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Posts posted by Shiningbrow

  1. 12 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    Am I right in thinking that a spell drops if the target of the spell goes outside of the spell's range from the caster?

    Clearly this does not apply to touch spells, otherwise Strength or Coordination would require the caster to remain in contact with the target for them to continue to benefit.

    But if I cast Demoralize on someone and they run away, I think the spell drops when they get 50m away from the caster. I don't think the spell re-asserts itself when they come back within 50m, although that might be amusing for the visuals.

    If I cast Mobility on someone to help them chase down a fleeing opponent, that could be quite an important detail. I'd have to run along with them, if the chase isn't going to be over really quickly.

    I think at one point in a previous RQ3 game we ruled that some active spells became inactive when outside of the range, but could be re-activated. So a Form/Set spell could be left in its fixed shape outside of the range, but could again be manipulated when the sorcerer or the item returned. Dominate spells could be kept up on targets, and re-asserted when appropriate. I'm not sure if I still agree with that rule, perhaps it was grandfathered in because a character had used that trick in a previous game and it was central to his character concept.

    If you accept that logic, then Speedart and Multimissile become useless most of the time... 

    So, yeah, "at the time of casting"' makes the most amount of sense... And, that's also when the spell takes effect, not just when you start chanting.

    Being the bastard that I am*, I'd also rule that you do indeed need to still be touching the target to Heal them.. If they decide to run after an enemy to attack, that's on them! 


    (Why don't PC police get all uppity about the mis-use of this word??? So many children born to unmarried couples... Such an unfounded pejorative!!!)

    • Like 1
  2. 11 hours ago, Joerg said:

    But yes, stats are tied to runes, and only a deity with some mastery over that rune should have the means to tinker with it. But then Orlanth managed to steal runic powers from all runic tribes that wouldn't give them up peacefully, including fire.

    I would think the most likely candidate for increasing INT from the Lightbringers would be LM... But no Fire there, only Truth.

    And if LM isn't one to want smarter devotees, I don't know who would!

  3. 12 hours ago, Crel said:

    Per Bestiary p. 169, a disease spirit always has Spirit Combat 75%, and a minimum POW of 9 (rolled POW stat of 3D6+6).

    That being said, casting Restore Health on a disease spirit is indeed a fine piece of Munchkinnery.

    Oh... I didn't check... The low POW can.be accounted for by previous Taps etc :D

  4. 5 minutes ago, Akhôrahil said:

    Why settle for that? Dead sheep version!

    It only clicked in my head that parchment is dead sheep! One of those "read, but didn't fully get" things.


    (Edit: not that I thought it was live sheep.. That would just be weird. Even as a mobile library)

  5. 22 hours ago, Iskallor said:

    Thanks. Building Old Town out of Lego ;)

    What an awesome official license agreement... Chaosium and Lego...

    Lego.ducks, trolls, dragonewts... Awesomeness!!!!!!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  6. Not sure if this was specifically mentioned in the previous 19 pages, but bind yourself a low POW disease spirit (6 or so) so that it'll have a really low Spirit Combat skill, defeat it for the 1D3 POW (as per previous).... Then, Restore Health on its lost POW.

    This saves you all the trouble of the random summons.

    • Like 1
  7. 24 minutes ago, Iskallor said:

    Being in the same cult is reason enough for me.

    Yelmalio elves, Orlanthi trolls, Stormbull morokanth etc.

    Joined by a heroquest. Secret is not to over think it.

    Yelmalio elves & Orlanthi trolls??? That's just asking for trouble!

  8. 15 hours ago, klecser said:

    So, clearly my comment above is considered "Sad" by people, and I don't understand why. I was just trying to be helpful. Why is it "Sad" to ask a designer to give insight on the design process? It's a rare privilege that we have from Chaosium designers. If you don't want me to be helpful here, I'll stop commenting.

    That's a "sad" face??? I'm really out of touch with emojis...

    I actually think it's people agreeing with you, about not getting that insight. At least, my interpretation. It doesn't make sense that they'd be sad at your request.

    • Like 2
  9. It's been said before, but maybe not stressed enough... One PC non-human is easily doable. Multiple from different races isn't likely to last long as a campaign. There is, after all, a good reason everyone isn't all living in harmony. The "common enemy", IMHO, gets boring pretty quick... And doesn't justify a long existence for the group.


