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Everything posted by RHW

  1. HU THE SWORD 75%+ of Humakti are followers of Hu the Sword subcult. This is the default subcult of Humakt, honoring Humakt as the god of the sword and of war. CULT PERSONALITY SKILLS: Fatalist, Stoic DEATH RUNE SPELLS (NOTE: These spells only work when cast upon a sword. Humakt defines a sword as any straight Blade weapon.) DEEP CUT (Rune Magic, Touch, Stackable, 1 pt) The next successful attack with the targeted sword ignores physical and magical armor if it hits. Parry armor still applies, but not any magical enhancement to that armor. Additional points effect subsequent attacks or additional swords. DECAPITATING STRIKE (Rune Magic, Touch, Stackable, 1 pt) The next successful attack by the Humakti automatically hits the head. Additional points effect subsequent attacks or additional swords. DESTROY SHIELD (Rune Magic, Ranged, Instant, 2 pts.) This spell shatters a targeted shield. If the Shield is inhabited by a spirit, the caster must overcome the spirit’s POW. If there is more than one spirit bound into the shield, each additional spirit adds +1 effective POW to the shield’s resistance. Each enchantment on the shield also adds +1 POW to the resistance. If a shield has no bound spirits but is enchanted, the total number of enchantments act as the shield’s POW. DESTROY WEAPON (Rune Magic, Ranged, Instant, 2 pts.) This spell shatters a targeted weapon. If the weapon is inhabited by a spirit, the caster must overcome the spirit’s POW. If there is more than one spirit bound into the weapon, each additional spirit adds +1 effective POW to the weapon's resistance. Each enchantment on the weapon also adds +1 POW to the resistance. If a weapon has no bound spirits but is enchanted, the total number of enchantments act as the weapon's POW. This spell will not work against swords, daggers, rapiers, or knives. It will work against scimitars, sickles, krisses, falchions and other curved or wavy blades, however. GREAT BLOW (Rune Magic, Touch, Stackable, 1 pt) The next attack with the targeted sword receives a +100% to hit modifier. Additional points effect subsequent attacks or additional swords.
  2. There's a good example in THE COMING STORM of how an initiation rite can vary for a participant with a different fate than the usual (in COMING STORM, it's the ogre variation of the Orlanth initiation). I feel like she'd undergo the Ernalda rites and then at some point things would get weird for her. Maybe at some point in the story, perhaps while learning how to weave in Ernalda's hut, she'd hear a woman calling for help from a different part of Ernalda's village. Some people hear this during the rites, some don't. The girls that follow that call and go out into the night witness a horrific God Time violation of one of Ernalda's daughters. (Gain the Passion HATE RAPIST or PROTECT THE INNOCENT). The perpetrator (Ragnaglar?) escapes over the adobe wall of the village. The violated goddess pleads for help. The vast majority of the girls offer comfort and healing. They might end up following the path of Bevara or even Chalana Arroy. But every once in a while, a girl grabs an ax from a nearby lumber pile and climbs over the wall to chase after the offender into the darkness. The girls that do that find Babeestor Gor waiting on the other side of the wall. She offers them blood beer and armor, a shield and more weapons. Those that accept follow her path forever. In other words, she'd go into the ceremony with everyone (including probably her) thinking she was getting initiated into Ernalda, but she'd come out a Babeestor Gor initiate. Which is a thing that happens sometimes and the community would know exactly what to do from there.
