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Posts posted by Puckohue

  1. On 12/24/2019 at 2:49 PM, Grievous said:

    Daravala is also listed as second cousin to of Erenava (p. 57), but this doesn't work out either...

    The GM Screen Pack p. 21 shows Beneva Chan (Asrelia) having five children with King Kallai (dead). Two of them are the sisters Ereneva (high priestess of Ernalda) and Erannina Chan (Babeester Gor).

    It also shows Queen Leika is their 2nd cousin.

    The Smoking Ruins p. 44 now says that Ereneva is Beneva's and Kallai's neice (sic!). I chose to ignore this change.

    TSR p. 43 says that Daravala Chan is the niece of Ereneva (and so, of Erannina). But she's not on the family tree in the GM Screen Pack, and as others have pointed out there is the question of their ages. I chose to interpret this as "niece of Beneva Chan". So: Beneva had a sibling who is/was the parent of Daravala.

    This makes Daravala the (first) cousin of Ereneva (and Erannina), which fits the story.

    Leika is related to Ereneva and Erannina (through Kallai), but not to Daravala. That's why Ereneva was appointed High priestess, and not Daravala.

    Edit: and one sister of Beneva is... Hareva the Weaver! Is she the mother of Daravala? Of course she is!


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  2. Quote

    [Clearwine] is celebrating one of Queen Leika’s recent successes.

    Does anyone have any ideas what this "success" could be, early sea season 1626? The omens for 1626 were cursed...

    Maybe a successful cattle raid? An extremely favorable export deal of wine? I was also contemplating a noble marriage with favorable political consequences but maybe that's too much marriage-stuff for one adventure?

    I know it's not important to the plot but I need to motivate my adventurer's participation somehow.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Dissolv said:

    used to be easy to run because of the little adventure hooks and rumors that were laying around the various works

    There's quite a lot of them around still, if you ask me. The GM Screen Pack has them, and (almost) all of the old material is easy to use.

    As to heroquesting I already mentioned my primary source of inspiration, but I've since found a copy of Enclosure #1 with quite down-to-earth descriptions of many heroquests. Rites of Passage and the stuff in Enclosure #1 (and "If You Go Down To The Woods" in TotRM#18) are the first playable heroquests I've ever read.

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  4. I have a few questions about this scenario. I already bought it but I don't know when I'll have time to actually read it with the following in mind.

    I'm running the Borderlands campaign, set in 1615. The adventurers are all Sartarite exiles working as mercenaries for Duke Raus. They are initiates of Orlanth, Ernalda, Odayla, and Yinkin.

    1. Could this scenario, as it is, be played with these four adventurers hired out from Duke Raus as Sandheart militia auxiliaries, or is it necessary to include at least one sun worshipper?
    2. Is the scenario possible to run in 1615 as it is?
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  5. Humakt, Raven, and Wolf is a playable heroquest for RuneQuest : Roleplaying in Glorantha.
    It is based on a Gloranthan myth by Ian Cooper, used by kind permission.
    The heroquest can be performed in order to locate something that the adventurers need to find, be it a person or an object. One of the heroquesters must take on the role as Humakt.
    This is a short (one session) scenario. The difficulty can be adjusted by the gamemaster by adding or removing combat opponents.
    Featuring original (interior) art by Ludovic Chabant.


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  6. On 3/29/2020 at 2:44 PM, Nick Brooke said:

    Print On Demand version


    I mean, I would have no problem making anything available as print on demand (POD) if I was allowed to, but I don't think I'm allowed to publish something in the Jonstown Compendium both on DrivethruRPG and on an alternative POD-service.

  7. It’s been sent by ”some Lunars” to disrupt a sacred rite, not really expecting more opposition than a single priest. I’ve constructed a variant of the bestiary demon, with Moon magic. It’ll work.

    I’ll see if I can find that White Dwarf. I was curious about ”canon”-statted playable lunar demons.

  8. There's a lot of mentions of Lunar Demons. Are there any published examples of such?

    The Glorantha Bestiary has an entry on Demons:


    ...usually have Darkness and Death Runes, and possess Rune magic from Darkness or Chaos cults.

    Would this be true also for "Lunar Demons", or would they also have the Moon Rune and Rune magic from the Lunar pantheon?

    (I'm about to GM the "If you go into the woods today"-scenario from TotRM #18, and want to replace the main enemy with something more Lunar.)

  9. I enjoyed the read, and I’m glad you decided to publish your notes from the smoking ruins.

    It’s a good thing the preview includes the introduction where the premise is described: an alternate timeline for the Battle of Dangerford and Battle of the Queens. As the scenario plays out during the alternative Battle of Dangerford the premise is not unimportant.

    My campaign has already played through the Battle of Dangerford and I was planning for a Battle of the Queens in Fire Season, after the Smoking Ruins in Sea Season. I’ll have to see what I can actually use from this publication. The duelling scene is hilarious so I will have to make room for it.

    As I’m planning for The Smoking Ruins the notes were very helpful, thanks!

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