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Everything posted by umlauthuth

  1. So, let's say you're handed the responsibility for fulfilling the Dare KS. What do you do?
  2. What is the purpose of giving feedback, at this point, if not to get a refund?
  3. There's also Cathulhu, which IIRC uses CoC 7e.
  4. Isn't there two cat-themed CoC spinoffs?
  5. One "how to make a monster" would be useful; six different ones, with different approaches, would be great.
  6. In a situation where the Handler doesn't feel like they can make a fair adjudication based on the tome under consideration, I suggest the following: Days: roll 1d6 Weeks: roll 1d4 Months: roll 1d12
  7. Does OQ Basic and OpenQuest use any parts of the Mongoose Runequest OGC? It's mentioned in the OGL text in the current versions.
  8. Buried under fields, entombed in roots, or burbling under marshes, lurks the aglæca... A new creature for your D100 or GUMSHOE-based horror mystery RPGs. The Aglæca is a beast out of the mists of folk-legends and grandam's fireside tales, an eater of children and king of the wastes. This article includes: Stats for the Aglæca for both percentile-based RPGs and the GUMSHOE system. Variations and echoes on what the Aglæca is and where it comes from, and scenario seeds for placing it in your game. The Aglæca is available from RPGnow/DriveThruRPG.
  9. Yeah, I don't need the splats/history, just stat generation, derived stat charts, skill point totals, rune point totals, and total spell picks in some sort of centralized place. The chargen chapter seems to be organized in such a way that it expects a new player to closely read the entire thing, and every time i go through it I find some new hidden skill modifier etc. The order seems confusing as well, and I can't seem to find a flowchart summary of the charts to roll on for the history.
  10. Is there a one-page summary of the RQiG chargen process available?
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