  3. Continuing my conversions of Hero Wars feats from Storm Tribe and Thunder Rebels into RQ Rune Magic. Now, by popular demand (okay, 1 request) Humakt! HUMAKT (God of War, Death, and Honor) Humakt has the Runic associations Death and Truth. His initiates are unresurrectable. Humakti take geas to make them more like their god. Each geas comes with an accompanying gift. Humakt will accept any worshipper who can follow his discipline and honor code. Theoretically, even a Chaos thing could join if it could maintain its vows (highly unlikely). Ducks frequently worship Humakt, who they call Hueymakt Humakt has only Rune Lords, who are called Swords. Swords must have a 15+ POW and Mythology of Humakt at 50%. They must also have 90%+ in any 1h or 2h Sword, 90% in any Parry, and 90%+ in any three of the following: Another Sword Attack, Any Other Weapon Attack, Brave, Conceal, Craft (Armor), Craft (Weapon), First Aid, Scan, Honorable, Orate, Ride, Sense Assassin, Tactics. CULT PERSONALITY SKILLS: Brave, Honorable CULT SKILLS: Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, First Aid, Sense Assassin (requires a geas), Tactics, Mythology (Humakt), Sing Sense Assassin (Skill), By using an action, the Humakti can sense the presence of someone who intends to harm either the Humakti or someone under the Humakti’s protection. Range is 15 meters. CULT BATTLE MAGIC: Bladesharp, Coordination, Demoralize, Detect Enemies, Disrupt, Fireblade, Heal, Protection, Repair, Strength, Vigor. The Cult specialty spell is Bladesharp NOTE: Humakti may never learn Dullblade. COMMON CULT MAGIC: All common spells. DEATH RUNE MAGIC BIND GHOST, FEAR, SHIELD, TRUESWORD, TURN UNDEAD BLESS CORPSE (Rune Magic, Touch, Ritual, Stackable, 1pt) After a brief ritual (15 minutes) the Humakti blesses a single corpse. The corpse blessing ensures that the body of the corpse cannot be turned into undead and that the spirit of the corpse will not come back as a ghost. Each additional pt doubles the number of corpses affected. DEATH SONG BERSERK (Rune Magic, Self, Duration, 2pts) The Humakti begins singing his own death song, going into an ecstatic state in which he is totally focused on killing. This raises his melee attacks to 150% of normal. Additionally, the Humakti’s Sing/3 is applied as a penalty to Parries, Dodges, and Spell Resistance checks against the Humakti. While under the influence of this spell, the Humakti may not cast defensive or healing spells or retreat. Caster's CON is raised by +2 while under the influence of this spell and all CON checks succeed unless a 96-00 is rolled. Death Song makes the user immune to all fear and negative morale effects. While under the influence of Death Song Berserk, the caster is immune to incapacitation, shock, unconsciousness, or exhaustion. Once all the Humakti’s enemies are dead, he begins attacking the closest sentient lifeform, methodically killing everyone around him. If the Humakti runs out of enemies and living sentient targets and is still under the effect of this spell, he falls on his own sword, killing himself. The Humakti can shrug off the effects of this spell with an INTX1 roll or a successful Honorable roll. When the spell expires or is shrugged off, the caster is incapacitated. NOTE: Some Humakti consider it a sin to cast this spell and not die. LAY GHOST (Rune Magic, Ranged, Stackable, 2 pt) The Humakti targets a single Ghost or other disembodied Undead (such as a Wraith). If he overcomes the Ghost with a resistance roll, the Ghost is laid to rest and vanishes forever into the spirit world. TRUTH RUNE MAGIC DETECT TRUTH, OATH DETECT AMBUSH (Rune Magic, Ranged = AE 100 m, 1 pt.) For the duration of the spell, the caster is warned if anyone within 100m of him intends to ambush or has set an ambush. SEVER RELATIONSHIP (Rune Magic, Ritual, 1 pt.) The target is ritually severed of all his or her relationships.The gods will no longer recognize any of his or her former familial connections. This spell is cast on Humakti as part of their initiation. SHAME COWARD (Rune Magic, Ranged, Stackable, 1 pt.) Targets under the influence may not run from combat. They are immune to Demoralize and Fear spells. Each additional point doubles the number of targets. HUMAKT’S SECRET (All subcults receive the same secret) SEVER SPIRIT
  4. Humakt next, by popular demand. * If you'd like something specific after that, let me know. Right now I'm thinking Argan Argar or Ernalda the Queen. *Popular = one person asked for it.
