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Lloyd Dupont

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Posts posted by Lloyd Dupont

  1. Oh yeah, I had and remember RQ3, I also have Mythras, BGB, Revolution D100....

    I have multiple, conflicting, like and dislike about them....

    First I flat out dislike the RQ/Mythras style 1000km range 100 years 10 target kind of spell... But I do like area and maintained spell from RD100, though I dislike how easy it is, and I like BRP magic mostly, but I have a problem with elemental spell, they are both too easy and too expensive... I also dislike the staff and familiar thing... And finally I want to enable urban magic punk setting thing...

    My magic system, hopefully, is going to enable the powerful scenario I like gated behind massive experience requirements (way beyond starting character kind of experience), while tuning down starting wizard so that making a simple fighter seems like a good enough idea! :)
    (though I favour what they do in RuneQuest I believe, i.e. magic for everyone!)
    Will share soon for feedback! :) 20 spells done out of 110 planned... (missing 4 out of the 5 magic item building spells, one of them being critical to powerful wizard) And the whole new skills fully detailed already...

  2. Not a question about Scifi this time! 😮
    (also writing a "new" magic system, though quite similar to the Magic power (page 88) in effect and spirit, it is limited and costed slightly differently, and it has more spell and some non spell skills)

    Anyway, I was wondering about elementals, they have "Armor: None, but invulnerable to normal attacks".
    I was wondering about things like "Sharpen", in my previous campaign I was ruling that some spectre (very much like elementals) only take the magical bonus as damage. i.e. your magical 2 handed sword +4, does only.. 4 damage.

    I am wondering how you handle creature "immune to normal damage". I don't think the D&D mindset of plus weapon can damage fits...
    Plus I was not quite sure what could damage my spectre anyway.. 😕   And in the new magic system I plan to have an "elemental shape" spell, so I need to clarify what can damage the caster once they turn into elemental themselves...

  3. 2 hours ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    Oh my slogging my way thorough the third televised debate. And I am not even American. Hand me the dice, let’s see whether my SAN can take it!

    Looking at your profile picture... I am afraid you failed the roll! 😅

    • Like 1
  4. 44 minutes ago, Atgxtg said:

    That's the best approach, IMO. But then I never understood the reason for Classic Fantasy. I figure if someone wants to play a game like D&D, then they should just play D&D as nothing else is more like D&D than D&D.

    I understand...

    I guess while we are all different, my personal feeling is l don't like D&D because I feel constrained by classed and I find the humongous HPs one gains as level increase intolerable...
    On the other hand, I like the fantasy that D&D settings have! :)

    Although, of late, I become also a little over the typical D&D fantasy of lots stupid retarded farmers and some sparse godly adventurer here and there, and in my soon to be shared little magic overhaul I will emphasize urban magic applications!
    I guess I am adopting the magic punk fantasy! :P 

  5. CF is nice but...

    It has classes... 😕 
    (it makes sense, because magic is OP, as if, if I am a lord and it's the same cost to have a warrior or a wizard, better take a wizard!, or if I am a new character, for the same starting experience, I'll do better as a wizard)

    Fireball has the same "problems" (my personal feelings inserted just there) that a default BRP implementation would have...
    Also the spell cost reduction goes way to high too fast... unnecessary for most, like "change" for instance, but needed due to crazy price of fire(ball) spells.
    Meanwhile the Sharpen/WeaponDamage bonus completely outshine fireball for a much more modest cost


  6. well.. if you must know my tweaks now.... (fireball being dear to me ^_^)

    new skills:
    Arcane Knowledge: maximum MP spend per cast= MIN(this skill/10%, INT/2), at 100% and each 10% beyond can learn one new spell
    Mystic Power: +1MP / 10%.. (simply increase MP, I don't like staff and familiar)
    Ritual Casting: can cast any spell with this skill, but powering 1MP/round, so no combat casting.. also can spend up to Arcane Knowledge/10%, not just INT/2. Also can cast with other wizard for much higher MP limit.

    Spell Skill >= 100% bonus: -1MP cost reduction (min 1) at 100% and every10% there after. Cost reduction unlock most powerful spell since MP cost is the limit, instead of level

    Spell can be combined, simply add up each spell cost and use lowest skill!

    I got  "rid" of level, maximise MP per cast.. it won't change anything in most case.. but occasionally it will be different


    Now: for fireballs!

    Firebolt (change): Activation: 1+2MP/D6 (so limited to 4 initially), Range 30/100 (i.e. at 100m, you can miss but the spell still trigger, maybe hit something else)

    Ball (new): Activation 3MP, combine with other spell and make it affect multiple target (in 3m Radius). Incidentally make long range (100m) elemental bolt normal instead of hard. 
    One can also do mass change with that! ^_^ 

  7. one idea is to use ClassicFantasy for magic.. which has the desire to emulate D&D... ad also go to the download section for the monster compendium

    other than that I am working on a magic system.. quite similar to DD with some tweak that enable more liberal use of elemental damage spells (without making Wizard OP) and eventual spamming of spells... (and urban castion) and with about 100 spells.... give it a wekk and I can send to you...
    The gist is more skill need to be used to do magic (i.e slower progression), use general HP (this way 3D6 fireball doesn't mean automatic death), and all some occasional item cost reduction... (and also urban magic tech ideas and spells)

    That said.. my magic item list is pretty pathetic compared to D&D...

