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Posts posted by Kloster

  1. 5 minutes ago, metcalph said:

    I do not believe in different types of sorcery.  There is only one sorcery which stems from the Invisible God.  However the name and nature of the Invisible God varies according to his worshippers (Loskalmi, Seshnegi, Fonritans, Lhankorings and Mostali).  One believes the Invisible God is utterly removed from the world while another believes he is totally manifest.  Depending on what the worshippers believe, some forms of sorcery are available or forbidden.  Pretty much every worshipper believes his own version of the Invisible God is the Absolute Best Invisible God there is and that everyboy else's are just plain wrong.

    What I believe (or understand) is that there is only one sorcery, which is coming form the sorceror himself, and that most cults believe coming from the Invisible God. The restriction are as much social as religious (in addition of simply not known or forgotten spells and techniques).

    • Like 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, Shiningbrow said:

    That would be my take.. but previous versions of RQ were quite specific that various cults required initiates to forget all sorcery spells. Now, I would presume that once you've learnt a Technique or mastered a Rune you wouldn't be allowed into Orlanth.. unless you took an Oath not to use any sorcery again (with the consequence being a visit by your non-friendly spirit of reprisal)

    Yes, RQIII had most cults requiring initiates to forget all the sorcery spells they knew (but I once had a player whose character previously wrote all his spells to spell matrixes and was thus compliant). This restriction does not exist anymore. I think the Orlanth (and other cults) reaction to sorcery is more a social one. Once you get the oath, of course, using sorcery is more serious and for me warrants a Spirit of Reprisal (TM).

  3. The way I perceive it, Battle skill has several uses:

    • Tactical or Strategic perception of a situation, or a building (How to defend or to attack this building?).
    • What is the outcome of a non played fight?
    • What is the quality of command of a commanding character?
    • What are the extra results for a character that takes part to a big fight and only a small part is played.
    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Shiningbrow said:

    Is Orlanth's issue with sorcery, or sorcerers? (in the same way that there are spirit magicians and shamans... which is hugely different. And lay members and initiates) By the looks of things, the issue is the type of magic itself, rather than the person casting it.

    As Orlanth and Lhankor Mhy are treating each other as an associated cult and Lhankor Mhy is using and teaching openly sorcery, I don't think Orlanth has a problem with sorcery, nor with sorcerors. He simply does not teach, nor use it.

  5. 1 hour ago, Crel said:

    Oh, also worth noting that the Philospher occupation implies the Seven Mothers allows sorcery (surprise surprise) as it's listed as one of the cults. So we can add that to the book-confirmed Lhankor Mhy and Chalana Arroy.

    Well seen. I was only guessing, but this is written in the rules. I addition, considering the RQIII Troll pack/Troll gods, we can assume that most, if not all troll gods are at least tolerant versus sorcery. Arkat was teaching sorcery and Kyger Litor, Argan Argar and Zorak Zoran were clearly accepting. Others are probably neutral. Let's see if this has changed when the cult book or the new trollpack are out.

  6. 52 minutes ago, metcalph said:

    My guess:

    Buserian - since it's Lhankor Mhy under a different name

    Zorak Zoran - coz Arkat.



    Shame on me, I forgot Arkat in the obvious list. I think your guess list is a good one, and we have to add Mostal.

    43 minutes ago, Joerg said:

    This thread is about munchkinnery, so the correct answer is: "Any cult which doesn't explicitely prohibit sorcery".

    In fact, in the rules themselves, none forbids. This is in this forum that I found Jeff's answers about cults and sorcery. He explicitly told that Orlanth does not allow. Too bad for me, I had created an orlanthi Aeolian philosopher that I had to redo to comply.

  7. 19 minutes ago, Crel said:


    Gonna go do some math and reading. Any other cults confirmed to have sorcery permissions?

