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Bill the barbarian

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Posts posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. 5 minutes ago, HreshtIronBorne said:

    Multispell 1 Point Self, Temporal, Stackable This spell allows the caster to combine two spirit magic spells and cast them at once. These are resolved as separate attacks. The only exception to this is the Disruption spell, which can be combined with itself and resolved as one attack doing 2D3 damage to one hit location...  An attack using Multispell takes effect at the highest strike rank of any spell included in the combined attack. 


     Sorry EpicureanDM for a quick hijack of your thread. I will return it briefly...

    HreshtIronBorne: Now here is my problem. The rules as written imply if not actually state that ..

    "The only exception to this is the Disruption spell, which can be combined with itself and resolved as one attack doing 2D3 damage to one hit location:"

    One can infer that seeing as the spell is stackable one can take the italicized bolded text able and add a d3 per point of stackingdouble it. But is that inferance correct?
    Or does stacking allow one to toss another doubled disrupt per stacking at another target (another inference)?


  2. 13 hours ago, Tywyll said:

    RQ6/Mythras inherits from MRQ and Robin Laws-inspired martial arts and cool dragon-bone singing for EWF "mystics", which in turn inherit from Hero Wars and HQ1 concepts (also by Robin).

    In my one read though I really liked the mysticism rules in RQ 6 (also like the shaman rules but that's another thread). Again, it was one read though so I can not say what I liked just that I could see building a character with the rules as written and that is a good start.


  3. 7 hours ago, EpicureanDM said:

    I disagree here. I own a large RQ collection spread across RQ2, RQ3, and Heroquest. I compare the text in many sections of RQG to RQ2 and RQ3 to find that it's close to verbatim in many instances. What's different is that the majority of old RQ2 and RQ3 players never really played at this middle point in RQ's power curve. As you suggest, most RQ2/3 campaigns likely never reached the power level that RQG starts at. To twist your analogy, it's basically the same horse, but most of us never rode it past a trot. Now we're starting at a canter. That's part of why I started that combat tips thread. Even though most of the folks responding seemingly rely on RQ2/3 experience, those are the only people with practical experience of the RQ system when it's "cantering." If RQG was "a whole new beast," their advice wouldn't translate. But it does, doesn't it? Not perfectly, but enough. 

    I have given it a good bit of thought but I can not agree with you. Not a big deal, we all have opinions and we could both be wrong so...:)

    In any case, I can not accept that a beginning character created in RQ 2 bears much more than a family resemblance to RQ 2.5 or as it it is also called RQ Gs near superheroes.  A quick look at the covers of the two games give away the level they are meant to be played at. I suggest that RQ G is a step closer to HQ than RQ 2 in terms of playing level (not actual rules obviously).

    Nothing other than tales of Greg and Sandy's characters or Hero Quests from lore, or the Cradle from the Rubble even sounded like a modern game can become at a very early stage. Ergo, a  new beast, if not a whole new beast (for me, I still aver a whole new beast, it's my beast and damn it I want it whole :). have a boo at the above post by HreshtIronBorne for a quick look at how colourful combat can get... Sounds like fun-guy!
    (PS I think that you are misreading Multispell use with disrupt HreshtIronBorne. Unless Enchantment and linking hacks grant even more powers to the combination.)


  4. 19 minutes ago, Mechashef said:

    But the jump skill will only augment one attack per use, while the Rune or Passion use to augment an attack would continue to provide its benefit until the end of the battle.

    Or scene/activity. That is how I read it, 

  5. Oh and a major point that is beginning to dawn on me.

    RQ 3 and 2 are not RuneQuest Roleplaying in Glorantha. This is a whole new beast woven with whole new sets of axioms (in my playing and GMing experiences anyway). The PCs are not struggling to become warriors, sorcerers, great men or women; Rune Levels! They are already there, or on the cusp. My last RQ3 River of Cradles campaign, after a year and a half of play the Humaki was  coming close to a generic newly generated RQ G character.

    I just had an Argar Argar Torkani wood cutter generated with an incredible series of skills in combat (i seem to recall 70s with melee and missile but I do not have the sheet to hand) and a very wide range of spells to boot (14 not counting enchantments).

