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Posts posted by Shiningbrow

  1. On 6/28/2019 at 6:13 PM, albinoboo said:

    I think it is important to remember that the battlefield is full of magic not just weapons. If you get hit by disruption 4 your armour won't matter. What armour is going to protect you from the Crater Makers, The Crimson Bat or The Cannon Cult, if the Cannon Cult is still cannon (been waiting for years for an excuse for that, sorry). Fundamentally is up to the GM to make the battle roll into an event. Say something like:

    We formed the shieldwall, we sang the paean to Orlanth the Victorious. The armies  voices raised as one until we heard the the thunder of Orlanth in our hearts. 

    Now ask for the battles roll from each PC. The GM must describe the result in terms of the outcome of the battle that they want. So a successful battle roll for a PC on the winning side  would tell how they broke the Lunar line, a failed roll would describe the wound happening while the Lunar line broke. A successful roll on the losing side would mean an ordered retreat, an unsuccessful roll would means a wound in the rout and playing dead on the battlefield.  


    Personally, I'd like to see the Battle skill also allow adjustment from other skills (or at least, skill levels).

    The example in the book says that GMs should make their own adjustments - and the 2-1 outnumbered farmers with little equipment manages to take out the fully equipped and experienced Lunar army... by making the GM give a 40% adjustment to the roll.

    In the upcoming GM's book, I'd like to see something about how to make such adjustments based on individual's and company's abilities... eg, Harrek adds 200% to your Battle skill for arranging the combat. Local Knowledge adds % (because you know about the swampy turf, but the Lunar cavalry doesn't). etc etc.

  2. On 6/28/2019 at 6:13 PM, albinoboo said:

    The Cannon Cult, if the Cannon Cult is still cannon (been waiting for years for an excuse for that, sorry)

    You could have just started a thread about it!

    (Btw - 'cannon' is a weapon, 'canon' is the agreement - if you weren't aware.. but you could have been punning)

  3. 21 minutes ago, Russ Massey said:

    Isn't impaling to roll the damage and double it, while slashing is to roll the damage twice and add them together? That is a difference, since slash damage will have a bellcurve distribuiion while impaling damage will have a linear distribution.


    16 minutes ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    That'a how I recall it, myself.

    That's a negative!  Perhaps in older versions, but not now...

    To quote p202:

    Summary of Special Damage Results

    A special success does one of the following damage results, depending on the weapon being used. A critical success inflicts the maximum possible special damage type and ignores any armor.


    Impaling weapons do double normal damage, so a broad sword normally doing 1D8+1 does 2D8+2 damage. Any damage bonus or magical modifiers to damage are applied normally. The impaling weapon is also stuck in the body of the target and may need to be freed to use further. See below for more information.


    Slashing weapons do double normal damage, so a short sword normally doing 1D6+1 does 2D6+2 damage. Any damage bonus or magical modifiers to damage are applied normally. If the hit points in the location are exceeded, the target may be incapacitated, and must roll (CON minus damage)×5 or less to remain conscious. See page 204 for more information.


    Crushing weapons do normal damage and the attacker’s normal damage bonus, but the maximum rollable damage bonus is also applied. Thus, an adventurer with a +1D4 damage modifier using a maul (2D8 damage) does 2D8+1D4+4 damage. Any magical modifiers to damage are applied normally.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Bill the barbarian said:


    You know those situations where you say/write something useful and relevant... And it apparently gets ignored? So, you say/write it again, and again is ignored... So you end up saying "how many times do I have to tell you?"

    Yeah, I'm suspecting it's 17 for most things ... Just because. 

  5. 2 hours ago, styopa said:

    But nope, abandon the unassailable reality of human dimorphism because "somehow" that deprecates women? 

    I know I only wrote it about 3 times in that thread, and thus obviously hadn't achieved the required number (which I'm guessing might be about 17, but I can't be arsed writing it that many times), but it's clearly written in the GtG that Gloranthan humans are not  Earth humans...

    • Like 1
  6. On 6/29/2019 at 3:44 AM, M Helsdon said:



    Thank you @M Helsdon for these.

    Do you have the dates these photos were taken? New Republic? Old Republic? Or where? I don't see any insignia. (Any chance you have more photos of the entire legion? That would help... I do presume that the photographer wouldn't be allowed near the commander's tent... )

  7. 1 minute ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    I suppose that is a reasonably good reason to imply that I am obtuse.

    I refuse to answer as to whether I was correct or not. If one is incorrect there seems to be ramifications. That might just put a damper on opinions.


    Glad you accept it with your usual sense of humour :D

  8. 1 hour ago, Uthred said:

    Strike ranks explicitly aren't discrete second in the combat round. Also isn't the "bizarre reason" simply a result of the combat systems abstraction? From what I can see you cant do anything to react to your leg being hacked off, whether its rune magic or anything else, you state your intent in Phase 1 and then the Strike Ranks play out in Phase 3. There seems to be no option for "changing your mind" so the reason that Rune magic always takes place in SR1 is because it happens as soon as you think of it. 

