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Posts posted by Kloster

  1. 2 hours ago, RHW said:

    That may have once been true, but I don't see that anywhere in the new RQG rules. Just says Fireblade damage can't be resisted because it's real physical damage, damage bonus applies, incompatible with Bladesharp. Seems like an impaled or slashing Fireblade would both do 6d6.

    Description is (almost) the same as the one in RQIII: No change in the rules, and impales or slashing are possible. I don't have my RQ2 at hand, so I can not check, but I think there was no possibility of impale in it.

  2. 56 minutes ago, g33k said:

    A common HR -- that I think(?) got published in one version or another of some BRP-related game (or maybe a 'zine article?), but maybe was only ever a (very common) HR -- was to limit long-weapons' SR-advantage to the 1st melee round.  Someone with a spear may have an extra chance to stick you, as you tried to close with your shortsword; but after that, they would choke up on their spear a bit to re-balance for close-in fighting, and it was no longer an extra 3' of reach vs. a closing foe..

    This was not house rule but RQIII combat options.

  3. 4 hours ago, Jeff said:

    So if you want to become a sorcerer and understand Runes and Techniques, you can still worship Orlanth as a lay member or as an initiate of an associated cult that permits sorcery (CA, Eurmal, Issaries, LM, and plenty of others), but you can't initiate into HIS mysteries.

    Can we have the list of cults that permits sorcery. This is needed to create sorcery users (except for Lhankor Mhy).


  4. 4 minutes ago, Iskallor said:

    The Heroquest edition. The prices have come waaaay down from previous editions and RQG has sensibly followed suit.

    OK. I don't have them, so can't comment.

  5. 53 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

    RQ3 was not Gloranthan, so certain compromises were made when trying to unify the Fantasy Europe Pennies currency of RQ3 with the W/L/C currency of Glorantha. That's fine, that's a compromise in order to merge two incompatible price lists into one usable game. As far as I can tell, RQG and RQ2 use the same price list (I haven't checked everything so I might be wrong).

    My point is that the value of a material in the world should not depend on the game mechanics for the magical properties of that material. It might vary because wealth and the value of money has been re-interpreted by different writers.

    On those points, we agree, and I am in the same position as you, not having checked in RQ2 (because my book is 200 km away).

  6. 12 minutes ago, Iskallor said:

    The best price list I have seen was in the last Pavis and the Big Rubble book.

    Are you speaking of the Gloranthan Classic one? The prices are the ones from RQ2, and the conversion rules for RQ2 to RQG show clearly that the value of cash is not the same. I have not checked the price list themselves, but I think the have been updated accordingly.

    15 minutes ago, Iskallor said:

    No more war horses that cost more than my pc has saved in twenty years of killing things and taking their stuff...

    Yes, this is a good point.

  7. 1 hour ago, PhilHibbs said:

    The value of Truestone in the world of Glorantha should not depend on the game system being used.

    Everything in the world of Glorantha depends on the game system being used. RQ2, RQIII and RQG have completely different values for money, and thus completely different prices for everything. This will include Truestone. I have not (and will not) check in HQ, but I presume we have at least 2 other values, and 2 other price lists.

    • Like 1
  8. 8 minutes ago, Runeblogger said:

    1. I think it's ridiculous for a sorcerer to learn Disruption ONLY to be able to get a POW increase. I mean, what rationale does that have in-character? IMG, sorcerers will get POW increases just for doing sorcerous things.

    Completely agree.

    8 minutes ago, Runeblogger said:

    2. Orlanthi initiates can't learn sorcery. But that only applies to Orlanthi initiates from cultures such as the Sartarite, Esrolian, Tarshite or Praxian. The Aeolians are a different bunch of people, who believe casting sorcery and whorshipping rune-related gods is OK, so for them that prohibition does not apply.

    This is exactly what we have understood.

  9. 9 minutes ago, svensson said:

    Last thing on this, swear to Orlanth :)

    This is one reason why we might all be better off waiting for a Malkioni or Sorcery book to come out. It might save us all the speculation and rules contortions.

    Except that the Aeolians are described in the rules, although briefly. I hope they will receive a more complete treatment.

  10. 9 minutes ago, Brootse said:

    And even though Steal Breath doesn't require POW vs. POW roll (if i understood the rules correctly), I made it require it IMG, so the wizard will get his POW increases from its use.

    We understood it requires the roll when used as an attack, but not when only tapping the ambient air.

  11. 51 minutes ago, EpicureanDM said:

    I'm trying to avoid this if I can (but it's cool if that's your plan; it's tempting to me!). My preference is to try and play the new edition with minimal tweaking. Those tweaks will definitely come from RQ3, though. ;)

    In fact, I don't like houseruling, and I am currently playing RQG RAW (or, more properly Rules as we understand them), because I am not the GM, and also because we wanted to test as much as possible the new rules, but there are in the combat rules some points that (for me) don't feel right, and some other we don't understand how to play it. The numerous threads on the way to count damage or to count Strike Ranks are a proof that there is place for interpretation.