  5. That's it for Yinkin. A couple minor things. I skipped Munri the Mouser because I don't see PCs needing his magic. Also, here's Yinkin's Spirit of Reprisal: YINKIN’S SPIRIT OF REPRISAL Yinkin is difficult to anger, but he does have a Spirit of Reprisal, SCRATCHER. A Scratcher attacks to possess. If it succeeds, long red claw marks appear all over the victim’s body, making him hideous. Additionally, the Spirit claws the inside of the victim’s mouth, making it difficult for the victim to talk or communicate. The victim is penalized to all Communication skills by the Scratcher’s POW rating x3.
  6. TOL, THE CLOUD CAT Yinkin took this form while fighting his greatest enemies, the wolf god, Telmor, and the snake god, Mralot. This is Yinkin’s most warlike aspect, and most Yinkini weaponsthanes follow this subcult. CULT PERSONALITY SKILL: Fierce, Hate Hsunchen CULT SKILLS: Hsunchen Lore, Set Ambush BEAST RUNE SPELLS FIGHT TOOTH AND CLAW (Rune Magic, Touch, Stackable, 1 pt.) Each point adds +1d6 damage to the caster’s natural weapon attacks. HIDE FROM SPIRITS (Rune Magic, Touch, Stackable, 1 pt.) Makes the target invisible and undetectable to disembodied spirits such as ghosts and wyters. Each additional pt. affects an additional target. Invisibility ends if the target attacks or casts offensive magic. HURT SPIRITS (Rune Magic, Self, 1 pts.) Allows the caster to hurt spirits, ghosts, wyters, and other discorporate beings with her natural weapons. Spirits get a Dodge = their POWx3 and Armor Points = POW/5. The caster can attack the spirit normally and all damage done is subtracted from the spirit's MP. ENDURE WOUND (Rune Magic, Touch, 1 pt) Cast on a single wound on a still living target. The targeted wound can be ignored for the duration of this spell. It does not count against total HP, injured or lost limbs are restored to function. Once the spell expires or is dispelled, the full effect of the wound returns. SENSE HSUNCHEN (Rune Magic, Ranged, Self, 1 pts.) This spell makes the caster instantly aware of any Hsunchen (Animal Spirit People) within the AE. The specific direction or type or number of the Hsunchen is not indicated, but the caster is alerted, so he cannot be surprised. The caster is alerted as soon as the Hsunchen is within range, which usually gives him a chance to make perception rolls, dodge, take cover, etc.
  7. HEVREN THE CHASER Yinkin the herder. Yes, Orlanthi use cats to herd their sheep. They're herding cats. BEAST RUNE SPELLS HERD ANIMAL (Rune Magic, Ranged, Stackable, 1 pt.) If the caster succeeds in a Resistance roll, the target herd animal follows the caster for the duration of the spell. Each additional pt. doubles the number of targets (but all targets must be in range.) STAY WARM (Rune Magic, Touch, Duration = 8 hours, Stackable, 1 pt.) This spell makes the target immune from natural, environmental cold (but not magical cold or cold based attacks) for the duration of the spell. This spell can be extended normally. Each additional pt. doubles the number of targets. STORM RUNE MAGIC GREAT LEAP (Rune Magic, Touch, Stackable, 1 pt.) Grants the target +20% jump skill and +3m jump range per point. RUN LIKE THE WIND (Rune Magic, Self, Stackable, 1 pt) Doubles the caster’s running speed. Movement must still be done as a separate action in movement phase. Additional pts raise speed by another 1x (ie 2 pts = 3x, 3pts = 4x, 4pts = 5x) .
  8. “Greetings, Surfacer! Your concerns have been recorded in triplicate and an ActGroup has been assembled to conduct a FurthRev. FinRep will be communicated at ActGroupEnd. But be assured our PrelimExam has InitConcluded that all BeastRuneThings in the Upper PLACE INDICATOR <DragonRune><EarthRune>+<WaterRune><MovementRune> are performing nominally and as intended. PERFORM GRATEFUL GESTURE HERE. We appreciate your continued friendship.IMMITATE HUMAN SMILE. INSERT ADDITIONAL CONVER-END SOLICITATIONS HERE.” NOTE: Do not under any circumstances allow AirRuneEarthRuneManRuneThings to see Project EngRivSctMachX 1432-2871-1620D.