    The SR/real time thing has a debate elsewhere... In one sense it reflects teal time, but simultaneously they don't... Confusing!

    Yeah, no chance to change your mind is a huge drawback... (read, "fail").

  9. 46 minutes ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    Again, I said earlier that is there is more damage going in and if it stays in it does more damage again,   Pulling it out also causes damage, It has always been this way since I started playing RQ and this argument has happened more than a few times with someone always getting extremely annoyed and yelling  why?

     Now , one last question for you. Are you saying impaing and slashing are the same,?

    No. S/He is saying that the RQG RAW is saying they are being treated exactly the same... Due to the mechanics.

    This is NOT about pulling the weapon out, etc. It's only about initial damage.


    31 minutes ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    Please do not enter a public forum and when some one offers an opinion call him obtuse. This is not manners

    The "opinion" offered was not directly relevant to the actual argument.

    Sorry @Bill the barbarian, you did drop the ball on this one.

  10. 4 hours ago, Wrestlepig said:

    Plus as much as I hate that gming style you can always say "hey Harmast Oathsword, can you gimme a roll for Sense Assassins? No reason" and get a good reaction.

    That's why, when I GM, I don't... I roll passive perception checks, or ask them to roll without saying why.

    To clarify, I've had too much "player knowledge" negatively impact games I've been a part of to trust.many with that now.

  11. 4 hours ago, galafrone said:

    Hi there

    i just wanted to know how the community feels about the HP being basically just a measure of CON with some little adjustments and not more the average of CON and SIZ

    Actually with this system ducks have an average hp total of 12 and the dark trolls 13.. and if the latters are unlucky the can easily being worse than ducks.

    So, fellow gamers, you are playing with the HP total as it is or ... not ?

    I agree.

    I'd say it's an attempt to balance the game in a world that's inherently unfair... Which to me is odd.

    Simple houserule could be CON + 1/2 SIZ. Sure, ducks are going to suffer against Great Trolls (and most Dark Trolls), but only slightly against humans. Humans will suffer only slightly against Dark Trolls, and may think twice about Great Trolls... 

  12. 10 hours ago, HreshtIronBorne said:

    Sorcery ALWAYS takes a full round plus 2 strike ranks per,MP. It is literally impossible to use a sorcery spell in the same round as ANY other spell pretty much, unless you end the sorcery really early in a round and could maybe squeeze in a quick spirit spell. 

    Here is where I see,a failure of the rules (at least as far as the description goes)... On SR 1, you quickly mentally petition your god to send down it's power. (For some strange reason, this always takes precisely 12 seconds, regardless of the spell, God, player or location...unless you need to power it up with magic points - although this has a contradiction in.the book).*

    For some unknown reason, this petition to the gods stops you from casting any other magic, but doesn't stop you from doing anything else... 

    For some bizarre reason, you can only begin this petition at the beginning of a melee round, and not in the middle (say, right after getting your leg hacked off...)

    *it could be suggested that this invocation itself is going for all of that time, which would be valid.

  13. 2 hours ago, Dan Z said:

    Oh, I thought you might mean he was a collector of victories.

    Collector of Nikes?  No one really know, but probably not.  Collector or RuneQuest and Gloranthania?  Definitely not, but possibly the most prolific.

    Sole... Collector.... 

  14. 2 hours ago, Grievous said:

    Maybe, but the primary factor in translating realism to game mechanics by far IMO is the overall skill with a set of weapons (ie. single sword, sword-and-dagger, sword-and-shield, etc).


    2 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    That's how the Loz/Nash system works (MRQ2, RQ6, Mythras), not sure about MRQ1.

    I'm mostly agreeing... Except when you lose the shield, your sword parry isn't crap, because even w/o the shield you're still using the sword to parry regularly... (as well as the occasional shield bash).

  15. 1 hour ago, Imryn said:

    I've thought about this for a while, and it does make some sense; except why do only a handful of cults have it? If it was to show devotion then all cults should have it, or we should have some explanation of why these particular cults have a greater requirement than the others.

    I can't answer that, any more than I can answer why only a couple of cults get gifts and geasa anyway... Maybe those gods are more egocentric 😛

  16. 3 hours ago, Mugen said:

    Attacking with the shield or parrying with the sword using that skill would obviously be possible, but with a negative modifier (quite like when you attack with an off-hand weapon and use half the skill in your main hand).


    3 hours ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    Correct, like one weapon rolling an attack and a parry with the same skill percentage as per usual,  a pair of specialized weapons built for the purpose, i.e. a sword and a shield in this circumstance can attack and parry also with one and the same skill percentage. To me it just makes sense.  I'm surprised this was not done in RQ G. 

    Because unless the rules are written right, it means you wouldn't get the same benefits from the shield if you have to use a different weapon, e.g. Mace or axe. 

    Hence the LH shield RH sword as separate skills mostly works. (Mostly, because in training with shield, you rely on it to parry - not the sword parry. And, shield attack... Not a common and effective skill most of the time (especially with spear)).

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