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Everything posted by Godlearner

  1. Most combats I ran do not last that long.
  2. Defensive boosting is a something that is not settled 100% the wording is certainly not clear (it has been discussed in another thread) and it has not been played that way in the past. Sword Trance +1000% would take 100 magic points, that's about 10 rounds of casting.
  3. Only if no one in your Game ever puts conditions on those things. Yes "+1000% Sword Trances" are good, but there are many, many ways to take someone like that down like some Multispelled Disrupts or a Dispel/Dismiss Magic or setting a spirit or two after the person.
  4. Well, Broo are a race the same as Trolls and Humans. You can not tap the Broo out of them. You can tap Chaos out of them, if you had that type of a spell.
  5. Yeap, that's where I put it. Here the actual post: The island is located in the Brown Sea, otherwise known as the Kerenth Sea, north of Slon and west of Jurstela. What? You say you do not see an island there? Is there .... just left of the edge.
  6. Funny you should mentioned that. I needed to know where the sea was because that is one of the locations mentioned for placing Griffin Island if playing in Glorantha and my version has kobolds, goblins and trolls there.
  7. The last time I did this in my game, we played through the Slaves of Fate supplement. Dug up a the write up for Eequor for that game. Cult - Eequor.doc
  8. Agreed, except within the Lunar Empire. Even among chaotics their existence is precautious after all what Thanitari or a Vivamorti would not love getting a hold of them Most groups we played were troll heavy which meant we had a lot of anti Chaos magic. Getting hold of a Virtuous weapon also helped a lot.
  9. Not in the rules, but I remember seeing this in various discussions on Boristi, as well as them running around "cleansing" people of all chaotics taints and then killing them with clean soul.
  10. Until they start sprouting Chaos Features
  11. Ahh .... remember those naked spirit runs in EverQuest or was it WOW?? LOL
  12. Way, way ahead of you on that 😁
  13. Perfect, thanks ... and of course we have no idea what's to the west of it?
  14. Finally a use for that spell for a PCs.
  15. Since the 80s we have had RuneQuest characters running around in the Young Kingdoms on various "quests" or by accidental world jumping. Bringing items back was always fun.
  16. Where is the Brown Sea? Is it known by some other name as well? https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/glorantha-2/map-of-glorantha/
  17. As a side question, if the trapped character know the Visibility spirit spell for some reason, would he be able to use it to get back?
  18. We had a character who named his brother Loot, and he was always looking for him. No stone went unturned in search of Loot .... and so on.
  19. Overall, I would say that magic items are pretty easy to make according to the rules, at least the basic ones. Depending on the level of your game, I can easily see characters having half a dozen items.
  20. They Tap Chaos to destroy the Chaos Rune and become chaotic due to their inability, eventually, to contain the chaotic energies within ... because of the tapped Chaos.
  21. This is the closest thing I found so far out of GoG v1:
  22. This is the one sorcery spell that did not have this, others all had either Intensity vs something or POW vs something rolls.
  23. Don't remember, but from when I first started playing Tapping was considered tied to Chaos in my play group. Perhaps it was because it was so permanent and had no POW vs POW roll. It was one of the most hated spells by players.
  24. This is of course these are my personal opinions. Aeolians - basically Orlanthi and would not use any Tapping as it is considered Chaos. Arkati - would not use Tapping as they would view it as going down a slippery slope towards Chaos. Lunars - already have an association with Chaos, so its more of the individual choice. I would say there are schools which accept it, and other which do not. In fact I see internal conflict between these aka Hong Kong martial arts movies.
  25. Sounds like useable frame work until a official material is released
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