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Posts posted by Kloster

  1. The way I read it, you specify the skill with the bonus at casting time, and you can change at each casting. As all spells that give a bonus with the number of MP spent, it is powerful, but what really limits logician (and makes you wonder if you have it cast or not) is the impossibility to use any rune or passion while the spell is in effect: 'While the spell is in effect, the caster cannot attempt a roll using any Passion or attempt to augment any skill with one' (RQG p396). This is surely a spell that I will not cast with a long duration.

    Even if not written, I would limit it to Knowledge skills already known to the spell recipient (i.e. with a skill value over 00%, either as base value or through experience).

    49 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

    Yeah it's pretty toasty. But if you want to see a really silly spell, look up Moonburn.

    Yes, this one, as already shown, is very powerful. It makes you wonder how the lunars didn't manage to take Whitewall earlier.

  2. 8 hours ago, DreadDomain said:

    Yup, it always made a lot of sense to us as well. Experience checks were not always only about making rolls but also just practice. Ride is good example of that but not the only one. I always liked games woth "training" rules (RQ, GURPS, Mythras...)


    10 hours ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    Interesting I always gave folk in my RQ 3 campaigns who travelled for a week in new territory a World Lore practice gain roll (same 1D6-2 roll as training but only 1% if you took the guaranteed advancement in place of the roll).  I  wonder if I got that by noticing the week of riding giving a check but missing the rest.  I vaguely recall giving either a practice gain roll or an experience roll for the first week of riding the one and only time it happened in Balazar. Actually, anything intense for a first week was considered and possible checked in my games if it made sense to do so (again I seem to recall using practise rolls not training for this HR). 

    In RQIII, we had a similar rule with 'Speak (Language)'. Somebody that new at least a certain percentage could gain by simply living in another language country. I don't remember the values, though.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Runeblogger said:

    But that's not the case, you only gain a POW roll if you successfully defend from a magical attack. 

    I like this rule. Otherwise many munchkins would learn offensive spells just because that's the way to get POW-gain rolls, which makes no sense at all.

    Same for me. In fact, we houseruled this with RQIII exactly for this reason. And for the rationale, defending successfully is as good a teacher as attacking successfully, especially now that attack and parry skills are fused.

    • Like 1
  4. 15 minutes ago, Jeff said:

    Nonetheless, Greg and I both disliked the Fatigue rules in RQ3 intensely. They are not going to come back in any official capacity. If you want to houserule more complicated Fatigue and Encumbrance rules, go for it, but RQG's rules do what we want them to do.

    Thanks Jeff for the information. I don't plan to do anything with the fatigue rules, I said that I like the old encumbrance rules, and used the fatigue but don't liked it. Too bad, the two of them were linked.

  5. 9 hours ago, g33k said:


    I count 3 of you in this thread... maybe 3.5 if we consider PhilHibbs' praise of the "Endurance" spell to be halfway-endorsing RQ3's Encumbrance rules.  But not jps -- they only wondered about the GM's book, they didn't actually say they liked the rules.


    Considering the comments, I thought the number was nil (or close to) outside of my group. 3.5 in one thread is numerous compared to that nil. I liked the details it provided, but I don't miss the fatigue rules that went with it. We used it and the bookkeeping was too much even for my crunchyness.

    And this is 4.5, not 3.5. I reread jps and he likes too (I don't count those who wrote after my comment).

  6. 3 hours ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    How many of you know that Ride (___) 5% handles experience gain rolls in it's own unique way and did so back way in RQ 2 (I have not checked RQ 3)? Not me, but there it is in glorious colour in the RQ RiG book page 167 or b&w in RQ 2 page 52:

    I don't have RQIII at hand to check, but from memory, this is the same rule in both versions.

  7. I was not able to check previous versions before, but yes, it was not possible to get an increase roll by resisting spells (although I know GM that allowed it). But now, I understand it is possible: The rule is called 'Increasing POW Through Spell Use or Spirit Combat' and says 'with a successful POW vs POW roll' (with a typo).

  8. 28 minutes ago, Joerg said:

    The tactic was to use MP from storage while the opposition would spend personal ones - preferrably protected by Countermagic or similar.

    But my question is: does successfully resisting an enemy's attempt to cast a Befuddle, Disrupt or Sever Spirit earn you a POW check, or does only the active spell caster get a check in case of success?

    According to RQG p 418, both.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 13 minutes ago, Shiningbrow said:

    You mean, a Kolati? Makes absolutely perfect sense to me!

    Various deity cults have a pathway to shaman for their priests/esses. The problem seems to be getting the sorcery legitimately, along with the other two pathways of magic.

    In fact, a lot of cults allow to be a shaman in addition to being an initiate. Very few allow to be both a shaman and a priest, few allow to be both priest and sorceror and none (currently) allow to be simultaneously shaman, priest and sorceror. It was feasible with RQIII with a very specialized trollpack trick.

  10. 2 hours ago, Crel said:

    This will vary from table to table, GM to GM, Glorantha to Glorantha, but it seems to me there's a cozy space for powerful, unorthodox blends of cult and profession leading to adventurers with some crazy abilities. For example, a Tarshite Philosopher of the Seven Mothers, or a Sartarite Assistant Shaman who's an Initiate of Orlanth. Any time you can get access to more than one magical "tradition" feels to me like opening the door to munchkinnery.

    If you want to go that way, create a Tarshite Seven Mothers initiate Assistant Shaman. That way, he could also learn sorcery, in addition to the rune spells, the spirit magic and the (later) shaman powers.

