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Bill the barbarian

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Posts posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. I was thinking of making life easy for my players and take all the common spells and make handouts of them. There are only 12 after all. To be neat I put them all in a folder. So I open them up, and all is good, but if I should close one, the only way to reopen it is to exit the game and the re-launch. Is this normal and is there a way to avoid this or can one just not close a handout. 

    The players have not arrived yet, so it is all made out to me.



  2. On 7/22/2021 at 10:26 AM, svensson said:

    Now, we all know that Glorantha artwork is chock full of illustrations with people wearing their cult runes openly. Most of them show the cult runes in large sections gear or blatantly  obvious tattoos.


    Only our shaman has really obvious tatties, on her face. Hey @Nozbatwhat are those runes? 

    I was going to say, we only pay attention to runes (unfortunately) when casting Rune Spells, but the group has done such a good job preserving their Rune Points they have never cast a Rune Spell. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, jajagappa said:

    You could potentially use Homeland Lore as a modifier to your Customs roll, but I'd probably rule in that case that you are drawing upon some specific event from the past as your argument for/against how to behave.  You could equally apply a Rune (e.g. Harmony) to your Customs roll or a Passion (e.g. Loyalty (White Bull)) or a Communications skill.

    Yes  knew if it was not in Customs it would not be perfect fit, but it should still work fine as you point out. 

  4. See the modifiers... can’t recall if they are with the skill or by reputation or... but there are mods based on familiarity of area. Also there is one fly in the ointment here, Remember that a skill can be ruled automatic if it is obviously... automatic.


  5. 1 hour ago, Shiningbrow said:

    Perhaps hospitality is only offered to those who follow the appropriate formalities? Much as many places expect.

    Quite possible, indeed,

    and I wonder if this is indeed the case.

  6. 1 hour ago, jajagappa said:

    Thousands of Storm Bulls, all in one place, together.  What could possibly go wrong?

    You usual have some great insight. So are we doomed to boorish ways in Prax, or is the hospitality secreted away and only given to ones own away from prying eyes. If so, we are still at a loss cause I have seen no sign of it!


  7. 4 minutes ago, Marc said:

    I assume all of those require a Pro subscription.  I'd thought about that awhile, but have decided not to go with it for now.  Thanks for the suggestions, if I do end up with a Pro subscription, I'll look into them

    I am with Marc, the hobby is quite pricey as is, a savings here and there is not a bad idea.

  8. Yeah, that is how I see it, but there is a trope in our world of incredible hospitality in a nomadic tent, and coffee seems to play a large roll. Beautiful women dancing in diaphanous silks, large gifts being given in a very Orlanthi way. Opposed by incredible cruelty if the dice go the other way. Now, I am not saying the lozenge has to correspond with our realities or prejudice, but I was thinking and wondering why the animal nomads were as stingy in hospitality as the starving oasis dwellers have to be.  

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  9. 4 hours ago, ChrisJ said:

    For Multiple copies of the same opponent (e.g. Generic Broo) I have one character sheet linked yo the token, I can then pull out multiple copies of the token, by dragging the name to the map space. 

    yeah, that makes a lot of  sense.


    4 hours ago, ChrisJ said:

    Sometimes I decide to use different tokens for the same unit, this takes more time (to setup the page) as each Token has to be manually loaded, set to size, and configured (e.g. with sight/light if dynamic lighting is being used) - this is useful in some cases - actually used it for broo last time as each broo had a different chaos feature - and I wanted to know which one was going to reflect spells back at the PC's.


    Is there a GM visible only part of the tokens pages?


  10. Okay, wise minds of Roll20, resources...

    I see Dario has many tokens, How are they, useful?

    Their are some (what looks to be) pretty good adventurer sheets. How about squad sheets? Surely I do not want to fill out whole sheets for multiple foes.

    Is this about all for Roll20?

  11. 14 hours ago, Groovetronic said:

    Im starting Company of the Dragon. Reach out to me over private message.

    Sorry to butt in, Is this worth doing with out having done Six Seasons? If so, I would happily send a PM to you complete with a gross of chocolate chip cookies and a quart of aurochs milk for dipping, but I am looking for a Six Seasons Game if possible (no luck yet). ZZ keep i mind we are only gaming for August, you may well wish to see if you can still join this game in September if Six Season (part one) is not relevant to you. 

    • Like 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, Ian Absentia said:

    Okay, this player character team, for instance, is way over the top.

    That had to be the famous CoC cartoon I heard so much about but thankfully never watched, and tell me that pilgrim was not Kane with anther name... <woah>

  13. 1 hour ago, Ian Absentia said:

    I'd play the hell out of that game.  Pun most certainly intended.


    Sigh, I hate when amateurs wield puns...

    Yeah, while watching the movie, I thought to the Wicks BRP conversation of way back (woah)... that led me to think of the wonderful reads I have had... and I have seen many guises of John... John Constantine, but he was always disheveled, always smoking, almost always on the verge of one disaster or another as he careened through life sometimes being a fast talker, often being a con, mage, ne'er-do-well, usually being dishevelled (check, I think I got that one) always being cool except when he wasn’t. In other words the perfect characters (the many faces of Argrath, eat your heart out). In one taxi and out of one airport and... Those that wanted to run with him were doomed or mighty... yeah, ready to be BRPed in my honest opinion! Great see there are options for the adventurous!

    I’d play the hell back into that game!


  14. 6 minutes ago, Ian Absentia said:

    As allowed previously, the movie was okay as it's own thing, even good in its own way.  Oof, but that TV show...I'd rather you hadn't reminded me.


    Y’all trying to make me happy I quit watching boob tube in the late 70s?

    5 minutes ago, Ian Absentia said:

    But, hey, how 'bout that Pulp Cthulhu suggestion?  Among other virtues, it's a game I don't hear nearly enough about.  And, I have to admit, it's pretty much how my friends and I tended to play Call of Cthulhu in our day.


    Now that sounds interesting.

  15. I could be mistaken, but I think this map goes well beyond first world whining, the air is so thick here I can not clearly see a very large bridge about km away, those with health probs are told to stay at home and I have had a cough all day. 

    That's a lot of fire across the great north! Those who would like to follow this NASA map can go to:



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  16. We know the Heortlings (hard to get over the old name, Orlanthi, but I do seem to remember most of the time... not bad for an old set-in-his ways grog...) are fanatics in their devotion to the nth degree of the concept of hospitality. What of the Praxian neighbours, surely they have concepts of hospitality, and I postulate of a more serious (yep, I said more.. than the Heortlings? Inconceivable) nature and with more clearcut consequences. Now, on the Blue Marble, hospitality is very much a matter of life and death in the desert. Very ritualized as well. Hospitality given; life’s can be saved, withheld... one may not be long for this realm. 

    Any thoughts or insights about desert (or oasis, or even savannah) hospitality in Prax, out there in the hive mind?


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