    • Like 2
  8. Speaking about this some more...

    First in, what might call an unrealistic uncharacteristic fashion, I decided to go with general HP!
    I feel like localised HP is fine for medieval game where it in fact increase survival (many small cut can do more that overall HP..), with high damage modern weapon it become very oppressive... Also I find HP was mostly beneficial to PC to cut enemy's head but were not essential to the story hey!?

    Also.. grenade, rifle.. I get it they are mean to be deadly... But I'd like to offer a window of opportunity to my player to escape... make sure that, perhaps spending luck point, they can be sure to survive 1 round and take defensive or offensive action.... Whether or not they should be dead in theory if it were real.. ;) 
    Maybe I could work the perception roll angle.. to pin the survival on threat detection.. dunno still struggling...

    Other than that.. mm... I'd like your suggestion 4 x1D6 is different from 4D6. Armor is removed from each D6 fragment! And that just gave me an idea on how to tweak grenades. I mean Fusion Grenade do 6D6 and Shrapnel Grenade do 4D6 and... somehow.. I feel the difference is not significant enough.. But if I tweak how damage is counted, that could be huge! 😮 

    And the comparison is important, in that setting one can meet both of those! 😮  :D 
    I.e. In Master of Orion, a big part of the game, is the conflict between different civilisations with, potentially, vastly different tech levels!

  9. Thanks for your excellent reply! :) 


    4 hours ago, Atgxtg said:

    BTW, the gold book does have rules for diving prone (Dodge to avoid damage, or DEXx5% for half damage).

    Yeah... While I never questioned D&D and its save for half mechanic...

    In BRP if feels somewhat uncertain about this mechanic... so I wanted a (this!) thread to elaborate on that :) 

  10. 41 minutes ago, soltakss said:

    Clever NPCs would wait for the end of the round to throw the grenade, as it means it explodes as it lands.

    However, it might be worthwhile having a fuse time of 1D6+6 or something similar, to make it a bit more random.

    You gave me an idea....
    In fact a few ideas! :)

    But the one I am particularly quoting here....
    Throw skill will give the grenade 10SR less than the thrower... (easy to dodge if you see it coming), but the grenade skill will work just the same but with reduced SR cost.. maybe 5, or D4 in case of crit....

  11. BTW I use general HP...

    Localised HP seems fine in medieval setting and "low damage" weapons (in fact it increases survival since you can take chip damage on each location for more that overall HP! 😮 ) , but as soon as you go modern or futuristic weapon or high damage spell... It doesn't work so well.. i.e. it's much less fun to have instakill whoever lose initiative every fight....

  12. Thanks for the detailed physics explanation :)

    I am particularly interested n game mechanic ideas though....
    Explosives are listed page 267 of the BGB
    You can see "Grenade, Shrapnel" 4D6/4 meters, or "Grenade, Plasma" 6D6/1 meters.

    It looks like, I succeed at my roll skill, you dead. I have a problem doing that to my players, I feel bad about it. I like it better when they can attempt something.... (even though, I guess futuristic grenade should really kill you hey?!)

    So, in game mechanic term what can they achieve?
    According to the BGB you can "evade area damage" for half damage... here I am a little conflicted, player tells me "the monsters are in this square empty room, how come they can evade"? (though they don't really complain about their own evade roll, those sneaky bastards! :P )  so I am not sure if I should give in.. and requires some tactical action (i.e. use of movement and cover)

  13. I was looking for game mechanic guys! :)
    I guess it means you agree with the game mechanic I went with?! 😮 

    I guess kickback is another option, if your initiative is before the grenade initiative...

    On that topic, wondering if the grenade should go same round (initiative tricky because it need be less than the thrower, obviously.. but how much less?) or at the beginning of next round!


    5 hours ago, Baron Wulfraed said:

    Magic user somehow survived the fireball, which did take out the big-bad... my other character (the group normally ran two characters at a time in case one gets killed) who was way down the hallway outside the room... did not survive the back-blast.

    How does that work?
    Damage is on a 3 meter radius, is it not?! 😮 

  14. Another grenade question!

    How do you "defend" against grenades?

    I am thinking: 1st I can do the game-y version. Roll evade for half damage ("jump" to the ground, end-up prone).

    I am also thinking: if your initiative is high enough and you can use your move action to get out of the area, and/or into some sort of cover then you can use your move action if evade is successful and take no damage. If you already move but did not engage anyone you can also amend it. Maybe need a perception check as well.. (spot the grenade in time)

    Anyway, how do you do?

    Also thinking to apply that to "fireball spells"

  15. 24 minutes ago, Atgxtg said:

    What is POW used for, PSI points.

    mmm... from the top of my head, indeed I can only think of psionic power....

    mm... and it's also the leading score in the perception skill, i.e. used for experience rolls

    in the settings, and empire, only one common and playable race has full access to psionic (the Elerians).
    However, nicely and purposely, I chose level 13 as the campaign tech level because it make accessible Psionic to non psionic (I opted for a psionic chip that give 1 power for each chip)

    For the record I plan to have some mindflayer/illithid.. not as scary bugabo, but as servant / minor race that could find its way as military helper, like a sort of sentient guard dog  would be...

    Elerians psionicly blow the mind of Mindflayers of course! That will teach them! :P 😅

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