  11. 10 minutes ago, Shiningbrow said:

    If there was an occupation of Apprentice Wizard/Sorcerer, I'd presume they would count as skills as per normal. So, it wouldn't seem logical to deny them to the philosopher just because of a title.

    It was in RQIII's previous experience (but you had then no free to allocate points), but with RQG, it seems to me a no (but as I like munchkinism AND like to play sorcerors, if my GM allows, I could give a try).


    8 minutes ago, Shiningbrow said:

    But - it makes shrugging of the Befuddle hilarious to watch :D (Befuddle, walk up to character and slap them in the face.... see the mental machinations of "now, did they do that because they hate me? Or because they needed to pretend that they hate me? Or because they do actually hate me, but are pretending to like me but also need to pretend that they hate me....")

    Yes, true, fun (and efficient).

  12. 9 minutes ago, Shiningbrow said:

    Confused.... An average human would have POW 11. To get a 95% success rate, you'd need to have POW 20, or up against something at POW 2... The new rules also allow for a Augment.

    If you're average POW for a human (11), then you'd have a 50% chance of a POW gain. (plus some on Holy Days, if GM allows the Worship to Augment the gain roll).

    I don't immediately recall RQIII, but I thought they were basically the same percentages.

    The difference with RQIII is not the difficulty of the gain roll, but the difficulty to obtain a gain roll: In RQIII, the spell resistance is made by MP vs MP, so if you have a low POW (and thus low MP), you could wait for your opponents to spend their MP and keep yours. In that case, your probability to affect your opponent increases. With RQG, it's always POW vs POW and if you have a 5 POW, it will be very difficult to affect somebody successfully and thus to obtain the POW gain roll.

  13. 47 minutes ago, Shiningbrow said:

    If you just happen to roll 18 on the 2D6+6 (or, use Point Buy and just take it) for INT, then grab the Sky/Fire Rune for +2, and then a Yelmalian  (or Humakt - though the rune is more appropriate to Yelmalio) Gift of +1 Int (and 3 Geases)... to get to INT 21 at Char creation. So many skills have INT as a Primary (using old terminology), so that'd add +15% to a whole slew of skills - especially Manipulation for weapons.


    RAW - Enhance INT is super-munchkin, as each successive casting would over-ride the previous if it's stronger... which it will be by having a few more points of Free INT available. Rules specifically state INT can go over species Max. 11 Intensity would give +4 INT,  10 Duration is 2 days (to get MPs back). Of course, you'd need to get your hands on a spirit or crystal, and you'd run out of MP sources quickly...

    (Combine the above 2 for serious nastiness, as each INT increase also affects most other skills. At the very least, should be able to increase by 10%)

    Right, but Humakt and Yelmalio are not on the known list of cults that allow sorcery. Jeff answered that Eurmal, Lhankor Mhy, Issaries, Chalana Arroy and many others are possible, but that we need to wait for the new GoG to obtain the full list. Of course, we know that the invisible God and the Seven Mothers are in the list, but for the others, we have to speculate. My personal guess is that Humakt may allow in Oktorion and perhaps in the Aeolian church of Heortland, but not Yelmalio.

  14. 1 hour ago, Crel said:

    Also now that I'm ruminating on it I don't think there are any rules saying that a Philosopher or Lhankor Mhy Initiate's elective percentage points can't go to learning new Sorcery spells... Which could add a ton of extra spells for a new adventurer. Especially because some (like Magic Point Enchantment) aren't important to have at a high percentage because you'd probably be using ritual practices, etc. to get percentage up anyway since you don't cast those mid-adventure.

    According to rules p79, the elective percentages have to be put to skills.

    For the  like of '(Sorcery spell) +20%' (p70 for the philosopher), I understand it that it should be added to a spell the character already has, but you are right, nothing forbids to put it to a new spell. This would not be tons, because this is only 3 bonuses, but it could be used for 3 new spells.

  15. 2 hours ago, Shiningbrow said:

    I always thought that Power gain rolls through Spirit Combat were normal (assuming it wasn't a 95% success). So, does that mean if you go adventuring, you'll most likely get *two* POW gain rolls - once for the spell/spirit combat, and once for the Holy Day services?


    I would say 'Yes', but be careful, you have to obtain a success (with a probability of less than 95%) in the POW vs POW resistance roll. I don't remember if it was already the case in the previous iterations, but this makes it far more difficult for low POW characters to obtain a POW gain roll than in RQIII.

  16. 1 hour ago, PhilHibbs said:

    Just for the craic, anyone got any hot munchkin tips? Here's mine!

    When creating your character, if you can arrange your Humakti's stats so that your sword skill comes to exactly 100% at the end, but with all three of STR, DEX, and POW (Manipulation stats, omitting INT) right at the level where they one point below giving an increased category modifier (12 or 16), then take three gifts of +1 to a raisable characteristic at the start of play, and get sword skill at 115%! For bonus points, do this with INT as well for 120 but that's 3 more geases for a total of 6...

    Nice one.

  17. 15 hours ago, Crel said:

    I don't think Spirit Combat rolls are reduced the way weapon skills are. IIRC the over 100% rule only occurs in physical combat situations--it's in the Combat chapter, not the Game System chapter, which leads me to believe it's a specific addition, not a broad rule.

    The reduction is applied in all opposed rolls, including spirit combat (RQG p142 to p144).

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