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Lloyd Dupont

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Posts posted by Lloyd Dupont

  1. 6 minutes ago, prinz.slasar said:

    My point is that the feats/stunts-system is a substantial element of Mythras.
    No words about other RPGs.

    Mmm... When one come to be particular about precise wording... one is lead to wonder.. is there a problem I am failing to see?! 😮  Are we in some sort of disagreement?
    I have a feeling I am missing some implied statement here.. 😮 

  2. Mm... I don't claim my opinion to be more than a matter of taste! ;) 
    I don't think there is a logical argument to be had.. it's just that ultimately there is a different underlying fantasy in the GM and players mind! ;) 

    Looking at different system I found system that pleased me more.. and I wanted to point out how those BRP stunts system (most typically the well known Blood Tide one) feels different to Mythras combat style and gifts! ;) 

    But your point that stunt is an integral part of many system.. well.. agreed and like! :) 

  3. On 4/11/2020 at 8:21 PM, prinz.slasar said:

    Feats and Stunts for D100 are fine:

    MYTHRAS has at least 3 different Feats/Stunts Systems: Combat Style Traits (CRB), Gifts  (CRB) and Traits (Luther Arkwright, other supplements like Worlds United call them Gifts)
    Furthermore, CLASSIC FANTASY is full of the DnD feats for each class.

    In summary: Feats and Stunts are natural for Mythras and they belong to its core.


    While I agree in principle...

    I found Mythras Combat Styles traits to be too mild, Gifts to be both to hard to attain and too powerful and traits, IIRC are innate and can not really be learned after character creation, can they?! Though they do give individual flavor to your character...

    I like Blood Tide stunt better.. :)
    (Mysticism talents would be good Allegiance based stunts though :) )
    Except there is no clear limit on how many you can learn...

  4. 27 minutes ago, g33k said:

    It hits the "d100 sweet spot," for me.\

    Or it's the closest to the bullseye, at least.

    Isn't ormal BRP good enough?
    After having tried Mythras and Revolution D100 for a while... I think I am going for BRP now! ^_^

    Well.. in a little while.. we stopped playing because of the quarantine, and then one of the player is GM now with  D&D5e.... and also I got the writer's block when trying to write adevnture for my players.. I got rid of most antagonists (basically the monsters bonanza) and.. I am struggling right now! 😮  :( 

  5. I think we agree.. Alien are mostly human with rubber head! 😮 

    But yeah, thanks for the encouragement, I'll keep the aliens! :)

    I am trying to come up with a little quirk each.. something they particularly like or do... with emphasis on trying!  ^_^ 

  6. Wow... I was also a little annoyed (like 5%) that stunt are all or nothing that you can only do if you train... but your idea of letting someone do a stunt on special ring a bell to me... I should review them in that light! :D 

    But you got that right, they are meant to be the flavory signature move reserved to your character! :) 

  7. 1 minute ago, colinabrett said:


    I'd be interested in joining in with this project, if you have room for a new collaborator. You can see some of my work in the Downloads section of this site.

    I've had the idea for BRP crossover rules since 2002 (which I intended to use for cyberpunk games) but never got round to finishing it. I'd be happy to lend a hand with an OpenBRP engine.



    private message some of the chaosium member here!? ;) 


    16 minutes ago, Jakob said:

    I like the idea that everyone can try pretty much anything

    Jakob, for me too!
    I don't think my stunt implementation goes against that approach btw! ;) All those stunt do not do radically different things..

