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Bill the barbarian

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Posts posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Well, I just had a very pleasant talk with my FLGS, Warp1, who I recently reported had no interest in stocking RuneQuest. Thought I would give them one more chance and talked with the owner James (have not seen the lad since the late 90’s or early 21st century) and he says he is bringing in a bunch of the Starter sets. Got him to put one on the side for me when they arrive and to give me call and an email (brick and mortar store so he says the PDF should be included). He also agreed to let me run a demo once we end the lockdown again (said he would have leapt at the chance if we weren’t under lockdown)! 



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  2. 7 minutes ago, Baron Wulfraed said:

    Spirit Combat Damage is on the fourth panel of the GM Screen. Regular damage bonus is on the second panel of the GM Screen, along with Strike Rank Modifier(s). Might be worth considering at least the PDF version.

    I should not speak for others, but I am reasonably sure that the point was not that it could not be found but the that it was not easily found. Having to leave the core book  Char Gen entirely to create an NPC or critter does not seem optimum.

  3. 5 hours ago, Bren said:

    Gently lift them up and set them down out of the way?

    Had a series of combats in troll realms and the players hired a Xiola Umbar priestess. They were a bit surprised when told in no uncertain terms to allow enemies access to her skills as well as friends if they wished those skills to continue. I felt well within my rights to insist on this. This thread seems to agree as far as CAs are concerned.

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  4. 2 hours ago, David Scott said:

    I was an RQIV playtester. I didn't like it,

    Third party speculation has a certain charm, but I have always been a fan of hearing from the source. Thank you for the comments and memories.

  5. 1 minute ago, Bren said:

    Not yet. Just noodling ideas. I don't have enough experience with the new rules to feel comfortable making significant changes.

    Same  for me, having played it for four years I feel I should know it better, but just beginning to come to grips with it.

  6. 25 minutes ago, Bren said:

     This makes explicit something that has implicitly concerned me about how augments work and whether its sensible for players to even try to augment. I want augments to be something players will try to use when success matters, not something they should choose every time they try to do anything.

    Very true!

    26 minutes ago, Bren said:

    So my Humakt initiate fighting in a night battle would roll against his 95% Greatsword skill and also roll against his 70% Darkness Rune affinity and use the better result from the two rolls, e.g., rolling 48 for Greatsword and 13 for Darkness Rune. He would choose to use the special result from the Darkness Rune rather than the normal success for the Greatsword.

    Were you planning on trying this. If so let us know how it went!

  7. 21 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

    The price for this? Nearly twice as many fumbles. Which makes sense, as you now have two rolls either of which can fumble.


    The precise reason I mention to folk to consider well the reason they are augmenting. Saw this without the math!

  8. Not a statistics man myself (loathe them really), but thanks for the great work anyway. I have had the opportunity of running a lot of newcomers this summer and I had to warn a great many of them that using a low ability to augment a high ability or just using augments willy nilly was going to bit them hard one of their rolls... the better tacticians understood this and utilized the augments like RPs. That is, as a limited resource that should not be squandered but utilized at critical points where it would make a great deal of difference should it succeed. 

  9. 6 hours ago, David Scott said:

    As there are only 14 (not including the roughly 80 transients), and Paring Stone and Daka's Creek have no Oases Folk. Paring Stone is a sacred orlanth site, so inter-tribal in nature. Daka's Creek is avoid by Oases Folk, the only thing there is an entrance to the Underworld and loads of ghosts from the Gods War (allegedly).

    Where would Days Rest and Moonbroth fit into these, good sir!


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  10. On 9/17/2021 at 8:32 PM, Questbird said:

    Unfortunately one of my Elric! regulars refuses to participate online.

    c'est dommage, that sucks. I am not a fan of online but I am a fan of RPGs... and when in a pandemic, well.


    16 hours ago, Imaginosmusic said:

     I have been able to play several different systems with people from all over the world.

    that’s what I am talking about!


  11. 38 minutes ago, Barak Shathur said:

    The pdf I have is called "RuneQuest 4 - Adventures in Glorantha" and is from 1993. The DB table goes


    I wonder if we have any of the RQ4 AiG playtesters here on BRP Central. Might be interesting to hear their comments.

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    1 hour ago, Lloyd Dupont said:


    I call it the "End of Days" an extreme scifi mega dungeon.

    So the players are on Habitat 47. A basic rotating cylinder of concrete and steel space habitat. There is no longer any star or planet or anything. Only empty unlimited cold darkness. 

    I know Doctor Who covers this idea a few times over a few doctors so this might be worth a lookup.

    8 minutes ago, svensson said:

    There was a 2007 movie about Earth's sun being extinguished called 'Sunshine' that explored similar questions.

    Is that the one from a Polish sci-fi author?


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  13. 5 minutes ago, Scout said:

    but I'm worried my buddies will throw me out the window because they keep failing at dice rolls.

    You just have to hope they fumble their throw roll!
    if they used the RQ2 rules... it would be more likely!

    • Haha 2
  14. Yes, when someone says zero to hero this is one of the places this expression came from. Have you read the Saga of Ruric, he starts about as good as you and has a tree branch/club!

    • Haha 1
  15. 33 minutes ago, d(sqrt(-1)) said:

    I have the opposite problem - I read the myth, whether it be Gloranthan or something else and think "I have no idea what that is supposed to mean". 

    This is not the worst problem to have. The best myths I have read have seemed akin to dreams. A lot of familiarity, but... there is just something off, something not quite right. Children get this effect on hearing any true myth or great story. After all, wonder is intrinsically oft encountering the unknown! To my way of thinking this is a great thing, a shamanic thing. 


    On 9/8/2021 at 7:49 PM, jajagappa said:

    A significant factor, I believe, in this phenomenon is written text which often seems to "freeze" or codify myth to one "true" form or meaning.

    no, I was referring more to this, some take the need to know all aspects to a great enough degree that perhaps the wonder would fly...it does for me... and I feel a certain loss as a result. Each to their own though, far be it from me to say this is wrong, just not for me. 

    Now, you were referring to your own take... 

    33 minutes ago, d(sqrt(-1)) said:

    "I have no idea what that is supposed to mean". 

    I will admit to having the small problem of late. I hear several multisyllabic names, each a suitcase full of begots and beentheres and donethats and got thet-shirts that my head begins to spin and my incoherent stare stops at a vacant 1000 yards... Is that were you going?


    love, love love the moniker!

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