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Y Mab Darogan

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Everything posted by Y Mab Darogan

  1. Well Mob, I think, did say we'd see some art previews so let's hope not too long a wait.
  2. I've been reading but I'll have to look again
  3. So will this be the same art we'll see in the core books and RQG line?
  4. I'll probably try to mine it for any Mythras games I run, alongside Elric and the MRQ supplements but leave Glorantha to RQG (RQ2)
  5. Ironically I don't think I have that one lol
  6. lol that was blunt, brutal and too the point. Thanks everyone I'll relegate them back to the vault where they can languish
  7. So honest and brutal opinion is this product line any good? I went on a spending spree when the MRQ stuff first came out and they got sent straight to the dark corner of my hard drive unread Now I'm looking to get a Mythras game going I've been delving into the various MRQ books for material but with RQG coming soon(ish) was wondering if I'd get any mileage out of the Glorantha specific books? Honest opinions?
  8. That's promising, might pick up a bit of the older stuff from the kickstarter then. thanks
  9. Nice. Will there be a lot of duplication in the product line?
  10. How compatible are the RQ2 supplements? On a percentage scale. Has anyone said?
  11. If it's the book may need to wait till my birthday but sounds like it would be worth it
  12. Definitely, once someone pointed out the size and I checked out the YouTube review I completely rescinded my pricing opinion. It's one impressive book(s).
  13. So I've gathered we're getting a core 3 set of books but what else can we expect and when? Basically what's the release plan? RQG: Core - Dec 17? Bestiary:? GM guide: ? Dragon Pass Campaign:? Scenarios Book:? Heroes Book:? what else? any rumours or confirmed releases and any details on the above.
  14. No I was referring badly to digital records of purchases. But someone confirmed they do and you'll have infinite access to download
  15. I'll have to decide whether I keep with my PDF only rule or go full print...it's an attractive book.
  16. Lol last response was before reading this, in that case happy days. I actually had no idea how huge it was which completely changes my opinion on the price
  17. I think if it was unlimited downloads I'd go for t but it'll have to wait till I replace my storage now.
  18. I'll probably hold off for now then. Shame but I'll take a second look after RQG comes out.
  19. Probably a silly question but do chaosium store purchases? thats quite a bit bigger than I realised mmm
  20. Two hopefully easy questions why isn't the guide available on drivethru? Wow, why is the PDF £40? That's possibly the most expensive PDF I've ever seen? With RQG coming I'd like to finally get this but boy am I going to have to treat my wife nicely
  21. That's good I can pick it up for my birthday Reading the blogs again and some of the posts im starting to get the intent behind some decisions some I like, some I'm wait and see but at the moment this is definitely on my buy list. Whether as a resource or as my 'Glorantha' game too early to say but I'm definitely going to run the QuickStart for my group.
  22. As an aside you guys should get a playtester to write an I gamer style promotional piece. Its great hearing from the designers but you describe it very mechanically for the most part, if still enthusiastically. Would be good to hear from a player why this is the game to go with.
  23. I think it sounds interesting enough to check out although I think the big selling point for me is Glorantha, seeing how well the mechanics emulate/fit that (imho) will be my decider.
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