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Everything posted by HreshtIronBorne

  1. We just did that adventure with some very lightly seasoned characters, just about a year or two into the Red Cow Campaign. Our GM threw it at us during a season of downtime. The dragon got absolutely freaking REKT. Not a very threatening Dream Dragon, especially if you get all the tools and tips to take it down.
  2. I was thinking that they would still initiate to some god and that they are also lay members of many other gods. So, each cult would have most of its members as lay members that were initiates of other gods. I would think everyone picks some god and then supports many others through Lay membership. I might be totally wrong.
  3. How many members of a clan would be initiates versus Lay Members of the primary cult worshipped by the clan? If most members are lay members then sure, there are still a ton of villagers that can't fly. Every initiate can basically spend all their rune points a couple times a week from character creation, once they get over 5 or so they won't reliably get them ALL back every roll but, they can still cast a lot of rune magic. I personally, LOVE that magic is much more available and actually used before Rune-Lord levels.
  4. Ah, I did not realize that HQ has such ubiquitous use of magics.
  5. Adventures are set up to occur generally once a season now. Every Orlanthi should have a very high chance of having all of their rune points back even if they adventured every week. They have associate holy days every week, maybe even multiple, I have yet to lay out all of the associated cults from the core book on a calendar for an Orlanthi initiate. That is far closer to At Will than anything RQ has put out before.
  6. Don't initiates of Orlanth get Rune points back on Minor Holy days, as well as all 13 of his associated cults holy days throughout every season?
  7. Now any and every Orlanthi CAN start with flight at will.
  8. Cast countermagic 6 from the Ernaldan right after the Humakti seriously wounds a guy. Also works great coming from allied spirits.
  9. Oh awesome! I had no idea. Thanks friend.
  10. Can a Humakti initiate into any other cults? I thought they ritualistically severed ties with other commitments.
  11. Could you post the example of Erannina, or at least site the spot she shows up?
  12. It is from the preview on rune metals and crystals for RQG.
  13. I noticed a few differences between the wording of the Spirit Binding Enchantment and the powers of the Spirit trapping crystals, does anyone know if the crystals allow the manipulation of the POW of a trapped spirit? Binding a Spirit: If one does not wish to put a bound spirit into an animal as a familiar, one must find or buy a spirit trapping crystal. Once a spirit has been bound within such a crystal, the POW of the spirit is available for the use of the binder. The spirit may not throw spells itself or take other independent action unless the binder is attempting to control more spirits than their CHA will allow. If the bound spirit’s POW is reduced to 0, the spirit is destroyed. Note that gods and demigods may not be bound.
  14. How about an Elmali guardsmen that combines Glamour + Light + Protection to create a bright aura for his duties as a night watchman? Only one of these is cult magic but, he can still acquire them through purchase.
  15. The problem is really that there is no Lightning flavored Spirit Magic. Fire gets a ton of Spirit Magic, while lightning has nearly no presence.
  16. I was looking at thw wording of the Link Spell Condition and it specifically says it can combine spells for unique effects. This thread was a hopeful investigation of what unique effects might be acheieved by combining simple spells. Hulking out with Strength+Coordination+Mobility is great and all but, not super flavorful. I was hoping to find some neat combination of existing spells that was novel.
  17. Could you make a 'new' spell by combining something like a Matrix for Truesword and a Matrix for Thunderbolt with a trigger when you shout 'by the power of Orlanth' and thrust the sword in the air? The desire is a lightning sword. I dunno what needs to be combined. Or does one HQ for something like that?
  18. Wow, that would be kinda ridiculous. Even if it costs a ton of permanent power it should still cost a boatload of mp. Boon for a year at just a strength of 12 is 3d6, a gifted sorcerer with 16 could get 4d6, and someone playing with enhance Int could get up to 5 or 6d6 without even doing a bunch more enchanting. If it were nearly free that would be terrifying, also reducing the mp cost would dramatically reduce casting times by my reading of the rules.
  19. I think it would cost 21 MP for the full spell. If the caster had a Free Int of 11 he could jack it up to 3d6 for that year and it would cost 32 mp per casting. Gather all the crystals in the land, my apprentices.
  20. So, you could make a matrix that has a boosted duration, say 20 for a year. Then you could manipulate whatever strength you could muster with your Free Int and a crapton of MP storage. Lol
  21. Would that mean that a Lhankor Mhy could slowly build up a Boom of Kargan Tor Duration 20 matrix or would it be Intensity 20 and then you could use that 'base' of 20 for strength, range, or duration manipulations when you cast?
  22. Our GM has gifted us a 'Traveller's Staff' at the beginning of some campaigns which includes various Chalana Arroy healing magical enchanted upon it. A resurrection and a heal body or two goes a long way to making sure a group of PCs doesn't have to re-roll or sit out all the time.
  23. Further question that I just thought up with a friend, not sure if it should be a seperate post or anything. How does Link Spell interact with the Rune Magic Multispell and the Shaman ability Spell Barrage? Pg 335 and Pg 362 respectively. What happens if I try and cast a spell through a linked Strength + Coordination + Mobility matrix with 10d10 MP in matrices connected to it while I am under the effects of a Multispell 3 or if I hand it to a shaman? A single Orlanthi adventuring ring could come up with the points in a few years, or a community could fund it to arm a champion.
  24. We had a sword and shield that when slammed together in a ritual challenge would cast Fireblade on the sword and Protection 4 on the shield wielder, it also had enough no in crystals do do that 2 or 3 times a day.
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