    Knowledge of skills and tactics as well as spells (it has been literally decades since I played RQ 2 2 minute spirit magic spell limits) are something I will have to put a little effort and time into, because this is a brave new world of playing at near Rune Levels out of the box (it still has that new Rune Lord smell).


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  6. 23 minutes ago, EpicureanDM said:

    My dismissal of Joerg's and Bill's points was itself too vague. In hindsight, I don't think it could produce the sort of rules-grounded advice that I'm keen on in the combat tips thread. G33k's fine effort to put meat on the bone arguably applies to many RPGs. I could deploy that advice for 5e fights without much of a disconnect for my players ("The fewer enemies there are on the battlefield, the fewer d20's are being rolled against you, which is usually how you lose hit points.")


    Thanks for understanding guy, I was not trying to be dismissive but the tips I can give are hard earned after years of gaming. I am not sure a page of my ramblings can come close to saying what I want to say or even should say. Now, I am taking a guess that Sandy Peterson might well be another matter. <gr> I do agree with you that G33 not only has more words but he has a nicer way of putting them in sequence as well.

    Alas, sorry but to everyone's horror here comes another pithy and totally useless remark (God Learner's secret: except it's not). 

    Experience is a great teacher, go out there and fail, write a page of useless home rules that no one else will use (or understand), have an absolutely horrible day running a game that absolutely fails. Being nerds, there is a good chance they will forgive you and play again next week (after a bit of obligatory grumbling and whining).

    Post on a forum, get flamed and try again.

    And then be nice to that person that just flamed you (and hide a very big pie behind your back to retaliate with).


    • Like 2
  7. 4 hours ago, EpicureanDM said:

    It's well-intentioned, but too vague to be of use: "I find that the best way to win a football match is to score more goals than my opponent." True, but useless in practice.  

    Then I do not know what to say, this is an integral beginning of tactics.  Ignore it at your peril.

    G33 has said a whole lot of words but those words mean "In my experience the best defense in a RQ combat has always been to take out some of the enemies fast. "

  8. 19 minutes ago, Tywyll said:

    I always assumed failing to pay your tithes resulted in visits from Spirits of Reprisal, so clearly if you aren't being hounded by a demon, you must have filled out your tax forms correctly

    That would take care of one's religious duties. I would image more mundane and less dogged tax collectors would be utilized by more mundane leaders. Less mundane and more determined overlords might have more exotic means to track down malefactors The lunars used to have tax demons, I believe.


  9. 25 minutes ago, Mechashef said:

    Sure we can house rule around it, but we shouldn’t have to.


    Been happily doing it for the past 4 decades, can't see changing for the remaining decade or two. If you are genuinely unhappy, I do not mean to belittle your discontent. I understand and feel your pain.

    Myself however, I really like the game and have for awhile. What I don't like,  I home rule. On the other hand you should have seen the amount of home ruling I had to do in the 80s with AD&D by Gygax and Arneson. Gadzooks and zounds, man!


    • Like 1
  10. 12 hours ago, Andy Evans said:

    Apologies for tangent but "Pavis GTA" had me scratching my head for a moment, I was imagining a video game: Pavis: Grant Theft Antelope

    ...and apologies are neither required or even accepted.
    I will state here and now that threads I have begun are inherently tangentially friendly!


  11. 12 hours ago, Andy Evans said:

    Apologies for tangent but "Pavis GTA" had me scratching my head for a moment, I was imagining a video game: Pavis: Grant Theft Antelope

    I will not lie and say that the thought had not occurred to me.
    I blame eurmal...

  12. 6 hours ago, EpicureanDM said:

    Put another way, have any experienced RQ GMs ever asked their players to re-cast their spirit magic before a scene or encounter ended because they "took too long"? Or do most RQ GMs just hand-wave it unless the players try for something that's clearly outside of the duration limits, e.g. trying to make use of a Mobility spell when running a marathon?

    Within in a combat and magic has been cast in said combat I have not seen magic run out, however in a series of running battles... The rainbow mounds brings this to mind for me... or where magic has been cast in anticipation. In both incidences I have seen magic run out (OFTEN!) Then again I have always loved how nitty gritty RQ combat can become.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, styopa said:

    As far as Passions and Rune augments, yes, I'd probably limit them to one per season or per high holy day, respectively.  But then I'd certainly make the buffs more significant - these are basically one-use buffs to be used in meaningful circumstances, to the point of maybe making their use hero-point-ish (to the point of surviving a lethal blow ala "Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die").  A rune augment might give you back a rune point to be used only with a spell of that runic association. 