  9. GAVREN THE HUNTER The default Yinkin subcult. Yinkin's hunter aspect. CULT PERSONALITY SKILL: Hate Trolls BEAST RUNE SPELL FIND ENEMY (Rune Magic, Instant, Ranged, 1 pt.) Gives the direction and range of the nearest enemy in range of the spell. SENSE DANGER (Rune Magic, Ranged, Self, 2 pts.) This spell makes the caster instantly aware of any danger within range, including danger from traps, natural hazards, or enemies. The specific source of the danger is not indicated, but the caster is alerted, so he cannot be surprised. The caster is alerted as soon as the source is within range, which usually gives her a chance to make perception rolls, dodge, take cover, etc. DEATH RUN MAGIC SURESHOT STORM RUNE MAGIC GREAT LEAP (Rune Magic, Touch, Stackable, 1 pt.) Target gets +20% jump skill and +3m jump range per point. SOFT LANDING (Rune Magic, Self, 1 pt) While under the influence of this spell, the caster always lands on his feet and takes no damage from falling. SQUEEZE THROUGH GAP (Rune Magic, Self, Stackable, 1 pt) On the caster's next movement, she can pass through any gap in a barrier, no matter how small. The caster can pass through up to 1/2 meters of barrier in this way. Each additional pt doubles the thickness of a barrier that can be passed through.
  10. Paladin is more Humakt imo, Lawful Neutral Paladin of the Death God. Or Yelmalio Barbarian - Storm Bull, Zorak Zoran, Babeestor Gor Healing Cleric - Chalana Arroy (can’t fight), Ernalda, Xiola Umbar Rogue - Orlanth, Yinkin, Lanbril or Eurmal Monk - Path of Immenent Mastery, Yinkin Storm Cleric - Orlanth Sun Cleric - Yelm Fighter (Melee) - Humakt, Orlanth, Yelmalio, Kyger Litor Fighter (Ranged) - Foundchild, Orlanth, Aldrya Pet Caster - Ernalda, Shaman, Kyger Litor Shapeshifter Druid - Yinkin, Odayla, Telmori Buffer - Issaries, Mastakos Faceman - Issaries, Yinkin, Ernalda (Every party needs a faceman) Sage - Lhankor Mhy
  11. I usually start with what RQ is instead of trying to help people build things that don't fit from other systems/novels. "In RQ there are no classes. There are no wizards or paladins or rogues. Your character has a collection of skills they can use, any skill you want really. Everyone can cast magic, though it's not as powerful as in DnD. Think of your heroes as more like Conan. He's sneaky, but he's not a rogue. He's charming but he's not a bard or a paladin. He's strong, but he's more than just a fighter. He has skills! What skills do you want? Your character can also know a few cools spells that can, for example, hurt people from a distance, confuse them, add to your armor or make your sword hit harder or heal yourself and your friends. What spells would you like your character to have?" Then I guide them toward a previous XP and cult that fits the skills/spells they want.
  12. I'm almost certain there were once RQ stats for this aardvark in particular:
  13. Firearrow is the one that can't impale, which is still true of RQG. Probably the source of confusion.
  14. That may have once been true, but I don't see that anywhere in the new RQG rules. Just says Fireblade damage can't be resisted because it's real physical damage, damage bonus applies, incompatible with Bladesharp. Seems like an impaled or slashing Fireblade would both do 6d6.
  15. I was going to point this out as well. If secured to a wooden spear shaft, the shaft would smolder and then burn. If the shaft is metal, the heat from the point would be conducted and the wielder would burn her hands too. Leather or rope wraps aren't going to last long either. Why not just extend a Fireblade spell?
