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Bill the barbarian

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Posts posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. 4 minutes ago, g33k said:

    And by "these days" I mean is there a RQG-canonical answer for play as the Hero Wars begin?


    ...and do they live in Torkani* lands? Enquiring minds want to know!

    * the tribe is also called the "Troll Friends".

  2. 21 minutes ago, HreshtIronBorne said:

    Does anyone have more information on the Temple of the Wooden Sword? My Google-Fu is apparently lacking severely when it comes to finding anything other than, it is a thing.


    Do not know a ton about it, read an article on them back in the 90s in a zine with MOB and Rick Meintz writing and running it called Tales of the Reaching Moon, I wonder if it was the only 2 (3?) continent zine in existence (Oz and N.A. I think).

    So Londra of Londros, Alebard, Asborn Thriceborn, Naimless, Bagtrap, Errol Silksword were some of the members. They accompanied Leika Orlkensorsdotter into Snake Pipe Hollow. The Temple was a Humakti wooden sword making it a mobile temple.(an idea Greag Stafford said he regretted). They were affiliated with my fave trollball team. the Sazdorf Whackers and Tacklers. 

    That is all I have in my notes. I know a few of the names mentioned as you might, the only tale I can think of outside of this is a Humakti by the name of Naimless fought a gent in Tourney Alter called Allain in CoP. and an intriguing note that says..."appears and disappears though time, space and legend [Wyrm’s Footprint p. 12]" I believe there was troll warrior and a gorilla warrior with one or both havng colourful names.

    Yeah, that's all my notes...


    • Like 2
  3. 5 minutes ago, g33k said:

    I guess it's possible, but then I'd wonder why an Uz female would breed with... that...


    oh if only the gods would let me have one more Haha button, for the day. that.. that.... I am glad I was not drinking a coke when I read that. My computer might have suffered a crit to the head!

  4. Just now, jajagappa said:

    It is with glad tidings that we hear that you have survived enslavement by the Lunars of Stonegate, and hopefully have overthrown them in the Wake of the Dragon. We eagerly march east towards your lost lands and look forward to a long-awaited reunion!



  5. 1 hour ago, jajagappa said:

    This is my most recent in-game map. Probably a bit too accurate in location placement, but still rough enough for characters who've traveled this landscape to consider "familiar".


    My good man, a fine map indeed, however might I point out the oversight of the lack of Torkani lands. It would seem that our friends the uz, neighbours and Jonstown Confedercy allies; the Cinsina and our foe; the Telmori have swallowed all our lands. Though having  taken heavy losses since the accursed horse worshipping Dinacoli turned traitor which we all know led to the temporary occupation of our great nation from the days of my father's youth until the Dragonrise this last year,  I assure you that our clans and tribe mostly survive.

    Yours in Sartar
    The Torkani

    • Thanks 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, Sir_Godspeed said:

    Glorantha could have lots of various conventions like that as well. Over-empasizing certain natural/manmade features for symbolic reasons, using symbolic/allegorical symbols in lieu of literal representation due to some kind of taboo beliefs, and so on. Whatever people here come up with that sounds interesting.

    As long as maps have elvish script (was it called moon letters?), a la The Hobbit. I am sure I fell in love with maps before reading that tome, but i can't recall.

    Pre-Hobbit, post- Hobbit, two different world views, literally


    • Like 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, Mugen said:

    But still, my feeling is that for characters that use shields as their main defensive tool, it's the shield's parry chance that should benefit from experience or training, not the main weapon.

    I have been thinking of both gaining, what do you think? That is treat (Any) Sword and Shield like (Any) Sword attack and parry. One's (Any) Sword attack is the same as one's Shield parry.


  8. 15 minutes ago, antro said:

    I've looked at it and the adventure is nice but the rules don't accomplish what I want: Gradually layering on the mechanics of the system. If you are an experience GM of the system I'm sure that it's no problem to let the players choose pre-gen characters, give them a brief introduction and then help them out along the way. But for me that is new to RQ and Glorantha, the quickstart has a bit too much going on at the same time.

    Well judged. 

    I don't care what the others say. I found it a slog, and I have run games for years, many campaigns across a vast swath of the Pass and beyond with the same core Orlanthi group. I compared it to wrestling a 747 off the ground, a slog and it looks impossible but once in flight it soars. It was a beast to run for those eager new faces at Free RPG days in '17 but I did like it, and so did they (I hope I had a little to do with that). 


