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Bill the barbarian

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Posts posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. 5 minutes ago, EpicureanDM said:

    I've found that the best introductions to Gloranthan lore can often be found in the old Heroquest books. If you want a good, detailed explanation of Orlanthi laws and customs, buy Heroquest's _Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes_. It contains a section called "The Orlanthi Book" that provides the sort of details you're looking for. I've got a nearly-full collection of RQ and Heroquest material and _Kingdom of Heroes_ is the book that properly solidified Orlanthi customs and law for me.

    Combine that with the old HW classic Thunder Rebels to give it colour and Bob's your bison's uncle.


    • Like 2
  2. 16 hours ago, Mechashef said:

    The DMG does have a variant rule which encourages the DM to be creative about the affects of a natural 1 or 20.

    So arguably a fumble system, even if it is mostly optional. 

    Back in those days, Gygax was a little more magnanimous in sharing HIS vision with the masses (even if only in writing the right words in the DMG) and granted DMs the right to decide how to play D&D. A little later he got on a high horse and demanded that all and sundry conform to the one TRUE PATH.


  3. On 8/23/2018 at 2:14 AM, Crel said:

    Now, I love love love the RQ3 approach to sorcery, and it's one of the things which has kept me playing the game for some years. I love this crazy, excessively-complicated tangle of skills and spells and all that, and how flexible everything is. The first time I cast a week-long spell (coming from my 3.x background) was this amazing moment for me, personally. Kind of an, "Oh %#!$, I'm doing real magic!" moment. Plus, actually mathing out all that nonsense feels a bit... arcane. 

    Thank you. I thought it was just me. Loved it, loved it, loved it!

    • Like 4
  4. 4 hours ago, Sumath said:

    Well, we know he had hits with singles such as 'Stand and Deliver' and 'Prince Charming'. Right, pop-pickers? 


    3 hours ago, Joerg said:

    I guess to still enjoy those singles, being truly stoned might help. (And it makes me feel rather old having been in the age bracket to have listened to those ditties...)

    I preferred Goody two shoes as did Andrea.

    Don't Smoke, Don't Drink, what do you do
    Subtle innuendo follows...

    Andrea my girlfriend in the day did not smoke, or drink but damn...


    I was smitten!

    • Like 2
  5. 6 hours ago, soltakss said:

    Yes, those are the ones. Really easy to use for RQ.

    I have run very many HeroQuests over the years, using RQ. They translate just as easily to RQ as to HQ. In fact, one of my bugbears about HeroQuest is that it didn't really have much in the way of HeroQuesting, RuneQuest had more for most of the time.

    You can run a HeroQuest as a normal scenario, with a layer on top. Hand-wave magic stuff, hand-wave rewards and introduce something unusual in the HeroQuest. 

    In fact, I think I ran some of the HeroQuests in my last RQ campaign, not exactly as written, of course, as I adapted them to how I ruin HeroQuests and to suit our campaign. 

    That is good, Soltakss, what you are describing is how I thought to put some ideas into play and its nice to see confirmation that it can be done and easier than I thought .

  6. PDFs of the Classic Series 1-4 have a few layout problems, some pages of monospace type (courier?) art is sometimes a little less than perfect (money was saved) and I believe there was a little issue with some copyright material being made generic, but this last is from memory and I can not give you a source. Now I will admit I am being nit picky here but if these points matter or you are nostalgic you might want to go for the originals (especially in print for nostalgic folk). 

    Otherwise, I would say bang for buck, special extras, and all other points made here weigh overwhelmingly to The Classics from Moon Design.



  7. 4 minutes ago, g33k said:

    Not needing a DEX mod on successive rounds of nothing-but-movement:  2 rounds, 3 rounds, 4 rounds... however many rounds the SoI is "I move..." (and if there is an "until," that condition isnt satisfied; nor does a foe or other obstacle intervene).

     OTOH, it looks a lot like a Phase 2 movement, at this point, and entirely off the SR scale.

