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Everything posted by Tigerwomble

  1. Absolutely and Free Range.
  2. I understand that some lasagnes found on Sainsbury's shelves contain Long pork.
  3. I believe they are (at least vegetarian) and only hunt for meat to feed their herd.
  4. Can the intelligence of a Morocanth's herdman be 'released' to have normal human intelligence? Or are they permanently animals?
  5. My players are old and cynical and as Jeff said, of the D&D tribe. Maybe being young they are more accepting. Great to hear anyway.
  6. I'm loathe to omit them. I think they're a great addition and as I said, they represent, for me at least, that particular type creativity that Glorantha embodies.
  7. Game, set and match, Jeff. I will just go with your approach. I'm clearly overthinking this.
  8. They do seem to be an object of fun, being portrayed as foolish. Although there are a few used to highlight the foolishness of others (you must be foolish if you can be fooled by a duck). Generally, I agree with Jeff. But for some players it is a suspension of disbelief too far and i'm not unsympathetic to that. I have heard several people in the past say 'Glorantha? Isn't that the game with the Ducks? None of this is a big deal. I just have some players I would like to introduce to Glorantha and ducks came up.
  9. I'm with you, Jeff. Just play them as if it's perfectly normal....which of course it is. exciting to see the new Bestiary cover. Looks great.
  10. I'm sure the likes of Geek and Sundry are always looking for new content and with the shiny new RQG someone needs to contact Felicia Day.
  11. I have a friend who does not 'get' Gloranthan Ducks. He, quite rightly says that they have no heroic provenance (Howard the Duck notwithstanding). It's a good point. They have never been part of the mythic landscape, unlike other birds such as Crow and Hawk. For me, Ducks represent the kind of creative thinking that makes Glorantha special. But they can be quite a hurdle to overcome for some players new to the game and difficult to avoid excluding so as to reassure those players. How have others coped with this 'duck problem'?
  12. Indeed. All it needs now is to get Matt Mercer to run it on Critical Role.
  13. I'm unsure how HP's should scale from human to giant (depends on the size of the giant, I suppose). Giants double the size of humans should have double the amount of hp's. 3 times the size, 3 times the hp's? That sounds too simplistic. How big was Bigclub? Of course, the most important aspect of this is 'what does my story require?'.
  14. I concur. The alien nature of the races makes Glorantha a big pull for me. Elves are not simple pretty humans with pointy ears.
  15. I quite like the idea of adventurers having to deal with a 'bit' of the Red Goddess. Maybe they could sell it to someone who does a nice line in Relics. In the RW, of course, vials of the Virgin Mary's breast milk were touted around, so the mind boggles.
  16. ....of course she is.
  17. So she resides on the moon?
  18. What is the physical nature of the Red Moon. It is described as both something akin to human or human like (or at least that's the impression I get) and then she ascends and is a moon. Also she was torn asunder and scattered. Did she reform or are there scattered remnants?
  19. The magical aspect is certainly a way of justifying the notion that the fear Dragons comes from the DragonKill. The Dragonrise then reinforces it. Awakens old fears, as it were. So in fact both are correct.
  20. Whoa, that's a cool explanation of the nature of the runes. Did i read that the more the rune is written down the more powerful/ present/influential it becomes?
  21. I never suggested adding Cthulhu. I mentioned 'Lovecraftian' by way of expressing a sense of dread for what already exists in the setting
  22. Don't talk to me about Cosmic Mice. The therapy cost me a packet........ nibbling, nibbling......
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