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Lloyd Dupont

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Posts posted by Lloyd Dupont

  1. Thanks for the link Lawrence! Gotta check it tonight

    And yea, Atgxtg, I thought about it when I went to bed.. Maybe I was the one who didn't care about it, the loss of conflict was mostly inconsequential.. It should matter and it should be given some forethought...
    For example in this case, trying to put future tech product to good use, I should offer multiple outcome, link in this case:
    case 1: analysing
    - fully reverse engineer it
    - failed to reverse engineer and broke it for good
    - being stumped by it, but thing still working. can't try again, but someone else might.

    case 2: repairs
    - repaired it
    - broke it for good
    - not repaired, but someone else might try

  2. 24 minutes ago, Ian Absentia said:

    But, yeah, most near-shore shelves may not be up to supporting the bulk of Great Cthulhu's body.

    ...unless Cthulhu is actually made of water.


    I checked but... I haven't seen any water formation standing up above sea level anywhere on the open sea! :P

  3. 7 hours ago, RosenMcStern said:

    Yes, a good idea. I must have read something similar, I just cannot remember where :D


    5 hours ago, lawrence.whitaker said:

    Yeah, I'm struggling to recall where I saw a similar system too... ;)

    Alright, alright... I should have seen that coming...

    Now perhaps it is a good time to ask for guidance... I tried to used generalised conflict in my game, mostly for crafting so far... But unlike combat that all works well, alternatively, with multiple rolls, I didn't feel like it was... mmmm.. clicking? like it should...

    Now, I know many people swear by conflict and, I am sure, some people used them with great success in their game. I put the failure of conflict in my game entirely on my lack of... appreciation? understanding? imagination? experience? I mean I know I am missing something.....

    Could you share perhaps a link to podcast or live play on youtube where I can see conflict successfully implemented in play to get a better feel for it, please?

  4. Oops, I got the URL wrong (fixed, for reference it is: http://www.moo3.at/moo2/technologies.php )

    There are about 15 levels, 8 science, 60 research topics.. each having about 1~3 applications, which I call "discovery" (required an INT point to learn). Simply following this table to scale the science level as desired... (will have to make a gear table that rely on it). So yeah, 19 levels... (and I am going to add a few more topic for math/cryptography, astrohabitat, transhumanism/augment/cybernetic/mindextension). But yeah players will more or less be stuck at their civilisation's level in each science...
    Though I considered not using level and just discovery.. But tooling obviously need a level (not gonna fix a smart phone with just a a saw and a hammer).. tricky.

    Also, one additional idea, is that while a topic is mastered, not all practical application are discovered along side, unless the civilisation is of a creative race (like Psilon). That's for the video game. For the RPG settings, to make things simpler and more friendly to human GM, the civ will have everything under its tech level except for a few select piece of tech specifically excluded (it create trade opportunity and achievable research goal for player, so totally worth it to exclude a number of them purposely)

    While repair has a clear use I was wondering what's the point of Science? Where and when would it be used in game? So I though it could be used for manufacturing (as opposed to repairs)...

    You said.. invent new things.. Hmmm... I will not let player create things beyond their civ's tech. Creative use for creative piece of equipment, sure.. but limited to the given known "Scientific principles", hence it's why I am thinking to make it akin to manufacturing skills....

    Although I do think "prototype" are fine (i.e. things that are at the upper limit of the known tech) but... probably unreliable.... (few HP, very bulky, tend to break...)

