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Bill the barbarian

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Posts posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. 11 minutes ago, Joerg said:

    Nobody has ever witnessed a fight between a sperm whale and a giant squid, and indeed one sperm whale was found that had missed its lower jaw for a long time but that had a belly full of squid remains. Apparently the hunting method consists of diving down, yawning widely while luminescent bacteria will clean their mouths of their last meal, with the squits swimming in seeking a cave to shelter in. I guess the Sperm Whale's swallow is matched vs. the strength of the squid's tentacles, which would account for the scars on their flanks.

    Many a lethal large beast combat (like male lion vs. hippo, or lion vs. cape buffalo with lion winning) will continue because the opponent is in berserk mode and will not fail the CON rolls that easily.


    I don''t know why Joerg, but 2 behemoths fighting has made me think of opposed contests and HQ.

     That fights between Kong and a dinosaur or a giant squid and a sperm whale may be beyond the scope of RQ rules (infidel, unbeliever, how dare you malign the noble RQ :) could HQ handle them better? We are getting built-in HQ rules soon, so... I have no problems imagining such fights to enter into heroic realms beyond the scope of mundane rune questing rules.  Maybe HQ is the answer for those who must battle monster vs monster ( I want to be the HULK™!).

  2. 18 minutes ago, DerKrieger said:

    They did remove the ability to choose the number of craftsmen BUT there are a few extra scenes and new art plus it is optimized to work with modern OS's without an issue including a slightly updated interface (mostly scaling, could be better). There are also community patches to try and improve running the original game on modern machines but those tend to be Windows focused so I dont know your luck there. I'd keep the disk because it's awesome but for the price I'd say pick the game up again as you'll certainly get your money's worth,

    Now, that does make a difference, warrior (if I have guessed the correct translation of your name). When I think of the tens of  tousands of dollars sitting in a shelf of programs that won't run or I would need to buy an expensive collectors Item computer to run...

  3. 18 hours ago, Leingod said:

    No clue, though I like how it seems to have lightning bolts for pupils and its mouth and those things on the side of its "face" seem to have swirling designs that call to mind either whirlpools or winds.

    18 hours ago, Oracle said:

    Yes, that made me think of Prince of Sartar and the way what I thought was fluff (wrong word, but) was actually the important part of the picture.

  4. 47 minutes ago, klecser said:

    If you are a new player I think it is a great resource for scenario building and questing ideas.

    agreed, Have not played on 10 years now and I truly miss playing it and wished it would run on modern macs, alas.

    • Like 3
  5. 11 minutes ago, Nevun said:

    I'm in a slightly different boat in that I know a LOT about Glorantha and what has and what is happening. But so much so that I lose perspective on what locals might - and more importantly, might NOT know. Drowning players in the details of Malkioni society or the mysteries of Nysalor are just not really appropriate.

     I'm thinking about world shattering events that may be obvious to all the characters but that we forget about. The Re-opening of the seas. Dragonrise. The rise of Harrak and the Wolf pirates.

    I have noticed that a few threads are beginning to explore this, not necessarily the big things and, if not directly at least tangentially, The curvature thread comes to mind, the one with the incredible Vingan warrior, the cuisine thread, my thread of Dragon Pass pastimes. It is beginning to happen. 

  6. 21 minutes ago, HreshtIronBorne said:

    This is my favorite example to use to explain to prospective players how the different cultures see themselves and their place in the world. I think some things are technically no longer canonical but, I am not nearly Grognard enough to tell you what's what on that front.

    Nice, HreshtIronBorne. Sounds like a win!

    10 minutes ago, Nevun said:

    While I have Heroquest voices at home (I think I have almost about every RQ/Glor product available) I haven't referred to it in a while.


    I have been putting together a pack  for my players and have thought a few times of how to intricate HQ voices and have yet to do so The elder speaking to a child is a bit clunky to cut it into relevant passages. Of course one could always make the relevant voice a preamble to the players package as it was meant to be used originally. Your idea seems to be a good one: to personalize them.

  7. 8 hours ago, Leingod said:

    Just the one from the event itself, but yeah, it seems to run the gamut from pretty basic designs to stuff like what you see in the foreground here.


    I just knew I had to see that. Gorgeous! Any idea about the purple kite and does it have meaning or representation other than to be scary?


  8. 15 minutes ago, g33k said:

    By the same token, only having played Class/Level based games can cause some players to be a bit nonplussed or confused during character-creation.  The GM should be ready with additional explanations/support (if needed).


    Too many options are not good for the newcomer.

    When I demoed the Broken Tower for a group of newbies and strangers  at Free Games Day a couple of years back it went mostly well till the final battles. With everything happening at once and the tension mounting one of the characters was the classic nonplussed at the number of rune spells he had to make a choice from. Back when the rules threw every single spell a cult had into the possibilities.  Didn't know with to do or think for a moment before his girlfriend leaned over and helped him out.