    Jeff's current list is: "Chalana Arroy, Issaries, Lhankor Mhy, Eurmal and many others". We have to wait for the cult book to get the rest of the list, even if we know that Malkion (of course) and probably Seven Mothers (and other lunar cults) are in.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 4 hours ago, Crel said:

    Is it reasonable to assume an initiate of Issaries could be a sorcerer? Because they get Flight through Orlanth Adventurous as an associated cult, thus getting a flying sorcerer on the current rules.

    Yes, according to Jeff, Issaries initiates can be sorcerors. Good munchkin technique.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Crel said:

    Is it really that easy to just up and initiate into an extra cult? I've not gotten that impression from the rulebook except in very specific cases, like Yinkin initiates joining Orlanth.

    If joining a second cult is that simple, that opens up all sorts of shenanigans I've been disregarding!

    Yes, it is easy (RQG p 275): Cults have to be compatible (i.e. Friendly or Associated) and you have to comply to duties, tithing and restrictions to both cults. Rune points pools are separated.. It is not explained if a character can be initiated of 2 cults at creation time and what would be the rules.

  10. 43 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

    I would expect powered crystals to cost a lot more than that. Finding a high-price buyer for one, however, that might be tricky. They are probably one of the highest profit items for a trader, if they are patient enough to look for the right buyer, and able to defend their valuable merchandise for that amount of time. As we saw in the Biturian Varosh stories, there's a good chance that somone will come and claim back this kind of "stolen property".

    If you want to buy a magic crystal, talk to the Issaries traders and get the word out that you have a pile of gold burning a hole in your purse. Someone might get in touch with an offer.

    Agreed here. I think the price for an unpowered dead crystal would be close to 30/40L per MP that can be stored within. It is coherent with the 200L/POW I guesstimate for matixes (200/5.5=36). Nobody spend any pow, but you have the spirit storing as a bonus.

    • Like 1
  11. 32 minutes ago, BassJon said:

    Doesn’t Orlanthi culture consider being left handed weird and draconic? So therefore not something that you’d pick up as part of the culture? 


    32 minutes ago, BassJon said:

    Also isn’t Orlanthi warfare based around the shield wall. Again precluding the idea of fighting left handed as being a cultural skill. 

    I think not correct. I see the Sartarite military foot Units using shield wall (and thus needing all shields on the same arm and all weapons in the same hand). Cavalry unis, Heortlander, Oktorionis have probably other ways of fighting. The non military units are probably fighting with every elements doing what it wants.

    But my comments were based on the way the rules are written, not on how I perceive Orlanthis, nor how things are working in the real world.

  12. 13 minutes ago, metcalph said:

    A better question might be do they learn any other magic in addition to sorcery?

    According to Jeff, " The commoners and nobles have access to spirit magic and rune magic. The priests use sorcery exclusively ".

  13. 28 minutes ago, gochie said:

    And you consider that all "Broadsword" modifiers affect left hand weapons as well? 


    27 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

    No, just the cultural bonus. That's the only one that I am assuming affects both. Well, plus the Manipulation category modifier of course.

    I would count all modifiers except the professional ones. But culture, cults and Manipulation category, yes. For me, the +10% for Sartar and the +10% for Orlanth Adventurous have to be added to both hands.

  14. 3 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    Because it explicitly says that you have to keep track of the two separate skills, and that the offhand skill starts at 5% plus modifier, it does not start at half your best similar right hand weapon.

    If I understand what you mean, if I have 5+10=15% left hand, but my right hand is 50%, I need a roll of 15 or less to get a tick, but a roll of 25 or less to succeed a roll with my left hand. Of course, the experience roll will also be based on the 15% value.

  15. 1 hour ago, PhilHibbs said:

    Oh, thanks. There is an implication there that although you might have a 50% right hand attack including, say, a 10% modifier, and can use a left-hand sword at 25%, you still have to train your left hand skill up from 15%. During that time, you have to roll using your 15% offhand skill in order to get a tick on that skill, rather than your halved right-hand sword skill. That's pretty tough. If you're going to go for an off-hand weapon, get it done in character creation!

