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Lloyd Dupont

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Posts posted by Lloyd Dupont

  1. Tempted to still play BRP instead of Revolution D100...

    But I would lack the stunt and general skill... So I came up with this simple idea!
    Add for each skill category (combat, communication, manipulation, mental, perception, physical) a general expertise skill, e.g. "combat expertise" that is only use to unlock stunt (say one every 10%? but rate could vary) (stunt being improvement over basic skill, things like found in blood tide supplement or twist on existing spell or blue print on engineering skills)

    One particular stunt common to all skill category would be "general experience" giving you, say, expertise skill%/3 in all skill as a base, up to 20%. This stunt could be taken multiple times.... for Min(expertise/3%, 40%) and finally Min (expertise/2%, 50%)


    I would also add toughness.. but it's another story..

    • Like 1
  2. 39 minutes ago, Qizilbashwoman said:

    I don't think even God Herself has finished drafting them. I say du'a every day

    I dunno about that, and excuse me if I came like an hair in the soup (French expression (IIRC, I left like 18 years ago now) that means out of the blue and out of context) but...

    One a 3% related topic, I made some divine ascension / apotheosis rule suggestion in the Revolution D100 forum! 😜


  3. I come here a little bit of an outsider....

    The last time I read a book from Lovecraft might have been 20 years ago... Also I don't play Cthulhu (I play other D100 games) and I am not too much into horror either...

    Anyway, just a thought I had when thinking your question over... I don't think Lovecraft books are the greatest.. But...
    - he is an easy nice read, from what I remember. Not great, but good. There is lots of them too.
    - his horror scifi genre as a whole lend itself well to third party and fans creation, because it's not just one odd monster... it's a conflict of civilizations... between human.... and whole species of otherworldy beings.... and human cultist who study them....
    - it's also heavy on conspiracies... which is quite an endlessly popular theme

    Mm.. that's as far as my thinking went... ;) 

    • Like 2
  4. Hey Paolo!
    Mmm... I didn't study that too carefully (yet) but .. Revolution D100 damage rating (for advanced weapon) is not the same as BRP, it goes much higher! :o 
    Thanks for the refresher I am going to look at it....

    Anyway I was not quite sure about this particular scale idea and this morning I just though it was just too slow. I think I am going to go for a flat 2 for 1.
    I don't mind if it's weaker than gear, it's still good and it's not for fulltime class but an additional bonus power to some races or lucky adventurer. 

    But that whole discussion gave me an idea. I could imagine psionic gun that could fire the power at full strength (i.e. 1 for 1) and base their damage on the psionic strength of the user. While "unarmed" power will remain weaker.


  5. Just an idea I had, sharing for those who are looking for tweak ideas.... and want to do tweak comments
    (Note my current ideas are about Revolution D100, i.e. when I talk about Size class it's a Revolution D100 number, but most of it apply to any D100 system).

    Some magic power leave me somewhat unhappy....

    Not because they are OP or deadly. It doesn't make much difference against a normal human opponent (when using localisation) to do 5D6 or 8D6 of damage. One is dead either way if one fail to dodge and really survival often boils down to how many fate points / luck point the adventurer has.
    No, it bother me because it makes a mockery of normal equipment. And I like normal gear and weapon to be on a (relative) par with magic (hey this is a personal preference here.. most D100 players seem to like rare and OP magic, I like it less OP and more common and I try to GM it that way)

    Magic often has number that can be paid with channelling point (often limited by skill%/10 or INT/2). Sometimes it's 1 for 1. But I imagine a slower scale where it could be different, like

    The slower scale:
    - 1 channelling: 1 might
    - 2-3 channelling: 2 might
    - 4-6 channelling: 3 might
    - 7-10 channelling: 4 might
    - 11-15 channelling: 5 might
    - 16-21 channelling: 6 might

    I imagine spell like project [energy], absorb [energy], protection, enhance damage (to name the most obvious) should use the slowed scale. Maybe Haste and Hinder movement speed change as well.

    Cool idea that goes with the slow scale:
    - just like there is SIZ class we could have a POW class that add a flat might bonus (or malus)
    - we could imagine stunts that increase the might of a specific spell (specialisation)
    - we could imagine magic items that increase the might of a few spells
    - spell could be spammed more readily since their effect is milder

    One obvious problem here, is that Dragon are again unkillable... Though project [lightning] with a channelling of 7+ gives 4 might, and +1 in might from stunt and +2 from magic staff would give 7D6, -2 (for heavy scale) = 5D6 of damage against 15 toughness (armour doesn't count, just subtract 2 might, right?) so dragon can be wound down with magic + good gear (and specialisation).

    I might try something like that for my upcoming scifi campaign (with psionic powers). Probably going to couple it with simpler duration and range values.