    • Like 5
  12. 2 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

    I think there might be compatibility a gap that we can squeeze through here.

    Aeolians can worship Orlanth.

    Orlanth cultists can't learn sorcery.

    Therefore Aeolians worship Orlanth, but not through the Orlanth rune cult.

    Another possibility is that Jeff's comment was about 'normal' orlanthis, not aeolian ones.

  13. 23 minutes ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    Should you have a more cog-work (mostali, perhaps) mind, well I really do recommend grafting RQ 3 combat, in full, onto the RQ G body.

    This is exactly what I envision for the next time I will GM RQ: Taking RQG, replacing all the combat chapter by the RQIII one, adding a few things (the various specials effects, for example) and changing what is necessary to be integrated with the rest of RQG.

    • Like 2
  14. 8 minutes ago, Brootse said:

    Unlike most Malkioni, the Aeolians view the Invisible God as too remote and too unapproachable to directly worship. Instead, they worship Orlanth, Chalana Arroy, Issaries, Lhankor Mhy, and Eurmal as personifications or emanations of the Creator. Of these, Orlanth is most important.

    But this doesn't specify if the Aeolian Wizard caste sorcerers have special rules that allow them to advance to the Initiate status in Orlanth's cult. Maybe the sorcerers have a different kind of Worship Invisible God spell than the Western people, and their spell gets them the POW increase chance, even if they aren't Initiates in a cult that allows learning sorcery.

    Where is it written that Aeolian Wizard can't be initiated? It is specifically written they worship Orlanth, Chalana Arroy, Issaries, Lhankor Mhy and Eurmal (RQG p389). It is also written they use sorcery (of course) instead of Rune and Spirit magic, but not that they can't be initiated.

  15. 16 minutes ago, deleriad said:

    That's actually not the case. In RQ3, SRs were explicitly made into a hybrid impulse/initiative system. In RQ2 they were explicitly an initiative system and RQG rolls back to RQ2.

    To be precise, RQ2 consisted of three different timing system.

    Melee SRs - used for determining who goes first in melee combat.[1]

    DEX SRs, used to indicate order of actions in non-melee combat. (i.e. missile or magic attacks)

    Movement: used for dealing with movement and actions that don't interact with combat.

    Completely true.

  16. 23 minutes ago, Richard S. said:

    I think it's going to be based on RQ3's Lunar magic, though I can't remember where I heard that. In RQ3 it was pretty much just being able to apply sorcerous manipulations to spirit magic, right?

    Sort of, yes. Skills were not he same, but had the same effect. I once played a character who was a Carmanian sorceror. He used sorcery and lunar magic, and had to learn both set of skills.

  17. 2 hours ago, Brootse said:

    Do sorcerers get POW increase chance from worship rituals? In RQ3 they didn't, has this changed?

    As we read it, Aeolian, Lhankor Mhy and Lunars: Yes, because they worship real gods, and follow the standard rules. For Malkioni, I presume no, but we have to wait for the book on the West/Malkioni/Sorcery.

    30 minutes ago, David Scott said:

    It would depend if they worship anyone. If they are godless sorcerers, then no. If they are Lhankor Mhy, as in the core book yes. The Godless sorcerer in my game learned befuddle as he realised he wouldn't get POW gain rolls otherwise.

    Ditto with disruption.

    • Like 1
  18. 1 hour ago, HreshtIronBorne said:


    So, my PC now owns a matrix with linked Strength, Coordination, and Mobility. We figured the resulting spell casts in 4 SR + DEX SR and would be touch as some of the linked spell require touch. My question is whether once cast the new spell is treated as separate strength, Coordination, and Mobility for the sake of Dispel Magic, or would it be one 5 pt spirit spell?

    Logically, it is 1 big 5 point spell (RQG P 251): (Link Spell conditions) This essentially creates one very complex spell.


  19. 1 hour ago, Sumath said:

    The value of Lunars is much greater in RQG than it was in RQ2 and RQ3. In RQG 30 to 60L is a full season's income for most people, and that's before any deductions. You could buy a riding animal for 60L or several cows, and it's almost enough to buy a human slave. So, yes, a one point magic item costing 30-60L is about right.

    It's even worse: 60L is 1 full year of income, not 1 season.

    • Like 1
  20. 1 hour ago, Tywyll said:

    Many you value POW really cheaply! I doubt any PC would gladly hand over a POW sacrifice for an NPC at that price!

    RQ4 (the unpublished one) put POW at 1000-2000 L per point, based on how much skill was also involved. 

    What we did for RQG is that Rune spells cast are valued 20L per RP, and one use ones are valued 10 times as much, so 1 POW is worth 200L (to replace the RP spent). This is far cheaper that the cost we used with RQIII (1500L per POW point, I don't remember where this came from), but this is coherent with the reduction of the amount of money used from 1 version to the other.

  21. 14 minutes ago, Sir_Godspeed said:

    Ar there any broad cultures, or castes/classes that tend towards vegetarianism? I'm not necessarily talking about a Pelorian peasant whose diet is 90% rice, but more in terms of ideology.

    Chalana Arroy cultists

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