  9. 47 minutes ago, metcalph said:

    And have you compared the Slarges to the original Pelm-re?  Revelaed Mythologies p45 describes them as  having "large eyes, a gaping
    mouth, a long tail, and small, nearly useless arms" which is closer to a Tyrannosaur than a Slarge.  So if the Pelm-re are related to Slarges, the Lascerdans can be to.

    Sir metcalph, I am glad he did. Otherwise I could not read your reply. I have already benefited as have we all. I love reading you both.


    • Like 1
  10. 43 minutes ago, Ali the Helering said:

    Similarly, many paths of shamanism &c can let someone see from the eyes of a hawk, overhead.


    That could be interesting, for a truly Gloranthan cartographic  experience: a map of the spirit world overlain with our lozenge...

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Sir_Godspeed said:

    EDIT: Anyway, before this delves into another debate/ocasion for pontificating about the minutiae of Prax and Pavis, I will get back to the main point: climate and geography in Glorantha is squished, yes, but there are also pretty clear reasons mythologically for why it's like this, and the setting texts do make a conscious effort to reduce the naturalistic thinking in readers' minds, and increase the mythologically narrative thinking. The Wastelands are parched not because of physics, but because Genert died there. Apply as fits to other areas. May include ludicrous examples like impossibly steep mountains (Kero Fin) or rivers that float upwards (Whatsitsface), or bioregions that really should not exist (I'm looking at you, Winterwood, and your weird glacier-bordering, birch-absent pine forests).

    While I was in comic mode above, in my last quoting of you, I forgot to mention the reason for the :) like button I tapped. The above is quite brilliant and a point a lot of people of recent have missed, how ridiculously (i'm looking at you Druluz!) magical the place is.

    Thank you for that!

  12. 31 minutes ago, Joerg said:

    The best RQ-ish source for the Sword Sages is the story "The Smell of a Rat" in the RQ2 Companion. Other than that, there is quite a bit on Hevduran in HeroQuest.

    Loved it, it is available for Chaosium!

    31 minutes ago, Joerg said:

    Rather than putting all of his learning efforts into combat, the Sword Sage travels in the pursuit of knowledge. He is the field working Sage, the one to traipse into ruins and copy ancient inscriptions or art that cannot be carried back to the library.  While not a front rank academic, he will need to be able to provide context to his finds.


    Considering the time period—the late 70s early 80s—I would imagine there to be  more than a tipping of the fedora to a famous Spielberg & Lucas Sword Sage.

  13. 32 minutes ago, Joerg said:

    Recently, we had a thread that read something like "bummer, we have this character who joined Humakt to avenge a wrong, and now she did it and is still alive, and seeks a new purpose for this life." The player apparently was willing to go down with the nemesis.


    T'was one of the truly golden threads, the best I have read in many a season or two. Made me proud to play RQ!

  14. 4 minutes ago, g33k said:

    Issaries merchants can easily get Fly from Orlanthi allies, and will like to use it to map places.  They will regularly be producers of highly-functional maps, and distributors of the same (e.g. copies of new maps made on the journey).


    Missed that tree for the forest, eh? I really should wake up, some days. (sigh)
    The Lunars will be doing surveys with moons boats. The Westerns will have flying sorcerers, Perhaps in the East they can trade with dragons for magical maps.

    Thanks for pointing out the obvious.


    • Like 2
  15. 7 minutes ago, lordabdul said:

    I'm wondering though -- checking back on a lot of Gloranthan material, I don't find many references to paper (papyrus/parchment/whatever) documents -- a lot of references are to sculptures and bas-reliefs and things carved or painted on vases and such. I suppose a lot of it is because it gives a definitive historical feel (especially for material that's "in character" and looks back at long gone eras of Glorantha), but I'm now wondering how common would be paper documents and maps compared to tablets?

    In glorantha some type of soft material that takes markings and rolls into a scroll are common enough for any given significant city to have a more than one wing library.

    • Thanks 2
  16. Sounds like you got a handle on things. These have been my interpretation for decades. Now, I am not saying we are correct, but I do agree with you. Throw in a hint of Eau d' Gygax & Arneson for that 80's "wash and wear fresh from the dungeon armour look" and you have the Rubble and my complete Prax view.

    Now awaiting paradigm shift as My Prax Begins to Vary (MPBtV™)...

    39 minutes ago, Sir_Godspeed said:

    EDIT: Anyway, before this delves into another debate/ocasion for pontificating about the minutiae of Prax and Pavis,

    Oh sure, now I read this after all that pontificating...

    • Haha 1
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