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Bill the barbarian

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Posts posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. 8 minutes ago, Shiningbrow said:

    Depends how powerful the spirit is... A measly little 20 pointer doesn't really have a lot of leverage. Plenty of other fish (spirits) in the Sea .

    Ya know Shiningbrow, you can not look at life as who has the bigger (fill in the blank). Sometimes it is about the wonder and has nothing to do with the size or even usefulness.

    not the beginning of a flame war, please.

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  2. 13 minutes ago, Gallowglass said:

    I like that there is a system in place for shamans having a more "egalitarian" relationship with spirits. I think having them hang around the shaman makes sense, and is probably what the rules are trying to imply. I worry that what a pact spirit does for the shaman is a bit limited however. What I'll probably do, once my player's character becomes a full shaman that is, is say that they can still ask their pact spirits to cast spells or do other tasks, but they reserve the right to say no, or demand additional sacrifices or favors. 

    Yes, the shaman begins to not only  be very playable in RQ G (skills, spells and abilities) but show some real depth, a raison d'être.  That is vey cool @David Scott and Gallowglass. Thanks for bringing that forward.


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  3. 24 minutes ago, creativehum said:

    and I might be misunderstanding what you are saying. 

    Alas, Creativehum, I think you are. you may be missing the word may not will.

    24 minutes ago, creativehum said:
    On 6/30/2019 at 11:09 AM, klecser said:

    4) The benefit of low strike rank weapons is that they may allow you to attack more than once in a round even though they have generally lower damage.


    My emphasis...


  4. 8 minutes ago, Cgeist7 said:

    Good idea! I have no idea how to create a poll on here though.


    Go to create, start to create a new forum choose a destination , and when it asks for a title  and content of the first post you can choose content or poll from the tabbed choice just under the words Create New Topic. at the top.

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    3 hours ago, Cgeist7 said:

    Question: do folks prefer the tabbed skill content or would you prefer something more like the official character sheet? I'm also thinking about printing...

    When character sheets resemble the original but with improvements you get the advantage of the familiar (ease of look ups) and the advantage of the new (corrections, edits, improvements) all at once, no?

    Have you thought of asking this as a Poll question?

    • Like 2
  6. On 7/5/2019 at 8:03 AM, jajagappa said:

    Since the crystal represents dried, solidified god's blood, I don't see that such a form can exist in the Spirit World (the Godtime, yes). Could there be some equivalent? Perhaps, but would be something like a memory or dream, not physical.

    I was thinking similar, the gods were hurt in the spirit world so there should be blood from the wounds but why would it appear as we see blood...

    What does mytha-physical blood look like?

  7. 2 hours ago, Kloster said:

    If my english is not too bad, that does

    You are playing and debating a very complicated game system and holding your own so, Mon ami. je va essayez votrez langage pour dire tu parle anglez tres bien.

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  8. 7 minutes ago, Gallowglass said:

    Any insight into this would be helpful, sorry if it's been brought up on the forums already. 


    Great question! I have never seen this on the boards, and am eager to see what answers this query brings. 

    good one!

    • Like 1
  9. 7 minutes ago, Sir_Godspeed said:

    Don't worry, @Bill the barbarian, I think everyone ends up being corrected/informed/supplemented here, it's basically inevitable with the sheer amount of published material that's out there - including obscure still like old mailing lists, convention-only pamphlets, zines and personal discussions that only a few've been privy to.

    you know, I feel that way most times, hell usually it's the corrections that along with the great flights of fancy give the most benefit. Just every now and again you just feel...blah... That's why I said joke/observation. Only half serious.

    And now back to the topic at hand...


  10. 16 minutes ago, jajagappa said:

    That's actually the specific piece noted as not being part of Esrolian culture. 


    Ah alas, but of course as you say one's Esrolia might vary.

    16 minutes ago, jajagappa said:

    🙂 I try not to dampen these trains of thought too much... It's always more interesting to see or ask about the possibilities than not. But there are some aspects of the cultures that have been addressed in more detail that have been noted as not present - for Esrolia I can think of bull-riding and the idea of sacrificial year-kings.

    You never do! Your writings usually give wings to those trains of thoughts, so that they might leap from the confining rails to new heights.

    No, that was a small joke/observation that sometimes I feel myself spending more time in an email double checking for errors so that no one will pounce on me for a goof I did not catch, invalidating everything else I might say that it sucks some of the joy out of it all. 


  11. 25 minutes ago, jajagappa said:

    Though I believe Jeff has noted elsewhere that this is definitely not part of Esrolian culture. While there are aspects of Esrolia that have similarities to Minoan real-life, it's not Minoa lifted to Glorantha.

    Sorry  I had no intention of implying the minoan culture as a whole,  I was only referring to the image of a woman "vaulting the bull, which is partially why I'd like to see it as an Ernaldan ritual." that Sir_Godspeed noted. 

    Note. I was referring in my earlier post to pre-minoan, possibly pre-babylonian and should have said that again, oops.

    Man you got's to be so careful around here with all grognards just what ya say


  12. 1 minute ago, Sir_Godspeed said:

    If we stick with the Minoan representations, I believe they are believed to show women vaulting the bull, which is partially why I'd like to see it as an Ernaldan ritual.

    I can definitely see this occurring in Esrolia!

  13. 9 minutes ago, g33k said:

    The earliest I knew was the Cretan/Minoan stuff.  That most-obviously goes to Esrolia, and pairs rather naturally with their whole "master the fierce warrior to your service, without ever fighting him" ideas.


    Though I have not evidence, I do wonder...  the Gilgamesh, Enkidu battle is a strong dichotomy of urban versus rural and Man versus Beast, if the founder of Babylon can battle wild beast and tame it and bring it into man's realm might not man demonstrate and celebrate this myth with a battle twixt man and a tamed/wild bull? Could the battle between man and bull be even older?

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