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Posts posted by Kloster

  1. 5 hours ago, soltakss said:

    RQ2 and RQ3 Strike ranks are very similar, except that RQ3 has 10 SRs per round.

    Ringworld has an Impulse system, apparently, but RQ3 doesn't.

    In any case, I'd just use whichever Strike Rank system you prefer and adapt as you go on.

    RQIII was, I think, a quasi impulse system: Movements and actions are simultaneous, you could interrupt and have an opportunity action, mix physical and magical. In fact, contrary to other BRP games, each SR was 1/10th of a round. That's why I spoke of impulse, even if I know Ringworld is the only one to have it proper, with it's rolling rounds.

  2. 1 hour ago, RosenMcStern said:

    In my experience, switching from RQ3 to the BGB we found that everything became simpler. But we also ditched SR in favour of DEX ranks, while keeping locations and using the RQ3 Gloranthan magic.

    In fact, I agree with you, BGB is simpler That's why we stayed on RQ. We were using every tactical opportunities given by the impulse strike ranks: Changing opponents, interwoving movements and attacks, opportunity fire, maneuvers, striking weapons, trying to disarm,... This is because we wanted those crunchy settings that it was faster and easier to start from RQ than from BGB when we wanted the Mad Max, then the Alien(s) games.

  3. 8 hours ago, SDLeary said:

    No, its the RQ3 one. 10 ranks, ranks run over to the next round if you add up to more than 10, etc. Its in the 4 page Option spread on pp.198-201. This box also talks about splitting attack and parry into separate skills.


    My bad memory. In that case, it is simply easier and faster with RQ, but feasible with BGB.

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  4. 1 hour ago, SDLeary said:

    The Strike Rank system is included in the BGB as an option. Parries are as Stormbringer 5e, with multiples allowed at cumulative –30% (easy to house rule).


    Yes, but if my memory is correct (I don't have access to my BGB copy now), the strike rank used is the RQ2 one, not the RQIII impulse system (which is VERY important: this is what avoided the LONG attack/parry rounds, waiting for a critical with high skill scores, in addition to allow precise movement interwoven with physical and psy/magical actions). And the parry system imported from Stormbringer is not only the multiple parry (-30% per parry, easy to lift), but more the f... combat result table. If I add the percentile, formula based (not table based, with ceiling effect) skill category bonuses, the logical SIZe table, the easy to customize preliminary experience system, RQIII is faster (for us) and easier (also for us).

  5. On 2/9/2019 at 12:23 AM, SDLeary said:

    This, though this can be assembled from the BGB for the most part.


    Much easier and faster with RQIII, that already has all the crunch, the deadly, the gritty we wanted. Just adapt the skill lists, chase rules coming from James Bond 007 (Hello M Klug) and non combat damage from Hero/Champions and we got a Mad Max campaign. By adding psi powers (=Lunar Spirit magic for rules), we add a SF campaign in the Alien universe.

  6. 1 hour ago, PhilHibbs said:

    Not all cool ideas stand up to playtesting. They often end up with undesirable consequences. I can't remember what the problem was with Protection/Shield on objects. It might have been something like, "I cast Protection 6 on this suit of chainmail, then Protection 6 on myself, then I put on the chainmail". Maybe you can lawyer your way around that by saying that Protection does not increase the HP of the armour, and the HP is what protects you, not AP.

    Protecting a chainmail is clearly an abuse, but protecting a weapon or shield is not. It would avoid damage to it, but not to the wearer: A large shield with a Protection 4 would protect for 16 points of damage, but would need 20 points of damage to be damaged itself. I once had a RQIII sorceror that cast Resist Damage on his shield and weapons for that effect.

  7. 30 minutes ago, womble said:

    For me, the casting of Second Sight would not be enough to permit perception outside the Binding. It is not the lack of 'sense organs' but the barrier of the Binding, to my mind, which prevents perception.

    In that case, which spell would you use? RQG p249 says: An entity bound within an item has no natural senses and cannot perceive the world about it unless it uses magic.

    32 minutes ago, womble said:

    I agree that someone in contact with the binding can have the spell cast on them, but only someone, not something. To have a spirit cast a spell, most of the time, they must be released from the Binding (whether constrained by a Command/Control/Dominate or not).

    Completely agree.

    33 minutes ago, womble said:

    And it is worth stressing, I think, in this context, that any such controlling spell cast on an entity in a Binding will work automatically without the POW v POW roll or need to reduce to 0MP or Spell STR vs POW roll.

    Yes, this point is very important. This is also coming from RQIII. That means that the spirit coming from the binding has full MP to perform his duties, in addition to the fact you don't have to beat it.

