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Lloyd Dupont

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Posts posted by Lloyd Dupont

  1. A funny side effect of all those mechanic combined... The higher your POW the more loath you are to sacrifice it...
    I guess it pays to have lots of interns and make them do enchant for you! :) 

    They might be pleased to learn the arcane secret of enchanting.. the fools! :P 

    I dunno about RuneQuest... but if you use XP (like in Mythras) instead of skill checkmark, one can replace 1 POW by, say, 5XPs?

  2. Remember Crysis? 
    It was an jungle alien from outer space (or inner space? cant remember) invasion! Back in... err.. 2005? With the most gorgeous and ahead of their time graphics!
    Well they made a new one!
    Beautiful plant life again! :)  And Zombies, of course...


  3. Mmm.. Correct me if I am wrong, just skimmed through the OpenQuest Basic Rule (free download) and I can see, for one who own and has read both Mythras and BRP, adopting OpenQuest content is an absolute no brainer it seems! 😮 :) 

    I think I might just check out River of Heaven now! :)

    • Like 1
  4. 17 minutes ago, tooley1chris said:

    The file is too big to directly upload without our wonderful Trifletraxors help but feel free. Hell, I'll take a copy if you dont mind and upload an update giving you credit.

    I emailed it to you a link to my onedrive with the file in it. It has been zipped as well...

    • Thanks 1
  5. Hi All,

    Downloaded the Big Book of Monster yesterday. Very nice work! :)
    (BTW, I spend 3 hours creating bookmarks for every single entry / monsters, should I share the file? It's 82Mb..)

    There is probably a lot of unexpected surprises in it... But there is one thing one thing that jump my eyes:
    The armour value of many demons is like: X + Y infernal radiance
    The armour value of many deva/solar/... is like: X + Y divine radiance

    What is this radiance thing?! 😮 How does it works?

    • Thanks 1
  6. 17 minutes ago, g33k said:

    One of the things I enjoy from a "feats" system is getting "unusual" traits that would be too expensive any other way.

    Stuff like "knack for languages" which gives someone fluency with a BUNCH of different languages, but doesn't leave them with a huge deficit of skill points for other things.

    I see G33k... That was not quite my angle... 

    Just thinking aloud here.... how about, your problem would be first to come up with a long enough list to be interesting and then find some criteria to get some item from that list... maybe a fix number for characters... or it comes out of character creation point (trading 30% for a trait) or something....

  7. I keep thinking about it.. and I am still not satisfied with what I came up with... (Am I ever? 😮 ^_^ ) 

    Anyway I finally got a new idea..... Bear with me a second.. you might not share my dissatisfaction... but you might be curious about the results hey?!

    So my problems in a nutshell....
    1. spell casters have all the fun, also for too cheap a XP cost
    2. Elemental spell, while fun in theory, feel unsatisfying practically (high cost, no fireball, but hey, unavoidable area damage is part of the problem)
    3. cool class power (hide in shadow, complete dodge, healing song, etc..) and cool race power (tifling's flame) would be a nice addition
    4. on a different topic normal general HP feels low (10 HP in a  gun fight.. gulps), but the option of doubling the HP can be problematic too (30 HP hey?)

    And an idea hit me this morning (more accurately slowly crept in):
    BTW: Classic Fantasy: https://www.chaosium.com/classic-fantasy-pdf/