    Now, from what you said, and what BRP said, there should be an entirely different skill for Manufacturing, that is neither Science nor Repairs. But that make Science kind of useless in play... mmm, Let's see again for argument sake....

    would your suggestion be:
    Repair[x], Manufacturing[x], Science[x], where x in (Construction, Power, Chemistry, Sociology, Computers, Biology, Physics, Force Fields), i.e. 24 skills.
    Repair, as in the BR
    Manufacturing, create known equipment type
    Science... create unknown equipment (to the player, but not the civ) type equal or under science level? create prototype beyond tech level)? Paired with secret luck roll by the GM
    Known Equipment: use INT slot for each discovery of interest


  5. Oh... Advanced Magic... do you mean the additional Sorcery spell from the Magic World supplement?
    Nothing give the same mechanical feeling as Sorcery in RD100, but arguably this is just a game mechanic...One could use the Divine magic rule in RD100 for Sorcery. Which is arguably the same thing when divine magic is enlarge to magic provided b any supernatural creature. And one could limit the power of given magic to Allegiance% / x% x being typically 10 or 20 or 30, up to the GM... ;) 

    • Like 1
  6. Hi Atgxtg!

    I like your idea of multiple rolls.... have to give it some thoughts

    I graded all the tech from 1 to 15 (instead of 50 to 15,000) and was hesitant to give a level tag number to the science skill... But I guess its needed for the tooling, and perhaps I also should tag the skills with it.... Then I can add a -30% malus by tech level difference.
    I think I will have to switch the grades to 4 to 19 (1-3 being ancient, medieval and modern tech ratings)

    I dunno about independent luck roll... but combined luck roll (i.e. min of (science - malus) and luck) for higher level tech is a good idea! :)

    Otherwise Repair is for repair of known item and Science is for building known things or both reverse engineer or repair unknown tech. Repair use part and is quick, and Science use raw material, and a lot more time. Does that sounds alright?

  7. mm... I think you misunderstand me, or I didn't explain myself very well. Having a list of power standalone separate from the the various caster class doesn't make everyone the same. For one thing you obviously will limit which caster class has which spell (in the power description each spell also has the magic style it applies to for example). It just make for an easier power comparison I would say.

    Have a read it!
    It takes 5 minute to read the first 3 power of the list.. and then you can skip to each class, which about 3-5 pages. And the RD100 SRD is free!

    Whatever critic I would lay at RD100, it certainly wouldn't be the genericity or lack of characters of the magic system. I mustn't have described it very well...

  8. FYI BRP has a very different Magic syetm from the other.

    The others I know are strongly inspired from RuneQuest3, which mean usually quite powerful magic, even more powerful than D&D level 9 spell in some ways.... with spell that can last 10 of thousands of years and influence other country... and that can sometimes be done at creation...

    On the other hand BRP has a list of spell that are cool but last at most 15 minute (most of them, some of then 10 round or instant), have a fixed range (usually 100 meters or less) and also cost a good amount of Magic Point. Further BRP magic is quite simple. Fundamentally it's mostly a list of spell, each being a world of its own. 

  9. Well if you look at the power section in the book, you will see it has a long "power list" subsection with all the power, which work sort of uniformly across magic type, and then some other subsection that explain how each magic system in its ways of casting spell, acquiring them, extending them, about 2 or 3 pages each overall.

    If you browse at the power list you will recognise many spell from other edition, so you will see how your spell fit here.

    So chose your unique spell and compare them to existing one....
    Then creature your particular spell casting class and spell casting rituals.

    I dunno about Enlightned or Advanced Magic though... 😕 

    As a side idea, if I were to import Folk Magic from Mythras I could probably use the spell as is, limit the number of spell to "Folk Magic/10% and done!

    One peculiarity of the RD100 system, compare to other D100 system (which I came to BOTH Love and Hate, if such a thing is possible 😮) is how free is magic casting, costing only a bit of fatigue. The limit is whether or not you can do the thing. Then if you can, why limit further? 
    I guess it require the GM to give some careful thoughts to what magic should be made available, before making it available....

  10. Continuing (quite slowly) my Master of Orion settings I am porting all the technology to BRP.
    MoO tech list:

    So there will be 8  science fields, i.e skills: Construction, Power, Chemistry, Sociology, Computers, Biology, Physics, Force Fields
    Also each discovery (ex: "Star Base" is the 2nd discovery of Construction) should be learned (much like spell and stunts, costing 1 INT point) provided they are available to your civilisation, of course, or the skill will incur a hard penalty (skill%/2).
    While there are more than 100+ discovery.. a good part are planetary improvement that are only here to set the background and not essential the PC (except to get a good job perhaps?)