  8. 4 hours ago, daskindt said:

    I was recently trying to figure out how this works. I’m pretty sure that there’s a passage that says the spirit must be commanded with a Rune Spell to get repeated use. Otherwise you can use the spirit once and then it is released and you’d have an empty binding enchantment.

    Very simply:

    As long as the spirit is in the binding enchantment and you are in physical contact with the binding, you can give him orders. He can not perceive the outside world without magic, but can use his powers, including casting spell. For me, he simply needs to cast a spell like second sight to perceive the outside world, and he can cast his other spells either on somebody in contact with the binding or on target perceived through second sight. Of course, spells are not automatically usable or useful (casting repair on the wearer of a matrix is not a very efficient use of MP). But no need of spell to give orders.

    On the other hand, if you release the spirit from his binding, you can give only 1 order, but all the limitations on targeting or use of powers/spells are lifted. A control spell, whether spirit, runic or sorcerous, is required to be able to give several orders (including a last one to go back to the binding), including changing targets. I have not checked in RQ2, but it is exactly the same rule as in RQIII.

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    In RQ3, there were different spirits each with an individual capability.

    • Intellect Spirits: You can store spells in them and cast the spell yourself.
    • POW Spirits: You can use their MPs to power your spells.
    • Spell Spirits: They can cast their one spell for you.
    • Magic Spirits: Can know and cast several spells for you, some might even know divine or sorcery.

    RQG Bound Spirits seem to have the capabilities of all of these in one. 

    Yes, this is that. In addition, you could also request a spell spirit to teach you his spell (this is how spirit magic spells were learned in RQIII).

  10. 3 hours ago, Tywyll said:

    Ah, I see what you mean now. Did 3rd edition have the limit of spirits based on your Charisma?

    No, there was no limit on the number of spirits. But as Atgxtg explained, much POW had to be used to create the binding enchantment (and you needed a different spell to create each binding, a different spell to summon them and a different spell to control nd force them into the binding).

  11. 3 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    I'm not sure I'm comfortable with how easy it is to get a bound spirit that casts Healing on you on demand, as well as being able to draw on its MPs and cast its spells yourself.

    On this, I agree with you. As I already told, I much prefer the various RQIII type of spirits.


    3 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    I came close to that trap with Kloster at the top of this page, I hope I didn't come across as overly nitpicky and if so I apologise.

    You didn't, and so don't need to apologize.

  12. 2 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    I don't think that RQG says that a bound spirit can cast, or be commanded to cast, the spells that it has. I suppose you could release it with the command to cast the spell once, or command it, and release it to cast its spell many times and return to the binding. It would have to be physically manifest (with Visibility, for example) to target corporeal entities, though.

    RQG p 249: Those in physical contact with a binding enchantment can mentally communicate with an entity bound inside (if there are no conditions to the contrary) and can command the entity to use its abilities. ... Some entities have knowledge or abilities which the wielder can use while it is bound within an item. However, many entities are not very effective when so trapped and must be released to be useful (e.g., wraiths, healing spirits, elementals, etc.).

    I understand that if a spirit knows a spell and is bound in an enchantment and you are in physical contact with the enchantment, you can command the entity to cast the spell. In addition, (RQG p366): Spirits may be bound into a magic crystal, or into a specially prepared object or animal as described in the Binding Enchantment section (page 249). The binder of a spirit can use any spirit magic the spirit possesses and the magic points of the spirit to fuel spells.

    2 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    If you wanted a spirit that would cast its spells on demand, there should be some trade-off like there is with the different types of spirit in RQ3. An all-singing-all-dancing spirit that can provide MPs, provide access to spells, and cast the spells itself might be obtainable but is not the norm.

    I would very much prefer to have this situation and would be very happy if I'm wrong. On that point, I prefer the different RQIII types of spirits.

    • Like 1
  13. 50 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

    They don't extend available INT, they have their own INT and you can transfer the knowledge of a spell into it. It's a small distinction, but taking your post literally, it is the latter, not the former.

    That's not the way we had understood it, but we may be wrong.

    51 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

    I just checked, and you can't do that with Magic Spirits or Spell Spirits. Of course there is no such distinction in RQG, and it doesn't seem possible to do this with the rules that we currently have. A summoned and bound spirit might already know spells that you can command it to cast.

    I understand this point the same way you do.

    51 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

    It doesn't say that you can do this (transfer spells) with an Allied Spirit either, but I'd allow it. It's just a convenient shortcut for teaching the Allied Spirit the spell (you're a Rune Master, it's an Initiate) and then forgetting it yourself.