    1. all the changes relate to Magic tweaks (Sorcery, Psionics, Superpowers, Mutations are fine)
    2. Magic should be democratised! everybody got spells! yeah! but works together with a few other changes
    3. use Classic Fantasy Rating (Common, Uncommon, Rare) and Lore (Spell) (=> cost reduction (max INT/2), additional spell slot (max INT)), maybe 50% is required for common spell? (but not for the one below)
    3.a. thinking to make Uncommon & Rare spell take +1 round to cast (unless one has access to next rating perhaps?) (i.e. there is quick / combat magic, and there is other stuff... not just expensive but slower to cast too, though more powerful)
    4. adding "cantrip", i.e. many Folk Magic spell from Mythras (they too take INT slots) (lots of good stuff there!) (some of them could be cultural spell... ie. Shock for Tiefling!)
    5. adding practical magic: i.e. spelllike ability (which too take an INT slots) but often work with another skills (like cantrip/folk-magic they only have 1 level.. no "empowering" them)
    5.a. create class-like spell-like abilities as practical magic, such as: Hide In Shadow (use (skill+stealth), 1mp, being seen is hard), SongOfHeal (use (skill+perform), 3mp, heal 3mR for a D6), Displacement (use (skill+dodge), 2mp, avoid all damage on succesfull dodge roll, including area damage), EldritchBlade (use (skill+weapon), 2mp, +D6 magic damage for 10r on weapon, not cumulative with Sharpen/Bludgeon).. you get the idea...
    A. Maybe add a Ceremony skill where multiple wizard can work in concert, or do sacrifice, (rituals only) for summoning and such like...
    B. Still not sure whether I do the double HP for players....

    Should be.. 1. more fun for everyone... 2. feeling that powerful wizard is not just more spell or more Manapool items... 


  8. Often I only have one possible roll for an action for a group...

    If you let every player do a spot roll or something, for example, it's almost a guaranteed success, otherwise! ;)
    But, conversely, you can boost the skill roll with other other player's skill (+1/5th of a second player skill)

    Sometimes, though, I let every player roll, when it's not important and easier that way...

    • Like 1
  9. On 4/11/2020 at 4:43 PM, Jakob said:

    I don't want to deter you, but I must confess that the lack of Stunts/Feats is one of the main features of BRP for me. I like the idea that everyone can try pretty much anything

    Hi Jakob, this was at the back of my mind for the last few days.. so i felt I must replied, even though much later...

    Everybody got their own fantasy so I can't really argue what you want.... But I am going to argue that the most desired trait here by many GM/players is not that all characters are able to do anything, but that most characters can learn (and maybe try and likely fail) anything...

    A very obvious example are spells. Everybody can learn spells, sweet (yea yea in the rule they say you "must be"  a Wizard or have POW 16, but who cares, hey?) , but the crux is.. not everybody got the spells... (even though they are there for the learning)

    Think of stunt as new Power section, section 5, Stunts! ;) 

    It has been tried many times before!!
    - Legend/RQ6: Heroic Ability
    - Mythras: Weapon Combat Effect (mild and not really unique to your character), Gift (powerful, hard to acquire and kind of magical)
    - Blood Tide (BRP): Stunt
    - Revolution D100: Stunts (the whole system works on it)

    I just wrote my version... most inspired by both Blood Tide and Revolution D100..

  10. No, no, no, you misunderstand me... I totally agree! And, I, um...  I am the champion of not preparing! :P
    It's just that, out of context, it's so so unexpected and surprising as to be hilarious! ;) But it's true! 😮 :D 

    • Like 1
  11. 3 minutes ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    Alas, one of my favourite authors and heroes had a blog. She passed into the silent lands a few years back. 

    So, based on her getting into the head of a cat, you should see why i sing her praises as one who could get into the head of an alien, no?

    Mmm... you might have made a good point right there! 😮 :D 

  12. 2 hours ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    Any sci fi by Ursula K LeGuin is good in that while her aliens might resemble humans they act according to alien feelings and motivations. Well as well as a human can make an alien act like an alien anyway.

    BTW, despite my questions, I tend to believe alien that that have a human like psychology more than 'strange alien'.

    Hey, evolution is such that most life form have similar imperatives... I reckon...

    But.. I should check that out as much as possible... Probably have some good idea lurking anyway! in Ursula writing anyway :D 

    • Like 1
  13. Well.. after being stuck for one long weekend on that topic I gave up coming with generic and reusable adventure ideas (like rowing monsters bands or mad wizard army), really doesn't fit with a successful space civilisation in my mind... except perhaps space pirates on the fringes...


    Got 5 adventures ideas to knit together so far...
    trying to avoid space civilisation war themes.. but I do have one war adventure, where the players planet is invaded though ^^

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