    Now I am trying to gauge the benefit and what should I do with Repair and Science specialisations.

    Repair... I guess will repair existing gear, like in the BGB. And would, of course, require access to appropriate tool and spare parts and the Discovery to be known. Perhaps, for simplicity sake, I should use the same Repair speciality as the Science? What else?

    Science, I guess could be used to......
    - build new items / facility when access to a manufacturing facility to craft an equipment related to known tech
    - reverse engineering a piece of tech

    However.. I would like the reverse engineering the be a bit challenging... perhaps a hard roll (skill%/2) in science can be used to repair unknown tech (at bigger cost and slower time than repair), and a critic (on first attempt only) allow to acquire the tech, if desired (cost 1 INT, though might be passed onto manufacturing android)

    mm.... what about that?
    Wondering if I should make higher level tech somewhat harder.. maybe give a level to tooling.. which limit what tech can be repaired and reverse engineered perhaps?!...

    (though I wonder where sociology fits here..)
    Also it's missing some cryptographics tech, some old world tech(you know sword, gun, bullet, car, fridge, etc......), some space / asteroid habitats tech and some mind extension tech.

    Any suggestion Idea? Other?

  11. Yeah, I read the rules, and it's as far as Mythras as any other D100 skill based system could be... 😮 
    Though, funnily enough, the willpower, endurance and evade skills are still there and show the ancestry!

    • Like 1
  12. I don't think it would be any difficulty.. instead of multiple skill you get one umbrella skill (or more if you so desire) and each spell as trait / stunt...

    Personal comment, I only played one campaign with RD100 and I might not have mastered the best way to... experience it? (probably not since I plan to go back to BRP! 😮

    At any rate, the one idea I have, related to your question, is I might go for 1 skill for each magic type, instead of one umbrella catch all magic skill. So that players are not automatically equally good in all magic style. And also to increase the number of spell they can learn.

  13. After much soul searching...
    I got MoO2 tech tree... and going through it and translating most of it in game term...
    This is probably the better compromise...

    Of course I am also adding a bit of personal pizzaz.... But it is largely inspired by MoO2 now, so.. we'll got all those jazzy-antigrav-teleporting-time-warping stuff...

    Though, I am making a BRP table cross referenced with tech level. Not sure how I am going to use tech level.. shouldn't change much during character's life.. but might change a bit, empire by empire....

  14. 10 minutes ago, BrentS said:

    We might theoretically propose that a game centred on singing would be great, with a full chapter focused on yodelling and intricate, complex rules devoted to it, while combat is reduced to a single Manipulation skill description.

    Very forward thinking!
    I am going to start to exploit the Yodelling mechanic right now! 🤣

  15. 14 minutes ago, Mike M said:

    Hi -  all of you read the Luck rules on p 99 of the Rulebook  😀

    Any amount of Luck can be spent to adjust a roll. The original roll can be Extreme, Hard, Reg, or Fail, and Luck can be spent on those rolls to make them any of those results.

    I.e. you failed - spend Luck to turn that into a Reg, Hard, or Extreme success. 

    Crits, fumbles, and firearms malfunctions always apply and cannot be bought off with Luck points. But, of course, the Keeper can overrule that.



    I am reading page 99 of CoC 7:


    Criticals, fumbles, and firearm malfunctions always apply, and cannot be bought off with Luck points

    So it seems you read wrong.

    To be fair I don't mind what you do, I am just arguing the rules. I was contemplating using that for my MoO setting (instead of BRP luck) and I contemplated whether luck could be used to buy special/crit or avoid Fumble. For now (untested yet) I will rule it out, as per rule book.

    For the simple reason that a normal success vs a crit attack provide reasonable defense if you have good gear.... (and if you have no gear.. well.. your loss! :P )

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