the unsuspecting possible player

  14. 7 minutes ago, clarence said:

    The ultra-greedy Ferengi have no direct counterpart in Elevation. But interstellar trade is controlled by a fiercely competitive species. And the worst sides of human greed - often mentioned as the inspiration for the Ferengi - is alive and kicking. 


    Greed, for lack of a better word. is good

    Gordon Gekko lives. But, on that note, off to DriveThruRPG.


    • Like 1
  15. 12 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

    I'm not sure about "generally lower damage" though, big weapons with low SR usually have good damage.

    Said that a few posts ago... not word for word, but...


    On 6/30/2019 at 3:36 PM, Bill the barbarian said:

    4) starts off right but you take a blind alley half way through Low SRs usually (but not necessarily) do more damage.

    Pedantically yours



  16. 11 minutes ago, Bill the barbarian said:

     I do not need to know the CHA or POW or HPs of the spirits that wake the stead with joy (how much joy, what is the measure... huh?). Nope, not in my Glorantha. Whatever you bring to the table do not forget the wonder.


    I suppose if I were a Stormbull waking to such madness I might need the HPs and Spirit Combat stats of the weaselly little gits (wake me up after a night in Geo's, will ya?) (see pic at left)


  17. Soapbox time 

    (flee, disengage, run away!)

    On 6/30/2019 at 6:45 PM, Nevun said:

    As players they know very little about the game world and i don't necessarily want to overwhelm them. That said there's some stuff they should know. I was wondering if there are any good outlines along the lines of "What the shaman told you..." Maybe it's right there in the books already and I missed it. Any suggestions?

    There needs to be a replacement to the old Thunder Rebels for HW, Though non-canonical it was/is one of the few tomes available that tell the tale of wonder that should be given to new, and old, players alike.


    On 7/2/2019 at 11:49 AM, Bill the barbarian said:

    Oh what was a poor GM to do? I decided to not fret and to take advantage of the situation. My game does not have to match canon, my game could become canon (granted, my own canon, but...)

    I have always thought it a bad idea to argue with an individual with their own canon:).


    On 7/2/2019 at 2:44 PM, Nevun said:

    For instance, if I described water flowing up and over a hill to continue downstream, my players would assume something out of the ordinary was happening and spend ages investigating. Their characters would probably have shrugged and said "I has always been this way". I'd like to know more of these instances myself.

    in a different thread I brought up the idea of wonder as a narrators tool as opposed to mechanics.

    Sometimes you just need to tell a story and not need stats for the story,. In that now non-canonical tome of years past the idea that the old women upon awaking a stead would start by praying to the goddesses take down bags filled with little happy carefree winds.They would sing and dance about the steads releasing the pet winds (okay I am making up the singing and dancing but if you don't like it say hello to my little friend (pats canon)) and the freed winds and breezes and dust devils would also dance and cavort about the stead chasing off bad airs and miasmas. Sending smoke up and out of the hearth and bringing freshness to the waking stead

     I do not need to know the CHA or POW or HPs of the spirits that wake the stead with joy (how much joy, what is the measure... huh?). Nope, not in my Glorantha. Whatever you bring to the table do not forget the wonder.



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