    One of the most radically different stunt I came up would be, for example, the teleport tracking stunt.. but I find it more... mmm.. appropriate... to have teleport tracking require teleport and perception both at 50% using a specialisation point from a limited pool that instead of making yet another spell that is only use to teleport at the same teleportation destination than someone else... (and take from your also precious INT/2 spell pool) (anyone can learn any stunt when they met the requirements, there is no class requirements, only the purposely limited stunt point pool, but hey, you can drop this limit if you like! ;) )


  9. To give credits where credits is due.. I read about conflict first in M-Space and then Revolution D100....
    As for stunt you could find some in either Blood Tide or Revolution D100 (though D100 leave you a bit hanging, it's an important rule item, but most stunt in the book are underwhelming... 😕 RD100 is too much pro wizard anti fighter haha)

    I updated my document with some tweaks btw, have a look... I have a short description of the duel of wit where I set some different damage than D6 for conflict (which, for some reason, neither MSpace nor Revolution D100 do)

  10. Watching some youtube scifi stuff it struck me, once again, how there is almost NO (important) Aliens in Scifi shows.

    In Star wars? Except for Yoda, most important characters are human (in the anime version there are more important Twilek! Yeah, Go Ashoka!)

    In Star Trek... most are human again.. and the one other important one, Klingon, looks like human with some vague addition (I guess actors are human)

    In my Master of Orion setting, I foresee that it will be search for the human! (to be fair most MoO playable race would be vaguely humanoid, even the Psilon look like thin greenish human with 4 arms)

    But it struck me suddenly, maybe all human is on purpose! (other than it's easier for the actors) Viewer feels a better connection with human!
    Now I wonder. Is my idea to go decidedly away from human a good idea?
    (I did give the human an interesting "power", i.e. "cunning" or, in term of gameplay, 2 advantage rolls per game session, i..e reroll, on any skill, but I can foresee player being more attracted to psionic Elerian or strong Bulrathi or lethal Mrshan as character)

  11. 21 minutes ago, Crel said:

    I largely agree with g33k's comments. I've only gotten to skim your document. It does look pretty interesting, but probably more fleshed-out than what's in my mind. But I'll have to give it a more comprehensive read, and re-read the BRP OGL to see where it does and doesn't diverge from the core.

    Hey, thanks!
    Updated a new version with some magic item creation rule...

    Anyway, I want to elaborate about the 2 most innovative part
    - stunt (to be fair, there are plenty of stunt ideas around for BRP, here is mine)
    - magic cost reduction

    - I play just a bit of RPG lately, nonetheless I observe much more player excitement in D&D when player talk about their unique power and character development plan. and it mostly relate to which unique unique power they have or unique feat they are gonna chose. And by comparison, I found BRP lacking.. ANd I don't think the solution is to horde some specific spell to a few specific NPC...
    - I used/tried 5 D100 systems in my latest campaign 😮 and while I like expensive magic, like BRP is, with Revolution D100 I got to like spammable magic.. it makes some sense too... But I don't like how easy the Wizard have it and they are so self sufficient, so I was trying to come with ways to spam (a few) spell in BRP too using magical item (boosting spell casting) or high skill...

  12. mmm... I am all for understanding and coming with new intrinsic motivations for aliens (an interesting background work). Might check your book suggestion for that! :)
    But for the mundane part of the adventures I do not plan to surprise my players with mind bending motivations.... ;)

    On that note though.. For your eyes only, one of the planned adventures, unknowingly prelude to a war part of the campaign, is a trade agreement with the Klackons. Klackons are an insect race, with hive mind and such. They also have very poor social skill and are unlikely to trade. In that case they only trade because they heard of an interesting, undiscovered, and possibly Antarian, spaceshipwreck on the players' planet and one of their captain (really a spie) will do some tourism, assisted, what a lucky coincidence, by the player characters! 
    If they discover the wreck and the captain return to his ship... war of invasion will follow overnight without warning (the Klackon want the spaceshipwreck!)

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  13. Well only 2 gods were prominent in last campaign.....

    Illiune, an ascended human worshipped by one of the player and also, they unwittingly retraced her footsteps in the land of dark elves...

    And Lolth (vaguely, mostly statues)

    But it was from lack of preparation.. they will be back! ^_^ 

    This chocolate recipe.. is aptly named! :D
    Although others might call it chocolate mousse, right?! :D

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