    OH MY GOD! I really hate to sound like a teen age girl but I just realized that every RPG in the world needs a "My name in Inigo Montoya, you killed my father , now prepare to die" rule!

    Otherwise it seems like great points have been made; that skill augments only need a realistic limitation. (use that rare skill Employ Common Sense__% ◻︎) and that  passions and runes should be "usually" limited to once a session (but once again a success roll in Employ Common Sense roll will allow more attempts). Seems to me that is why there is a referee who can make these decisions. I have a feeling that this might become a HR in my my game.


  14. 17 hours ago, LivingTriskele said:

    I guess my question is this: which pass in the area is best suited for the movement of large armies? Thanks in advanced for any clarification. 

    So, how did the Lunars invade Sartar in 1602,
    I would imagine down the Tarsh road through Alda-char and Dinacoli tribal lands and then across the Creek. Did any units cross the Dragonspine at one of the passes (other than Trader's Valley if that turns out to be our pass in question) or over (ie. the Bat)?


  15. 2 minutes ago, RHW said:

    I don't know if that one was intentional, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least if it was.


    Any crew that would come up with the Hayward Onion are quite capable of anything I suppose.
    And any excuse to play Aritha is fine by me (turning uppppppppp volume, leaning back and hitting play...."🎼What you want, baby I got it"... ahh!)

  16. 3 minutes ago, RHW said:

    Mastakos, Orlanth's charioteer, is a hungry fellow from a distant land. No matter how much he's eaten, he's always asking for more tacos.


    No way, you have to making that one up. Then again...



  17. 7 hours ago, LivingTriskele said:

    Man, I could not ask for a better, more detailed response. You're awesome, sir.

    Thanks for the praise but this area really shines when others get into it. M Helsdon's comment is perfect to illustrate my point.

    I had not thought my comments to be in anyway definitive but simply a good start. I hope others will jump in and agree, disagree or add new thoughts as M Helsdon. With luck others will start putting in their 2 bolgs worth and not only will your question be answered but questions you did not know you had will also.


  18. Damn; read the whole thread Bill and then you do not have to post apologies for restating the obvious <gr>.

    I see that all my points have already been made so...

    To make it not a complete waste of time I will say...

    On 11/11/2018 at 6:02 PM, jagerfury said:

    I have the Hawkmoon boxed set. It really isn't that much different than Stormbringer/Elric (not surprising) and comparing this game and Darksyde's Corum sourcebook you start to see once you get BRP all you need are the original fantasy stories to create any and all game worlds you want! Like most setting books of its day it is a catalogue of stuff found in the original stories. 

    Nicely said and very much the real strength of BRP especially when combined with...

    On 11/11/2018 at 7:11 PM, Atgxtg said:

    That's partially because one of the things that Chaosium did back then was adapt their game system to whatever setting they were trying to emulate. That helped to capture the feel for the settings.. They could have easily just adapted Elric and the Young Kingdoms to RuneQuest, give the God of Law and Chaos RQ style cults, Rune (Divine) spells and such. But they didn't. Instead they tossed out all of that and came up with sorcery rules which better reflected the world of the Young Kingdoms than RQ's magic system did. it made their stuff more immersive and less about the game system.

    By contrast look at the Licensed stuff TSR did for AD&D. Generally, they would shoehorn the setting to AD&D. So much so that it didn't even feel like the source material anymore- it was just AD&D. I think that some of Chasoium's greatest accomplishments were not what products they made, but the approaches they took to making them.

    Yeah, that's what makes the BRP system tick, that and the fans that put so much effort into it.

  19. On 10/30/2018 at 12:00 AM, Apache6Actual said:

    Hawkmoon had a supplement?


    I believe it was the beginning of an entire Eternal Champions series at the time. That was the impression I had as a customer and a former owner of Hawkmoon (sold it to a good buddy at cost when I was broke and I could not be happier that it went to a good home, I am a bit Issaries like that). Maybe some of the folk who were around at  that time could elucidate.

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