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Bill the barbarian

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Posts posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. 1 hour ago, klecser said:

    I'm not trolling and I'm not looking to start a fight or anything. It just crosses a line for me as to what we should be doing in role-playing games. I'm wondering if people with more experience in the game have some sort of justification for it, because I don't see it. Your rebuttal may be that role-players don't think twice about rampant murder that exists within gaming, and that is true. I know I have the power to draw an iron curtain. It just doesn't sit well with me that a player would purchase slaves, even if part of a story. The same reason why it doesn't sit well with me to have players whose characters rape or abuse, even if part of a fictional story.

    The fact that this does not sit well with you  speaks highly of you. I do not condone violence at a personal or state level but that is me (damn canadians!) and really neither here nor there and I do not want flames. I am just saying. 

    The point is we are not playing in such a setting without slavery or violence (state or otherwise). You can justifiably ask if you should play the game at all. I have. Disturbing questions, and ones that a gamer might face in life as well as within a game are great. They lead to a potential for personal growth as one wrestles with such difficult thoughts and works though the crises these can cause. I like to think that a mature and responsible RPG should have a chance of asking such questions but that is not intrinsic to its value, which is entertainment.

    I was going to say "But really this is not the forum for such metaphysical calisthenics". but maybe BRP central is mature enough to handle this kind of thing.

    We'll see.


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  2. 19 minutes ago, Humakt said:

    May be is a silly question but what happens if your allied spirit loose all the mp?

    Unconsciousness for adventurers and I would assume the equivalent for spirits. Adventuress recover mp at 1/24 of their total possible MPs an hour and require 1 MP to awaken and I would assume so do spirits.

  3. 1 hour ago, drablak said:

    Not on the list but I'd really like Jason (or someone else) to put some effort on answering the many questions still unanswered.  

    Seeing as we only have two thirds of the rules I would have to vote for the rest of the rules We need the Gamemaster's Book next of course. After that alas Drablak is correct, RuneQuestions as well as s good up to date errata sheet.

    After that, Cults. I have heard it often said that RQ did not really take off in many people's imaginings until Cults of Prax  came out and gave colour and pageantry to the game.

  4. 59 minutes ago, Code Ronin said:

    And yes, I did do some research before asking my questions, but I think I could have thought them through more.


    I coitainly hope you noted the comedy inherent in my lack of sympathy or even the old skool ;) thingy i tacked onto my comment.


    Nah, step one ask for a road map and then rather then take our word for it (though that's a start) have a look around. The research I was referring to was knowing the type of grognards we are and that like vultures we would swarm down on innocent questioners like yourself.
    (and as to whether to take me seriously or not).


  5. 17 minutes ago, soltakss said:

    In the meantime, we carried on playing what we already had and making stuff up.

    Aye but try to tell the kids that now a days. When I was their age I had to march 25 miles on expedition uphill to Griffin Mountain, and 25 miles back uphill to Trilius when the adventure was all done and all for half an experience roll.

    And be  damn glad of it!

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, drablak said:

    I was very enthusiastic about this edition. It looks great and is a joy to read. The problem is that there are a lot of moving parts and many details don't quite fit. This is were prior experience helps. Those who played other editions gloss over the copy-paste errors (one part not exactly saying the same thing as another part) or the unclear bits and fill the gaps with their own past experience, including with house rules (that they sometimes forget are house rules).


    All too true, but I imagine that will change in time. Boldhome was not built in a da... never mind.


    1 hour ago, svensson said:

    But I wouldn't tug the beard of an Orlanthi Storm Lord if I was you. 

    You don't spit into the wind
    You don't pull the mask off that old Lone Ranger
    And you don't mess around with Jim


    1 hour ago, g33k said:

    Poor @Code Ronin -- asks a nice little question or two, get SWAMPED by the grognardia piling-on "helpfully."  🤡


    What nobody warned him, he did not do a little research, no sympathy here. ;)

    1 hour ago, g33k said:

    But I have more than a little sympathy for his position that All This Shit should have been handled already (OK, maybe not ALL of it... but most!).


    okay a bit more sympathy here. I have been treating it like a new game and in someways it is (the eighties were a long f'ing time ago)... but yeah, I to wish it was closer to done than it is. Having waited since the nineties for this I might be too forgiving.


  7. Seeing as we posted at almost the same time (just finishing my reply off when I heard your reply chiming in) G33 I did not get a chance to read your reply to OP until now.