    This, I haven't thought about, but I like it.

    16 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

    If you meant "the possibility to transfer the knowledge of a spell to a spirit which can then cast it", I don't think that's ever been an option.

    I didn't meant it, but with the current RQG rules, if you allow to transfer the knowledge of a spell to a spirit in order to be able to cast it without having the spell counting in your CHA, the spirit WILL be able to cast it, because the rules explain you can cast the spell the spirit knows.

  14. 10 hours ago, womble said:

    And I'm struggling to find the reference, but I'm fairly sure you can transfer knowledge of Spirit Magic to a Spirit you have bound, so you can forget it... But that might be a [mis]remembered feature of a different ruleset.

    I would be very interested to know the origin of this rule (i.e. in which ruleset it originates).

  15. Most of Runes (a french prozine from 83 to 85) issues contained RQ2 articles or scenari. Most of Runes people later went to Casus Belli, another french magazine that featured quite a number of RQ elements (most of them RQIII).

    Quest (a french magazine) contained something RQ (RQ3 if I remember) in ALL it's issues. It even had a duck as a mascot.

    • Like 1
  16. 21 minutes ago, RosenMcStern said:

    Perhaps someone could have invited Jason to read this thread before addressing the subject of skill reduction? He complained about lack of time, I doubt he has had the chance to read all of these threads during the last weeks.

    The question asked to Jason had been posted October 22, 3 month before this thread has been started.

    • Like 1
  17. 8 hours ago, Bohemond said:

    So the Illuminated Argrath has an easy solution to the Bat problem. Just get the Hydra into position to kill the Bat...

    Then, kill the Hydra!!

    • Like 1
  18. 10 hours ago, womble said:

    Which is confused in the rules in numerous places. And the general "round in favour of the player" which would inherently mean different crit/special/fumble chances for PCs and their opponents is frankly ridiculous, untenable and contrary to the ethos of "what's sauce for the goose"...

    In order to avoid this problem, I understand 'rounding in favor of the player' as 'in favor of the character'. In that case, PC and NPC have the same rules, NPC having the GM as 'player'.

  19. 3 hours ago, Atgxtg said:

    But doesn';t bladesharp only add to attack? And if so wouldn't that mean it would bump down the opponent's parry, but not the opponent's attack?

    Yes, of course.

    1 hour ago, creativehum said:

    But "increases the chance to hit by +5%" (per the Bladesharp spell) doesn't increase ability, simply increases the odds you you'll land a cut that does damage. Thus, you are not better at parrying.



    1 hour ago, creativehum said:

    But Sword Trance is about manifesting Humakt's gift in the flesh and the world. You skill goes up because you are handing the instrument of death so well. Thus, you hit better and you defend better.

    Right again.


    1 hour ago, creativehum said:

    Looking at it now, it seems clear that one uses the value of the characters weapon Ability (skill plus  category modifier) when attempting to parry, or driving down an opponent's attack if you have over 100% if he attacks you.

    Yes again, even if I don't agree with your definitions of skills and abilities.

  20. 4 hours ago, womble said:

    Skill = % chance of success without category modifier

    Ability = % chance of success with skill and category modifier

    Chance to hit/attack chance = % chance of success after all modifiers have been taken into account.

    I've just checked, and this is what I understand:

    Skill is skill score, including category modifier.

    Natural Ability is any score (skill, char, rune, passion, ...).

    Ability is any natural ability + situational modifiers.

    Chance to hit/attack chance = % chance of success after all modifiers have been taken into account.

  21. 3 minutes ago, Atgxtg said:

    Does the raw say that the opponent's skill is reduced by a skill over 100% of ability? I'm curious as to the actual wording, as it might clear a lot of this up. 

    Depending on how it is worded, something like bladesharp might factor in before or after the reduction. And that could possibly get an opponent back up from the minimum.

    RQG p144: If the highest rated participant in an opposed roll has an ability rating above 100%, the difference between 100 and their ability rating is subtracted from the ability of everyone in the contest (including themselves).

  22. 4 hours ago, Atgxtg said:

    Now I'm not stating that the rule is wrong or broken or anything like that, but I think we can all agree that it is a game changer

    I completely agree here. Nothing broken, not liked by everyone (but it is a matter of tastes, not of being wrong), and a big changer in the mood, the approach to the game, the way the GM prepares opponents, ... .

    4 hours ago, Atgxtg said:

    and one of the biggest changes in the rules for quite some time.

    I think Rune Points is the biggest effect rule change (and I think it is a change that goes in the right direction).

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