    But for that moment...

    • Like 2
  9. 4 hours ago, klecser said:

    I wanted to post about what some of my key takeaways of the game have been so far. I think I'm understanding it a lot better, especially since I've run it now, but I just wanted experienced eyes to see what I'm thinking:


    Well, you can play s duck (or even a baboon), that about covers it, we can close this conversion down and now go for broos, I mean brews.

    On the off chance there is more to say...

    4) starts off right but you take a blind alley half way through Low SRs usually (but not necessarily) do more damage.

    8) note that boasting in a poetic and grandiose way is a little more potent than posturing and threat and is is considered totally socially acceptable (by the orlanthi at least, others... not so much) while posturing and threat would be a first step down the rung toward (but not all the way to or even close for that matter) unacceptability.

    11) yes you forgot to say that  it was incredibly FUN!

    • Like 2
  10. 4 minutes ago, klecser said:

    I think that, if you want to remain a positive contributor to this board, you need to take a second to center yourself and not take differing opinions personally.

    Don't bother. He came for a  fight. We are two of the mellowest people here and who is he going toe to toe with?

  11. 3 minutes ago, Leingod said:

    Just the one from the event itself, but yeah, it seems to run the gamut from pretty basic designs to stuff like what you see in the foreground here.


    Yeah, that's what I'm talking about!


    1 hour ago, Leingod said:

    The shepherds of your clan are invited to participate in a fighting kite festival.  They stamp the borders between the clan in a way that expresses Orlanth's battling, stormy nature through friendly competition.  The festival takes place over several days.  The competitors use sharp edges on their kites to try to cut the strings of the other kiters.  The clan that wins the most matches is thought to have the favor of Orlanth.


    Awesome, that should be quite colourful, any images to go with this?

  13. 3 minutes ago, Russ Massey said:

    Isn't impaling to roll the damage and double it, while slashing is to roll the damage twice and add them together? That is a difference, since slash damage will have a bellcurve distribuiion while impaling damage will have a linear distribution.

    That'a how I recall it, myself.

  14. 1 minute ago, Shiningbrow said:

    The "opinion" offered was not directly relevant to the actual argument.


    I suppose that is a reasonably good reason to imply that I am obtuse.

    I refuse to answer as to whether I was correct or not. If one is incorrect there seems to be ramifications. That might just put a damper on opinions.


    • Haha 1
  15. 2 minutes ago, Uthred said:

    either I am communicating this terribly or you're being deliberately obtuse

    Please do not enter a public forum and when some one offers an opinion call him obtuse. This is not manners. 

  16. 16 minutes ago, Uthred said:

    I'm sorry but, so? What does this have to with having different subheadings for the same mechanical effect? The extra damage impaling does is covered in a different subheading "Weapon stuck in target". The damage doubling effect for Impaling and Slashing damage, for the third time, FUNCTIONS EXACTLY THE SAME. There is no justification beyond sloppy editing for describing the same mechanical effect with different text and subheadings.  

    I am not sure but it seems that you may be getting mad. I hope not, that would be a drag

    Again, I said earlier that is there is more damage going in and if it stays in it does more damage again,   Pulling it out also causes damage, It has always been this way since I started playing RQ and this argument has happened more than a few times with someone always getting extremely annoyed and yelling  why?

     Now , one last question for you. Are you saying impaing and slashing are the same,?


  17. 14 minutes ago, Uthred said:

    That doesnt explain why the two subheadings have different names for literally exactly the same mechanical effect. Impaling damage, other than the additional impale effect doesnt do any more damage than slashing damage. 

    That's what I am saying, impaling does do more damage than slashing. I am not a physicist, Physician, or combat technolgist, so I can not tell you why. The larger brains or followers of said disciplines can give you the whys. I am just reapeating what I have heard for 35 years from folk who seem to know what they are talking about. that the spear on the accent battlefield did more damage, more quickly that did the slashing weapons. 

  18. 6 minutes ago, Uthred said:

    Admittedly that interpretation may be wrong. The combat chapter is not very clearly written e.g. the fumble example on pg. 206 directly contradicting the text before it, the fact Impaling damage has "Double Damage" and Slashing damage has "Roll Damage twice" despite them being mechanically identical, and so on. 

    Actually. in fairness, there is a game reason for doing it this way.

    The ancient battlefield's big hitter with the glass jaw was the impaling spear. Get it into a foe and the damage just keeps coming. Hit it and it could well break. The slashing weapon was more something that took time to bleed a foe, but was more robust and able to take a beating. So, more damage is awarded to an impale initially and again the next round if the weapon remains impaled. 

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