    Point one) True

    Point two) Alas, and  putting a 6m hypothetical barrier up again... That is at the time of the SOI (new round) our hypothetical runner is 6m away and has been running for at least a part of the last round if not more. He states he will run and jump over the barrier while our archer/spell slinger with a one point spirit spell or arrow/quarrel nocked and ready with an SRM  equal to runner who has a DEX SRM of 2. It just dawned on me, I forgot to start movement on SR 2 last time and then adding in the SRM, damn. That means that RAW equal SRMs with 6m to move, no unobscured shot as the runner starts at SR 2 and the range firer fires at SR 2 when our runner has covered no ground. The runner will get to or over easily. it is when we use your mods that it becomes dicy (pun, what pun, I do not see a pun). that is the difference SRMs determines whether or not he makes it. This makes sense that it comes down to SRs when a PC is in motion and connoting in motion I suppose, but not much sense when he is not moving at SOI and facing ranged fire. All things being equal, except the archer being ready and the runner 6m away I think the shot/spell should get off at the same time motion begins Unless our runner can beat time, he is subject to an obscured shot/spell and if in motion and the spell is prepared, them the race is on... may the best SR win. 


  8. 6 hours ago, g33k said:

    However, I would allow a SoI to allow a character to begin moving and still be moving at the end of the round, planning to keep moving next round, with the SoI next round being something along the lines of "keep moving (all round, into next round)" or "Finish moving, and Cast / Engage in melee / etc."


    Not hard to how rule this and keeps the rules as written,

    a PC already in motion will remain in motion.

    Sir Isquacc Newton esq

    That is not needing a DEX SRM modifier the second round of movement ((kinda like a sorcery spell).

  9. 7 hours ago, EpicureanDM said:

    Example 1: PC's DEX SR is 2. Character's SoI is, "I will move behind the nearby wall that's nine meters away and cast Heal 3." Actions will occur in that order. Under my potential house rule, PC starts moving on SR 1 and is behind the wall by SR 3. Otherwise, they start on SR 2 and get there on SR 5.


    Just a slight change to make a point EpicureanDM. Make it 6m. Now, this makes it a heck of a lot harder to hit him before he gets to the wall for an archer of spell slinger. They will  have to wait for their DEX SRM before shooting or casting a one point spell. Should they be of equal DEX SRM as our runner (2) or slower(3 or 4), they will be firing on a target obscured by a barrier, with a superior DEX SRM (1 or 0) the archer or spell slinger will get a shot off at the target before the barrier. Under RAW the equal or superior archer/spell slinger (remember he would have to be using a 1 point spirit magic spell for a 0 SR) would get a shot off before he hides behind the wall and only the slower SRMs would have an obscured target.


    • Like 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, soltakss said:

    The Sartar Books are wonderful HeroQuest books for Sartar, full of good ideas, excellent scenarios and history of Sartar. Very useful for a RQ campaign set in Sartar.

    Ah good, I hate to think someone stumbled into our madhouse of a thread by mistake. Thanks Soltakss and SilverSeraph.

    Hey, you guys aren't talking about the Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes and Sartar Companion books are you? If so, I concur heartily they are incredible and if I had not read that they were HQ on the each page I would not have noticed until I got to the wonderful scenarios at the back of SKoH and SC. I have had a quick look over these and figure I could run some of them without too much effort.


    The leaving the world Hero Quests though, I don't think can be translated. Maybe when the Game Master's book becomes available with it's HQ rules... The PDFs are doing me quite well at the moment which is good as it seems that SilverSeraph is correct. Chaosium doesn't seem to advertising the books—that I can see, anyway. 

    I was gifted with these and RQ 6 a few years back alerting me to the fact that  things were once again stirring in Glorantha. These directed me to asking about the Red Cow books and well, like any junkie finding a new source... So far I have not been disappointed in using any of the above with RQ as a source, and I am looking forward to using the ideas in the scenarios (or whole, depending). 


  11. 18 hours ago, SilverSeraph said:

    Are this and the Sartar books ever going to see a reprint?

    My thinking is that you took a wrong turn at Albuquerque and ended up here but not knowing what book u are talking abut I am not sure where to send you.

  12. So based on the last couple of letters and with this one we are at two votes for giving the rules a fair shake before implementing the home rules we all know are coming. I figure I will implement at least a few to plug holes that will exist until an official supplement comes out, that I buy, that does the exact same thing. I would love to play with none, but the players will want at least one pet rule, a hole will exist briefly until filled. or I will in my hubris figure I know the game better than my betters. 