    But... IIRC, the Wooden Sword had to be returned to the elves to be used properly. So, there is Humakt - a cult that can be worshipped by humans, ducks, elves, and the rare troll. If Humakt gave them all a mission, they'd be forced to work together (but probably not happily). We could also argue that joining Humakt not only severs family and cult ties, but also racial.

    The PCs could be the beginning of an attempt to reform the Elder Council. (Could just be a vision they've all shared)

    Something has gone wrong with Dragonewt reincarnation, and their souls are ending up in strange bodies..  and worse, taking on weird personality defects.

    Or, similarly, Belintar's soul has fractured into these different PCs.

    A Trickster told a Lie to them that they were all good friends (in the middle of a 5-way battle over a sacred/magical object??)

    Fate has played a tricksy hand... They'd all sworn a weird oath (along the lines of "the next person who...") and has twisted them together. (Sort of like the Witcher's unexpected surprise thing).


    The bigger question will be... Can the players RP it properly? In LotR, the dwarves and elves were supposed to have this serious mistrust and almost hatred of each other. Certainly continual suspicion. However, Legolas and Gimli were really boring. I.e., they didn't play their characters well. (Reminds me of Star Trek and other scI-fi with similar plots). Or D&D, where Paladins happily hang around with the CE assassin, long after they should....

    • Like 1
  10. 11 hours ago, klecser said:

    How do you make a Duck "shine" in RQG? 

    Lacquer. Or oil like the gladiators used to. I'd suggest Glamour or Charisma might also, as well as Shimmer, obviously.

    Beijing roast duck, and Cantonese crispy skin duck also shine..  

  11. 17 hours ago, Julian Lord said:

    though I think you mean cults rather than religions)

    You can have a very real cult based on fake or false beliefs.

    A fake cult would be one in which the members (at least the upper hierarchy) know it's based on fake or false beliefs.

    In the real world, that's basically what most religions (cults) think all the others are.

  12. 2 hours ago, Joerg said:

    Several of the hero bands described in the Hero Wars era products would evolve into units of the SMU, so it might be worth taking a look at the Sartar Rising series of scenario pdfs in the Chaosium Vault. The Eaglebrowns and how they start to be a magician unit are part of that campaign.


    That's sort of what I was thinking... Before the SMU is actually formed. It came together as a ragtag bunch of magicians working together... Which sounds a lot like a typical adverturer party.

    I'd imagine it became a cohesive whole only after quite a while. Before that would have been lots of fun and shenanigans...

    Also, the PCs would obviously have to prove their worth before being officially accepted. Years of side quests there on behalf of the Prince...

    • Like 2
  13. 9 hours ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    Ya know Shiningbrow, you can not look at life as who has the bigger (fill in the blank). Sometimes it is about the wonder and has nothing to do with the size or even usefulness.

    not the beginning of a flame war, please.

    First few pacts for the new shaman... Sure. 


    8 hours ago, g33k said:

    But the 19POW spirit you have a pact with now -- when you need that Befuddle! -- is infinitely more useful than the 30POW spirit you're planning to bargain with, once you finish gathering your ritual components to bump your bargaining effort...

    Who has the leverage?

    Experienced shaman who's looking for something fairly easy to get isn't going to spend not only the POW, but also be restricted to a very inconveniencing or restricting taboo.

    I know it was merely a quick example that came to mind, but consider how many players would be willing to sacrifice 2 POW for that Befuddle (plus a taboo). Gotta be pretty dire situation to do that.

    No need for a flame war @Bill the barbarian... Just discussing cost/benefit analysis. It's not in any way inflammatory to suggest that some benefits really aren't worth the price asked/demanded.

  14. 12 minutes ago, jajagappa said:

    Additional sacrifices are quite likely. Perhaps the shaman must take on additional taboos as well.

    Depends how powerful the spirit is... A measly little 20 pointer doesn't really have a lot of leverage. Plenty of other fish (spirits) in the Sea .

  15. 2 hours ago, metcalph said:


    Now you are just being dishonest and inflammatorily so.  I am not going to engage with you further seeing that you are on another trip to meltdown city.



    It's not in the Cults write-up, and it's optional in the Cults section of the charges creation process.

    One additional word in the sorcery section would help to clarify. It would take a good sentence or two in the cult write-up that would *drastically* change the meaning.

    Please address the lack in the Cults write-up, not the tangent (and interpretation) of the sorcery section.

    You made the categorical statement "All runemasters of Lhankor Mhy know and teach sorcery.  They wouldn't be runemasters if they didn't".

    Big claims require big proofs. 

    (Don't respond to the person... Respond to the argument)

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