  16. ALUSAR THE SPY God of spies and scouts and trackers. Yinkini are renowned scouts. TRUTH RUNE MAGIC FIND HIDDEN (Rune Magic, Self, Stackable, 1 pt.) Gives the caster +20% to her Perception skills per point. REVEAL SECRET (Rune Magic, Touch, Stackable, 1 pts.) The caster must touch a person or an object. He learns one secret thing about his target. Resistance check applies if the target has POW. Each additional pt allows one more secret to be revealed or adds +25% to the resistance roll. The GM determines the secrets learned randomly. If the caster wants to learn a specific secret (“Who killed Colonel Mustard?”) the spell is consumed forever (treat as One-Use.) SEE INVISIBLE (Rune Magic, Self, 1 pt.) Allows the caster to see things and creatures that have been rendered invisible by magic (like Conceal) or magical abilities (such as Chaos features) as well as disembodied spirits. This spell does not allow the caster see through illusions. BEAST RUNE MAGIC TRACK BY SCENT (Rune Magic, Self, 1 pt.) For the duration of this spell, the caster can use her Track skill to track by scent, allowing her to follow targets even if they don’t leave tracks or footprints (provided they have a scent). If the target has left tracks and has a scent, the caster can augment her Track skill with her Scent skill (if she has one).
  17. I'll probably post subcults directly in this thread. Might work better. We had two Yinkini in our long running Dragon Pass campaign. Sixhits and Kat. Sixhits was a devotee of Alusar the Spy. He was a master of seduction and hunting down secrets. His default approach to almost any NPC of importance was to try to sleep with them. He failed spectacularly with Beanpot, Jar-eel, and Kallyr, but he did bed Icillius Overholy, Elmalandti, and Sor-eel's sister, Var-eel. Most famously, he slept with the Red Goddess on a Hero Quest, pleased her, and was neither killed by her splendor or converted on the spot to the Lunar Way (due to some extremely lucky rolls). When he died horribly on a different failed Hero Quest, he was replaced by his own familiar, Kat, who was transformed permanently into a human (on the same quest), then reincarnated Sixhits' spirit into an alynx kitten to serve as her own familiar. Kat followed Tol the Cloud Cat and was a far more effective combatant. She fought the Bat, fought at Castle Blue, and was part of the Dragonrise. Here is their stanza from KEENER'S SAGA: And Keener and Jak they had two cats. And Sixhits and Kat were their names. And they fucked the Moon and they fucked-up the Bat And they put them all to shame. Sharp were their claws, swift were their thrusts, Spirits and werewolves felt their quick cuts, And preening and smiling were also their arts, ‘Cause every good party needs a couple of good tarts.
  18. And now for something completely different! I'll be going through my Yinkin subcults next. But here's the main Yinkin cult from Storm Tribe with the spells converted into Rune Magic. YINKIN God of Hunting, Alynxes, and Lovers Sexy, sexy cat god. Your sexy cats herd Orlanthi sheep, help Orlanthis hunt, keep their longhouses free of pests, and are just plain sexy. Yinkin is associates with the Runes of Storm and Beast. Yinkin Rune Levels are Priests with the usual requirements. Additionally Yinkin Priests must have a 13+ Chr and Flirt at 50%+ CULT PERSONALITY SKILLS: Curious, Hedonistic, Loyal CULT SKILLS: Flirt, Grooming, Light Sleeper, Exotic Weapon (Fighting Claw), Mythology of Yinkin, CULT BATTLE MAGIC: Coordination, Glamour, Shimmer, Mobility, Ironhand, Detect Rodent. Yinkin’s Specialty Spell is Glamour. COMMON RUNE MAGIC: All YINKIN’S COMMON RUNE MAGIC (available to all worshippers regardless of subcult) BEAST RUNE MAGIC CATSEYE, CLAWS, CHARISMA, IDENTIFY SCENT LEAPING ATTACK (aka Pounce) (Rune Magic, Self, 1 pt.) As soon as he casts this spell, the Yinkin can make a jumping move and an immediate