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Lloyd Dupont

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Posts posted by Lloyd Dupont

  1. 9 minutes ago, Nick J. said:

    That said, if I ever catch somebody cheating in a game I run, I'll probably ask that person to not come back . . . not out of anger, but because I don't want to hang out with sad-sack losers in my free time.

    Maybe they are not sad loser, maybe you story telling skills are so great, and your story so gripping, that the players can't bear to fail at the most inopportune moment! 😮 

    • Haha 2
  2. I mean.. the guy with 200% does 4 attack at 110%, fine, but his defences against a similar opponent are at 80%, 50%, 20%, fail.
    That doesn't feel right...

    Although, as other have pointed out... the multi attack is only to be used when you have the obvious advantage... otherwise use the other rule, where the guy with 200% simply does one action at 100% and inflict 100% malus to the opposition's kill....

  3. I do like your idea for calculating attack skill %! :)  and I think I might adopt it in general! :) 

    mmm.. I am unsure about your parry rule...  I am confused with various possibility and combination here... mmm...

    however, I just got hit by an epiphany, if I combine / mix and match with the other high percentage rule (where higher skill inflict malus to everyone until they drop to 100%) and apply it first...
    Both angel are 100% vs 100% = 1 low chance of success attack per round...

  4. An angel has 200% with his sword. That will let it do 4 attack at 50%. (or 3 attack at 67%)

    Let say he is fight an opponent with 200% in defence (say another angel parrying with his sword), that will let the opponent defend at 200%, 170%, 140% 110%...

    this is unsatisfactory... but so is inflicting -50% per cumulative defence in the general case....

    what alternative rule would you suggest?

    mm... or maybe 1v1 is always a stalemate at those level of skills...

  5. In other news.. The MoO settings progress so far... I gave up on the MoO game period, i.e. empire expansion phase period, too peaceful for adventurers...
    At leas I can't come up with enough tumultuous thing happening, or it had to be space marines.. 😕 

    It will be in a post conquest, decadent, fall of the empire period.. will be inspired by Star Wars (except no Jedi or Dark Side, screw those emo guys)
    But hey there will be "force powers", aka Psionic. No lightsaber though...

    And there will be 3 main factions.
    - The Empire (yeah, it's evil as well.. sort of... it seems to fail to defend the population against Antarian attacks deliberately and also is totally abusively dictatorial and exploitative)
    - The freedom council.. they want to free the empire and be the new bosses
    - The rebel alliance who want to create a democracy..

    I think this is going to work! ^_^ 

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  6. Well, I was not quite happy.. and plenty of time to think at the moment! ;) 
    So I came up with an alternative... where everything use INT slot (my latest comment)
    I am not quite sure about the Double HP as one of them... :~ but the others seems fine, I think...
    But I am curious what you think of it...

    here is a snippet from my updated home rules



    Appendix: Practical Magic

    Practical Magic abilities are extraordinary abilities that can only be learned from expert in their field. They use the energy of the cosmos to empower mundane actions, requiring mastery of both some specific skill and inner energy, hence their blend of magic and mundane requirements.

    They use spell slot and mana as well. Hence one can hardly know many spell and practical magic abilities at the same time.

    They need to be researched or learn in much the same way a spell would be. And when prerequisite are skills, they must be known at 50% to have enough talent to master the ability.

    Armor Master

    Prerequisite: Wearing Armor, 1 Combat Skill at 50%
    INT Slots 2
    Cost: none
    When wearing any heavy armour, gain +2AP. Or when wearing light armour gain +1AP.

    Artful Dodge

    Prerequisite: Light Armor, Dodge 50%
    INT Slot 3
    Cost: 3mp
    When taking half damage from an area attack after a successful dodge, can negate all damage for 3 Magic Point.

    Arrow Cutting

    Prerequisite: 1 Combat Skill at 50%
    INT Slot 2
    Cost: 1MP for 10 rounds
    When using this power, historical projectile can be parried with a weapon for 10 rounds, and not just a shield.

    Battle Fury

    Prerequisite: Any Combat Skill at 50%,
    INT Slot 1
    Cost: 1MP for 10 rounds
    You can enter Battle Fury as bonus action. While in Battle Fury you automatically succeed any CON resistance roll. After 10 round the fury stops and the character suffer 10 additional Fatigue Point.

    Diamond Soul

    Prerequisite: Allegiance 50%,
    INT Slot 1~4
    Cost: 1MP
    You can use your inner life force to stay impervious to POW attack. Granting a bonus of +2 ~ +4 bonus to all resistance rolls for a single round, the exact number is power level x2.


