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Lloyd Dupont

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Posts posted by Lloyd Dupont

  1. 8 minutes ago, Atgxtg said:

    Unless you give it some sort of velocity and  make some sort of container/path for it to follow. For instance you could use a laser to make a super heated air corridor that could function as a tube to hold the plasma together until it reaches the target. The idea is that as warn air is less dense the plasma will want to flow down the thin super heated air and be blocked off by the colder denser air outside it. If the plasma is ionized gas, then  an electrical charge could be used to drive the plasma in the right direction as well.  This should also make them viable inside an atmosphere, with the laser burning a path for the plasma. 

    mmm... this almost sounds convincing..  🤔

  2. I am going the smart bullet / Borderland way! :)
    Thanks for reminding me some of them have auto aim! haha! And also they explode and fire behind cover, last I heard...

    Well.. time to write it down now! ^_^ 

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  3. Anyway, after 1 week mulling over it, I am edging towards...

    - Laser weapon: Yes, light damage is like fire damage, and they ignore forcefield
    - Plasma weapon, only in space (i.e. no range in athmosphere)
    - gauss rifle, like conventional weapon but only rifle (because need battery and long accelerating rail) and "more silent" (electromagnetic propulsion instead of gun powder, but the bullet still breaks the sound barrier)
    - usual modern guns
    - disintegrator (only for the big bad Antarians, basically turn solid matter to gas) (also ignore forcefield)

    the scifi flair here (in case or normal gun, and even gauss rifle) would come with a Borderland twist, where they have special bullet that would inflict an additional D6 of fire / cold / acid / shock damage (and special effect)


    mmm.. just checked the BGB (at work, oops) flechette should be fine
    shock? mmmmm.... probably not
    stun? yea, oldskoll make good argument! :)
    blaster? no
    sonic? ye, oldskoll againt make good argument (same argument)

  4. 51 minutes ago, g33k said:

    Alternatively:  you could say that your "plasma gun" fires a small bullet-like projectile, then hits that projectile with a laser to phase-change it into plasma.

    It's an interesting idea....

  5. 36 minutes ago, Al. said:

    Blasters, Plasma and so on I would suggest also use magnets. A slug of hydrogen gas energised with a laser to cause a state change to plasma and then magnetic field to accelerate it along the gun barrel. The tricky bit I believe is that the lovely conductive hydrogen plasma will then dissipate rapidly once it leaves the magnetic field.

    A bullet stays together! A ball of plasma dissipate in atmosphere immediately!
    I guess they could work in space... but not planetside, as I see it... 😕 
    In fact that's an interesting idea.. maybe they could be the best space weapon, though harmless on the ground, fascinating!

    Laser would do fire damage, though I am loathe (so far.. undecided really) about portable hand laser gun....

    But it is plasma that is the mystery! as you wondered about and I just dismiss.. no plasma ball would go very far in the athmosphere....

    Repulsor was more like a big thing.. not sure about it in a gun.... althoughm... mmm... maybe one could fire a miniature repulsor field that expand on contact.... I mean why not! that is a "thing" handwaved in the setting.. since its is immaterial we could have "large" magazine and make no noise. It would do crushing damage, I reckon... (as opposed to impale as noted in the book)

    it's not gravity though it's... the 6th fundamental force! (the new one they discovered in the settings! :P


  6. Due to the strongly moderated anti political nature of these forums, not much has been said here.

    But I think I can safely say, while remaining vague, that those are turbulent times in America right now. Stay safe, be well everyone! 
    We are watching you all.. And while I don't believe much in the power of thoughts and prayers myself, you'll get mine anyway, just in case! ;) 

    • Like 4
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  7. I am working on myscifi's settings' equipment list.

    planning to mostly use the BGB gear...

    I can see there are plasma, shock, stun, blaster weapons... I can't help but wonder, what are those?

    I know, we magically handwave lots of future tech, what do I care? I mean it's only a game, right? But why the hell not as well?! :P 

    well it;'s a sort of creative scifi curiosity. I already introduce totally unrealistic and made up "repulsor fields" which explain a lot: floating car, reaction less propulsion (spaceship), forcefield, pseudo artificial gravity, tractor beams.

    So I am trying to guess / create the underlying (probably imaginary) principle of those weapons!

    My latest thinking is that it's hard to beat the destructive power of a bullet flying at 1km/s. But perhaps those could be "improved bullet". Although that imply the ammo count of the magazine would be pretty much the same as contemporary weapon, instead of being so large as in the BGB. And they would make a big noise when fired too!

    Another idea I had reading star wars lore (though mine is definitely NOT a star war settings), is the blaster are made of a special reactive gas... so maybe they could fire some tiny bit of solid unstable matter which turn to burning gas on hitting solid obstacle, i.e exploding. But the original propulsion issue remain, it should still be a bullet, ie. with contemporary magazine size and a big bang when fire, wouldn't it?...

    • Like 1
  8. I like the persuasion skills lead to resistance roll on cha vs int

    Plus I always a bit uneasy on the concept that hey, since the player succesfully roll his convince skill the target should be convinced, right?

  9. Vile.. your argument edge me towards keeping APP after all... :P  Also.. I am not using point buy... so that relieve the pressure against APP. Point buy suffer from dump stats... (I roll normally and mercilessly and give them a +6 bonus at the end!)
    Keeping APP, I think I will use the APP vs INT resistance roll after successful persuade/intimidate/fast talk... and also add some standard modifier to APP (say, grooming & nice clothes = +4, dirty bloody cloths = -4, for example)

    As for roleplaying social skill... I take it easy... of course I will ask "what are you trying to say" but I am not demanding any kind of good performance from the players, just a good enough idea of what they say... After all, their character is a hero, most likely more cunning that the players, let them enjoy that! ^_^

  10. Thanks all.

    Alright APP or CHA is indeed not that useful... I will think about ditching it.... or, alternatively, of simple way to vary it. I.e. bloody dirty adventurer, will incur a APP/CHA penalty that would imper all their persuasion roll... and the reverse could be true with some preparation! :)
    Although, I just realise the character does the fast talk roll, while the opponent does the resistance roll, so it's not too gamey. And I am starting to like this idea more. 

    Anyway, at that stage.. I have to let my unconscious process that idea for a while.. after a lifetime of using CHA as a characteristic I have a hard time letting go, need some perspective...


    Hix, did you mean, some Mythras game do just as I suggested in the second line of this thread? How clever of them! :P 

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