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Bill the barbarian

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Posts posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. 3 hours ago, Sumath said:

    The last ship is currently docked in Vancouver, so yes, end of March sounds about right.

    Valind's Glacier is just north east of that good port, so kindly drop a copy there at the local Issaries market  and I will send a dog team to pick it up.


  2. 5 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

     That was me. I made that typo on a character sheet that I produced on a dot matrix printer from a Sharp MZ80-A computer, and I carried it in forward on all my character sheets since then.

    So how are your martial relations with your better half these days?

  3. On 3/9/2019 at 2:06 PM, jajagappa said:

    They are the Horns of Eiritha, and presumably the gateway into the mind of Eiritha. If you turn the map of Prax sideways, you'll see all the parts of Eiritha nicely laid out as a range of hills.

    That's cool. The gag and a bit of a dig into the thinking behind the gag, thanks jajagappa. I had long ago noticed the shape of a herd animal (?) on the original map (signed by william, would the t be William Church?) but had not looked inside, as it were.

    Still, aren't the paps in the wrong location?
    ...and the Biggle Stones (just what are...nevermind?


  4. 19 hours ago, Tywyll said:

    So you do have to give them over? How do you value them?

    Also, what happens when mixed runelords journey? How do they split treasure?

    I have always had the party do what I call a standard Orlanthi contract*.for an Adventuring Company.

    That is, all treasure goes to the sponsor of the adventure minus wages. (usually, but not this is not ensured). What the sponsor should give the party is the easily divided monetary type Treasure and baubles  minus expenses and what moneys (if he actually sought money) the sponsor originally sought as reward for his or her risk in funding the quest. This largesse should is divided into 7 parts* (equal, not being necessary) and the leader usually gets 4/7 of the treasure (or 4 shares) unless there is a compelling reason for him or her to take 3/7 of the treasure (3 shares) or less (a hard split, perhaps because of a pair of Rune Lords).

    That there are 7 shares does not mean they are parcelled out equally, one share to an individual. For instance, a common contract could be 3 shares for the leader 1 share each for the 2 Rune Types a share for the initiates 4/7 (or a "seventh of a share" to the 4 initiates and 3/7 to the 8 porters (allowing for splits of greater than one in seven ((this can be just as sophisticated and almost as intuitive to a native an our percentile system for contracts)).  Again though the leader gets the lions share he would do well to gain the loyalty and avoid enmity by doling out at least one to two shares of the wealth as bonuses. The seventh share for those who have been counting has many names (two of which are Ginna Jar's Share or Grandfather's Share and I have heard it called Heller's Fund or the rainy day fund). This is for parties expenses, repairs, heals, ransoms. payouts to survivors, all of which have been included in contracts This can be as detailed or simple as needed,  The party can vote, the leader can dole, hell the leader can keep or skim or.... This usually kept/safeguarded by the most trustworthy of the Company (usually the leader).

    Now we get controversial. Not to fellow Gloranthaphiles, but to many other RPGers of games of a more Ffarhd and the Grey Mouser type. All the rest of the treasure... all Magic items, all the real baubles, scrolls, major tomes, partridges in pear trees belong to the sponsor. Should this be the Clan chief, that would be the clan (really,, if any member of the clan sponsored the quest everything at one point or another belongs to the clan, but that is getting a little esoteric.

    Now, anyone who has seen a great Viking movie, read a well put together barbarian heroquest (Robert E. Howard wrote a few) or any of the Carolingian sagas or Grail Legends will know what comes next. Let's use the Clan chief angle as it looks more spectacular. At the feasting of the Heroes, Skalds tell lays of the heroics and at each cheer, belly laugh of gasp of real concern from the audience baubles might  be scattered—seemingly carelessly (the wise may see it or play it that way)— to the Company. The Rune lord who sacrificed real POW in a Divine Intervention to bring back a needed member of the part gets the 2nd best (enchanted!) sword. You get the drift. It is possible in this way for a cunning seasoned leader to not only take the sting out of a defeat, but by generosity to the point of loss. hide the defeat and make it appear as a victory. (the converse could come from a less that heroic generosity making a great victory seem smaller )The next raid/quest/what have you .will not have the taint of a failure having over it. Or, The leader was greedy and ll note it, Does business go badly for the next few seasons for a miserly merchant, does the warlords  have success recruiting his next raiding party (or worse failure getting enough of a fyrd for his next defence). In conclusion a wise leader will usually walk away better off than before this orgy of gifting whether it appears so or not. Even a loss of great proportion can be a win if dealt with heroically enough here.

    The Company leader can sit in as proxy or real delegator in lieu of the real sponsor.