  7. 4 minutes ago, prinz.slasar said:

    Beware that in MYTHRAS the improvement of characteristics is a rare event and very costly in terms of XP. By default, you can increase your characteristics only temporarely (like in real world).

    But there is an alternative rule for permanent characteristic improvement. So for POW it's not 1XP=1 POW but +1 POW= 1+current POW-3.

    If you have POW 12 and you want to improve it to POW 13, you have to pay 10 XP. (1+12-3).


    Thanks for the additional clarification... Interesting alternate rule for characteristic augment that I didn't know! :)

    Id like to point out though, that just like characteristic improvement is very rare in Mythras... Spending characteristic is just as rare...
    For example, in Mythras, Enchanting doesn't cost any POW it locks MP away...

    So.. in game where pow goes up and down more easily, each session, I think 1XP is fine. It's fitting with 1XP = 1 improvement roll.

  8. Many years ago, perhaps as far as 30, I read about a book of (self professed, largely) apocryphal content. Can't remember what it was, maybe Hitch Hiker Guide to the Galaxy, or Dirk Gently.. or.. something else I can't quite place....

    And now, today, I struggle to come up with a campaign background for a Master of Orion inspired setting...
    I struggle because I imagine there is good law and order, there is (almost) no "mysterious alien tech", there is no backwater planet (most are painfully terraformed out of life adverse conditions)

    But I am starting to unfreeze and have some ideas..... Some, I confess, inspired by Cthulhu...

    Below are 2 protagonist organisations I came up with so far.. :)
    And ... I finally used the word Apocryphal for first time for my own original content! :D
    And I was inspired by Cthulhu (the cultist below) :D

    - Sons of Wotan, hoverbikers Bulrathis gang.
    -- Wotan being the Bulrathi general who led Nazin Xenocide
    --- Alleged Wotan's (elusive, apocryphal) Manifesto is their holy gospel

    - There is a Telepath Darlock spy on Camira trying to get Antarian tech
    -- The idea is to lure Antarian to attack Bulrathi planets
    -- there is a group, (secretely) Darlock led, that are:
    --- the Worshipers of Xenon (alleged Antarian leader)
    --- they want to renew the galaxy in a bath of fire 
    --- (what the Darlock really want is revenge from the Xenocide)

    Feel free to pitch protagonist ideas if you have any! :)

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  9. Mm... I think I only understand today what this thread was about.. :)

    I guess this was supposed to be a game mechanic description of Moorcock's imaginary world...
    Now it might not fit your imaginary vision as a GM! 😮

  10. You can't increase fatigue directly....
    You need to increase STR and CON. Which is hard.

    XP is not really from BRP, it was from Mythras. And I loved that rule much more than skill checkbox, so using that ever since! ;) 
    But I went back to BRP, I like the simplicity of it better...

    Basically every session the GM distribute an arbitrary XP amount, say 2~4 is advised. You can then use XP in lieu of checkmark to chose what skill to improve.
    Also they price spell or learning professional XP with a flat cost of about 5XP. And some house rules that you can use XP insteaf of POW for magic item creation (maybe 5xp = 1 pow? other do 1xp = 1 pow)


  11. I can't find it in Cthulhu.
    Anyway I play more like BRP. BRP has a checkbox next to POW that you check if you resist a strong spellcaster. Then you can improve your POW during the development phase like everything else.

    Personally I don't do that anyway, I give ~3xp every session, that can be used anywhere to make an improvement roll, including for POW.

  12. Usually at the end of the adventure.... 
    You're not supposed to improve your POW every time you resist a spell (I mean every right away time).

    It's like saying you become stronger every single time you raise a dumb bell.
    Well, maybe, but not by a whole STR/POW point!!

  13. I wouldn't blame the "moral of people" though ... And, well, obviously there is a social effect at work here... But the "weakening of moral" that you allude at, while I am not quite sure what you allude at, could certainly found all other the world, wouldn't you say?

    However the homicide rate curve that we see is typically american, not all over the world....

    For example, data from some European country...

  14. I wanted to flat disagree on your "times were better before" statement Seneschal.. And I still do.. However... I found this interesting academia research on Homicide (particularly in New York area)


    And, well.. it does seem the homicide rate was roughly stable about 5 per 100,000 per year between 1800 to 1970.. at which point it jumped to about 23.... so yeah, there is something to it... 😮 

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  15. When looking for a top 10 list of evil megacorporation I found this great show from the 2010 years which I never heard of!

    It's a comedy show about an evil megacorporation, and it's cracking! :D 



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