melee attack against an enemy in movement range. Casting the spell, making the jump, and making the attack are a single action. This attack cannot be preempted by a held action. PARALYZING BITE (Rune Magic, Self, 2 pts.) The caster grows a set of fangs which she can use to bite with. Bite inflicts 1d8 damage + Damage bonus and injects a Paralyzing Poison with an intensity of the caster’s POW. Roll Intensity vs. the target’s Dex. If Resistance is failed, target loses 1/2 DEX equal to potency for the duration of the spell. If DEX = 0 target is Paralyzed. NOTE: Multiple doses do not stack. This spell is stackable with FIGHT TOOTH AND CLAW. PREEN (Rune Magic, Ceremony, Self, 1 pt) This spell takes 15 minutes to cast, during which the caster primps and preens and makes himself look amazing. At the conclusion of this casting, the casters gains a bonus to all Communication skills of their Ceremony or Mythology (Yinkin) or Grooming/5 for a number of hours equal to the bonus. STORM RUNE MAGIC FEEL NO GUILT (Rune Magic, Self, 1 pt.) This spell makes the caster immune to guilt based magic (Such as KISS AND MAKE UP, STING PRIDE, THINK OF THE CHILDREN, or COMMAND HUSBAND) or persuasion via guilt. This spell may be cast instantly as a free action to counter any of the spells mentioned. MOVE WITHOUT SOUND (Rune Magic, Self, 1 pt.) While under the influence of this spell, the caster moves without making any noise at all. SLEEP ANYWHERE (Rune Magic, Self, Duration = 8 hours, 1 pt.) Allows the caster to get a good night’s sleep anywhere, no matter how uncomfortable or loud the location (NOTE: Caster still has a normal chance to wake up when threatened or attacked.) YINKIN’S SECRET (BEAST Rune Magic, All subcults have the same secret) TRANSFORM INTO ALYNX (Rune Magic, Self, 3 pts). For the duration of the spell, the caster becomes a giant Alynx. Stats and bonuses remain unchanged. Armor and gear are absorbed into the caster. Matrixes and spirit binding objects and MP Storage Crystals remain usable, though armor and weapons do not. The caster can move at double at her normal move rate, and gets 50% to Jumping and Balance checks and to all Stealth Skills. The caster can use Identify Scent at will. The caster can still speak and cast spells but cannot perform any skills that require the use of her hands. The caster’s claws do 1d6 damage and caster’s bite does 1d8.
  19. Yinkin and Odalya have their own subcult and each character gets to choose on there as well. I’ll do Yinkin next so you can see how it worked in my game. And yes, Foundchild is Praxian. Also IMG venerated by baboons and shamanisticly inclined Kolating clans in places like the Verge and by Pol Joni. YGMV
  20. Each character is intended to get the magic from one main cult and one (and only one) subcult as well. Unlike in the RQG rulesas I read them, getting another subcult is supposed to be rare and heroic.
  21. For my next bunch of subcults, would people like Orlanth Thunderous or something else? Lodril? Humakt? Ernalda the Healer? Yinkin? Argan Argar? I take requests. =P
  22. Harmony works! Probably a better call than Illusion.
  23. And that's it for Orlanth Adventurous subcults I worked up. Subcults not covered in detail: FINOVAN THE RAIDER (God of Cattle Raiders and Bandits) Rune Lords must have a POW of 15+, 50%+ in Mythology (Orlanth) and 90%+ in 5 cult skills. Finovan Magic includes: BEAST RUNE: Attract Herd, Camouflage Animal, Hide Animal Tracks, Silence Herd Animal. STORM RUNE: Call Thunder, Lightning, Great Parry. SECRET: Cattle Raider (allows Beast Rune Spells to affect all herd animals in range) NISKIS THE LOVER (God of Lovers) Not normally a PC subcult. Rune Levels are Priests. There are very, very few Rune Levels of Niskis. Most Orlanthi who want his benefits sacrifice for his spells as One-Use. CULT SKILLS: Amorous, Go Without Sleep, Courtesan, Seduction LIFE RUNE SPELLS: Caress of