    Now that is the foundation, but behind the scenes will be lobbying, horse trading thieving or simply lusting and, of course, the mandatory whining as players say I should have that and .... It will end up looking something like that above tale when all is said and dome and believe if or not unusual treasure and magic will usually will divide themselves out quite within a fair party Nail down the nitty gritty and then dress it up or down to look something out of a heroic tale and Bob's your uncle. 

    Now note that the terms of the contract usually allow for the party to not be paid (though usually not that they would lose money to the sponsor. Not that  they would not lose money!).
    A sponsor who pulls this too often will find harder to gain new adventurer companies, if not being downright bad for the health if not deadly due to disgruntled adventurer companies. This opens other possibilities. The Sponsor does not get his just reward. He could still pay the Adventuring Company and shoulder the loss and maintain or gain the Companies loyalty. He could state that he is not satisfied and the Company must achieve the results at their own expense (hmm, he had better have leverage, though often your betters do!). Whatever moves the game (story at this point) forward is fair game. Usually this will be approved by the players if done well.  All the above applies in a lesser or greater extant to the Company of Adventurers leader as well. Conclusion, open hand or closed fist: your choice but each has ramifications.

    Taxations follows as normal from here. 


    *Those with a keen insight to the Orlanthi and their Issaries type folk will realize that standard might require a broader than usual definition ;)
    * can't recall if this is canonical for the Orlanthi and where I sourced if if so, from some other source or if it just felt right

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  5. 1 hour ago, jajagappa said:

    Ex? Or is that simple the old "Ex" marks the spot?

    Then of course there's the locations in the Eiritha Hills: Horn Gate, Agape, and the Paps.

    Ex, one of my personal faves... (is this a spot where the block bounced and does this have influence on the name?)

  6. 18 hours ago, Manu said:

    In the RQG, there is a travel table for land travel (outdoor movement rate). But not for boat (I know it depends on currents and winds).


    Do you have RQ3, The Ships and Sailing chapter of the Gamemaster's Book (paged 32-36) has tons of nautical gaming goodness crafted for terrestrial seas, lakes and rivers, but barring Gloranthan weirdness should be fine for most RQ G needs (I think). Though I have not used it, being inland Genertela bound for my gaming, it does look good and quite accessible. Perhaps one day I will get to the Elves Sea in Balazar to give it a try.


  7.    52 minutes ago,  Ali the Helering said: 

     'Absurd' covers everything from the elf bow to the names Nochet and Corflu, and yet we have them.☺


    I know the story of Nochet, but what's the deal with Corflu? Start a new thread if necessary...

    </end sidetrack>

    "Raise shields helmsman, I believe we have entered turbulent waters"
    "Aye Captain"

    Well, it has been said by those who know me that I am given to pontification. Truth be told, I prefer to be known for puntificating. That is, I love puns and so in reaction to the thought that a new thread should be made it (and the demands of far too many of you to mentions here, no really let us not mention it) here it is.

    What puns do you like and what is their tale as best you understand it?

    For instance as I have heard it, Greg was asked about a dot on a map and he said it was a great capitol but he had not done much with it yet. When asked if he had named it, in a Californian accent replied notchet. <oooo>

    Alright, line up folks, punishment time. Let's here it.

    PS Oh and if it has not already been answered, what is the deal with Corflu? And I guess we will now need a thread about the absurdities of Glorantha now Thanks Ali, look what you started...


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  8. 38 minutes ago, Ali the Helering said:

     'Absurd' covers everything from the elf bow to the names Nochet and Corflu, and yet we have them.☺


    I know the story of Nochet, but what's the deal with Corflu? Start a new thread if necessary...

    </end sidetrack>

    "Raise shields helmsman, I believe we have entered turbulent waters"
    "Aye Captain"

  9. 19 hours ago, soltakss said:

    Investing 18 POW on Enchantments? Happened a lot in our RQ3 and River Voices Campaigns. 

    Sometimes they used it for Special Effects. Derak the Dark Troll was turned into a Living Lead Skeleton in our shared RQ2/RQ3 game, so he enchanted three Wraiths into his skeleton, with an Area Enchantment limiting them to the skeleton, so they constantly whirled around inside him, just to intimidate opponents. I think that cost 10 POW.

    Power as an ascetic decorative function—at a great cost! That is ... really impressive.

    Humans will always find a way to pimp their (ride or... insert your item to be pimp'd here). I can't imagine that would not be the case with other races. Love the troll (argan argar?) wearing obsidian shades, a very cool hipster hat and bling featured in Troll Pack (I am old, was this the corrrect origin?) by Sandy et al from the 80's. Wicked cool.

    Cyberpunk Mostali begin to make sense, how many POW for a set of really interesting obsidian shades (place imagination here, for just what they can do). Pretty as well as functional gets extra credits, woo hoo! Nice one Soltakss for pointing out power without pretty is just inhuman.