    Why do you have to train from 15%? RQG p207 says you can use half your best skill in the category. I understand it you start at 25% (with the figures you gave).

  16. 45 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

    Sartarites get Broadsword +15, should you get that as well for off-hand use? I don't see why not.

    Yes, of course. There is nothing in the rules that say the bonus is right hand only, and the +10% for Orlanth Adventurous apply.


    47 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

    Two swords is perfectly achievable. The only down side is the reduced HP for parrying, and the inferior damage taking mechanics. Get yourself an iron sword to parry with, and bless it for +50% HP.

    I completely agree here. Another down side is that the sword used for parry can't do anything on projectiles.

  17. 1 hour ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    Anyone? Shall we thrash this about here or in a new thread before posting a rule question. Has this already been solved? Will Edna return to Cliff and what is this question from the Guiding Life doing here anyway?

    Question asked in the Core Rules thread.

    1 hour ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    Just having  a quick  look and while I can find nothing proving your point I can also find nothing proving my point.

    I hadn't find anything neither.

  18. 32 minutes ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    I am not sure if off-handed weapon use is similar enough to qualify as being the same category. You really have to rethink your whole strategy here when changing hands, the muscles are different so even the weight will seem different. The angles you are used to are now backwards. You will not be able to rely on muscle memory (which is an incredibly important in any physical action).

    Completely agreed. But the half skill is what I understand of the rules, not what I feel about real world. I have practiced fencing quite  a lot, and am completely unable to use a foil, sword or saber with my left hand. On the other hand, I have practiced archery with both hands, with quite similar results.

  19. 11 hours ago, Tywyll said:

    pg 225 "Use of a weapon in the “off ” hand must be started at 05%, with the usual addition or subtraction for their Manipulation skills category modifier Also, an adventurer’s DEX must
    be at least 1.5 times the minimum DEX needed to use the weapon (always round up) before they may use it off-handed."

    Sure, Base is 05% for off-hand weapon use, but you can still use half your normal score. After all, this is another weapon skill in the same category.

  20. 14 minutes ago, styopa said:

    I'd use it as written: the skill is 1d6+magic skill modifier as a base. 

    It can also be understood that way. Once again, the RAW wording is ambiguous. I'm just not as generous as you on that matter.

  21. 1 hour ago, Crel said:

    I keep forgetting to check the pre-gens for comparison. Thanks for the reminder.

    Once you've generated that 1D6+Mod+X skill, do you then add your modifier when in play? The way I read it, the modifier is used in calculating your initial skill with the spell, and might double-dip.

    What do you mean by modifiers of your school? I don't see anything listed in the book (p.388-9). Are you referring to older material?

    Sorry, I've not checked before: There is nothing extra for spells in the various sorcery schools, only rune and techniques (I am using the current version, in my case downloaded when I purchased the slipcase).

    Yes, for me, the Sorcery spell score is: 1D6%+Magic Category modifier (RQG p390)+What you add at creation (from profession)+experience (when later).

  22. 30 minutes ago, Crel said:

    So for example, the Philosopher occupation notes they start with three spells, and has (Sorcery spell) +10% twice and +20% once in the Occupational Skills on p.70. I'm trying to see if this would really be 1D6+Mag Mod+10, or just a flat 10% (or 20%) start.

    For me (and my GM), 1D6+ Mag Mod+10. You start at 1D6%, and philosopher adds you 20 on 1 spell and 10 on 2 others. And you add the modifiers of your magic school (Aeolianism, Lhankor Mhy, Lunar or Malkion).

  23. 47 minutes ago, kiryamo said:

    I think the system is not well balanced, and maybe it would be necessary to re-establish the RQ3-limit of 75% + modifier.

    In RQIII, professional level started at 30% IIRC. In RQG, it starts at 51%. Higher skill levels are logical in that view.

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