  6. Thanks hey! :)  
    The more I use the conflict system the more I like it! :) 

    For the divine power I was thinking of something like other RD100, "skill and slots"... 
    it doesn't need to be too good it won't be used much except by NPC....
    my power list was not very satisfying though, I admit.. as I made some divinity in my mind while commuting from work...


  7. Preamble

    Not any sort of urgent question at all (not for the next 12 months at least, at the rate things are going) but I was thinking I might have player face powerful astral entities next campaign. And join a war between gods the next next campaign (I know, it's pure munchkinery, but hey, I have never done it before and, for some reason, this struck me as a good idea for those characters as things were going)

    So I thought about it a lot, the ascension process (which is not really relevant, but one might be interested with what I came up with) and what kind of power a divinity should yield (so that it can be fought).

    So here are my current ideas, feel free to pitch in with additional suggestion (BTW after wondering a lot about the ascension process I just started to wonder about the divinity powers, so new idea welcome

    Ascension Process

    One should delve into the Primordial Fire of Creation beacons that can be found on the Astral plane while attempting the Divine Rebirth ritual. Obviously the beacon could be guarded jealously or offered as a rewards. Same goes for the ritual.

    Difficulty 130%, Pool 80 vs Concentration (or Allegiance) and Willpower pool. The “consume power stone” feat can be used (multiple times, obviously, and would need many power stone ready) to extend player pool (forego 1 success attack to replenish player's pool by stone power). A divine sponsor can be used to reduce difficulty to 100%. First 5 conflicts round are 1 seconds, (quickly destroying most living creature) then further conflict round are 1 hour each, hence the process, if successful, can take some days.

    Failure will me result in annihilation of body and soul. Success will result in rebirth of the character as a lesser divinity.


    When rebirthed as a divinity, one gain of 1D6 in each characteristic, and gain the divine power skill at D6%. (this power requires 20 + num slot XP to progress).

    When a divinity dies it lost 10 Divine Power to create a new body in a number of days equals to its divine power which will rebirth at the original beacon it ascended from. Due to that loss and the high cost of the skill, most "medium divinity" will have about 90% divine skill.

    Divinity have Toughness and HP and never suffer from major wound. Lethal wound starts when all HP have been depleted. Fate point maximum is now equal to Divine Skill (all divinity have fate points, doh - it's not just luck, its their innate power).

    All Divine Action SR are (Dex+Wil) / 2.

    Divine powers that can be bought for each slot (all powers can be bought multiple times) (maybe 1 slot per 5 point?).

    • Divine Magic Power
    • +6 to a characteristic
    • +toughness HP (i.e. HP is a multiple of toughness) (it works as damage reduction as far as the visual of it goes)
    • Regeneration +1HP / round
    • Magic Resistance (remove +1 might of adverse spell effect per round)

    Each divine magic power work like a normal arcane spell with a few key differences.

    • Its opening move SR is Willpower + 20 and cost 3SR to cast (cast before spending the SR).
    • Might: number of slot of divine power (as usual) all in for might. Range is unlimited in theory, but limited by sight in practice for many spells. Duration is permanent (but can be dispelled)
    • Can be spammed for free

    Each divinity can build a domain in the emptiness of the astral plane. Either contiguous to an ally deity or on its own. The base domain is a circle of 100m * divine skill radius. (and divine skill  x10m thickness). All the followers will power in meter can be added to the radius. The divinity can see through the eye of any creature in the domain.

    The astral plane being a plane of thought creature can be created by mere thought (rule to be added on creature population). Any of the divinity magic power can be granted to any of its creatures.

    Other limitation

    With eternal life came other benefit such as high skills. pick 2~4 skill and maximise them. Maximum being set 5 times the base score.

  8. The campaign is such that, unbelievable as it is, few projectile weapons have been used so far!

    But for tactical reason that proved me wrong I am reintroducing them...

    And I am wondering when someone aim a bow at a running target about 30 metres away... what the penalty?
    I gave them 2 penalty: 1 for running and one the distance, is that right?

    Going to study the rule tomorrow, but just quickly asking now for a quick answer! :)

  9. After giving it some thought... I am "relatively" fine with Stone golem being slow by hinder... well it's annoying but Hinder turns out to be a powerful utility spell so I guess it is what it is....

    But my Adamantium golem! So sad! Decided to give them "absorb magic" mm.. 4. Which would make most magic hard to act...

  10. 2 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    No I am explicitly saying the opposite! I am saying that if the cult does not have three knowledge skills, then this rule should not apply. How did you conclude that I was saying anything else? (and the question is about High Priest, not Priest or Rune Lord)

    I am confused.. you seem to disagree with the poster.. who was saying just that....
    Welcome the twilight zone! :S

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