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  10. On 2/28/2019 at 6:44 AM, Sumath said:

    If you are new to Glorantha I'd give three pieces of advice: 1. Don't try to read everything on these forums - it'll just confuse you. I'm reasonably familiar with Glorantha, but I find some of the discussions on these boards incredibly (and dare I say, pointlessly) esoteric, and these will mire you in doubt and confusion. 2. If you want to run a RQ campaign right now, you're probably better off ignoring the suggested RQG timeline of 1625, and buying a solid RQ2 supplement like Borderlands or Griffin Mountain, and running that with the RQG rules instead. The stats are all pretty much compatible, and those campaigns are tried and tested, and great introductions to Glorantha. The RQG stuff that's been published so far (e.g. the GM screen pack adventures) are fine, but there are only three RQG scenarios (four, if you use The Broken Tower), and there are no release dates for the next publications yet. 3. Get the Glorantha Sourcebook, rather than the Guide to Glorantha - the last thing a newbie should do is try to stick their head in an encyclopedia. It will shackle your imagination, and have you worrying about whether you're 'doing it right'. 

    All great bits of advice that I feel suit me to a tee as well, Get one of the sandbox PDFs  (the two that Sumath recommends or Pavis/Big Rubble for an Urban/Dungeon sandbox might be a good choice as well)  I think that you will have to tease the NPCs stats up a little to be able to deal with the junior superheroes that RQ G character generation creates or if you run smaller parties like I do leave them as is.

    So on to the question of the thread

    Ran a 6 year multiplayer campaign starting in RQ2, ending in RQ 3 (I was looking forward to RQ 4 AIG but...) that travelled across 400 km of central Alberta (ItRW) and from Sartar to Pavis, down and around the River of Cradles with a stint with Duke Raus, finishing with a beginning I did not get to run or play for more that a dozen games in Balaza (a deep regret). The games were a combination of modules and what ever problems/brilliant ideas or totally random side trips the PCs came up with. Generally, I find running a game of RQ,  if I'm lucky and paying attention to and catching what the players are really doing and saying, the games usually sidetrack at the PCs whims. Makes the modules last longer (thus being more economical) and be more tailored or personalized to the PCs actions.


  11. 4 hours ago, JonL said:

    What did the Lunars ever do for us?

    In a obsequious urban oily voice,
    "Well there is the crucifix"
    <a little too loudly>
    "Great People the Lunars, only people who can keep order in a violent cesspool like Sartsr
    Lunars, great people"


    • Like 1
  12. 5 hours ago, RHW said:

    While gathered at a villa, Lergius Cassius, Tatius, Paulus, Laertes Skiplilies, Icilius Overholy, some toga-wearing Imperial Senators, various vexillifers, Emperors Argentus, et al, recline on their dining couches and agree that there's no reason whatsoever to see them as Romans.


    Under breath

    "Bloody romans..."

    • Like 1
  13. On 3/4/2019 at 11:48 AM, Julian Lord said:
    On 3/3/2019 at 6:17 PM, Atgxtg said:

    Hurray! We're in the running. 5 Lunars on the one with horns to win!

    (surreptitiously brings a pair of stirrups to the race event)

    (and pays the stable hand to cut all the others' saddles)


  14. On 3/3/2019 at 3:56 AM, Jeff said:

    I am still debating about whether to add Horned Man, Triolina, Subere, Wachaza, and Voria to the list. 

    I would think you would want The Horned Man for his importance to shamanism, and Voria for the large number of women (half of Orlanthi populations) who have been lay worshippers as young participants in Voria day ceremonies at some point in their youths. In any case it looks and sounds great. 


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  15. 6 hours ago, jajagappa said:

    At this point you should be expecting the RuneQuest Inquisition and be prepared for … The Comfy Chair! (Or at least a pair of Moon demons to drag you to the deepest pits beyond the Adamantine Gates where Ikadz forever tears apart your soul.)

    No, that's unspeakable... not that vile hell—the one reserved for horrible artists and their descendants (sounds of souls being torn apart forever, some screaming and whimpering and then an extremely evil voice breaks in

    "Quit whimpering Dobyski, or we'll force you back to the design and illustration dungeons at Hasbro this time, Bwawawahahahaha!".

    Whips cracking and hideous laughter follows...

  16. Hmm, have we/I strayed off topic and need another thread or is this just another grognard side track off the current topic of Adventuring Chiefs. Hopefully not a derailment in any case. I ask as I am rather enjoying all facets of this conversation. I would hate to see it not live up to its potential.



  17. brooding, brooding, waiting, waiting, hmm.

    Still no word from the good folk at Tradetalk. Perhaps I failed in my dark unlife incantations (darn dice, I knew I should a bought gamescience™), and the body still does not rise. I think I will try zin@kalikos.org from the Tradetalk page.

    Rise, rise, rise...



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