    Knowing I have choices, many choices and that I am capable of home ruling and that there is always the forums... as well as this pretty cool game, I think I will do fine


    • Like 1
  13. Ya know, some of these gems deserve a rich and fertile spot

    (No Aygor, I did not mean throw them on the manure pile, bad henchman!
    {slap. bash, crash, bof!, pow! and other sounds of gratuitous violence}).

    Is there an easy way of copying the posts that deal with "Grant Theft Antelope ™ " over to the Video game thread. And really (bwahahahahah), just because I can, {lightning flashes, a thunder crack} should I?

  14. 21 minutes ago, Kloster said:

    This is exactly what I envision for the next time I will GM RQ: Taking RQG, replacing all the combat chapter by the RQIII one, adding a few things (the various specials effects, for example) and changing what is necessary to be integrated with the rest of RQG.

    and season delicately to bring out all the flavours!

  15. 1 hour ago, Joerg said:

    The rules are fairly clear on this. You move into the envelope of the foremost defender and are engaged (unless the NPC is befuddled and doesn't make his rolls). If you still say you plow on, the defender gets an unparried attack if he has a weapon ready.

    If you decide to parry or dodge, you slow down to combat movement rates.

    And positions on the grid are what there is at the start of the melee round.

    Add in Knockback an you have it covered Joerg.


    1 hour ago, deleriad said:

    Mostly my RQ3 days consisted of me saying "you want to get to the balcony, that's about 8m away so you'll get there on your DEX SR+2. The trollkin with the loaded sling will fire at you while you're running. The other one is getting another stone so won't be able to fire until SR 6." Unless other people were involved, I would often batch a series of actions around one person or area rather than counting all the SRs.  We would generally play with some figures, various dice for markers and a sketch map to one side showing the area so distances were always somewhat approximate. A round often consisted of a bunch of discussion about what players planned to do and my feedback on what I thought that might entail, at which point they might adjust. 

    Thank you.

    The 90's were too far away for me to be so accurate, not to mention I was busy running the game and making sure this info got to the ears that needed it,  to be noting it down for later playback (well done and good memory, deleriad). Your articulation brought it all back into clear view and I remember the play progressing exactly as you stated. The rules (despite many opinions to the contrary at the time and even still) must have been well written if this is our mutual experience from way back at the dawn of the 'net. Most of my clarifications (the few I could find) back in the day came form mags, zines, geek meets and occasional dumps of the digest from friends with better 'net connections.

    Back then, I knew the SRs (not each individual one, but ones that were noted in SOIs) mattered in very real ways, for spells movement, and combat. RQ 2 (and RQ G) is a little bit more "hand wavey" than that. Our group used battle mats, I GMed with a chart showing spells cast and when and by who and on who and expiration, no figures, but marker drawings or names written on the map sufficed.

    If you are ok with analogues and approximates that are easy, than RQ 2 or RQ G  should work better for you. Should you have a more cog-work (mostali, perhaps) mind, well I really do recommend grafting RQ 3 combat, in full, onto the RQ G body. Someone else, an old timer who has been around for while, or was it a Chaosium staffer (wasn't Jeff Richards or Jason Duran was it?) was recommending that as well.

    Occam's Razor


  16. 1 hour ago, SDLeary said:

    Just house rule it! Way back when, we were allowed (by a Chaosium GM) to delay our actions. No need for an official rule for that, unless you are implementing Called Shots.


    Occam's Razor!

  17. 27 minutes ago, svensson said:

    I did not see anything in the announcement about pre-orders. Are they available or will they just get mobbed on street date? :)


    Might there be a possible pun there or have I been hanging at Puns we know and love for far too long. 

  18. 11 minutes ago, jajagappa said:

    Reminds me that at Massachusetts General Hospital the auditorium where the first demonstrated use of ether as an anesthetic occurred is known as the "Ether Dome". 

    Two men enter, one man leaves staggers out?

    (...Beyond the Ether Dome? Oh Mel, how low can you go?)

  19. Not sure what others here will say but I believe the rules are that you are engaged in melee not that you have to stop, (unless grappled, somehow obstructed or incapacitated I would assume).
    Now being in Melee and wishing to disengage (run through)—again using memory here but willing to be proven wrong— or run means giving up attacks and parries allowing a foe a free attack, stay engaged for the round and only be able to parry and dodge, and then disengage, of knock back you foe. 

    Alas the only running attack allowed is a knock back and it does not allow a running dodge of parry. When I read this last summer I began to HR.

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