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Lloyd Dupont

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Posts posted by Lloyd Dupont

  1. I was reading CoC7 yesterday night and I quite like how hey handle luck points...
    And I am... thinking with interest about the pushing mechanic....

    The advantage / disadvantage rule is a bit alien to me, after some thinking... I guess I should try it to get a better feel... 

    Revolution D100's stunt and blueprint is awesome and I definitely adopting it for BRP too!
    (once you go black, err... stunt you can't go back, yada yada :P )  

    BTW there is a couple of homerule that I could share here:
    - I am definitely going to ditch the resistance table in favor of Characteristic+D20 vs Characteristic+10 (and creating item that boost resistance roll, like a magic wand for attack bonus and defensive amulet for resistance bonus)

  2. Mmm... This is inspiring me.... In my scifi setting I plan for a somewhat distopian or corrupted setting...

    Maybe most cop will be trigger happy against other races! :P 
    And probably most cop will be Bulrathi... (it's MOO2 inspired.. in a multi racial, heavyly cloned Bulrathi fallen empire)

    I also wonder, beyond the social stigma, if there are practical pain to be heavily armed... I guess weapons are heavy (I never could GM fatigue quite convincingly) and armor might hamper agility somewhat.. and both should hamper communication skills...

  3. HI All!

    I am GMing my homebrew adventure with a couple of friend using alternatively Revolution D100 and BRP (tried Mythras, and CF before as well)

    I am kind of chronically unsatisfied I must confess... but staunchly opposed to GMing D&D... though they joke about it since I change my mind about some fine point of rule or rule system every so often...

    At any rate one critic they agree with me is something is not quite right and it could be because D&D has gone through a lot of evolution... and it stuck me.. the most evolved BRP variation is no doubt Cthulhu!

    And I suddenly wonder, what kind of subtle rule and tweaks the latest edition of Cthulhu has....

    Like, for example, I think in Cthulhu game there is a rule similar to the advantage rule of D&D where you roll twice..


    So.. in a few words... what cool rule is in Cthulhu 7e that is missing in BRP?


  4. I am wondering.. for my (still) upcoming scifi campaign... what would happen to people slinging their repeating rifle blaster on their shoulder and sporting their best combat armor in the street...

    A question best asked to our american friend I imagine..

    What happen in Texas if, say, you walk in the street in full knight armor with a 2 handed word on your back?
    Or walk with body armor and kalachnikov on your back to burger king?

  5. 3 hours ago, princeofcups said:

    3. There is nothing about the concept of FTL that lends itself to artificial gravity.  So it's completely up to the writer/GM.

    4.  Constant acceleration of 1 Gravity does not lend itself to ever reaching the speed of light.  

    What did I miss?
    This seems like rebukes to an argument I didn't see! 😮 

  6. 1 minute ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    This is the main reason I turn to the Guide to Glorantha for my Great Old One smiting problems. With Cthulhu I recommend wielding the two volume set and the free Turnip Twaddler with optional Idiots Guide to Insanity as well.

    Good Luck (you will need it)


    But what if.... I use both volumes AND an increase damage 8 enchantment?! 😮  :P 

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  7. I think, from what I read and some small reflection, that a successful RPG need some literary base that serve as a common inspiration for player and GM alike, in both, 1. wanting them to play that style, 2. give them common expectation

    Witness so many RPG mushrooming around labelled after "something" RPG (Witcher RPG, Dragon Age RPG, etc...) ...

    So, yeah, I can see that "Generic RPG" doesn't cut it as much....
    I guess I am missing Master of Orion RPG and I gotta do it meself! 😕 

    I wonder if an adventure RPG Wiki would help.. is there such a thing?

  8. 2 hours ago, g33k said:

    btw -- to respond to the title of the thread:  Cthulhu wins.  He doesn't take ANY damage, no even if you hit him with the hardcover copy of BRP !!!

    He... No, IT is too powerful! :O..... Oooooo.... Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtag! Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtag!

    • Like 1
  9. Any one read that?

    One of my player recommended it and I am at book 3 and it's rocking so far...
    But reading spoilers (I am at work now and just can't wait) it seems like the serie is going downhill after book 5 😕 

    One thing I am keen to know.... is there more stories with The Morrigan... quite like he so far! :) 

  10. My player have some frustration with Revolution D100... and I might give another go at BRP for that campaign part 2.... (and adapt the stunt/blueprint thingy to BRP)

    Magic have a definitely different feel between both system.. but while I do like the weaker (i.e. less powerful) yet freer approach of BRP I like the area enchantments / warding I started to use extensively with Revolution D100...

    I guess I could posit a area warding / enchantments (Rituals!) which let apply some vaguely defined spell list to some vaguely defined area on a somewhat permanent fashion and could be cast by a congregation of casters to ease an expansive (yet affordable) POW and time cost.
    And I could keep it "GM only" for now (as in it's not widely available knowledge and I could fudge it for now and give me time to experiment on its effect...)

    the whole magic item creation procedure is rather .. left to the  imagination in BRP...
    Dark Elves do have special materials (adamantium, blood power stone, strongly magical culture), I like to use skill penalty idea...
    I might have this advanced sorcery supplement to look at for ideas, thanks for suggestion.... 

    An idea, indeed, might need to have Adamantium engraving all over the enchanted area... which explain while Dark Elves could protect whole town (they have lots of adamantium)... but others could not...

  11. I am a little sad how Cthulhu is overshadowing BRP by a large margin... (and hey, they are both from the same company!)
    Is the horror RPG that much of an asset over plain generic game rules?
    I wonder if a good scifi setting could help?
    As, for example, I found Cthulhu's dream world quite interesting...

  12. The thing close to my heart here is that Revolution D100 somewhat encourage enchanting whole area and I took that to heart for my Dark Elf parallel universe. With various protective enchantment covering all major dark elves towns and well off shops.

    However BRP follow the tradition of many Runequest like setting before it where any sort of enchantment is prohibitively expansive in term of POW and implicitly extremely rare.
    (Note I a m loathe to introduce to BRP the exponential result of magic / pow investment)

    And it's not so much I want to flood the world with magic sword and armor, but I found having anti teleport anti scry zone protecting large and important area quite thematic....

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