Passion, Endearing Eyes, Handsome Stranger, Stay Awake, Virility. MOVEMENT RUNE SPELLS: Escape Bedroom NISKIS’ SECRET: Please Woman ORMALAYA THE HUNTER (Hunter God) Another subcult with limited PC appeal, though it could work for ambushers and snipers. Rune levels are Priests. Yinkin, Foundchild, and Odayla are all more popular as hunting gods, so Ormalaya Priests are rare. In fact, there are more Sartarite clans that honor Zong than Ormalaya. Rune levels are Rune Lords called Hunters with the usual requirements. CULT SKILLS: Remain Motionless BEAST RUNE SPELLS: Attract Prey Animal, Conceal Hunter, Hide Scent, Invisible Pitfall. MOVEMENT SPELLS: Avoid Claws, Run Up Trees, Sureshot SECRET: Track Prey Over Any Terrain (so long as the Hunter is successfully tracking, his movement is not inhibited by terrain. Anything his prey can move over, he can move over.) ORVANSHAGOR DRAGONSLAYER (Orlanth the Dragonkiller) Rune levels are Rune Lords called Dragonslayers with the usual requirements. Dragonslayers roll 1d10 for DI. Treefell clan has no Orvanshagor worshippers and never will. Why? You ask too many questions. CULT SKILLS: Draconic Lore, Understand Wyrmtongue. DEATH RUNE MAGIC: Lightning Fast Strike, Pierce Dragon Armor, Scorn Dragon Wound, Shield Soul, Swallow Fear MOVEMENT RUNE MAGIC: Dodge Dragon Breath, Leap Onto Dragon SECRET: Find Dragon Weakness TATOUTH THE SCOUT (God of Scouts and Spies) Rune levels are Rune Lords called Rangers. CULT SKILLS: Cautious, Curious, Scout (Terrain) SPIRIT RUNE MAGIC: See Spirits, Hide from Spirit. MOVEMENT RUNE MAGIC: Find Path, Long Seeing, Remember Route, Soft Landing, Rock-Jumping SECRET: Return Home VARANORLANTH (Orlanth the Wild, God of Savages) Vananorlanth is the form Orlanth took when he first explored the world, living as a lone savage in the wilderness. Certain very remote clans high in the mountains still worship this form of Orlanth, but, other than that, his worship is rare. Vananorlanth Rune Levels are Rune Lords, theoretically, though most Varanorlanth worship is shamanic, which means that worshipers have vast access to spirits and spirit magic, but limited rune magic. Such shamanic worshipers have access only to the subcult rune spells; they cannot learn Orlanth’s common rune spells, not even One-Use. Bless Woad is an exception to this rule. Varanorlanth invented Woad. Vananorlanth Rune Lords are called Wild Winds. They must have 50%+ Mythology Orlanth, a 15 POW, and 90%+ in Any Weapon Attack, Any Weapon Parry or Dodge, and any 3 of the following: Run, Jump, Climb, Swim, Craft Stone Tools, Craft Flint Weapons, Thrown Weapon, Brave, Brave, Unpredictable, Self Sufficient, Mythology Orlanth, Scout (Terrain), Track, Animal Lore, or Plant Lore. CULT SKILLS: Craft Stone Tools, Craft Flint Weapons CULT PERSONALITY SKILLS: Brave, Unpredictable, Self-Sufficient STORM RUNE MAGIC: Wild Strength, Wind Running MOVEMENT RUNE MAGIC: Avoid Enemies, Burrow in Earth, Find Food, Find Water, Sense Danger, Outrun Pursuit SECRET: Survive Anywhere VINGKOT CHAMPION (Troll Fighter) Vingkot has several different subcults dedicated to fighting various ancient foes. These subcults are highly specialized. Vingkot Champion is focused on fighting trolls. Treefell clan has an ancient treaty with trolls to aid each other against elves, so no clan member may join this subcult. A few clans very close to Troll Lands support fulltime Vingkot Champion worshipers. See Vingkot Victorious under Orlanth Thunderous for a sample Vingkot cult. Vingkot Champion Rune Levels are Rune Lords with d10 DI. CULT SKILLS: Troll Lore, Sense Ambush LIGHT RUNE SPELLS: Break Bludgeons, Bright Spear, Cripple Troll, Scatter Shadows, See in Dark STORM RUN SPELLS: Tooth-Shattering Armor, Worship Vingkot SECRET: I Fought, We Won.
  24. Vanganth the Flyer for all you Wind Children and would-be Red Barons.
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