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Bill the barbarian

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Posts posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. I must be the last person on the planet that figures to be heroes you have to be heroic, not stack the dice. I still (as I have for decades) have the players roll 3d6 for five stats (in order) and 2D6+6 for 2 stats, (also in order) and add the three bonus points if the rolls are too low and add another three for Rune affinities. One can always increase five of the stats later. If the player insists I will allow a reroll of the entire character.

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  2. 9 hours ago, Shiningbrow said:

    As a ritual, couldn't more than 1 priestess supply the rune points?

    1 hour ago, Nick Underwood said:

    I think the official ruling is that multiple people can supply Rune Points only in cases where it is explicitly mentioned. But it is explicitly mentioned that multiple people can sacrifice POW during a spell enchantment creation ritual. 


    According to Scotty citing MGF any spell can have more then one person contributing RPs if the GM allows it. I did not see this anywhere in the RAW (negative or positive) which caused me to write  and ask about it and that was his answer. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. On 9/3/2021 at 11:00 AM, RHW said:


    Professor Bunsen Honeydew prepares a vial full of glowing fiery red fluid. His assistant Beaker nervously holds a flask full of oily black gunk.

    Great, just friggin great!

    • Like 2
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  4. 4 hours ago, Godlearner said:

    "Vegetarianism" just does not fit in a fantasy type setting, including Glorantha,

    Not sure about this, why do you think so? Vegetarian seems like a proper trope for any world and it is part of CA restrictions placing it very definitely on the Lozenge. Not a vegetarian but still...

  5. I have had a player who insisted that his characters know as much as they did about the world about them. Let me tell you what a pain in the ass that was! I felt I needed a PHD just to keep up and all the joy in running the game oozed out of it! Normally I like the extra work of being GM but... No, I like role-players who do not insist on knowing everything!

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  6. 7 minutes ago, soltakss said:

    But, yes, I se that it makes sense to optimise spell selection and make sure that we have a fighter, a talker, a healer, a sneaker and a knower in the party, but that is not how I generally do it.

    I have said it before, you do allow Your Glorantha to Vary. Keep at it, I mean it has succeeded now for how many decades (as long as I have been following you and that has been decades)? And don’t allow others to tell you that you are doing it wrong!

    • Like 1
  7. On 8/23/2021 at 2:14 AM, Darius West said:

    The corollary is that this means that the GM now has to pay a lot more attention to remembering to hand out skill checks, which can break the narrative flow a bit.

    Always found any kind of paperwork breaks the flow... I tell the players to ask me about the rolls later, but they forget and I forget.... have yet to find an elegant solution. 


    On 8/23/2021 at 2:14 AM, Darius West said:

    In terms of character progression, don't sweat the issue of players farming skill checks too much imo.  Their high skills will not increase quickly due to the low probability of the rolls required to increase.  As to improving their low skills, well, I find it adds character, and allows them to potentially get into and out of new sorts of trouble. 


    It does make folk happy, so...

    On 8/23/2021 at 2:14 AM, Darius West said:

    A good GM isn't afraid of powerful characters, they simply set different challenges.  My favorite is when a character is very successful in fighting, but suddenly finds that they are waist deep in political intrigue with people they are unable to lawfully kill. 

    I would say a good GM is aware of his or her’s limitations and tells the players before hand. Nothing wrong with knowing where (which level, i suppose) you should play or GM. It is not a weakness. 



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  8. I believe that was made by a fan, known hereabouts as Crel, not Chaosium. I am sure a summoning would bring him here so he can see that comment. I assume he was not using Adobe and got that incorrect result. So @Crelwas I right on both counts were you the author and were you using another PDF reader. 




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    On 8/30/2021 at 12:09 PM, sufiazafran said:
    On 4/29/2020 at 12:32 PM, Jeff said:

    But the Icelandic longhouse is built to reflect the resources and conditions of Iceland, and a tradition of housebuilding style from Scandinavia and Northern Europe.

    It really doesn't make any sense for Dragon Pass, with its traditions coming from the Holy Country and Peloria.

    Could they make some sense in Fronela? 


    Skulldixon posted this great YouTube film that features squareish/ovoid/and long houses in antiquity, on Discord...



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  10. 1 hour ago, PhilHibbs said:

    I agree. My intention in starting the thread was not to make it substantially easier or cheaper. Maybe a little, but not by a big factor.

    Have not said a thing until now, and have only this too add. Totally agree! Divine Intervention's other name is miracle.

  11. 21 minutes ago, icebrand said:

    Found the barbarian!


    No one told me we were playing the praxian equivalent of Where’s Waldo...

    How inhospitable!


    • Haha 1
  12. On 8/18/2021 at 10:11 AM, Rick Meints said:

    ETA to Long Beach port is August 24th. After it gets unloaded and clears customs it gets sent to Minnesota, which takes a week or so.

    That means you can pick up your own copy @Crel!

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