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Posts posted by Kloster

  1. In our last RQIII campaign, one guy wanted to keep his (metal) armor to sleep. Ou GM ruled that he can't sleep. And not sleeping meant being unable to recover from fatigue. RQG has no fatigue rule (or if it has, I haven't found them), but a hefty malus on all activities can solve that: -30% for a missing night, plus another 10% for each 2 or 3 extra hours of unrest.

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  2. 41 minutes ago, jps said:

    As I understand it, the general rule Rune magic is compatible with similar spells, Spirit magic is not.

    It's a bit more complicated than that, but yes, there is more incompatibility in Spirit than in Rune magic.

  3. 4 hours ago, Richard S. said:

    It says "the equivalent of", not "the actual spell" so I'd say it's legal. We're dealing with god magic here, who cares if it's balanced?

    I do wonder at the in-world reasons for spirit magic incompatibility though. Do protection and shimmer spirits just not get along? "Damn you you blurry excuse for a defense spirit! Just stand there and take the damage like a real man!"

    I think the reason is 'compatibility with RQ2'. Joke aside, I think you are right and 'equivalent' does not mean 'same', so it should be legal. After all, it is not written 'forbidden'.


  4. 51 minutes ago, Jeff said:

    I like to give convention attendees their own special rewards. Things get announced in the regular course of things - but if you want to know what precisely we are working on, go to a convention where Jason and I are guests.

    That one is a bit too far away. Norden is 'just' 1144km and 11h30 from home.

  5. 21 hours ago, Shiningbrow said:

    Which leads to - do such effects (Runic Extension, Shamanic Spell Extension, and even Sorcery duration effects) impede regeneration of points (either magic or Runic)? That is, if an Extended spell is still in effect, can the RP's be regained?

    Runic extension: Yes, RP can not be recovered before the end of the spell they powered.

    Shamanic spell extension and Sorcery duration: No, MP recovery is not changed.

  6. 10 minutes ago, DerKrieger said:

    Don't you only disengage on SR12 or is that just a fighting retreat?

    According to RQG p195, the fighting retreat takes 1 full round, so you are disengaged after SR12 (or 6 if mounted and your opponent is not), but the 'flee' option has no duration.

  7. 22 hours ago, Brootse said:

    Do the Aeolians get Divine intervention?

    I think that those initiated to a cult can have normally. Those that are only Lay members should not. I don't think that the fact of being an Aeolian can change anything on that matter.

  8. 1 hour ago, David Scott said:

    Movement page 195

    As we are still in the same melee round and hence strike ranks, the action of the unengaged is to move so 3m/SR.

    I don't understand it that way. SR are describe as NOT being a measure of time spent, but a mean to determine the order of actions. Note that I am no defending this position: I would prefer the RQIII way of doing (3m/SR for moves, and roughly 1.2 sec per SR) because (among other points) there is much less ambiguity like these.

  9. 24 minutes ago, David Scott said:

    I would play number 4

    The movement section on p195 says

    SR 2 Frank shoots

    SR 3 David Start's to move to disengage, naturally Ella follows to strike (under minor criteria movement)

    SR4 David is dancing around looking for a break (An adventurer engaged in melee cannot move until disengaged)

    SR5 David is dancing around looking for a break (An adventurer engaged in melee cannot move until disengaged)

    SR6 David is dancing around looking for a break, naturally Ella follows to strike. Ella strikes with her Broadsword.

    SR7 David is disengaged and has moved 3m. Frank has reloaded

    SR8 David is disengaged and has moved 6m

    SR9 David is disengaged and has moved 9m, Frank fires.

    I use the Infinity Engine's strike rank counter in my games. Once every one places their counters it is normally obvious what is going on.


    I would also say 4, but unfortunately, there is not anymore the 3m/SR in RQG, so all of David's movement would be in SR6.

  10. 2 minutes ago, metcalph said:

    A Ralian Cult mentioned in the Guide to Glorantha.  They rule Otkorion and believe Orlanth to be the supreme being.

    OK, thanks. I think this is what was called 'Henotheist Church of Oktorion' in an old Tradetalk.

  11. 7 hours ago, EricW said:

    Is Invisible Orlanth a sorcerous Orlanth cult?

    I would like to know. Previously (=in RQIII), we have assumed that Orlanthi were not allowed to use sorcery except Heortland Aeolians, Invisible Orlanth Carmanians and a few other Arkati (Henotheist Church of Oktorion, IIRC).

    6 hours ago, JonL said:

    Yeah, the Heortlings are not all the Orlanthi. The Chariot of Lightning and the Aoleans are obviously ok with it, probably others I don't remember too. 

    What is the Chariot of Lightning? This is the 1st time I see this name.

  12. According to Jeff, those cults allow for Sorcery: CA, Eurmal, Issaries, LM, and plenty of others. When I asked for the cpmplete list, I have been directed to the Gods and Goddesses book, but Orlanth is not in the list: " So if you want to become a sorcerer and understand Runes and Techniques, you can still worship Orlanth as a lay member or as an initiate of an associated cult that permits sorcery, but you can't initiate into HIS mysteries. Aeolian sorcerers worship Orlanth but are not initiates of his cult. Wizards are initiates of <AEOL> (or whatever we end up calling it). They worship Orlanth (and other gods) as lay members, but do not participate in Orlanth's mysteries as initiates. "

  13. 2 hours ago, Alexandre said:

    1) How long it takes to recharge one? 1 MP/SR, the same as casting magic?

    1MR/MP (RQG p263).

    2 hours ago, Alexandre said:

    2) Is it possible to pass the crystal over to another character so that he can recharge it or use the MPs inside to cast his own spells? As the crystal does not need attunement so I would say yes. 

    I always played it is possible.

  14. 2 hours ago, Brootse said:

    Can a shaman be eg. a shaman of Waha and also be a shaman of one or more spirit cults at the same time. I don't mean that a tribal shaman would worship Black Fang, but local spirits in some holy places in Prax. I don't think that it was expressly forbidden in RAW.

    And if the shaman misses one week's worshipping rituals, or can't get enough worshippers some week, will the spirit be forever angry at the shaman?

    I don't know for RQG, but in RQIII's Trollpack, Kyger Litor's shaman are encouraged to become also Daka Fal shamans, in order to become full shamans, so dual initiation was not forbidden.

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