    Yeah, figured I would leave the mechanics alone and that you would nail them. The only thing I cannot see in your missive is the thing that really sold me on RQ; the experience system and it's elegance. If you should succeed at using a skill, you put a check beside it and at the end of an adventure you try to roll over the skill used. Success indicates that you have learned from the experience and you may take a dice roll increase in percentiles to add to the skill or a guaranteed (lower) number in place of chance. That is the harder the skill is to succeed at, the easier it is to learn from and visa versa.

    And there are many instances of such elegance buried in the rules.

  8. 1 hour ago, Code Ronin said:

    Lastly off the top of my head, what's the setting like? I've heard the phrase 'mythic bronze age' thrown around, but can someone explain that in more detail? 


    Recycled from elsewhere


    The world is myth personified.

    The sun is a god who died in a great conflagration and was brought back to life and thus can only exist for half of time and travels the cestestial sphere by day and enters and travels hell by night, We worship the gods of air, storm  and middle sky and thus we are willful and free— these gods took life from the sun and realizing their error they set forth on the Lightbringers' Quest to retrieve him from hell and place him back in the sky. All over a flat earth that reaches down to the roots of mountains into hell an floats on all the world's waters. All is god, spirit, and rune,

    The conflagration known as the God's War unmade reality it was so great—all who survived created the great compromise woven into a mystical web called time by the spider. The gods and the dead would leave the mortal realms to those who hold the elemental and form runes especially the beast and man runes. Thus the creek that sustains us, our crops and animals—is a great spirit with the power of the rune of elemental water We make treaty with her once a year at a sacred time.Via communication and worship of gods we gain control of Runes and thus magics, simple and complex that alter the world a little; to fix a wheel or make an arrow fly true to great magics which will help the fertility of your crops, families ands animals.  Once a year we hold great rituals that remake the Great Compromise and reset time for the next year. Our magics are both great and small but all come from the runes.

    1 hour ago, Code Ronin said:

    Second, is it relatively child-friendly? My daughter is ten now, and she games. She's played a little Pathfinder, made a character for the Starfinder game I keep trying to get off the ground, and joins me at the 5e drop-in game my FLGS runs. Getting into RuneQuest will be easier to sell to the wife if the kid can play too.

    As to kid friendly. Depends on the kid. The combat is unapologetically brutal and the themes are mythology in the raw, not Disnified. So, have a look at the free rules take a wander through the forums, do your due diligence and Bob's your bison's uncle.

    1 hour ago, Code Ronin said:

    First, how's the learning curve? For the past decade, I've mostly been running & playing d20 systems (Pathfinder, Starfinder, 5e) and while I do love them, I need a break. I don't want character creation or running a game to feel like doing my taxes.

    A little easier than taxes, harder than D&D, I'm a war gamer (WW III micro armour is my first love) so, I am not one to ask...


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  9. 3 hours ago, Rick Meints said:

    If you doubt what the actual shipping costs are, please use your national post office website to check what they would charge to send a 4 kilogram package from your country to with the US, the UK, or Australia Choose whichever of those three locations is closest to your country. Also, I seriously doubt you will find a cheaper rate with FedEx, DHL, UPS, or similar. They tend to charge even more than the post office does for overseas shipments. Postage costs suck, and we aren't huge like Amazon is so we can negotiate super discounted rates or just subsidize the shipping costs.

    Oh sure, leave out north of Valind's Glacier. Everyone does...

    • Haha 1
  10. Well done all, I have read ideas that have piqued my interest but of course my budget has to survive tomorrow without exploding into a million pieces.  We will have to wait and see what the gnomes of Chaosium have to say.

  11. 1 minute ago, g33k said:

    Jerry Cornelius" character, many find interesting similarities; tho I understand the authors got together and agreed each was deeply into their own works before their first exposure to the other's.

    Jerry Cornelius, time traveler, mod circa 1960's London, Eternal Champion, who lives in a abandoned Nazi Pillbox on the WW II impregnable Atlantic wall. Now I am intrigued.

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  12. 1 minute ago, g33k said:

    1 tiny handwave:  allow time-travel so PC's from the different era's could crossover.

    I was thinking that might be a solution. From hand wavery to timey whimey to quote the good doctor.

    3 minutes ago, g33k said:

    Q.V. the dimension-travelling of Luther Arkwright, another Mythras/RQ6 engined game. 

    Pray, tell me more good sir.

  13. 3 hours ago, Raleel said:

    then do note that The Design Mechanism has Mythic Rome, Mythic Britain, and Mythic Constantinople in that space, all covering different time periods of european places (with less of that in Constantinople but still good). Rome covers up to the end of the republic, Britain covers the the 400s, and constantinople around 1400.

    Hmm, so a bit (lot) of hand wavery would be required to use the 3 together?

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